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Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Why the Colorado prairies came to mind, I don't know, but here you go.


Oh for the open prairies, grasses thence
All rustling softly far as eye could hail,
Blue skies above as if life was in frail
Excuse so rich and free! Dirt roads to fence
The thought of passage to jist where?  A sense
Of lonely calm alive as every trail
Jack rabbits knew, hawks, owls and else t'avail
At home far from the cities, like defense.
Five years and nary more we knew in tour
Out on the Col'rado prairies, cycling through
Each summer with such dreams in tow as t'were!
Go to the city for our groc'ries, to
Return home where, oh how sweet freedom'd stir
Us with soft peace.  Oh LORD, that we'd see You.

The initial two sonnets preceding this explain why in a sense. But they're posted on MPS.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Insanely busy, if you want to know. L5: my father taught me coffee "is NOT a medicine; enjoy it."


Why does a headache nag?  What shall avail?
Dream of lo, coffee in the morning hence,
Like t'will erase this, lack of sleep fr'intents
A culprit sans much for recure, to fail
Was't at "enjoyment"? Or then which detail?
Cold sausage gravy on cold biscuits thence
Sans eggs for lack of time, half grapefruit's sense
With clem'tines, nary lunch...cuz later's bail?
Yet home with not a wink of sleep in tour
For working oernight twa days now, I do
Not have the time.  Clean house, then dinner'd stir
And I'm asleep thereafter...until through
What?  Wake at midnight, on the couch--is't poor?
Where is the day fled? LORD, I wait on You.

Mom warned me years ago not to become addicted to coffee like my father but I guess I can't follow in his footsteps and fail to fall prey to the necessary headache when I don't imbibe daily.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Yes, it must have been.


Yes, sausage gravy and oh! biscuits hence
So light and fluffy, just the eggs sans bail
Fried past excuse? and brunch that new detail
Of late, is on, the page-day kittens sense
For aught else as I'll feign no sleep fr'intents
Is fine, until I've showered.  Then derail
The day with foggy dreams of lunch t'avail
None, as I slept past sundown, til what hence?
Eat dinner in a fog, dessert in tour
As well, and crawl off to catch sleep for two
Hours bed.  Up 'gain, lo, dress, astir
For work oernight a fresh like that will do.
What of the tale of sheer adventures we're
Now putting in the mem'ry bank?  Year's NEW.

Having crafted a brunch the Sunday before Xmas utilizing a Jimmy Dean's maple sausage for patties, I finished it by crafting biscuit gravy and it was a treat. The maple adds an extra bit of pizazz.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19 disappeared, I guess.


Roll "chauv'nist" oer yer tongue to savour frail
Who knows what, as you know just why fr'intents
She said what she did when exchanging thence
Our "Happy New Year's" greetings, that detail
Mine to keep safe where nothing could avail
The happy thought I'd watch the year turn hence
In style to next, the drama sans defense
What tricks out all we knew as what'd derail.
No time to scribble, no time 'lone as t'were,
Nor cuz it should be, just because.  We two
Held down the fort and had a ball in tour
Despite aught else contrariwise, and knew
E'en fun, I half suspect, at that.  Bestir
Thy mercies, LORD, new ev'ry morning too.

So much for my plans of watching the new year come in with all it's fanfare.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19 last. [My cousin's chihuahua is named Marzipan, and was the star of the show while I visited since well, you know chihuahuas....]


Cream gravy of the maple sausage dense
With flavour--Jimmy Dean's! and biscuits tale
...For New Year's eh? Dunno.  The dishes trail
Frae baking in the kitchen Monday thence
Washed, dried, and stowed, craft omelet, porridge hence
With clem'tines and Chobani--brunch' detail,
Bake scallops, boil potatoes to avail
Us with a salad for lunch and ah, whence?
Quick! Scuttle off afresh to work in tour,
Sweet mem'ries of last night a dream I knew
Which fades, th'attack ch'huahua's bite as t'were
But figments of the vision--Marz'pan to
Shy cats--the laughter and dear fun bestir
Lost days since past.  Oh LORD, that we'd see You.

The shift I was scheduled for was curtailed, but they gave me hours elsewhere, and what that entailed left me no time to scribble.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Not me, certainly.


As if a spell's been broken when t'avail
We'd had our visit, I am free fr'intents,
And happy too, the sweet hours like defense
For long lost joys I'd quite forgot in frail
'Scuse, like what? Griefs were buried, no detail
Remembered lest I too be lost from thence
In joys' destruction.  Grandma Drysdale's sense
The dining room, yes, I'd obliv'on's bail.
Twas so good, we were up late in a tour
Of such discussions only fam'ly knew.
Back home, with eggnog in Mum's glasses, her
Sense oer us kids, twas all a whirl, yet true.
Thy mercies, LORD, prevail: I thank Thee fer
All and rejoice.  Come.  For we wait for You.

It was too good hanging out again together with my cousin and her husband and my aunt and uncle, so good we stayed up later than intended. And there's a bit of a private joke about the title: at the dinner table I told them all how I both am a poetess, and also post my work online-- they teased me about what I'd title this.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Congratulate me?!


Let morning trickle in sans voice to fence
The light of day, if only to avail
Me of dear rest, the circles whose detail
Does NOT enhance my hazel orbs what thence
Abet that hopeful thought, likeas defense,
Unless, of course, being death warmed oer is bail
For 'bove ground life whose plans stress shall derail,
Or curse with notes to highlight sheer pretense.
I'll feign tis cool being off on Monday, fer
The first time in a week of sev'n which threw
My mind out by their madness I'll demur
To yield to, til twas nigh complete.  Calm to
Effect upon noon's finish, LORD, bestir
Thy mercies and redeem me now, won't You?

Finally, the day long expected and earnestly desired, which cost me a little since, well, nevermind.
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