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Jazleigh Walker May 2015
I love you, no matter the hour second or day
Your happiness is mine, no matter what you do or say
All I want is for you to be radiant, no matter what role I play
I wish the world to be yours for it has been mine always
We may fight and bicker, but no two should agree on everything
I can promise it wont ever change no matter what time may bring
Still I know the rains may come and bruise such fantasy
There may come a time where all we are is memories
As long as love is what you feel when you reach back to past days
Then what I want from you will continue to be, forever and always
For my brother, for my mother, for my lover and my friends.
Jazleigh Walker Feb 2014
What does it mean to love someone or something
How does one person become everything
Place it over yourself making it your first priority
Everything else arranged around them, orbiting
This thing you hold oh so close to your heart
Something you believe from you couldn't be torn apart
Yet what do we love is what I shall ask
Can't these symptoms be for a person or a whiskey filled flask
So bad for you, yet too **** good to resist
Why resist the urge to take just one more hit
Oh yes he could break my heart into tiny bits
But the ride would be oh so worth it
Yes I know crack kills but what a happy death
To feel this good all the time I'll sacrifice my health
Does it matter your addiction or what you love
To worship and unseen God from up above
To say I can't get enough and truly mean this
Is the essence of all that addiction/love really is
This love, this addiction is human nature at its finest
Jazleigh Walker Feb 2014
Smoking, drinking, running away from life by living
Anything to stop the feeling that *****' about to hit the ceiling
Reaching the end of this glass to find some healing
Lungs filled with the vapors of redemption
Lifting me up and away from all that surface tension
Worldly troubles fading into another dimension
Substance to fill the hole that no one will listen
Making my issues seem unworthy to mention
To leave it all behind is my only intention
The need to feel good when everything isn't is my only addiction
Jazleigh Walker Feb 2014
Indecisive, a woman through and through
Futile attempts I make to try and find a clue
As to why my heart and my head never seem to agree
Do I dare to move forward with tiny steps of uncertainty
To stand still is to move backwards is what they all say
A thought adopted from times much further than yesterday
Can't I sit still long enough to gather my emotions and thoughts
Therefore when I move I wont just move I'll blast off
Into life into love and adventure with certainty I won't fail
Yet what times is there to sit and contemplate and create a plan to prevail
Back and forth I swing hinged by fear and doubt
My heart and mind finally agree what I need is a new route
Someone or something to launch me into hope and belief
A way to distract myself from me is what I ultimately seek
Jazleigh Walker Feb 2014
An eloquent flowing of flashbacks through heavily hooded eyes
Not completely closed for nothing is clear cut and dried
Only areas of grey as they say she may hear but can't reply
Drifting from past to present floating in on a morphine tide
A few words waft in past the roar of mechanical breath
Coma, not sure, up to her, life or death
A horror reel snatches her attention away from reality
Playing out behind the dark and heavy screen of codeine
There's a screech and a bright flash before it all goes black
In her mind she finds her emotions are under attack
Confusion, anger, sadness, but most of all fear
As she begins to realize the unrecognizable faces that are near
Her family now gone, only can she see them in those flashbacks
Why move on with a future when all she loves is now the past
What reason could there be to prolong the suffering
If she stays in this world what and who would she even be
without those who made her and raised her to be what she was
Why be in this place alone when she could be with the ones she loves
Then she feels three pairs of hands
Hold and mold back her heart again
Pushing her soul back from the darkness it was in
Shifting her mind to fight the overpowering medicine
Never will they leave her whether in this world or the next
As she slowly opens her eyes she decides their love and legacy she must protect
Jazleigh Walker Aug 2013
I scroll through the pages redundantly
Left swipe right swipe as if suddenly
What I seek will appear in this app or that
I'll have what I need if I say yes to this ad
What did she do and why do I care
I guess I do as I continue to stare
Lost in this screen that holds all parts of me
Yet nothing close to what I really need
Do I know what that is can I find it as I swipe
Left and right up and down is my life
So convenient what a way to escape reality
Lost in the tangle of today's technology
Should I break away it this just how life is today
What would happen if the screen were to fade away
I'm too scared to find out so ill stick to my fancy gadgets
Oh I should live in the "real" world but I'm better off without it
Jazleigh Walker Jun 2013
This barrier so tough, so completely life proof
That nothing can or ever will get through
You may breath but your exhale will never reach my seeking eyes
You can scream but all I hear is my own silent cry
As I look to see only me staring at this image that ironically
You can see too
How can it be that we have such different views
Maybe its these harsh lights or past sleepless nights that harden and darken these lines on my sad and sunken face
Pain so painfully obvious in my dark eyes, but for you that isn't the case
Maybe that special tint also washes away all hints of what could really be
Until all that remains is what you choose to see
This mirror will separate us it seems until the very end
Nothing to ever get past or make it break away
Well that door over there may let you in
However I'll never have the courage to simply ask
For you to come into my space
Cuz this side really ain't so great
Could you ever truly say you loved me from this side of the glass
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