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Somewhere in your life, you will hear this.
Yes, they all look the same to me.
But pay attention to why you say?
You might find a fist to make you readjust your thinking process.

When you say?
They all look the same to me.
Culture, upbringing and faith of their religious is different.
Base not everything upon looks and of course not color.

Whenever you say?
They all look the same to me.

Because it just not true.
Love is manipulation trick.
Words. are spoken to get you hooked.
A gullible mind falls quick.
Then many smart folks have too.

When it comes to the dumbness of love.

Some, seek that bad boy for bravery and protection.
Then locked up mostly forget about him.
He not there to help raise that child you might have had.
Or you woke up and found that life isn't all that grand.
Yes, the dumbness of love taught you life.

Off to college you go to attend.
Probably warned by parents DON'T come home with any kids.
But sometimes great advice falls on deaf ears because you trapped into the dumbness of love.

Into an illicit affair you participated.
Falling for all the twisted tricks of words many men say.
Like they are leaving that spouse and most likely never will.
Just to be with you.
To keep getting the honey you have to manipulate the fool.
Yes, the dumbness of love has affected you.

Love is a mind game long known.
Been around than the creation of phones.
Many beautiful folks have played the used game.

Because once you read a person you know exactly the things to say.
We see this in that most known book around the world.
Where tricks were played to accomplish a mission.
As you're driving down the street.
Listening to a music beat love think of me.
As you sit there dreaming.
Love, think of me.

I easily get distracted just the very thought of you.
I hope deep in your heart, you do the same about me.

In your dreams
Think of me.
In your thoughts
Think of me
When you do that turn on walk.
Think of me.

As you give any speech or talk around your friends.
Speak up, speak out saying you're thinking about me.

An you'll find I am an instant dream.
You know them.
They think you're beneath them.
In truth, they are no better than you.

You just humble in your grace of your human soul.
And beliefs that none is better than you.
Wealth holds keys to success.

But being without means you humble.
And it shows to those that admires you.
When they say?
This just who you are?
Many won't remember you for your greatness.
More for your crime.
Which still debated at this present time.

Ali stated he was the greatest and to some extent he was.
Then you stand in that field too for the accomplishment you achieved.
And you earned the name the Juice.

Headlines might not contribute your greatness like they should.
But even modern times and past time players must admit you was good.

If anyone using the OJ tag for a name.
More likely they must admit to it you lay claim.
Death is a terrible thing to face.
But things you accomplished while alive will never be replace.
Whether they were good or bad.
I go out of my way for you.
Do more than I thought I ever would for another.
Avoid my friends just to hold your hand.
Going out of my way to be claim as your man.

You more (more)
Then just another girl.
Sure, I got no clues that you're into me.
But I am going on faith to just believe.

If I could be like Daniel able to read dreams.
Then it would be you more than just another girl to me.

Which I find hard to believe.
That you are more than just another girl to me.
If I was rich?
You wouldn't know me.
I wouldn't brag about it.

Wouldn't even act like it.
Never wanted a mansion or live in a gated community.
There's no safety as folks seems to think.

I drive a simple car.
Well, maybe upgrade just a little.
Yes, if I was rich.

You would talk about me.
Saying thing you would do with wealth.
And that will be fine.

But if I was broke?
I still be the same because with money I never going to change.
Well, maybe a little.
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