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4.6k · May 2015
Jayme M Yaroch May 2015
A great man gave this to me
advice from the lips of a father
like a father
but not my father
but like him
if he were a self-made millionaire
with advice to give
that this self-made business owner
ought to pay some heed to
and so it went,

"By yourself,
darkness can overcome you.
You can't do it all alone.
But we're here with you,
all of us, that's what we do.
If you don't succeed
we didn't succeed in teaching you."

So like a parent
concerned with the fate of a child
telling us to be stronger than we feel
braver than we have known
and to follow that great gleaming WHY
the WHY we do what we do
the WHY we are in this room
with a new father
teaching us all the principles

To every day improve
to control our emotions
to live in peace
that we are all accepted
for who we are
and that we are complete
within ourselves
that we must all serve others
before we can succeed ourselves
to never let fear in
and know we are truly blessed
and above all
that integrity means more
than all the affirmations in the world.
2.6k · Sep 2012
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2012
It only takes once
just one time
to change the course of history
one moment
which alters everything
Just one breath
a word, a whisper
a certain kind of persistence
And then all the horrors
of the past
2.5k · Oct 2013
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2013
Sadness isn't just one emotion
      it's a blanket
                   that warms the others
                                Warm, how unusual
            yet all my sadness
                               is never cold
                                                            ­                              never cool
                  I like things that are
   and I do not like sadness
                               no, to me it is warm
                                     uncomfortably so
         as though lit by the fires of a hell I don't believe in
a torment in false hopes
         hope that is so warm
                just like sadness
                                       which is like
               hope and despair
              seasoned with twinges of guilt
                             and anxiety
  like the horrid blush that comes
when you've done something naughty
burning so hot you fear your face
     will melt
         that is what sadness feels like
                                                            to me
   wretched and horrid and never enough shame
       So silly, to think there's something that ought to go with it
                                              as though sadness itself were not enough

         perhaps they were right
            you can become addicted
                        to a certain kind of sadness
           like a drug of sorts
  a chemical cocktail you brew in your mind
          to douse your feelings when you don't want them
      because sadness is safe
                                                 it's familiar
                                                        ­                                        and you know how to deal with it

                                        so you think

                      even as it eats you alive from the inside
              you think you can control it
                         that you can stop whenever you want
                                and that's the lie of it
                           isn't just sadness
        it's everything else we don't need
                                     don't want

          ­                   why hold on to them?
                         yet I can't seem to stop
           it pulls me back
addicted to the drug of familiarity
       funny, I think, to be addicted to shame
                                   touted so long as something to shy away from
         that regret is not worth the effort
   and remorse a thing
to let go of
        yet here I am
clasping them in my hands
  breathing life to them
      when they wither
terrified when they are gone
       a curse that I know will return
                     so why wish for it to leave?
           A life can be lived in the warmth
                          not a good one, albeit
                    but a life
                        instead of a lie
                     an addiction to sadness
                                 rather than
          at least I shall never be disappointed.
1.7k · Sep 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
Burning bright
Like a candle lit
'Luminates a life
I'll help you find it
Give me your hand
Mine's mostly warm
So I can hold you
Against this storm
Oh, so cold you are!
What trick is this?
Who are you really?
What did I miss?
The candle's out!
Where did it go?
What happened here?
I deserve to know!
You took my heat
My heart as well
You said you loved
And so I fell
You took my warmth
Gave me your cold
So deep inside
It makes me old
Old, alone
Forsaken too
All of this
Because of you
Just one *****
My candle died
No more light
I'm dead inside

