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Be reckless with your words to me;
incite, provoke, use words as lips
and teeth and hands and silk restraints.
Press them deep into my skin –
leave marks, leave late, and come again.
A burning desire for change;
A lack of courage or will
A loathing for what revolves the world;
A face printed on a pine green bill

A fixed way of life;
A reoccurring depression
A longing for something nonexistent;
An evolving experience to teach a lesson

A loss of interest;
A depletion of confidence
A slew of captivating faces;
An overactive conscience

A bond lost to dishonesty;
An end to faith in humanity
A new outlook, new perspective;
A bundle of positive thoughts collected
 Jul 2011 jessica obrien
You wear purple well.
So well, I slip from my chair.
Blushing red, bruised blue.

My hand on your face.
Why you placed it there, who knows?
Our bones feel reborn.

Coffee dates with you:
I’m in love with our laughter.
Why’d you bring him, too?

I can touch your fear.
I approach with forgiveness,
But you maintain walls.
I don't want to be liked.
I don't want to be respected.
I don't want money or fame.
I don't want success by any dictionary's definition.

I want eternity.

I want to see galaxies born and suns collide.
I want to live inside a black hole and spend some time as a fish.
I want death to be a memory, life to be a dream.
I want the raw beauty deep within your kiss.
 Jan 2011 jessica obrien
Pen Lux
is not being able to
love you right away
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