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jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
See, a fool.
Use a fool.
Isn't this what the politicians do?

Use faith to attract and the fools go for it.
While the idiots support them.

Vote, your heart.
Mean, you vote you're conscious.
And to some that's a satisfaction.

Until you realize many political forces hadn't done anything.
Except made the history books.

Just remember this the one, you gave your vote.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Those without?
Can't be hurt.
They not wealthy, they not successful.
So what they have to lose?

Those with?
Can be hurt.
They up on this throne for the moment.
But when the crash comes.
Notice, the loss of friends.
They quickly vanish.

So when politicians talk about cutting this or that.
Many under this impression it won't affect them.
Are blind fools walking foolishly?

Poor suffer less, according to some.
Rich suffer more.
Especially when it comes to investment.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
I looked behind and saw a shadow.
It followed me everywhere I went.

I raise my arms, I saw a shadow.
I move my legs I saw a shadow.

But when I looked in the mirror.
I saw a reflection reminding me sorta like that shadow.

What must I do?
To remove it.
I guess I just have to adapt to it.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Sorry, to say.
I'm not you.
Would want to be.
For I am me.

As individuals, we aren't the same and shouldn't be.
Why be the same?
Twins aren't the same although we think they are.
It's the illusion of the eyes.

Look closer and you notice their differences.
Might be the nose.
Might be the eyes.
Might even be the smile.

One might be smaller.
One might be tall.

They all can say when wrongly called by name.

I am me.
And you are you.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
God gave the world various warning about his power.
One center simply around water.
It can burn you.
It can drown you.
It can make flowers grow.

It can supply the body.
It can make you float, surf or swim.
But many fail to realize it can **** you.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
That pesky fly that you give multiple tries to before you make your move.
And squash it.
Remind of that pest who keeps bothering you?

On social sites you block them.
Give them opportunities to find another to bother.
Except that pest doesn't get the message.

Kids, remind of you of this when they constantly won't stay from your space.
Then again,  adults can be a pest too.

Who hadn't heard?
That neighbor is a pest.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
The best way to know Christ?
Is to read the scriptures for yourself.
Sure the book points out, we have teachers, preachers, evangelist before us.

But there's nothing better than reading it for yourself.
Then you become aware when a false prophet twisting the word.

Hey, this truth when it comes to what we know about Jesus?

Many leaders give you this image of a calm man upon this earth.
But if God got angry with us.
Then odds is he came down hard upon some disciples.

We see leaders afraid to intervene in the hardship situation.
Wanting to be accepted instead of being a negotiator.
From what we know about Jesus?

He faced all challenges without a halt to thinking about it.
He was strong.
He was bold.
Went places many told him to avoid.

A famous president once stated, there's nothing to fear, but fear itself.
And CHRIST wasn't afraid to take a stand.
So why?
Are his people?
When things aren't lining up to righteousness.
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