- 07/09/09
1.7k · Sep 2011
Cherry Blossoms
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
Floating on the wind
Slow and gentle
Their beauty known
The world over
So much fuss
For just a flower
An end to winter
The start of something new
Symbolize prosperity
And feminine beauty
To mean so much
On such soft small petals
I wish to be as beautiful
As you.
1.1k · May 2015
Jayme M Yaroch May 2015
The only flower
that blooms in adversity
taking root    in barren soil
surviving malnourished
and sometimes
and yet
                   with      all this
it can
1.1k · Jan 2013
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2013
Oh succulent mushrooms
how I do love you!
Such a little hafling I am
eating my mushrooms
as though I too had hairy feet
Why anyone would you think
that you smell or taste like death
is beyond me
For in my experience
what tastes like death
often has that in its happening
meat cut up by the butcher's knife
The essence of the smell
and the best of all its scents, to be sure
I have smelled death, and the dead
And not just those perfumed in parlors
covered in the sweet-smelling powders
That is not death, it is a lie
death smells like shame and fear
of things that happened which I cannot imagine
death does not smell like earth
it never smells like life
mushrooms are of the dirt
and scent as such and more
of loam and forests and creatures alive
it smells like childhood and mud
mushrooms are not like death at all
death roams the light, taking and giving
with impunity
mushrooms are things of the dark
growing in the dampness of life
like little umbrellas against the world.
1.1k · Oct 2011
I listened
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
I don't know how this came to be
How I forgot myself in your eyes
Something happened after I left that day
That made all of the good things vanish
Or is this my illusion?

You said you cared and I believed
What is wrong with me?!
How could I forget who you really are
So fickle and indecisive
Unable to face up to what you feel
Though what it is I'm not entirely sure
That you even know

I listened to you, even after you were gone
I listened so hard that I changed
I understood things I hadn't before
I grew up
Every day I would hear your voice
Chastising, lecturing
And still you were right
About everything
So I changed, and I learned, and I listened.

Then you couldn't let me go
I was content to smile at you
To talk to you
To be friends once more
But then you kissed me
And all of that easy complacency
Was out the door
It was wild, and it was fun
And I'd never take it back
Because no matter what you say
I know how you feel
Even if you won't admit it

I listened to the words you said
And the ones that you didn't
I listened when you would start to speak
And I listened when there was silence
I have been listening to you
Because you asked me to
But I didn't change for you
I changed for me
To be happier, brighter, bubbly
To find myself again
To do it I had to listen
And you were right, all along
Why can't you see that?
I changed, and I learned, and I listened.

Didn't you hear me?
1.1k · Jul 2013
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2013
My home is on a lake
a small thing
almost ordinary
for this part of the world
but my lake is special
it is different
for through my windows
is magic
the sunrise is here
which for here is odd
since we are accustomed
to the sunset of the lake
Michigan, that is
here in the southwest
known for our sunsets
but my house has a secret
we get a sunrise
every day
over our little lake
so much magic
in the colors
the wind
the reflections
my father prizes those days
the mornings where the lake is like glass
so smooth and reflective
it catches every color
as though we had TWO sunrises
and I think it is special too
because of him
but to me
the best part of a sunrise
is that I see it
the colors I could not imagine
stretching as high as I can see
as far as the sky is long
such COLORS!
the clouds of their blue-gray
visible in the earliest light
then the stain of red, like fresh blood
a small, uneven half-circle
where the sun will inevitably rise
it turns to pink
the dawn is coming!
pushing warm colors before it like a dozer
oranges and pinks grace the morning
who needs a silver lining
when the clouds give me wonders?
and when the sky seems to take no more
there is the sun!
bright, warm, glowing, pulsing
full of life, and light, and burning
I can't stare at it, even though it is beautiful
the beams refracting off the water
the light is uncomfortable
as though something were staring
watching me watch the sunrise
so many nights have bled this way
darkness receding as the light takes over
but I never regret it
I know it will not last
one day I will leave here
and never return
and this magic will be lost to me
so I enjoy it
even though no one understands
I do not care
this is my moment
my sunrise
every new day
is MY new day
a gift
the most beautiful gift
and I know it
appreciate it
acknowledge it
because in this life
this short, unbearably minute life
such magic is rare
a mystery
glorious and ephemeral
when it is gone from me
given to someone else
I will miss it
so now I treasure it
so that I have no regrets
because this is my home
the only home I've ever known
a house
on a hill
by the lake
bathed in a sunrise.
Dedicated to my parents, Brian and Suzanne, for giving me the most magical life a kid could ask for.
1.0k · Oct 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
Some of us are quiet lovers
Preferring warmth under covers
Fireplaces, fur, and hugs
Drinking from hot chocolate mugs

