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jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Not once.
Have I not loved you.
Probably, more than you ever aware.

Not once.
Can you admit I have not improved your life?
Not once.

Just think, where you were?
Compared to where you are now?

You way more than what you use to be?

You don't see it.
But believe this truth.
I am the best thing to ever happen to you.

Don't need others to tell me.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Sadness was a yesterday mood.
Happiness is the mood I am in now.
And it's all because of you.

Oh, no.
Depressed I refuse to be.
It just not me.
But you have been an answer to my prayer.

I am blessed.
I am loved.
Could request for anything more.

Some dreams just simply are that.
But mine has come to reality.
And it's all because of you.

I look up above and see the stars shining brighter.
I see the moon glow even more.
Can't begin to mention the sunshine.
For I see more light radiating from your eyes.
And more so from mine.
And it's all because of you.

Need I say more.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Some people get baited to comment on things.
And they bite.
Which a famous golfer did when asked a question by a reporter.

His response was "respect the office" which by truth is true.
But it stands presently disgraced by a fool.

But let's turn back the clock not too long ago.
We had one of the best-led presidents in that office before the clown.

Many within the chamber called him a liar.
Questioned, his birthplace.
Was their respect for the office?
Let alone the man.

On, that stand higher in the eyes of the world.
Then the redheaded fake news fabricator now.
He doesn't respect the office or the power that comes with it.

We taught as children and adapt as adults.
To be respected you must earned it.
It's not simply given.
Cause you're the president.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
We all are mentally stuck with something.
Some of us control it better.
Yes, better than other.
We all are crazy people in a crazy world.

But unlike a few.
We able to avoid the conflicts we see.

Crazy man stuck on love.
Demanding ways and controlling her.
Or a crazy woman unable to let a love go.

All making the wrong decision that finds them behind the walls of the correctional system.

Crazy people.
Well, who they really?
They all of us to various degrees.

We see this in teen.
In kids and adults.

And all we ever say, those people are CRAZY!
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
On the outside looking in.
Is what we all do?
When it comes to the ministers in the ministry.

We think perfect they all should be.
But they are not.

They live in the flesh.
And faces theirs on mess.

None so perfect on earth than Jesus.

Yes, they sin.
And this been since the beginning of time.
We will continue to see this time after time.

They have affairs.
So find me a perfect minister?

Sad to say, some are molesters.
Embellezzers, false prophets and some strictly in it for the money.

Still, find me a perfect minister?
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
The presidential clown has not learned to pick his battle.
Watch and respect those you chose to attack.

Any honorable agent that has served faithfully in any federal agent.
These are your protectors.
They put their lives on the line constantly.

Secret service, the guys and ladies at first defense for you.
Are apart of brotherhoods of the CIA/FBI unit of America.
Red, pick your battles.

You find out, many are fighting back.

Honor all honorable soldiers present or former.
Many have or have served this country when you used excuses not too.
So be not upset if veterans don't matter what party?
Comes after you.

In life, there are unwritten rules to adhere too.

So, if your so-called loyalists are turning against you.
Be honest with yourself.
You like mobsters know those you surround yourself with.

Just pick your battles and you save yourself a lot of trouble.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Jesus walked in
Some saw greatness.
Some got excited.
And many were confused.
Except for the faithful.

When you venture through the scriptures on the path to the life of Christ.
You always come to the perspective that He more was a threat to the people with power.

Or someone hiding behind the strength of a title.

So if Jesus walked into your church.
Would he have seen representing him?

It's not about any particular faith.
We have this.
We have that with all various forms of doctrine.

But if Jesus walked in?
You still a few trying to question him?
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