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jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
They say I'm a fool for doing what I did?
Taking you back after doing what you have done once again?
They give various reasons to why I should bring our love to an end?

What makes me stay?
Is in my heart you be going to a deeper end.
And might not ever be able to return again.
I'm that guy that loves you don't matter what?

Cause when I was down you were the source that picked me back up.
So I'm that guy returning all the favors you did for me.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
A child sees things from a different perspective than an adult.
An adult sees things from a different perspective.

Take for instance the infamous switch some knew as a child.
They go and get the smallest one.
Different perspective, different outlook.
Least to a child.

Now, the adult, the parent is upset.
They a little angry go and get the bigger one and returns.
Different outlook, different perspective.
Least to a parent.

But put yourself in a child place and you see things look accordingly.
To them, things fit their visual.
A child just see what they suppose too?

And at the end of the day, they can brave up say I love you.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
They say time heals things.
And they are just words meant to comfort.
As time pass and memories stay.

This when you comprehend you still here.
Just in a better place.

Away from your enemies.
But with better friends.
Those surrounding you now, are selected, angels.

Not many get into the special place.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
We listen.
When we should learn.
A lie is a lie don't matter how small?

We listen.
We should learn that those that speak so we listen.
Just listen closer.

Politicians are a BLOCK group that caters t som listening to be pleased.

They deride abortion, then offer certain restriction lifted for it.
If ******, if ****.
Two worst things to happen to any individual on earth.

Now you can commit adultery and create a life.
**** not have that idea to have an abortion now.
It's doesn't qualify.
Just remember if you against it.
Be against it without offering a solution.

Things happen for a reason and many see this
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Someone died today from electrocution and the praying folks condemned it.
Inhumane treatment, against the law of God.

And you hear this more when that day comes from those opposed to it.

So **** of a child meant nothing.
The killing of an innocent person means nothing.
We must just place them on death row and they continue on living.

The state paid living quarters, state feeding system.
To some, this is a living dream.

Cry not for the guilty.
If the evidence points this out and they admitted they did it from their very own mouth.

This there always the claim of mental illness which catching on in society.
If that's the case than WE ALL has this condition.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
They say, he acts like a presidential dictator.
Yes, they write it and others speak it.
If truth be told.

And there a lot of similarity to the infamous ****** of World War II
Which address issues relevant too.

****** wasn't seen as a politician by his supporters in certain circles.
Isn't this what he hear about him?

He placed Germany as his goal to elevate that country as first and above others regional neighbors.
Isn't this what we see with "Making America Great".

And with him, America dictator he admired by businesses and many wealthy individuals in society.
Same as ****** during his years as top officers of his party.

And loved by the white Germanys for his racist's ways over time to eradicate minorities.
And look closely at Trump supporters and you see similarities there.

****** supporters had that flag, same as Trump south supporters connection flies theirs more so in the south.
Besides propaganda works too in being seen as great.

So we the fools of the world.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Do you?
Do things according to your perspectives?
Or according to the unwritten rule.

Do you?
Get married cause you want too.
Or parents/friends putting pressures on you.

Ask yourself?
Do you?

Do you?
Have you kids cause you ready?
Or because your parents want to be a grandparent.
And believe me, many do it.

Well, do you?
Have *** cause you ready.
Or cause you're curious.

For every decision you make.
There is a consequence to it.

I could write a lot of, do you?
And more will come.

But only you know yours and where they come from?
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