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Jazleigh Walker Jun 2013
Closed casket lids remind me of woven baskets
Filled with water to the brim
In the end nothing is held in except for the essence of what has been
Bright flowers I see remind me of the bright light you now fly in
Just as color as the flag you fought to protect until the very end
It waves now as to solute, for it feels you in the wind
Just as I do, we both honor you
Warrior of peace
Soldier of love
Live on in you rightful place in heaven
Jazleigh Walker May 2013
I compose each word with the most careful pen stroke
Ensuring you truly grasp the feeling I wish to invoke
My words must reach you soul or this ink is in vain
Let my written voice sink in like a needle to the vein
I need for you to receive the message that I wish to convey
So read within these pages what my lips will never say
I will write and you shall see what lies within my soul
For my work to reach within yours is my ultimate goal
Just expressing how I feel when I write anything for others to view.
Jazleigh Walker May 2013
I compose each word with the most careful pen stroke
Ensuring you truly grasp the feeling I wish to invoke
My words must reach you soul or this ink is in vain
Let my written voice sink in like a needle to the vein
I need for you to receive the message that I wish to convey
So read within these pages what my lips will never say
I will write and you shall see what lies within my soul
For my work to reach within yours is my ultimate goal
Just expressing how I feel when I write anything for others to view.
Jazleigh Walker Apr 2013
I can see the vivid flashbacks from past times
The person I was meant to be left somewhere behind
The worldly winds of heartbreak and defeat have tossed me here
In this place I can't escape because of fear
If I could kick my heels thrice and maybe rewind
Go back past the hurt to a more simple happy time
Yet the present is what I have and the future neither promised nor imagined
The past just a long ago beauty like the retired queens of pageants
Still I pray everyday that this mindset is just a phase
Counting on recapturing that childlike spirit from the hands of yesterday
Jazleigh Walker Apr 2013
I love you past the moon and back
To the earth where I can prove it to be fact
I meant to tell you yesterday
Somehow the moment got swept away
Whisked into ringing and fleeing to meetings
Out the door to make a living
Or so we say
No time to be sweet when life is waiting
So trusting in forever, the thought so calming
Now I'm in a panic because I didn't tell you
Now it's too late so I'll have to make due
With these flowers I place upon your grave
Time now crashing down like tidal wave
It has stopped for you, but for me it will not
Unable to rewind and say what I forgot
I love you past the moon and beyond
I only wish you could've have more time to respond
If you like my work, go show my site some love at  Thanks! :)
Jazleigh Walker Mar 2013
I see the fear that you try to hide
I see it behind the calmness in your eyes
I can see past the the looks and attitude
I see past the comments and being rude
I see past it all, I know you too well
Maybe even more than you know yourself
Don't try to hide, just let it go
I see it in your eyes so I already know
There is this barrier that I keep trying to break down
Then you build it back up and all around
Just tell me because I'm only here to help
Trust me you will get past the pain you've been dealt
Your eyes tell the story but they also tell no lies
I know you think I'm crazy but from this you will rise
Jazleigh Walker Mar 2013
I try to quiet these whirlwind
Thoughts of you that forever spin
Trapped in my mind engulfing the rest
Overwhelming all thoughts of before we met
These gale-force winds that ******* away
Into another world where together we lay
I must think of other things I think
Yet I get swept away with every physical link
That hat, that stare, those shoes I see
Having me blown back into my fantasy
Pipe down I say, but they never do
These thundering utterly encompasing thoughts of you
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