Some are wild and full of heat
Racing, sweating, never neat
Lively in activity
But hardly ever meant to be

Other still are calm and pure
Always in their love secure
Sitting at a breakfast nook
Reading papers or a book

Some are of romantic bent
But they have horrid temperament
Often weeping or a sigh
Lamenting as the love slips by

I prefer the honest lover
The kind that loves you like no other
An honest love that never ends
These best lovers are also friends
I think this is the final product.  I hope it makes sense!
978 · May 2013
At Length
Jayme M Yaroch May 2013
I am awake, so tired
reaching for the alarm
I have overslept
with a shrug I continue
rising to the day
ignoring the birds
forgetting the feel of sunshine
Just.  So.  Tired.
As though a drag has been
attached to my feet
to my very mind
useless, less than useless
yet ever present
I don't make coffee anymore
it never helps
nothing helps
nothing except the sweet release
of sleep.
But I can't always sleep
I must live, must walk about
even if I am only a zombie.
I skip breakfast
no longer hungry for food
or anything else for that matter
I dress in the usual
slacks and button down shirt
trouser socks and loafers
What a boring look
but boring is the new business
and we can't all be like Michael Douglas
from Wall Street
Just.  So.  Tired.
My days drag on, one after another
until the only identifier
is the date at the top of my emails
I don't care if it's Monday or Friday
what do I have to look forward to?
Nothing, that's what.
and sleep.
I can't wait to go back to sleep.
By the time I punch out
it's all I'm thinking about.
I'm not concerned for my empty stomach
or that I missed lunch
and I probably won't eat dinner.
I didn't shop for groceries
so I'm not even sure if there's something to eat
and quite frankly, I just don't care
I just want to sleep.
Because when I sleep, I dream
and while not all of them are good
every once in a while
I have a dream that fills me
fulfills me
reminds me that I had other kinds of dreams
Sometimes these little dreams motivate me
and I'll remember to shower
to eat
to buy new shoes
sometimes these dreams break through the fog
and I live for those moments.
So fleeting, so rare
Just.  So.  Tired.
955 · Nov 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Nov 2011
Oh this is a dangerous game
Like playing chicken
with hand grenades
All you have to do is get close

So dangerous that there is a thrill
Hanging by fingertips
that are starting to chill
One slip and you're a goner
925 · Nov 2011
Royal Blue
Jayme M Yaroch Nov 2011
I miss you
and I wish you were here
so I could hug you
I haven't forgotten your face
or the way you laugh
but I struggle to remember your voice
I see you in the rain
or when horses run
so wild and free
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you
when you needed me to be your friend
I was so scared back then

