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Upfront, when young this one woman is your world?
We just don't see it but in truth, there is nothing like a mom.
And to those that lost them, you miss them more when they are gone.

Because it takes some longer to see there was nothing like a mom.

Think, think about the things many deals with.
And abusive spouse, a wayward child, and so much foolery.
In these situations, too, there is nothing like a mom.

Sometimes, when they should turn away.
Many in bad situation still stays.
Because of choices many decides to stay.

And the kids just don't see the things they done to even save them.
Many cry and gripe about the problems, they have caused the.

She deals with the fool child that love the life of crime.
After warning them of stupidity many of times.
The same fools that sit in prison crying about the harm mom done to them.

Now, of course there are some wicked moms too.
Who lost in a world of craziness?
Hooked on things they may or might recover from.

But in many cases, mom is that guiding light.
The pusher of faith in God to save your life.

Just think of the mom that affected your life for good.
Proclaim her your Queen without a crown of royalty.
Love me, when I am struggling and trying.
Don't love me less.

Love, me more, when you see me striving and trying to the point almost dying.
Don't love me less.
Be not superficial like many athletes and celebrities with fake lovers and spouses attracted to them because of fame.

Love me more, when you see my effort.
Cherish me more for even that.
Cause within it, you will see smiles and happiness while inside I am doing my best.

Just love me for the man I am.
So, many mistakes, I do regret.
And one is losing you to another.
And not trying to make it work.
When you ask me to try?

So, many mistakes, Do I regret.
And many I can't forget.
If fool was printed upon my forehead.
I just have to wear it without pride.

Somethings, we wake up too late.
And losing you to another is one of them.
And I reminded often by friends about it.

Some lessons we learn from.
And this is one I know very well.
Guess, I'm cut from a different breed.
I stick with a friend through various things and themes.
When others abandon theirs?
I am in their corner.

If judged upon a crime or something wrong, they have done.
Are we all saying, we are better than anyone.
Don't get me wrong about my friendship t you.

I be the first to call you a first-class fool.
Long before you made that choice to travel that road.
I am sure your conscious told you not to go.

Even, when under all levels of attacks.
Here, as friend that has your back.
Whether you're famous or simply not.

Sometimes, in this abusive world some friends all you got.
Judge me, hate me, that is your right.
But don't tell me I can't be a friend to someone, you dislike.
They knew.
You knew I am in love with you.
It was communicated in various forms.
From the warmth of arms.
From the look within my eyes.

So, loving you shouldn't be a major surprise.

From the little poems I wrote to you.
Always including with love.
That alone should have spoken volumes.

So, loving you shouldn't be a shock to you.

You knew it.
I showed it
There, been many.
Yes, there been plenty.
Before you, I was a man on a mission and with good and bad intention.
Before you, I had many quests.
But only you seem to pass the test.

From the way you hugged.
From the way you kissed.
From the way you did many things between us.

Yes, before you, I was a man on a mission with good and bad intention.
Before you, I had many quests.
And only you seem to pass my test.

But realize within me there is no regrets.
But with you I have found so much joy.
Only because I went out an explore.
What's right?
What's wrong?
Just defends of the scenario.

Some will always see things a certain way.
While others will try to always explain.

Concerning age, you figure common sense would come into play.
Now some trying throw that to the waste side.
Like apologizing when wrong.
Some stays lost behind pride.

So, what's right?
Your conscious will advise you.
Then, what's wrong?
Your mind and heart should tell you.
Unless you happy being label a fool.
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