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My heart on my sleeve
I didn't think I could be a romantic

I was always better at hiding who I am
Whats love if you don't take a chance
Again.... . . and again
You bring out who I am

Happiness is all I could ever ask for
I don't want our relationship to be a chore

I'm not trying to score
Use you or start a cold war
I'm to tired and tore
We have both had our wars

Id like you to know that I am yours
For better or worse

I fall for you over and over just because
The pain is a little easier to take with a buzz

It doesn't have to hurt....

We can make it work....

As long as we are willing to trust
As long as we are willing to be hurt

I'm sorry for the tears I caused

I would give my life to make the wrong right

I'm tired of restless nights
Without you by my side
You came into my life unexpectedly,
and everything took a turn for the better.
Your warm eyes, your laugh,
the sincere way you speak,
and the kindness you showed me,
all became a part of my life.

As you unfolded yourself to me,
I discovered more and more beauty.
I have never seen so much
gentleness in one person.
Without even knowing it,
you were slowly making a place
for yourself in my heart.

It used to seem so hard at times
to feel so close in a relationship.
But it’s so easy to feel close to you.
I can’t tell you how nice that feels.
I realize now that I had never known
what it meant to be loved
until I was loved by you.
Music I heard with you was more than music,
And bread I broke with you was more than bread;
Now that I am without you, all is desolate;
All that was once so beautiful is dead.

Your hands once touched this table and this silver,
And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.
These things do not remember you, beloved,--
And yet your touch upon them will not pass.

For it was in my heart you moved among them,
And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;
And in my heart they will remember always,--
They knew you once, O beautiful and wise.
i never thought
when i first saw you
that your crystal blue eyes
would follow my very move
and that when i close my eyes
all i could see was those
beautiful eyes staring at me

i remember when we first fell in love
your eyes never left my sight
like an eagle
looking down on its prey

i only wish
that you were like that now

it seems like
you have forgotten about me
in the desperate bids to be liked
by others

you forgot about me
and i forgot about you

then as i take each puff
of the marlboro cigarette
it gives me relief
and then i remembered
what it was like
when i was with you

a deep frenzy shivering down my spine
fireflies deep in my stomach
because everytime i was with you
you made me glow.
you left me
and hungry for more.
I will let you go
Even though
It hurts so much
It hurts me so

It hurts so much
It hurts me so
I am writing a clichéd poem
About being spurned
About hurting
And wanting to be stronger.

I want to write a sarcastic, angry poem
A poem to admire
That puts me in a better light
But the cliché’s, however trite
Fit my mood.
I am a walking cliché
Heartbroken, missing you, and in despair.

I wish I could write
Something memorable, and strong

But I’m not strong
It would be wrong

To pretend

The End.
I've always dreamed of someone
who'll make his love show
That when I'm sad and full of dismay,
he'll always know what to say
That everytime I throw a fit and when i'm mad
he'll calm me down and hold my hand

that when i'm tired and unwell,
he'll always be there for me,in a ring of a bell
he'll say sweet things that will tickle my heart
and will promise me that we will never part
he'll call me in the middle of the night,
wishing he can hold me tight

he'll make me laugh to a point of tears,
washing away all my fears
he'll take me to walks by the moon,
making cute faces like a funny cartoon

he'll gladly hold my hand in front of his friends,
telling them it was "us" till the end
he'll run after me through the rain,
holding me on through the pain

he'll dance with me though there's no music
and he'll steal a kiss real quick
he'll sing sweet melodies into my ears,
with a song that only both our hearts can hear...
the storm has passed
don't you know?
the rain has ceased
the floods recede
the sun is out
and the winds are calm

although the calamity
struck at the hearts of thousands
lives lost and houses crushed
families scarred and torn apart
the people will always rise
together as one

for this spirit of ours
cannot be broken
by man or by nature
because the heavens are by our side
and that's enough to keep fighting
for a brighter tomorrow
Dedicated to my fellow Filipino people who were just battered by typhoon Maring
My mouth is full of words that are not my own
Labeled with my name, but not my own.
Left in a room of hungry cannibals,
Who consume the weak skins
Who consume the broken souls

My words have escaped,
they have left me alone
I and even though
I have my fists,
I still feel my tongue,
against the roof of my mouth
rifling through pages of pointless vocabulary
blank pages, full of empty spaces,
except  for a few:

I'm sorry.
I don't know.
Please, don't hurt me.
You are more than numbers
You are so much more than numbers
Numbers are insignificant
And only pertain to algorithms that predict unfortunate things
Like death
And I’m sorry I forgot your birthday
But it’s just numbers and numbers aren't important to me
I remembered your favorite color
Because it is the color that describes that clichéd, shallow melancholy
Authors often glorify to make petty things seem magical
But blue is something you should never feel because you go so much deeper than that pettty feeling
And I know your favorite flower is the sweet pea
Because I remember that it symbolizes the shyness I’ve never felt around you
And the shyness I’ve never seen you exhibit
And I’m sorry I’m so quiet
It’s only because I want to tell you how beautiful you are
But I know I’ll never be able to find just the right words to tell you
That you’re imperfections perfected
And I love all the things you say you hate about yourself
And I love the way words sound on your lips
And how you throw your head forward when you laugh
And you’re all the poems I've ever written
Even the sad ones
Because you’re all the feelings I've ever felt
And I love the way your hand feels in mine
And I’m sorry I forgot your birthday
But I promise I always will
Because I have more important things to remember about you
Than numbers
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