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Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Oh my, oh my.


Oh tender hours of waking hope! T'avail
Is like a breath of heart'ning air; suspense
Alive and dancing in the eye fr'intents
Of dearest Spring, whose golden glance' detail
Is fragile yet full with sheer hope, the pale
Light laden with that notice e'en from thence
As gloaming haunts this joyous day, like hence
It won't be long til life abounds, as't hail.
These naked woods own sapphire blue in tour
And I'm content to watch because all woo.
The forecast sez t'will freeze oernight in poor
'Scuse for late pleasures waltzing hope, yet to
Effect as Winter's wont, whose treach'rous tour
Warms but to freeze all puddles.  Say I knew.

There. Enjoy?!
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
I can't believe it!


Spring's but twa weeks awa by now, a sense
Of sweeter haunting hill and snow-capped dale,
Favon'us breath upon the soft exhale
Which murmurs oer the leas, of hope, to fence
These coming hours with just enow fr'intents
To keep the fainting soul 'bove water, frail
Yet clinging still to life, if that t'avail
Before the shadows deepen, of defense.
Birds sing as if from ev'ry bush astir
With joy now waltzing, as both puddles to
Thinned snowy slopes seem half aware as twere
All's melting, where the fragile light would woo
With hope in ev'ry golden shaft. Demur
T'acknowledge and hide off--oh if ye knew!

You do know that Spring begins on February 1st, right?
Jenny Gordon Jan 19


Of scoundrels, fears, and theivry, which detail
Shall now suffice where black night seems so dense
As to evince naught, frozen likeas sense?
If twas my treasure chest, from which t'avail
Me I had longed, tis robbed clean like in frail
Excuse I shoulda known, smiles were pretense?
List off some items to see how much hence
Was lost, and whither shall I turn as't fail?
Thou, LORD, dost give and take away; in Your
Light we see light--is this grave ill of You?
Too compromised and weak, I maunt as t'were
Act on the moment, yet what should I do?
Consult with fam'ly and dear friends in tour
To settle on the morrow with aught cue.

I'm just too immature, I guess. Or was that too naive?
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Mayhap, ridiculously.


Patchouli-scented goat's milk lotion dense
With that dear fragrance as I 'non avail
Me of a steamy, huge Italian' scale
Of soup mugs, full of lo, beef ramen, scents
Aught til I half expect to taste mair hence
Than just the ramen. Mouth with that detail
Full, how lo, my companion'd shortly hail
Patchouli likewise with a query thence.
Explain my paws were dry, wherefore as t'were
I used a lotion from years 'go whose cue
Was Daddy's fave scent but I don't know fer
All that why we're imbibing it, like to
Effect for lunch.  Oh well, eat up in tour
And don't do that again. Too funny too?

Too bad you didn't get to enjoy a bowlful?!
Jenny Gordon Jan 19 I?!


Tis faintly golden on these fields white'd trail
Across til nothing's left but snow, as hence
Beethoven's ninth expresses that vague sense
We feel within our veins despite the tale
Of grandeur known as bunch, as if t'avail
Is naught before the face of what, fr'intents?
Say that we ARE, with an expectance thence
Beguiled and foiled, til hope seems far too frail.
I'd planned on Tuesday, but no, that was poor.
Called, and the scoundrels pleaded off, yet knew
Again, what eh?I was too busy fer
Whatever, so today? Why does e'il cue?
It's not my dolls I'm setting up in tour
For photos, it's just me.  Save me, won't You?

My parents had a photo of their very happy little girl behind a neat line up of all her little dolls.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
I dunno.


Want danish for a month, to fin'lly thence
Indulge with fresh brewed coffee, aught detail
Likeas a gift to thank Thee for, LORD. Hale
Sweet golden light sifts through with half a sense
Of better days long since forgottn as hence
The fire department checks th'alarms, t'avail
Ostens'bly, yet's but piercing torture; frail
As all good claims of aught, tis sheer pretense.
No sleeping in on my day off, is't poor?
This cold which nags is. Refried beans craft through
The hours where I'm fatigued til ev'ning cure
Is't day of work? I don't know what to do,
LORD, save me please, won't You? Aught I bestir
Does not redeem me. Let me wait on You.

I caught a cold for all these crazy hours.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19 that's okay?!


Put on the kettle and sip Barry's, frail
Though I feel, heartened by that cuppa, whence,
Wash up all last night's dishes, to craft hence
Our breakfast, which he seems to think t'avail
Is my job, porridge, bacon, omelet bail
With roasted, fresh potatoes, showring thence
As if's not late, yet's noon, a friend fr'intents
Oer ere I realize or am dressed--I fail?
Plan crafting reubens for our lunch, and fer
All of our chatter, how Thou grants that too,
Oh LORD. Run off to work whileas in tour
They lunch and talk, filled with the happy view
Of that dear sight. And if the hours drag, stir
In me to seek Thy face, LORD, all of You.

Don't ask cuz I won't tell.
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