Not me, certainly.
As if a spell's been broken when t'avail
We'd had our visit, I am free fr'intents,
And happy too, the sweet hours like defense
For long lost joys I'd quite forgot in frail
'Scuse, like what? Griefs were buried, no detail
Remembered lest I too be lost from thence
In joys' destruction. Grandma Drysdale's sense
The dining room, yes, I'd obliv'on's bail.
Twas so good, we were up late in a tour
Of such discussions only fam'ly knew.
Back home, with eggnog in Mum's glasses, her
Sense oer us kids, twas all a whirl, yet true.
Thy mercies, LORD, prevail: I thank Thee fer
All and rejoice. Come. For we wait for You.
It was too good hanging out again together with my cousin and her husband and my aunt and uncle, so good we stayed up later than intended. And there's a bit of a private joke about the title: at the dinner table I told them all how I both am a poetess, and also post my work online-- they teased me about what I'd title this.