I have to live without you
but there are things I won't forget
your middle name
your favorite color
what you wanted to name your kids
or how much you struggled
or your victory when you proved them wrong
I'll never forget your birthday
or your deathday
I miss you
my friend
my sister
I miss you
Dedicated to Sasha N. Velez, Aug. 27, 1985-May 8th, 2003.
925 · Jun 2015
Jayme M Yaroch Jun 2015
You by yourself
can do nothing alone
in pride you fall
confidence undone
no one is an island
silly to think so
frustration awaits
if you don't let pride go.
924 · Oct 2011
I dream
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
I dream a lot
I sit thinking about the
'could be'                                        
I wonder where I would     go
                        Why I'd want to go there
                                           Who I'd want to go with
         I spend a lot of time        thinking
Almost as much as doing            
I have these dreams  
you see      
Darkly festering          in my mind
Full of bright beauty 
              in such a tight space
            There are a lot of them in there
                   Each one                  tantalizing
special                         ­     
              I cherish all the memories
                                                        ­       I have never made
                                  So much
                                                            ­  that letting them go
   Is painful
I want pretty autumn picnics            
                 With fried chicken                 and cupcakes                          
A quiet party      with board games                            
I dream of a Christmas                                
Where I am Mrs. Claus                      
My kids opening presents
I want a stolen kiss                                                        
Pres­sed up against the wall                                                             ­               
I want a garden                                                           ­                                             
With a cherry tree                                                             ­                       
So that I can stand in the petals                                                           ­                 
When they fall   in the spring                                                           ­                   
I dream     an awful lot                            
Of having someone around                    
Who is as strong   as I am          
On the inside                              
            Who loves me       fully    
      And wants to hold     me                    
I dream these dreams            
With a lonely heart                                
I've tried and I've tried          
                                                                ­           And I'll try till I'm dead                                                          
Bu­t I can never seem to make it work
They don't light my fire            
Even if they make me          simmer        
                     They never     sparked      my    imagination      
Or gave life to my dreams
These precious       waiting       memories          
Right now these dreams                are all I've got                  
And so
     I'll probably think  
about them              
             a lot.
896 · Oct 2013
Intrusive Silence
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2013
The sound my thoughts make
when I sit alone
is enough to make even a mute
with the agony of so much passion
such violence in the action
of having these ideas
but what do I do with them?
Nothing!  I do nothing!
I wait and I wait and it all comes to nothing
a nothing fitting of my inaction
all my passion dies before it is born
because of the silence left
between my dreams
this intrusive silence
pervasive even as I hate it
because it points out my iniquities
ever place I have ever gone wrong
I hate it
and I understand it
because it shapes me
makes me better
though I do not deserve it
855 · Sep 2011
Two Feet
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
Look at these two feet
    Bare, naked
       Standing in the cold
           They have walked
        A thousand miles
     And they will walk
        A thousand more
             Feet that have felt the sand
           Stirring between the toes
         The dewy grass
                They've felt sticks and stones
                     These two feet will always stand
                        Even with a broken heart
                          They stride on
                            Towards a future that will not wait
                             Towards a happiness unimagined
                             These two feet
                            Oh yes they can!
                            Just two feet
                        And my heart in my hand
                   Head held high as I walk on.
847 · Oct 2011
Alphabet Dreams
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
A whole world
Begging for
Daring to dream
Endless altering realities
Figuring that the end
Generates a new start
Hinging on the application of
Just in terms of understanding
Knowledge of the self
Learning about the
Magic inside all of us
Nearing that
Ominous future
Persistent in the
Quest for a better tomorrow
Reach for it!
Stand up for it!
Teach the young to
Usher in their new era
Vestiges of ours gone
Without a second thought
Xenoliths of a different time
Yellowed antiques
Zealous youth to push aside our failures
839 · Nov 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Nov 2011
You say it so casually
As though by saying it
Then it is meant to be
You repeated it when I
For I fully know you are not
Our history forbids it
All sources say against it
How could we begin again
With everything left so unsaid
You still hurt
And still seek others
Then describe what you want
It's me
And you know it
And still want it
And want it to not be me
I'd say go **** yourself
But I wouldn't really mean it
In spite of your stupidity
And avowed non-commitment
