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you dress up
and wear make up
for the boy who doesn't care
and you act nice
for your friend
that left you for a dare
you're left with depression
that you can't
even bare and all you
can think is
"this isn't fair"
and you go home
excited to take
your last breath of air
you were gone
and at the funeral
as you expected
nobody was there
what do you do when you find out
your first love,
the one you love
doesn't love you anymore.

what do you do when you find out
that boy that cares about you so much
way too much,
does it to every other girl.

what do you do when you find out
the ones you think love you,
cherish you
just pretend to get what they want.

what do you do when you realize,
how stupid you were
how very stupid
to fall for such bad boys.

Does the poet live his own words
Measures up to what his verses promise
Strives for the heights his thoughts reach
Plays the part his writings reflect
Goes to any length to be good
Rids himself of all meanness
Is generous kind faithful trustworthy in his personal life
A lover a friend an aide a benefactor,
Or at the end of the day
Just a preacher
Who never is as tall as his sermons
But remains a run-o-mill guy
Who endowed with poetic skill
Spins in self-deceit webs of lies!

Does a poet ever endeavor
To become a poetry in motion?
the question includes myself.
Just a thought of it and I lose my cheer
I missed you a lot in the preceding year
I can’t blame you; it’s not your fault
Our not seeing each other happened by default!
It so happened we missed each other’s face
Encounters were replaced by texts of sms
Words were few, though sometimes we called
Technologies conspired; our meetings got stalled!
Years rolling by, times so fast fly
Relations are stuck at ‘hello’ n ‘hi’
Wiser we are growing, a smarter human race
We have little time to see each other’s face!
Tell me what you see when you look at me.
My eyes? My pert, soft buttocks? My beer belly?
Do you even see anything at all?
Maybe, you don't even register me. Maybe, I just walk past you and you walk past me and we both just ignore each other.
There is no special recognition, not a hint of longing or regret.
Just a casual, accidental bump because you were on the phone talking to some random ***** named Trish.
Or, maybe, just maybe, what you see, sets your libido on fire.
You can't bear to look at me because it's like looking at the sun;
You think that if you stare too long, your  eyes will burn and you'll go blind.
You're afraid that one more fevered look in my direction will be the last one it takes to make you jump on me with such lust as to make Casanova weep.  I dunno,
Maybe it's not as bad as that.
Maybe what you see makes you remember those long weekends spent by the lakeside, reading poetry and discovering what it means to love yourself again.
Maybe you just take a quick peek to get you through the day even though your heart wants to stare forever.
Hell, it might even be the genuine article:
That be all and end all,
The one true form,
That greatest thing:
Love at first sight.
Or, y'know, maybe you were just looking at that hobo behind me, vomiting into a bin.
Oh, what a fool I was,
to believe in fairytales
and happily ever afters

Oh, how terribly naive
to let you back in
through the revolving door,
such an easy way out

I guess I should've known you were lying
when you told me you cared
and looked away,
blinking twice
even your body
refused a lie so bold

I should have been weary
of that glassy stare
knowing all the while
that as you held me
you weren't really there

But oh darling, I was just a girl
in love with a boy
whose heart was cold and broken
and bred to destroy.
Oh how I used to adore you
Love you
And desired to know you better
The days when my heart
Went like the drums
The bass boy played in church
Quicker and quicker
Never quite calming until
I spoke to you again
You asked
"So do you like anyone now?"
Oh it was you,love
I desperately wanted to kiss
Your cheek
Caress it
And whisper
"It's you."
But I couldn't.
What a shy girl.
"These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which as they kiss consume"
We couldn't end up like Romeo and Juliet
Not even romantically
I'll smile to myself
Whenever I think
Of the time when you grabbed my hand
So tightly
As if I was your rope
The only thing you could only survive with
And now amidst all these
I miss you
Your laugh
Your smile
Your eyes
Our conversations
And I've never regretted you
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