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jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
You the deserving one to deserve my best.
In truth, you're the only one that deserves my protection.
This gift I give is totally free.

There's nothing required from you cause you so inspiring to me.
Yes, this love I give is totally free.

Never have I been loved more than I am with you.
You're my dream come true.
Sometimes I wonder If I'm so deserving of you.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
Ladies, sorry to say it.
It's time to quit.
Don't come forward with an allegation.
When someone about to get promoted.

You could years ago accomplish your goals.
But you kept your secrets and continued on.

Heading off into your goals.
Keeping this secret as decades passes on.

And that's your right to do it.
Except when others brave souls have spoken up.
Then here you come.

These accusations won't always dethrone someone's goals.

Now understand this?
Men have more secrets concerning many women.
Some that could wreck some successful marriages.

Some secrets we care nothing about.
For when they are exposed to society.
It makes many say, why now?
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
Love is a tool.
If used correctly it can be used for your satisfaction.

Lips are a vice.
If used correctly it can leave a great impression.

Hands are a tool.
But can be very dangerous.

The eyes are a tool.
That can look in multiple directions.

A brain is a tool.
That contains so much important information.

There is so much about the body.
We have yet to realize.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
In life, things are based on outlook, opinions, and perspective.
And when races see things different.
This is mainly what it centered around.

Law enforcement respect is higher in various whites eyes.
While with some minorities it's totally different.

Again, outlook, opinions, and perspective.

The justice system is where the blame lies?
Besides having whites mostly being the jury and judges deciding.

When you rank racial abuse by police?
Facts figures point that more negative lies with minorities.
Obviously, the truth lies in facts that white males commit crimes with high powered rifles.

But never face being killed like many minorities.

Again, this based on outlook, opinions, and perspective.

But history has shown while all races hold some form of bigotry.
Whiles hold onto it without no apparent reason.

Then again, WE all have our reasons for something.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
We all an addict to something?
We hear about the alcoholics and the drug addicts but avoid our addiction.

It might be videos.
It might be phones and of course the high energizing *** addicts.
Is there really a cure when you know yourself?

We addicted to our jobs.
For some, it's a calmness we seek from it.

Some are addicts for justice.
Yes, there are some good ones that love to win cases.
And then there are those afraid to defend.

We ALL are addicts to some for in existences.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
We toss it quickly upon the youth.
As if now adults we didn't do the same similar things too.
Now, of course, some of us are strong to avoid vices.
And know nothing can entice us.

So we in this MeToo movement society.
But many noticing all the accusations and allegation mainly coming from women?

And not once hear anyone mention peer pressure created it.
Or was you interested in it?
A man not guilty cause a woman speaks.

But you get that feeling in many cases.
What that infamous line we hear constantly?
"This what make women not come forward?"

Well, if fear stopping her.
We aware there are various ways to report your problem.

Any woman over a marry man house and his spouse not around.
Why is that?
The first sign of disrespect.

And if anything occurs between you two.
Well, didn't see the signs or pay attention to the clues.
Brag about your skills to anyone.
You find someone seeking to take you up on it.
Even if it's a man with a lover or woman.

Remember trying to fit it.
Created many of these allegations that are coming.
Being famous has its benefits.

We must respect musicians groupies cause many aren't crying foul for the affairs they were into.
Well, maybe a few.

But a private party event for a few.
Many know it requires certain things.

A foolish parent that goes on a trip and leaves the house to some teenagers already aware something might happen.
What do we say?
Been there, done that.

So what makes us think they any different?
And in many cases, we use peer pressure simply as an excuse.

We just not honest to admit it.
Teenage girls running away with older males teachers.
We see images and calmness when some are shown.

In open public surrounding by many.
Why don't they run then?
If he holding her hostage?

Then next thing we hear parents on the news pretending that child is so innocent?
When in fact they were trying to play an adult game.

Trying to fit into a role she is not ready for.
And even the male youth too.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
We elevate crooks, lovers and thieves to lead us.
No different than probably our found fathers.
Although them guys appear smarter.

As much as they were linked to different political parties.
They worked through ways to create amendments or constitution to guide us.

Anything that leans totally one day in a life.
Has never ever been a good thing.
Whether you conservative holding on to outdated views.

Or a brazen liberal seeking to change or shake up things.
We look to CONGRESS to operate around common sense.
Not one guided by the religious organization.

Notice and believe this as truth.
The Supreme Court will never have a majority of women ever over men justices.

Look at the old aged fools holding onto stupid old age views.

Believe this too?
Women will never hold a majority over men in charge in Congress.
Foolish men barely can deal with the strength of a strong woman.

We base life of anything around the logic of Solomon.
That if you older you must be so much wiser.

We see many older folks just as stupid than those are young.
Stages, of life, make us adjust and change.

When young wild and bold.
We settle more when we get older.
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