I still love you
I'm willing to let you hurt me
Because when you leave
I want you to see this time
That under no circumstances
Did you tell the truth
When you said
831 · Sep 2011
Inner Monologue
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
I’m not cool
In fact, I’m rather awkward
I’ve lived a life
So interesting
That I hide it from the world
I can’t share who I am
I hardly know what I am
I love to lip-sync
I randomly dance about
I can’t draw at all
I can’t sing a single note
I can’t really dance
Too fat
But with a pen I can do anything
Give me an inch
I’ll give you a mile
Take my hand
And I will show you a smile
I’m not perfect
I wouldn’t want to be
I am not what was wanted
Or what was expected
I’m so deep into life
That I have no hope
A future obscured
Only what I can make for myself
Truly, it is easier this way
Not easy, but at least I know
I don’t have to wonder
if I can love
But my attachment is stronger
Too strong, too much
I hate my romantic side
I wanted a fairy tale
Too bad they were tragedies
And this is my life
It is what I’ve made it
I wanted so badly
To kiss a pair of lips
Who wanted to kiss mine
To run hands over his shoulders
Feel his fingers on my hip
Pulling me closer
Unable to let me go
I wanted a smile
That reached my eyes
I wanted to fill
What was empty inside
I didn’t need someone
I needed the love
If I could do it alone
You know I would
But I can’t
That’s why that hole is in us
So that we have to fill it
Oh tragedy!
Too much
Too late
I’m never enough
This is harsh Fate
Nothing can change
Nothing can alter
What life deems is ours
Except our hearts
They can change
When I did suffer
Was it enough?
To learn what was
In my heart?
Now this only reminds me of dreams
Moments that were lost
I could have hated dreams
Instead I ran away
Be gone, Hope!
Don’t call for me
Or bother me again
I‘ll forget these dreams
And these thousand words
Hidden in a poem
Which will heal my heart
But Hope, you can keep that soul
I’ve no need of it
Hell is where I belong
The Devil can negotiate with you
To get it back
I’m sure He’s interested
Now I’m off
To live my life quietly
I’ll sing in my room
But never in the shower
It sounds awful
And you may laugh
Or perhaps sigh
But this is MY life
And I will be happy
In spite of everything
I will be HAPPY
And I have so much more to say
I won’t wait anymore
No one will care to read this
I’m no artist, or poet
This poem *****, but it’s mine
And I think it’s beautiful
Without structure
Hardly unpredictable
Though you must have an open mind
To read it
It took too long
To get to the point
You got lost
You’re not even here
Then again
Were you ever?
Are any of us?
I’ve lost myself
I’ve done it so many times
I now know where to look
But maybe I don’t want to
Maybe I won’t
Perhaps I’ll go on
But never heartless
No, I can feel it beating
Painful, painful beating
As though it too gave up
And now just does the motions
Why did my new life
Begin when my courage failed?
I can’t live on just dreams
I can’t live a fantasy
I want a reality
I want a life lived hard
So I’m going to go see you
Whoever you are
And tell you
How I feel
And then leave you be
To think about what you would have said
But you can’t say anything now
And that’s ok
I kind of deserve it
For all the hearts I’ve broken
To never know your words
I need to pass this by
But Hope needs to stop
Flagging me down
I’ll offer it the lead
Because there is really nothing I can do
Except tie up loose ends
Because I’m moving away
Going forward
I’m going on an adventure
Come if you like, friend
But I have to go
I won’t stop now
I can’t, and I shouldn’t
I will walk the miles
I will find who I want to be
Because I already have myself
I’ll take this sham of a heart
This unrequited dream
I’ll kiss this goodbye
Before I go
Just to say I did
Because I understand
That life is sometimes unfair
That dreams are born to die
Sometimes to die with us
But it never had to end this way
This is my fault
It always is
I fell
I loved
I failed
I cried
I tried
But it didn’t work
Maybe nothing works
Perhaps the truth will
But I know the truth
I won’t be surprised
I won’t expect anything
I can’t even hope
But I want to know
What it’s like
To kiss someone
Deeply, thoroughly
To hold them tightly as I do
I want to see the look in their eyes
As I say that shaken goodbye
Of all the loves
I will ever have
The one I did not take
I’ll regret the most
And it will be the only one
It’s the one love
That I didn’t have the faith
To try
I’m certainly a coward
I didn’t want to live without these things
But I have to
This is not a life
It’s a dream
I want to live with dreams
But not in a dream
I want love
With respect
A future
I had no future here
Not really
My future is out there
It’s beyond the stars
Beyond any heartsick home
I’ve made here
Because life is full of these trials
And these errors
And sometimes it takes forever
Just like this poem
To tell us that
It’s ok to end
To begin again
827 · Jul 2013
Call Center
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2013
Give me just a moment
I'll be right with you
even though this is my job
I still make you wait
because I can't lose
my sense of POWER
of the time I hold over you
because time is money
and money is everything
so I'll take just a moment
or all the time I need
to make you feel insignificant
as though you do not matter
because in this moment
this space in time
I am God
and I control your fate
even if
for just a moment.
815 · Oct 2011
Good Lord
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
Good Lord, I'm tired
It's been such a long day
A weary year, in fact
I didn't think I could do it
So many things happened
Some of them good
Most of them, not so much
A few were just awful
But I made it through
Though I'm so tired
I just want to rest my head
And sleep for a while
Not yet, though
I still have some things to do
And the year isn't over
Good Lord, watch over me
Like you always have
Please keep me strong
Strong enough to make it
Through just one more day.
805 · May 2014
Dear Friend
Jayme M Yaroch May 2014
Dear friend
do, take a moment
though you are busy
what I have to say
may save your life

