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Silent whispers
Purple spoke to pink
Lavender winked
Somewhat convinced
Sugar red hibiscus
From his bed of green
Sprung into the conversation
With purple and pink
Yellow blush
Nine o clocks
Had to attend the briefing
By the sun
In his next meeting
The flowers seemed not to be in a rush
All, recently bloomed
They had moments enough  
To live
They tried to make the most of it
Under the rays of the sun
Flowers 🌸 🔆🌿🌿
Written - 23/07/2021

Who are these leaders
Who choose grim gruesome wars
A solution, over peace

History haunts
Grieves and taunts
Knowing what wars bring along

Technologically empowered
Primitive and regressive in thoughts
Progressive world, are we ?

Yet to free ourselves
From the microscopic being
Held us captive as jewels in its crown

In cages the minds swept
Invisible the buildup
Outcome, one can see, outbursts

Disconnected, broken some remain
Breaking what they can’t own
Will this war come to an end
Prayers for peace 🙏
The blue bird flies
Colours of its feathers
Merges with the sky

Golden ribbons shimmered
Through the trees
Blue bird, mid air whirs, catches a fly

The blue bird sings
Verditer Flycatcher, the name
That’s my name, my name, my name
 Feb 2022 jdmaraccini
Kat Raven
I am lonely.
Nobody but me.
My music, books, and youtube videos.
That's all I have.
Nobody to see, they all have plans.
They do not respond to my messages, they do not check up on me like I do with them.
I take it as a sign, I back off, and block them out of my life.
Delete, and cut.
What is the point of having "friends" when you're still left alone each and every day questioning why your existence is even still worth it.
I would be nothing, do nothing, see nothing; Without music.
That's all I have.
This daunting presence of sickening thoughts.
I don't have money....
What can you do in this world if you don't have money.
The only way to see your friends is by having money.
If not, no one is around.
No one will make time for you.
No one will try to come and see you.
No one, but my empty miserable soul.
 Feb 2022 jdmaraccini
Kat Raven
I don't want to feel it anymore.
I don't want to have it anymore.
I don't want to party anymore.
What happens after the party?
They disappear.
You never see them again.
Use them for a good time, then cut your ties.
The life of the party, drowning in depression.
Some ***** and dance to take the pain away.
Breathing heavy, waiting for the next sip.
The next adventure; Cut
Then I do it all over again.
A routine that I am too used to.
Living for the night time.
The lights, the camera, the action, the vibe.
Enticing to my every being, my enchantress moving like a snake, when the beat hits tempo... I can't stop.
Strikes like a lightning bolt, like a shock through the system.
I become a different person altogether, It's perpetual, formidable, distractingly destructive.
Conceptual and disruptive.
She is me and I am her.
My version of me when I stare into the mirror.
My only best friend, and worst enemy.
When I am her, nothing can stop me.
Push it, sometimes the mirror cracks, but she always comes back.
As long as it's perpetual perspective and paradox keeps haunting, nothing else matters.
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