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jeffrey conyers Mar 2019
Your smile sincere.
Your feelings for me is real.
There is no falsehood of pretense there.
If you want to know love?
Look here.
Everything is sincere.

Even when you laugh?
It is with warmth.
And when I hear it.
I just love you more.
So if you want to know love?
Look here?
There are no actors.

Although we could put on a show.
And fool many.
There is just no need to do it.
When everything about us is true.

So if looking for pretense.
You at the wrong place.
And if you look a little bit deeper.
You see a story that's true.
Built-in reality.
Created by you and me.

Look here.
Yes, if you want to know love.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2019
BUILD, your relationship around the child.
Place them first and things will accomplish so much.
JUST SAYING,  many times the system dictate your life.

When a relationship becomes broken and children involved.
Make them the purpose of raising them good and greatly.

Back in olden days child support didn't ruin homes.
Many mothers knew if you called your ex or former spouse with a child request.
Many times, it was honored.

Child, need this or that.
Many times it was there.
Then this was when folks acted grown.
Even when you realized your parents have grown apart and moved on.

The benefit of attention was achieving the best relation for the parent and the child.
Today, it's more about money than the parental connection.
A child only adapts to the stupidity placed before them.
Then you find no one really wins.

Relate, before it's too late.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2019
In this kick, a man mentality rising up.
How many women slept their way to the top?
Oh, be not upset.

For it's true.
Some won't admit it.
But many know when and many know who?

And the strangest things the ladies can't get upset.
This is old as news.

Many ladies might be beautiful and that not along got you ahead.
Several of you have seen that promoter bed.

So in this kick a man mentality.
We must admit the truth.
Some live by you got to give to get in society.

And this goes on between celebrities and entertainers too.
Even a mist this MeToo protest attacking only a few.
Then some they attacking isn't totally guilty.

They just helped along thanks to the news.

If the ladies should ever tell the total truth.
Instead, use this selected memories excuse.
Some will have to admit they gain something out of the affair.
And not all men are guilty as they allege.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2019
We visit
We cry
Some outward
Some inside
It has been four years since you died

We reflect
We recall
All your loving kindness and your sweet, sweet smile.

And your love for the lord.

In death, you can't **** our love
You left a great impression among us

When still asked about you?
We all simply say you were so wonderful
Just living in this place called beyond us

We visit
We reflect
On all the memories deep within
This what happens concerning love?
jeffrey conyers Mar 2019
If you looking for a saint?
That's not me.
That just something I will never be.

If you looking for a lover?
Well, here I am.
In my mind, I'm the best thing around.

If you looking for trouble?
Then avoid me.
For any kind of trouble.
Would corrupt me.

We all have our own personal needs.
Some we love to share even in despair.

If you looking for comfort?
Then look my way.
I treat you so kind.
You never walk away.

If you looking for money?
Just look pass me?
Not that  I wouldn't help you?
If you solely in need.

I always live according to my rules.
Not into following anyone.
If I can lead.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Revisiting the fifties and hostile sixties.
But like a time within the Twilight Zone?
We going to rewrite the timeline.

All the signs read black only.
Whites signs placed out in the cornfield.

All movie theaters next to the city dump.
White only can visit this.

And if, you stare at black women?
You are handle with the rudeness of retaliation.
The sign read all white males step not out of line.

And the Black Battalion Brothers terrorize society.

Everything a racist society has done to the minority?
Is now done to them?
Just revisit this.

The Supreme Court filled with total blackness.
Just revisit this?
And May will be whites history month.

Then wake up?
And see just how down we truly are as people?

God so love the world.
That in the beginning, he saw all things as good.
So why we judge people based on color
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
To those that complain that women, not *** object?
Sound good.
Spoken with the truth.
Except when speaking?
Speak with no doubt of truth.

Women will be noticed?
Just the way it is.
And to a man that depends upon his likes and dislikes.

Some notice the lips, breast, ****, and legs.
Women get not mad.
Or self-spoken that it's not so.

We not speaking church?
Where they hand out things to cover your legs.
Or to cover your low cut blouse.
Cause they say it's tempting to some men.

Men notice.
Didn't David notice another man spouse?
Wasn't Ruth noticed?
And this within scriptures.

Men notice, the articulate lady.
The educated woman.
Or the ones that firm and outspoken.

Ladies, men are not blind?
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