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 Jan 2014 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
remember that
sand sinks beneath your soles

and cliffs crumble into pebbles

but if you walk on waters
with your eyes above the skyline,
your feet won't feel a drop.
Originally a visual/graphic poem.
 Jan 2014 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
          is just another word
for doubt

                          every letter was
      carefully placed upon the pages
to shake something

                         so don't worry about
               how the plot will twist
      write the character.
Originally a visual/graphic poem.
I never deserved a word from you,
what more a sentence?

Still, You conceived for me a story
You still wrote my chapter within Your book.
 Dec 2013 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
you're afraid

you're weak

probably because
you deny the light
that cast the shadow
Originally a visual/graphic poem.
You come to Him
And sit on His lap
You greet Him
With your various appeals and requests:
Sentences and paragraphs
Wrapped with
"I want this"
and "Give me that"
And you search and inspect His hands for
The gifts and presents
Wrapped in pretty papers and big bows
But forget not that
He is far more---
He is light years beyond
The source of your joy and peace
He is joy
He is peace
And so
The erratic spin of the compass
Of your heart
And point the arrow
Back to your first love,
The One who loved you first
Humble before Him
And fall on your knees,
Fall at His feet
Stop searching His hands
And start seeking His face
Marvel and adore
The Master of masterpieces
Entitled "Beauty Personified"
In the silence,
Hear His melodic whispers
That calls for you singing,
"My friend, My child"
Bask in the rays of His radiance
Let His comforting warmth seep in your skin
And melt you,
Every part and particle of you
Smell His sweet aroma
That wafts and saturates the air
Breathe His breath
That made the stars explode into light
And made you come to life
Taste His goodness and
Fill yourself with His glory
And let it overflow
As praises
-----Just praises
Because there is already
Great joy and
Perfect peace
In just praising Him because
He is Joy
**He is Peace
It took a looooong time to compose this poem. He is just too marvelous and adorable for words! I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say, but more that anything, I hope you guys experience what I'm trying to say ;)
 Dec 2013 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
at 5:45 am I
exhale shadows, rub ravens
from my eyes

light floods
demons flee
I am awakened

by morning's new mercies.
Originally a visual/graphic poem.
 Dec 2013 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
I like the color of your sweater and the stripes on your sleeves and I especially like how the ends fray and the gray looks more like milk than it does a rainy day sky or a weatherbeaten road.

2. The reason I stepped back was not because you smelled funny, or that I was shocked to find you there, but because the air condition was hitting me right on the shoulders and I left my red sweater at home.

3. Okay, so maybe I was a bit shocked at finding you there; it’s just that you’re the first one who’s ever bothered lingering at the poetry section besides me, and I’m not good with surprises; in fact, I hate surprises.

4. But you’re a good kind of surprise.

5. I like your glasses. I used to have a pair just like them before someone removed them and told me that I should learn to see differently. Things have been kind of unclear since then, but I’m learning how to hold onto the side rails.

6. I hope you’ll let me remove yours, too.

7. Your hair looks like a bird’s nest. I wonder if you’re hiding life or pieces of green bottle in there. That’s a lovely shade of brown, by the way. I’ve never seen chocolate curls before.

8. Do you think that if a pine wants to, it will grow until its branches poke holes in the sky for stars and pinecones to fall out so we can catch them in our palms and compare who got the most scratches and who caught the most stardust?

9. The book you picked up happens to be my favorite. If you turn to page 118 you’ll find a poem about churning seas, angry thunderclouds, and a drifting boat that lost its sail.

10. I think I finally found my sail.
Audio here.
all you asked for this Christmas was for me to be well

I'm pleading that for you
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