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Jazleigh Walker Jun 2015
As an artist will do, I will recreate you
Though a lens you most likely don't see through
As a girl I will overate you, as we overdo most things
Yet only will you know what I wish to be seen
As a friend I will be who you can lean on
Someone who will share the worldly weight you carry on
I will tiptoe on along the slim line of who you wish me to be
Trying to balance and never drop my true personality
As a romantic I will fantasize of what we could be
Because I'm too used to the iron curtain of reality
As a realist I know what to expect in the bitter end
Yet that doesn't stop the other parts from butting in
What side shall I side with when they are all me
With who can I confide when I believe in the jinx
Speak it out loud and watch the world laugh at your plans
As a girl what could I know about the inner workings of a man
As the person I am I can't help but want one thing from this
Every part of my being calling out for your happiness
In the loudness of the world my shadow is what you will find
Only in the quiet can you delve within my mind
As the center of my affection it is you who holds the key
As an optimist I can only hope that you like what you see
Things I'll probably never say
Jazleigh Walker May 2015
I'm that treasure on the sunken ship
So worthy, but useless way down here
Down where no one can truly see
The glint and glow of what I could be
Or maybe my currency is no longer the same
Along with a new generation comes much change
I'm an old soul in this crazy new age
No one will buy the book if they can't read the page
I'm Latin, I'm Atlantis, I'm everything that used to be
Or maybe I'm alone simply because I'm unworthy
Jazleigh Walker May 2015
I slap you so hard it stings, not my hand but behind my eyes
As you yell the mark welps as if to swell with your lies
Your eyes flash with anger, a reflection that doesn't fully hide
The shame and guilt you keep buried inside
You shake me as if I'm a toy that will wash it all away
Yet the lines have been drawn and I see the picture clear as day
I shove you as you sway so as no to trip on broken glass
They look like the shards of your fake and faulty mask
The door slams as you flee the scene of lies created by you
Just know that you'll never be able to outrun the truth
Jazleigh Walker May 2015
I want to sleep but these creeping thoughts keep breaching the security of my inner peace
I want to think positive and deposit these utterly exhaustive thoughts of worry someplace else
Onto the page I lock them away to stay out of my space and only on the page for someone else
To see
To read
To agree
Even if that person is only me
At least those negative intrusive thoughts won't be so bothering
No longer can they take up such precious space
Stronger I will be
A love letter to writing. my attempt to try and define the cathartic qualities of being a writer
Jazleigh Walker May 2015
I fell in love once
A tale never told
I fell in love once
My nightmare to forever hold
I fell in love once
An epic adventure of defeat
I fell in love once
With an ending I soon wish to meet
I fell in love once
Yet the story never ends
I fell in love once
For him it never began
I fell in love once
Only to land head first on cold stone
I fell in love once
The landing hurts if you're alone
I fell in love once
and no one came to pick me up
I fell in love once
Now in such feelings I am stuck
I fell in love once
In a time long ago
I fell in love once
Oh how I wish to let it go
Jazleigh Walker May 2015
I long  to have tons of crazed fans, or just one for a lifetime
To be with neither would lead me out of my right mind
Trapped in the western mentality to always be number one
Fighting the overwhelming need to just be Someone
Struggling to prove daddy wrong by showing I am worth it
Trying to find someone that believes who I am is perfect
If I can't that must mean all those awful things are true
That everyone must have daddy's same view
I need a number one fan, or thousands that claim to be
To be alone forever would be the death of me
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