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 May 2014 Jessica Britton
When I woke up with your arms around me, I wanted to mold into you(delete)

2. I didn't care that you woke me up at 7 am to take me out to breakfast, you could have woken me up at 4 am and i still would have smiled (delete)

3. When you say my name my insides tremble (delete)

4. I want to feel you tremble (delete)

5. Sometimes i imagine your body so close to mine that we confuse our rib cages and i leave with one less bone because i'd give you more of me without you asking (delete)

6. I have been in love with you for 1000 days tomorrow (delete)

7. No i'm not counting (delete)

8. You told me you were tired of loving people who don't love you back so i told you to stop searching and look for the answer right in front of you. But you didn't see me (delete)

9. I never wanted to be invisible to you (delete)

10. I dreamt of your sheets and they swallowed me in (delete)

11. Even when we are dead and buried into the ground i will swim to you like a mermaid of the soil just to be next to your bones (delete)
How stupid of me to think I was the only star you saw in the sky
you always say the opposite
But I suppose you only like girls
who are shattered and want to get hurt

you love having your claws gripped deep onto their hips
digging into their skin
making sure that the cuts and the bruises you are creating are in a shape of a heart and that
your claws are so deep in
so that when the blood is dripping onto the ground,
you are facing the ground
looking at how beautiful it is seeing your name in blood

I lie awake in the waves of the wake you left me in
My lungs fill with water until my chest bursts open
My body is a lake again
I know I make mistakes but I can't fake like I can displace your skin
I sink deep with every crash
Let me in
Let me in
Let me in
Let me
Your "love"
Hit me like a
Sucker punch
To the jaw.
So I couldn't
Say a

And the whole
Time we were
I was
 Oct 2013 Jessica Britton
The trouble with never sleeping is that you start to develop weird habits and because of my diagnosed anxiety disorder i am constantly paranoid that i will develop ocd and perhaps it will take over my life like mtv true life tells me it will. insomnia is crippling and demeaning because no one understands that i only remember what day it is because i have a ritual every morning at 3:47 am that i cross out yesterdays date and now it officially begins today. the demeaning part begins when someone asks me why im so tired and i have to explain to them that i dont remember what it feels like to sleep for more than 3 hours or i just say its been a long day because who has the time to listen me talk about my sleeping habits or lack there of. in fact, i dont even have the time to listen to myself talk about it even though i’ve had almost 76 hours straight to hear myself talk. i didnt always have insomnia, i think it welcomed itself when you left because i always used to sleep with you, in both meanings of the phrase. i was afraid of the dark so you bought me glow in the dark stars and stuck them onto your ceiling and wrote little love messages on them so when i couldnt sleep at night, i could watch the stars you made for me.

Not laying in your bed anymore caused a **** load of thoughts to come racing back to my head. i thought about the crickets who always stopped chirping at 2:38 am, i thought about how i could hear her mother's coffee maker gurgle from the kitchen even though i was 200 feet away and you always liked to snore in my ear. i thought about the way you painted your room a different color because you thought it made you more grown up. i thought about zipping the back of your dress up before a party almost 10 months ago. i thought about you leaving me to go overseas one day. i thought about the seas. i thought about a boat fighting its way through the ocean and wondering why it wasn't moving anywhere because the captain forgot to pull up the anchor. i thought about not being able to breathe because you're gone. although you're probably home asleep in your bed. you're not over seas. you're not under the seas.

Sometimes you don't need water to drown.
I remember the day you left,
Tying rocks to your ankles,
You said
“I’m going to find a new world,
Under the ocean.”

I guess you must be enjoying
I haven’t seen you since.
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