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 Aug 2013 Jeraldene Dela Cruz
I wonder if I deserve him.
I wonder if my love,
Is good enough for him.
If my heart is pure,
And perfect enough,
For the one I love.

He's almost too good.
He's almost too fine.
He's so perfect,
Praying that,
He'll always be mine.

People say, love never lasts..
Seems like it's maybe a fact,
But I like this boy so much,
I want our love safe under wraps,
So nobody can interfere,
So that no one can touch,
What is ours.

I'm addicted to him,
and he says he's addicted to me,
But who knows..
What will be,
Will be.

He's the man of my dreams though,
I wanna hug him and kiss him forever more.
I never knew he'd mean this much to me,
But as I said and mentioned before,
What will be,
Will be.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
i still write you letters
purple ink stains my fingers
and 3 pens later i haven't got it all said

i talked to a girl you know
she says you got tired of me
before i knew your middle name

it makes me sad to think you'll never know how much i love you
even though we both lied that day
and you lied every one after

and it makes me sad to think that you'll never know how bad i feel
because i promised you i was mean
but i can't bring myself to say i told you so

you were right,
we weren't
and you deserved better

but i couldn't let you go
cause all i wanted was a friend

it's okay
now i know i didn't deserve one.
I want to feel happy
I want to feel love
I want to wake up in the morning and not wish for a different life
I want to wake up in the morning and appreciate the brightness of the sun without looking for shadows
I want to feel whole
To feel loved with no doubt
With no shields of fear or disappointment
I want to trust
To give my heart to someone
To accept theirs in return
I fear the man I love will hurt me
I fear that I will hurt him
I'm afraid losing myself in someone who will only give me tears and pain in return
I want to love someone with no fear, no doubt with no pride
I want to love someone
And to know that someone loves me back
They come in the night
The monsters
Tear down the walls
You built
They don't care that you're nice
Or you get all A*s
Or you have friends
Or that you love them
They hurt them anyway
Because your own problems
Are rarely just your own
And that's the worst part
Be my 2 am
You'll see that in this early hour of the morning
The real me surfaces
Because no one is looking
No one is taking me in
Thinking about it
My 2 am knows more than I ever will
Because somedays I have forgotten
What I used to fret over at this time
It will always know what I thought of last
Before my eyelids faltered
It will always know what I looked like
When my breathing became steady and even
So, if only I could shove
Every single 2 am
Inside my brain
I will know exactly what I think of you
I will know exactly why I am so sad
But I do not have hyperthymesia
So I will never know
But if time does not exist
And only clocks do;
Maybe 2 am is just a personality
That finally takes over
Once I've realized
How lonely
I am

— The End —