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The clocks shorter hand rolls around again
It goes unnoticed cause my mind's deep in thoughts of you
You've poisoned my blood
The doctor says I've got a bad case of love
I need a cure for this.

Thermometers are useless
Because the fever's in my heart
My temperature  is rising
This love is gonna tear me apart
The thought of your name
My head is throbbing do you love me the same?
I didn't let this happen easily
I put up all my walls
But the germs crawled through them all
I've been infected by your disease
I'm lovesick for you.

What happened to an apple a day?
And why didn't keep you away
My legs and my arms they are shaking
My heart is pounding, no it's racing
I've got the shakes and the shivers
They're bad as can be

Darling, won't you just love me.
When you are desperately in love with someone.
Soaring high, high above the sky,
Imagining a dream that you could fly,
And never again would you cry.

A promenade on land turns into a quest to find happiness,
Searching, but only discovering the dullness,
Arms stretched out to welcome the kindness.

You leave the rocky shores behind, praying the waves
Will wash the sorrow away, and fill the caves
Of your heart; your own hero, who protects and saves.

Violent rays of gentle sunlight present a new way
Of believing today's a different day;
Smiling will make everything okay.

A simple grin will turn the skies from grey to blue,
Not often used, especially by you,
But when you smile, the world smiles too.

Your laugh will kiss your tears goodbye.
Never again will your jovial eyes cry,
As the smile on your face becomes a new way to fly.
 Jul 2013 Jeanne Harrington
Tumbling through life as if I had a clue
All the while
In denial
That I’d ever not have you.

I should’ve moved on in April or May
But still I dream
All the time it seems
That you’ll be mine someday.

I miss your smile and eyes and voice
Catching me staring
I hate that I’m caring
Loving you was no choice.

All I know is that one thing is clear:
In a sky full of clouds
In a room much too loud
Your name is all I hear.
The coldest day of winter
Snowflakes fall on the rooftop
Beautiful white velvet carpet
all around,
silky white garden...
The sun is sleeping all season
So does the heart of mine..
Frozen cold...frozen the memory of you
Just like the frozen winter
Our heart will silently melt away...
buried deep within the ground...
The silence is eating me...
the winter breeze...
sends the chills down my spine
and suddenly I feel like Flying,
flying high with my little wings
Searching for love that never fails

Just like the fallen snow
My heart soon melts and again I forgive
Sing again a love song
To a chorus that is the night
With the orchestra leads by the crickets
and the moon will shine again
Shine, shine velvet moon
Till last you fade from sight

My winter's love
a season of nightmare
When you left me alone
in the coldest night
But gentle heart only knows love,
and Hears sweet love in the songs you play
Where this heart swallows play and die
and love stays, stays forever in gentle dream
Beneath the candles in the sky
let us swear to forget winter foolishness
and start again... our love rendezvous...
Love stays...  another season... another year..
I dream about those kind of nights
Those nights where we just sit and talk for hours
When I can hear the happiness in your voice
When my mind just trails off
Because talking to you is magical
I can talk to you about anything
Anything at all
Because talking to you never gets old
The world slows down
Your thoughts corrupting your sweet innocence
The terrors of your past are painful
You want to forget
You want to live again
But the memories hold you back
Captivating you
Haunting your dreams
Forming them to nightmares
The world has broken you
Nobody can fix the pieces
Your lost
Looking for salvation
But those ****** things
Those hideous memories
Always come back
Penetrating your soul
Robbing your beauty
They take hold of you
And drag your sanity into darkness
You try to climb back out
But can't
Your left there to suffer
Trying to forget
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