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My heart so into you.
That to my friends I been called a fool- (concerning you)
But I feel I found this jewel so true.

So, a fool I rather be and I'm not the only one.
My eyes only see you.
And that's the way it should be- (concerning you)
And I'm not tripping.
Because I'm in love.

If many would only admit truth that they are seeking?
Exactly what I have now.
And I'm not tripping.
Sometimes, it takes a fool to make us realize how foolish we are.
A clown stood before many simply pretending and fools soaked in that glory.
A wonderful story.
A man that fits the word hypocrite greatly.

And show the world many religious fools.
Then, who they truly fooling?
A con uses tricks to do it.
And Trump the Clown proved it.

Manipulation is a tool that many people use daily.
Like a woman faking pregnancy with a baby.
Or a man scamming that he is rich.
And Trump the Clown fits this picture quickly.

Who needs morals?
When you elect fools as leaders and their past holds truth that morals not there.

But we let them lead accordingly.
Until destruction comes and then we question our decision.
A fool is a fool until a fool can't see.

That Trump a Clown making fools of you and me.
When a war comes?
And you can't win it.
Blame it upon idiots that thought he was brilliant.
Let not your hatred get you killed.
Let not your stupidity be revealed.

Words from your mouth truly can end your life.
And there is no coming back from it.
And saying you didn't mean it doesn't work.

So, let not your hate end your life.
Words spoken at the wrong time out of rage
Will eventually have your death notice within the paper pages.

Let not your love fade.
It might be the reason your life was saved.
You can't eliminate truth.
No resolution or amendments can.
As long as black parents around.
Black history will be told.

Forget this narrative about splitting of the races.
Black history just exposes the truth to the villains.
And that alone is revealing.

Hanging, we know the race.
Slavery, we know the race.
Evil laws, we know the race.
Bombing of black churches, we know the race.
And never afraid to preach it to your face.

Oh, you don't like the exposure.
But we are covering up your mess.
Just to make you look good.

Dogs turned loose upon protesters
Racists fool acting out.
Black history doesn't fade because you eliminate things.

As long as there is a grandparent, parent, uncle aunt.
Or strong voices to speak it.
It will be told.

Deal with it.
Vanish not, from my heart.
Or you be a floating memory.
That how much you be to me.

Vanish not from my imaginary.
You're the one making me happy.
And that's the only way to be.

In life some must follow and some must lead.
Not all things equal like many like to say.
But we pretend they are.

Vanish not from the truth.
Lies might hurt you.
Truth will not convict you.
Vanish not from heart.
Do you love?
Or do you hate?

Are you a coward?
Refusing to admit your mistakes.

Do you follow God commands?
Or create your own to know?

Do you show respect?
Or upset you doesn't receive it back?

Do you put scriptures of love into action?
Or just create pretense that you do?

You only fooling one fool.
Must we tell you who?

We all put on an act until exposed.
I close my eyes and imagine.
I imagine a world of peace.
I imagine a world of love.
Yes, when I close my eyes.

I live in a world of fantasy hoping it is of truth.
While knowing some live for confusion and lies over truth.

I close my eyes for a purpose
And faithfully pray.
That those with hatred within their heart.
Will let it fade away.

To this should be in everyone prayer.
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