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jeffrey conyers Jul 2018
Many must be pondering about Stormy D.
What kind of pleasure she has that you pay $130,000?
Was it for ***?
Or for silence?

Obviously, the man loves to pay.
And pay well to his toymates for dates.
More likely for silence.

To some, it shows an insecurity complex.
A man without a game to get his lady of choice.
Remember, Marla was a mistress before a wife.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2018
I wish I could take back the love.
I have given you.
Wish I could take back the kisses and more.

Yes, I wish
I wish
I wish
I wish
I wish I have never put my trust in you.
But I have done it.
And I wish
I wish
I wish
Deep inside I never met you.

I wish I could take back all my hugs.
These are the things you wish when falling out of love.

Then you realize you just can't wish no more.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2018
Finally, you can say, it's official.
If it makes you happy.
Whether it's a marriage.
Whether it concerns a divorce.

Yes, it's official.
Whether you getting a promotion.
Whether you took a demotion.

Somethings, we do by choice.
Somethings, we do by force.
Just make sure the decision is yours.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2018
The words written here, are true?
You just absorb the message written within to your life.

If you touch the lives of just one you come in contact with.
You served a purpose.
If you just left a positive mood upon them.
Then you touched their soul.

Some, we have touched will forever know.
We speak of it.
And very highly.

It might be a teacher.
It might be your minister.
And course many, many parents.

Maybe that brother, sister and in someway a prisoner.

If you touched the life of someone.
Please, make it a worthy cause.

For WE all have been touched by JESUS.
Who has touched the lives of many?
jeffrey conyers Jul 2018
The best unknown physical abuse many are not aware of is hidden?
Yes, by all sorts of women?
We might hear about the athletes with wealth trying to control his lady.
Or maybe more, various affairs.

But what about many first ladies of churches?
Where the leader of the flock has been unfaithful?
Many stay quiet afraid to shame him.

What about the spouse of the policeman?
Who find many lovers at the hand of tickets?
Just research and see many spouses of officers has facts to support this.
Only, if we knew.
A kept woman can't be compared to an independent one.

Mainly, because not all can be called "the broken one".
jeffrey conyers Jul 2018
Funny, many us must be laughing, at the news at the current president too.
People that used underhanded comments against their opponent.
Are the one to watch?
Which bring us to this man called TRUMP.

Voters, fools and many that just hated a WOMAN leading the nation.
Was quick to call her Crooked Hillary.

Well, she is an educated, smart tough woman.
The weak ones can't fathom that.
In the south they just want women to stay barefooted and pregnant.
And cry being a conservative.
So they weren't leveling their support behind her.
So they tagged her Crooked Hillary based around allegations.

Now, the one seems to be hiding more is the man called Trump.
If you ever want to get to the truth just subpoena a lawyer.
They tell quickly just ask many mobsters.

Even his the aka FIXER, his phase allegedly.

So the term crooked might been level wrongly on a woman.
When it should be tagged on this certain man.
Soon the son might start telling on his dad.

Question is he really a billionaire?
Or fooling much thinking that he is.

Time will tell when the truth will be revealed.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2018
Surprise her.
Shock her when she least suspects.
Serenade her, with your song of choice.

And just watch that smile on her lovely face get broader.

Reel her in that you right before her face.
Look her in the eyes and yes, be sincere as you romance her.
With her favorite song.

Some know, we can or can't sing.
But at this moment this should be the last thing concerning her.
While you reflecting on her all your undying love.

Serenade her with a known song.
Or be creative and makeup and original.
As you serenade her.
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