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They are shadows with knives
When one lives, all survive
Numbers uncountable, faces unknowable
The banner of peace rendered unsewable
It lies in pieces among the dead
The city hangs from a single thread
Enemies within, enemies without, soon blood will stain the land
It comes together like the cogs of a machine i don't understand.
I sit here in the flickering candle light
Listening for any sound of a fight
I hide in a cocoon of blankets
I am starving, while fat nobles hold banquets
Soon i will feel the cold embrace of death
And i will breathe my last breath
But that day is not today
If the gods are good, it will be far away
I hear shouting and screaming without warning
In the distance i hear people mourning
I crawl out my measly shack
The peasants are at the gates and will not turn back
As one voice they scream for freedom
But most are reduced to martyrdom
The guards let blood
And the people become a flood
A sea of bodies rushing the gates
I see this and thank the fates
Riding the wave
I rush towards my grave.
 Oct 2011 jeffrey robin
The They
SSSSHHHHHH!! The essssssenccce

Some say the essence
Is a cloud of luminescent gas
Whose color one cannot pin down

Some say the essence
Is ensconced in music
But only the “civilized” type
(like Mozart or Philip Glass)

Some say the essence
Is surrounded by unicorn ponies
Dancing on clouds
Farting rainbows
With hearts

Some say the essence
Doesn’t drink liquor on Sundays
Or any day for that matter
Because the essence is Mormon

I say the essence
Is none of these things
And that those people are all nuts.
Sorry if  i have offended any members of the Church of Latter-day Saints.
On silent streets
I walk while you sleep
Looking for something to eat

Quietly I stand
Sign in hand
Hoping for something grand

Here is where I sleep
The trouble I'm in is deep
Should anyone find me

Some say I'm hopeless
That may be true
But for now I'm only homeless
©Dustyn Smith
Hey, did you hear yet?
About that sweet girl that died?
Cruelty killed her
I stood at the water's edge
in a movie-esque scene where
it was me and me alone
staring at myself in the water's reflection.

My echo lead me here.
You said I made a sound you would never forget,
but that's something no one should carry but myself.

So my echo lead me across the fields, and
over the hills and,
down the valleys until
I was stopped by the shore and
I realized there was no way to
my words

They're always going to echo in your head.
But believe me, I tried to catch them.
I saw a sight
of summer

it was a boy
riding and jumping
on a bicycle through
the grass

and in the stink of my car
and in the light of the grey
sky, I thought:
oh how I wish to run
and jump and play
in the grass

but I am too young,
life too cruel,
and the autumn weather
too turbulent to
commit to any

so I drove away, wondering
where that boy went without
 Oct 2011 jeffrey robin
JM Romig
On cement pillows
resting for revolution
nearby, the grass grows
Copyright © 2011 J.M. Romig. All rights reserved
 Oct 2011 jeffrey robin
JM Romig
How lonely it is
walking toward the sunset
my cell phone is dead
Copyright © 2011 J.M. Romig. All rights reserved
 Oct 2011 jeffrey robin
If I could see what you see when you look into my eyes,
I think I'd see a person that I really would despise.

I'm not much of a talker, but I often talk too much,
I always think the worst of you, and judge you at first touch.

I always try to smile more but I'm often looking sad,
disgruntled, just plain angry, or lost in thought and mad.

I try to think of others, be sensitive and kind,
but then you learn that loving people get pushed and shoved aside.

I'm not much of a looker, as I was often told,
my face is very wonky and my nose is far to bold.

As much as we try and fight it, good looking people reign ,
but beauty is subjective, no eyes are the same.

I'd like to be a leader, but I'd rather follow on,
I'd like to be more confident but it all just seems so wrong.

I try to be myself because we're taught that's what you'll love,
but I don't think my brain knows me nearly well enough
I think what I'm saying is that who I want to be,
is someone different, someone else, anyone but me!
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