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jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Muhammad Ali, once pointed out all the injustice in America.
When they wanted him to join the military.

Obviously, they forget the honorable minorities that fought various wars for this great country.
Just to return back to the racism already in place.
When they left for service.

Yes, they earned their respect as great soldiers fighting a cause.

So it's amazing many hating upon Colin Kaepernick for taking a stand against injustice against many people of color.

The narrative is the injustice.
Can the good haters point out this man saying unpatriotic things about the flag?

They can't!

It's like a lie that grows bigger to the point that a fool believes anything.

Remember, his narrative was the injustice.

But fools buy into what a fool say?

He mentions flag before his nutty supporters.
And instantly reflected the true into his lie.

Many owners of the NFL loves being dictated too.
Many afraid to stand up and tell red the clown.

I don't tell you how to run your company.
So tell me nothing about my employees.

We aware he needs guidance on running this great country.

He has been played by the little dictator from North Korea.
And used by the Czar of Russia.
Which explain why he won't talk negatively about the Czar.

The narrative of his story is called "reflect" the message to keep the spotlight off of him.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
So, now various police association upset with Nike connection to the most political athlete around in present sense.

Cause he highlighting injustice by the law enforcers of America afraid to correct stupidity within the forces of the police department.

Maybe, if they try to explain why white officers quick trigger when confronting minority suspects.
Obviously, black officers approach must be better.
Cause the killing ratio by minority officers are low.

Maybe, just maybe quick showing white officers upset.

Not that it matters because politicians can't justify not looking into the various shooting by officers.

Can, we say school shooting?
Why so many white suspects still walking and living?
Church shooting by whites?
Again, quick trigger "John Doe" seem less lightly to **** his own.

Is that?
Sure we know many times do or don't is a judgment call.
That creates the decision to shoot or don't.

So maybe if fairness was shown in various situations.
The call for justice wouldn't be ringing louder.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Let not your racism get you killed.
Let not the words you speak be your last.
Many of you were racist before the reddish president.

He just made you brave to be.
But your life could end up on the things you say.

Let not your racism place you in the ground.
We All know of a few elemental clowns running around.

Say thing inappropriately.
Then left to face their own consequences.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
In this world of surrounded racism that many let simmer on low.
Like it doesn't exist around them in a daily manner.

If you black and stand up to injustice.
Do one major race group get so heated to show their racism quickly?

W.E.Dubois stood up and stood out against racism.
And when you do?
It only makes you better as a human.

Sure, many gonna to hate you.
Even try to address you with their version of the truth.
Except, until justice is fair and equal to all.
Then it's an injustice to everyone.

Some minorities live in this "don't rock the boat" mentality.
Which really means don't upset the whites.
But then the world "white flight" means they forever running from the reality of the world.

They lost in Disney's living in a written fairytale.

If you black and roaring to fight injustice.
Standup, we have great examples in this country called America.

Cassius Clay,  known later as Muhammad Ali, stood his ground and faced the hostility of them.
Like the man, Job lost a lot during that time of standing on his principles.

But through it all, he stayed true to himself.
Yes, that group that hangs on to this superior mentality of stupidity complained.

But don't they always when they don't get their way.

Malcolm X, the threat of common sense tricked the world with his brilliance.
Stood toes to toes with the brightest during his time to engage others into thinking.
But he stood up and stood out.

When you go against the norm the group that follows like robotic figures get mad.

Sweet Rosa Parks, became known simply by standing her ground on the seating arrangement.
We wonder why must she have stood when she was in the section they stated she must be seated.

They rocked the wrong woman.
Who stood firm against authorities?
Remember if you black, they want you to stay quiet.
Well, least they got Ben Carson.

Martin Luther King Jr-thanks to a certain level of protest became the symbol and the brave face to tackle law enforcers and racist politicians.

A bigot is only a bigot when they have their group of supporters around to push foolishness.

Don't use the word EQUAL if it's not applied correctly to everyone.

And realize tricks and manipulation is always used to turn the narrative of any protest stand.
Conservatives crying about players being unpatriotic in sports.

But not too many crying the truth that Colin Kaepernick complaints centered around injustice of the police against black males.

Where has he said anything against America?
But we realize if you black they under this impression that you should be quiet.

Notice, white whistleblowers take time to complain.
Then more come out when they terminated.
Then they firing off all wrongs they see.

The two black athletes that raised their fist in the sixties suffered personal gains.
But didn't Jesus protest various injustice to a hostile crowd and authorities?

Politicians are tools of fools afraid to lose an election if they stand for right.
Even the evangelicals(money makers) afraid to stand up to injustice in the world.

Don't you believe when King marched in the beginning that all faiths were behind him?
It just got too big to ignore so they joined in the protect for justice.

If you black and point out wrongs.
Take this message"you better be strong".
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
They preach.
But barely teach it.
Except, we know Jesus has siblings.
So what happens to the bloodline?
You mean to tell the world that they didn't marry or have children.

We don't know.
No ministers seem to have that an answer.
Yes, like most they offer all speculative opinions about Christ relationship with Mary Magdelene.

Then, it's from written scriptures or taught logic they basing their views upon.

All most all males within scriptures according to the religious teachers of the word bloodline.
Can be traced?

But like Mother Mary and father Joseph they just background players lost in the substance of us wondering about his brothers and sisters.

Remember they lived in the flesh upon the earth.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
People, look around and see, you so happy.
Constantly smiling, in this joyful world of ours.

Many tries to say, you're only pretending just for show.
They just don't know, there's only love here.

You have been my mountain when I need to rise higher.
And any valleys of troubles that came, we conquer them all.
Which is why we remain strong.

There's only love here.
When they look our way.
When they see us smile.
When they in our company.
There's only love here.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
We, the judgmental people stand out like we better.
Maybe because the crime was less or not a crime at all.

But we offer an opinion about something before us.
Might be a race.
Might be political.
Might be about family members and we know we all done this.
But get highly upset when it level toward us.

We say.
You mind your own business and stay out of mine.

We, the judgmental people remind me of those judging Jesus.
When it came down to deciding correctly.
We saw them put it in the hands of the people.

And they got it wrong.
Judge not that you be not judged.
But if you decide too.
Than get not mad when we judge you.
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