That girl.. I've seen her before, I know her, Or.. At least I think I do.. I've met her before, We've talked, We were friends, I'm sure of it, But... Maybe it was in a past life...
As she sleeps I cannot While she dreams I think She stirs And I remain still So close.. I can feel the heat So distant, I feel nothing else As she sleeps And dreams I'm wide awake Thinking Staring at the emptiness The void Hoping to find a sign.. Your hands are cold But mine are warm..
It's almost poetic The way you speak It's almost poetic The way you think The way you sleep and dream It's almost poetic The way I feel for you It's almost poetic The way we argue It's almost poetic When we say goodbye Not knowing the next time We'll see each other You are the curved line And I am the dot That creates the question mark.. And it's almost poetic If it were not so pathetic.
Into the depths we dive With only hopes to survive Into the unknown we brave No longer society's slave Let the rebellion live on We yell with arms drawn Freedom we scream Freedom we dream No longer should we slumber Wake up .. world
As a boy I was lost and afraid Ashamed and scared Every bad thing that every happened Was god Every urge was a sin Demons possessed people And the Devil lurked in the shadows As a boy I believed I wore a necklace with a cross For protection As I aged I gained more knowledge. I wasn't so afraid anymore I had doubt, although doubt itself Was sin But I didn't care I was tired of praying.. Atheism.. my savior Science the prophet. I was tired of seeing so much hate And hearing "god loves everyone" I no longer feared eternal punishment For living how I wanted, Doing what I felt Mistakes no longer condemned me.. They helped me learn And that is all. I wasn't afraid to live anymore Atheism empowered me.. It humbled me. I am but a speck of space dust And that is grand in all means Amazing and uplifting The wonder The unknown If there is a god somewhere out there.. Thank him for atheism. I'm no longer a boy.. But the cross necklace I still wear.. Not as a sign of absolute But as the torture device That is religion. My reminder Of the prison where I once dwelled...