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Fenola watched
as Eileen bathed.
She took in
the hand

the lathered sponge
over the contours
of the body,

moving between ****
like some
venture ship of old,
moving down

the belly,
beneath the soapy water
to the pleasure dome,
then out again

around the neck
and under chin,
then whole body
over once again.  

She knew that body well,
each inch of flesh,
each orifice,
each smell,

each loving touch.
Even the thought
pleased her

Eileen looked over
where Fenola sat,
on stool,
in bathrobe,

with feet
on mat.
Come on in,
she said,

room enough for two,
you rub my back,
I’ll rub yours
and other places too.

Fenola thought awhile,
took in her eyes
that gazed,
the smile

that spread,
the memory
of the afternoon
in bed,

the positions held
and played,
the *** ensuing.
Eileen pointed

to the soapy bath,
come in,
she said
with **** laugh.

Fenola stood up
from the stool,
set it aside,

stepped in the bath
and sat down,
the water engulfing.

from the other room,
Ravel played
from hifi speakers,

or some such piece,
the sound touching
the bathroom walls
with steam and scent.

The girls rubbed
and scrubbed
and laughed
in soapy water,

each one
like a siren
of the sea
or Neptune’s daughter.
Do you know why,
I can't sleep, in the attic or the deep?
No Anchor on these tides, treasure box
in a pirate's hope;find the boat.

Drifted on a pierced lip, a fixed kiss,
a mental slip--
on a burnt out Fuze.

Double check for a
red lighter's glaze,
As wolf is entranced in the gaze, of a moon's longing.
Take it easy,
little child. A bottle ship on a lover's dream
tossed and turns as sleeper learns,
trust the Sun.

Light so stronge, Life will always crawl
in the uncertanty a simple plee,
to be
           to exist
                           to dream,
What It really is, spinning the compass
to the steady Fun, painted with snow.
As a remote control in
*****-MOAN phase.
Our World is so ******, the gulf is
crying out in oil suds mixed Fossil Fuels
In this heat wave they speak, as I
          leaves in  duck-taped strides,
I wish I could fall-lie
        As Hermes dives to the side of every
Poet's cry...
       There is a voice to be heard.
A                distant train silhouette  in the mismatched
   sentence, yes tell us why?
Curious as Cat-In-Hat, mischievous
                                                                ­as This-Or-That,
where would the power dream?
of what we feel inside, a
-survival kit, -a heart's wish
or a -simple stitch..
   of eloquent words and sighs.
                    To Bee,
                   It ought To Be.
(Life is like a walk in the park)!!!                 (Surrealism).

While walking in this park
my solipsism came in a fog
I mooch.
When I dream
The Dream is just...there
J U S T...T H E R E.
for nothing at all
it is just for the reason i am.
Time is
time is not now
time is
now is not the time
time is before
before the time.
Dear, Dear Mother
                                You know
                                you mean the world to me
but dear mother
                                why do you do it
                                          go in to the toilet in the dark
                                                            ­and when i go and put the light on
i find you sitting there
                          knickers around your knees
                                          mother i am 58
                                                              ­ that is not a good image to me
Dear Dear Mother.
This is a true poem  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I walked through Bath and Bodyworks
inhaling every possible scent
                straight up my
                ­                                          Burning my sinuses with
                                                            Ging­erbread and Spice
                                                           ­       Cinnamon Clove
                                                           ­          Fresh Cupcake
                                                                       Winter Berry
so that even the smallest remnants
                                       of your smell
I could not intake and kept myself
from once again
           falling asleep wearing that
                  sweater that I took
                             to pretend was
© Daniel Magner 2012
I would liken you
To a night without stars
Were it not for your eyes.
I would liken you
To a sleep without dreams
Were it not for your songs.
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