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Jeremy Nov 2016
Why you always speaking voodoo on my name

Trying to turn me violent

By boiling the blood in the canals of my veins

And short circuiting the wires energizing the flows in my brain  

It like you ******

When I crash into the base of my pains

Hoping that I would turn into sand

So you can bury your feet in the grains

Your logic has always been misconstrued

But now its just simply insane

Like... really ******* crazy

Exertion you abuse daily

Your life force steady draining

In attempt to jeopardize my safety

Im just trying to push these rhymes

Before you have me pushing these daises

But no

But Hell noo

But **** noooooo

You too lazy

And revenge like ***** on a plater

Is way too tasty

Its elementary to know that your wrong

But yet sing a song that does nothing but blame me

For the lost of your flame

For the tragedy associated with the syllables of your name

For the distortion of the water mirroring the curves of your frame

All things I have not nothing to do with

But I wish I could claim

Yet your determine to finalize this quest

So you stay unrest

Staying awake to see the sun dying in the horizon

To be silenced by the resurrect of the moons crest

A machine would be impressed

Witnessing you out perform its best

They way you devote your essences trying to obviate mine

A busy schedule

But thats fine

Because you always find time to make time


You could see so much more

Feel so much more

Do so much more

Be so much more

But you let hate consume your once illuminating core

So this is a warning to a soul I once adored

Free yourself from this self inflicted war

And don't think of me

Not even in the slightest anymore
Jeremy Nov 2016
Each word was heavier then the next

Punctuations were blackholes

Trapping solars through the text

Translations read "I am not afraid of death"

I am however petrified of a timeline

Terrified of an algorithm trying to define the textures of my rhymes

And the tendencies of the contingencies that disorientate the frequencies of the bell chimes

Pitches that were left to malnourish in these chambers

In the same crucible that replaced its rudimentary nature

With walls of foam that absorb the most infinitesimal of vibrations

Along with windows with shades that annihilate rays of the most miniscule of molecules of the nights constellations

I continue mediating

Eternally Waiting

Forever Creating

Until I hear a voice

It slices through the vapors

Telling me to trek and claim terrain

To march to a candice on clay

Even though grass was my choice

Now Im Forced to grow the green In my psyches Elysian fields  

Because as a man dress in all orange  

The color of Freedom will always systematically appeal

Faceless reapers come to visit dressed in business suits for a deal

A contract drawn in blood to harvest my crops for their sacrificial meals

I signed knowing whats to come

And at the time I wished to leave with the skeletons

Hold their robes of night

Dance my digits along their scythe

Because I see the beauty in every one of them

And I would too

That's the purest of truths

If I only knew the right numbers to dial

But I have no clue

So I'll dance in limbo for awhile

Until Deja vu

Because I was promised as a child

That they'll give me a call when its my time

I just hope thats true
Jeremy Oct 2016
I always miscaulate my math

Is the excuse I use when I fall in love to fast

I explain to my audience that there is a gap

That my emotions can never clear

Always misfiring on the obvious

Barely missing the leap  

But never near

Its seems the only thing that hits the target

Is the project of my fear

Able to warp the cosmos

And entirely disappear

Yet is presence is permanent

Like these words I brought before you here

Words you see as just words

No dimensions, weight, or color

Sentences I pour my being into

Yet you see it just like the others

It makes me sick

But I keep it undercover

Because I don't want you to take back what you said

Because those were your thoughts lingering in your head

That the passion surged out

So there is no need for regret

Yes I am destroyed

But I take comfort in knowing you got it off your chest
Jeremy Oct 2016
Destiny has cheated me by forcing me to choose

Between nurturing these thoughts

Or to consume for food

This conundrum feels more redundant

Then any déjà vu

Visions of roads spread by the dozen

With only one them to be  true

The correct one

I wish I knew

But the sun always wakes me up

Too dam soon
Some times I dream of going left
Other times right
Some times I don't move at all from the site
Jeremy Oct 2016
I was lost

But as the smoke cleared

 So did my thoughts

 A voice vibrating within the vapors


Deflating the fog

   Onyx was all that I saw

Until a beam of light broke through

Transforming  into a perfected  palm
 Warming and absorbing the ravens in the room

The same hand then untied my noose

Spelling freedom with its intricate knots

Exonerating  my doom       

Later vanishing  

Taking the darkness

But leaving the moon
Jeremy Oct 2016
You ask me what kind of work is it that I do

Its not that simple even when I try to simplify it to the simplest terms

I promise you

You see my occupation carries vindication of the highest order

I am a gladiator for your so call saviors

Tasked to keep their hands hygienic

While Im charge for the ******

Of your demons because their halos wouldn't let them proceed

You see their aura of light don't shine too bright

In these dark crevasses so they reserve it for me

Because of my gumption that bloomed into a flower

 Giving  me the power to take the fruit from off of the tree

To bath in its juices

To elevated to a degree

Where even god's hand couldn't reach a stitch on my tee

So thats what I do

I choke out your fiends until they turn a beautiful blue

I feel the agony with in me that resembles an alien to you

A suffering that cannot be visualized but felt

Such as the wind blew

Through and into the emptiness of your sea

All for free so you can be free

Not once did I ever charge a tangible fee

Not once did you offer to reward me for my deeds

So please

Don't ask me about it

You stay dormant to the torment because I allow it

Equivalent  exchange what the ******* know about it ?

Not a dam thing

So don't worry about my profession

Stay dancing within the gates of your heaven

While I do war with your devils in a field of your restricted dimensions

In hope that one day you will abandon all these ******* questions
Jeremy Sep 2016
Im transforming
My spiral ladders are morphing
My ivory contorting on wires of string
Put to dance like a jester before it's grasious king
My heart no longer sings
And my mind can no longer think
I carry a lobotomize container of gray matter
The shell shattered
So I flush it down the sink
A million fragments left to float in my river of wine
A million reasons to bloom
A million and two reasons to die
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