You committed the crime.
From behind cell doors walls, you cry and complain.
Now, you trying to fight for your freedom.
Which you obviously had before your criminal behavior got in the way.
To join a gang you must commit a crime?
Are they hiring your lawyers?
And if parents are these fools taking care of your son or daughter.
What about the victims?
The one you *****, robbed, ******, or stole money from.
You committed a crime.
And upset that justice came to you.
Now, you're fighting for your freedom and upset.
All because justice was served.
Now, to the innocent sitting behind the walls.
Your plight lies solely on the prosecuting attorney trying to make a name.
In later cases, we see them become governors, mayors, and blackout knowledge-wise.
When told of their injustice?
But for the guilty accept your time.
Not one, was you trying to use your mind.