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Simple times with her,
Cut facets of bliss eternal,
  .  .  .  Hot gems of Eden.
 Jul 2013 Jeanne Harrington
your slurred words on the phone

your ******* up text messages

but the truth is reviled in this time
and that's all i could ask for

having your drunken truth is better than being pampered with your sober lies

darling, you may be drunk, but i love you at your worst along with your best
and hearing "forever and ever baby" shows me this is how you feel

even when you're consumed with alcohol
you're perfect
 Jul 2013 Jeanne Harrington
blue was just a color
until i fell inlove with you

it became a feeling
after i heard those words "i love you"
returned with "i love you too"

now when i look into your eyes
i see an infinite lover
someone who has given me a feeling i have never felt before

i see the vibes you give me through your eyes

when you wrap your arms around me
when you cuddle me with your broad but perfectly shaped body
when you kiss my lips, my neck, my cheek, my forehead
and give me every kind of butterfly in my stomach

you give me the blue eye feeling

because every time i look into the eyes of my lover,
i fall more and more inlove
 Jul 2013 Jeanne Harrington
1:58 am

the day has been over for hours for some people
but for you, it's just getting your mind started

where is he?
the boy who makes your heart race
who holds you close at your worse
who kisses your rosy cheeks
who leaves marks on your neck with black and blue

he's simply sleeping
maybe even dreaming of you
and when he wakes up,
he can think through of the dream of you two kissing and laughing at anything

but for you?

you can live in the reality you have with him now
not just through dreams, but from the thoughts

one day, we can own a home
be lazy, lay in bed, talk about books, or cuddle around with each other

but for now, all we are, are dreams and thoughts of our future

that's enough for me sweetheart
In ant populations
Worker ants are blind  
Follow one another by scent
Pheromones are released from their feet
Leaving a scent trail from the next to follow
A single file line
Blindly trusting pheromones

Sometimes an ant loses the scent though
And wanders off looking for the trail
Leading the others off behind him
And if he looks hard enough
He’ll find the end of his own line
And follow the tail of a train
He created
Subsequently creating what is scientifically known as
    a Death Spiral

For these blind ants are unaware
They are following the same path over and over
It does not lead anywhere
It does not lead home
Eventually they walk until
They walk no more…

Pheromone- “any chemical substance released by an animal that serves to influence the physiology or behavior of other members of the same species.”
Originates from the Greek phérein and that means to bear or bring and Hormone

Many people say that love
Is a chemical reaction
A perfect blend of pheromones
To produce attraction
And in the end reproduction
Love was
Scientifically disjointed
To fit better on a slide
Linguistically altered
To fit better on paper

But isn’t love just pheromones?
Like it is to the ants
Attractive footsteps
We blindly follow
Even if they lead us to no good

Most times Love leads us home
Leads us to prosper
Tells us where to go
What to do
To survive
Until it doesn’t…

Then our pheromone path
Leads us in circles
It leads around and around
Love can lead us in a death spiral
And if we are blind we will not step out
Step out of the path:
That winding circling path of doom
Made up of previous mistake we have made
That left attractive footsteps in their wake
Footsetps that when we go lost we again found
And now we choose to blindly repeat them
Over and over
In the pursuit of Love

Because of **Pheromones
The Wistful leaf leaps

in the garden of my heart

chasing long lost dreams
senryu  form 5-7-5
Have you
  ever seen

   I have
never seen


i love him

  i need him

 i feel his touch
  I adore
   " god "
He is the One!

He is the one
  "My God"

My conscience
 echoes loudly,


   I burn
    in Hell
 to have Him
Is it idolatry?


      It is all! 
all  my emotions!
all i wake up for!

  He is the air,
   I breathe
  from my lungs

He is the heart,
   which bleeds
 on each sheet

He is the dream,
     the soul
of my existence
He is  My Love,
the man I call
  "my  god"
Sugary pink lips

Smooch  in a marshmallow kiss

Spongy and tender
Senryu 5-7-5
There She lay,bare,naked,
lost,in a decoupage of dreams,
Mesmerized by Faces,
Faces with the same eyes,
the same smile,His smile!
She dreams and She is happy.
She feels him,His touch!
His  Hungry lips on  Her soft lips
His cheeks brushing Her Own,
His fingertips playing  on her
slender neck in upward
and downward movements.
His  dry mouth ******* sweet  nectar
from Her milk honey pulped breast.
His thighs brusing her long silk legs,
He nourishes his prey,with effection,
tender care,love and protection.
He feeds her with his Warmth,
misting the cold glass with his breath.
The mosaiced glass which traps Her
soul in a lonely scared desperate world.
He breathes her in,He gives her life
He gives all  that He is, to Her,
Her flesh molds with his own,
She moans,they  sweat,He sighs,
making love to her,gently,
as She begs Him for more.
There She lay,bare,naked,
lost in a decoupage of dreams,
The clock tick -tocks the time,
and ,the dream soon gone.
He kisses her forehead,
wraps her in a red blanket
of passion and yearn,
till he returns,till he finds her,
and splashes Her life
with water colours
once again. . . . . . . .
Just One touch Of You

Ignites deep passionate flames

The candle burns again.
Traditional Japanese Senryu 5-7-5
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