Dear friend
listen, just a while
for my heart is open
ready to give you aid
to save you from yourself

Dear friend
you must, there is no doubt
let go of all of this
it is hurting you
and I cannot stand your pain

Dear friend
I implore you
I'm begging you
listen to what I say
your struggle is in vain

Dear friend
let it go, let all of it go
these things you cling to
as though they too
needed you

Dear friend
do not believe their lies
these feelings you have
deep inside of you
will surely **** you

Dear friend,
believe me when I say
that these regrets are worthless
as was everything
which created them

Dear friend
release them to the wild
these bad habits of yours
you are not a nun
let these bad habits go!

Dear, dearest, faithful friend
know that I love you
in all your parts
because you are worthy
and should never be alone

Dear friend,
you are me
and I am you
we are one
in this together

Dear friend
one last time
I will ask that you hear me
for it will soon be too late
and you will be gone

797 · Oct 2012
A Touch Of Madness
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2012
I am mad
raving and loony          
too tired to continue        
too ambitious to quit      
full of conflict and contradiction
a heart beating without purpose    
lungs breathing without life
When did I die?          
How old was I when I died?
21?  23?  I hardly know          
all I know is that now I am dead
with a pulse in my veins            
thoughts in my head
yet still dead
I have the will to go on
and the drive to rise each day
growling and yelling
though I am so alone
I never fear of being heard        
          it was the loneliness that killed me
drove me to hysteria and never back
left me there like an unwanted guest
even loneliness didn't want me
I am too dead to be miserable
I am nothing
and everything
and I am dead.
755 · May 2015
Jayme M Yaroch May 2015
Don't let your mind open!
they said
Things will get in you don't want!
Bad things!
Radical thoughts!
The sort of madness
that can change the world!
I once heard someone say
that all that information
was brain washing
what a funny phrase!
washing a brain
just get right in there
with a loofa!
but someone
also said
that our brains could use
a little bit of washing
just enough
to scrub off the grime
the accumulated dirt
of prejudice and bigotry
rising away the hypocrisy
all of it down the drain
right along
with all the rest
of the frightened masses'
754 · Sep 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
In that moment
There was just one thing
There was happiness
And in that moment
Nothing else mattered
Just two faces
Four hands
One heartbeat
In that moment
There was only joy.
750 · Oct 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
Madness takes its toll, please have exact change
Even though change is inevitable
Necessary as rain
Though often not as pretty
Some change is violent
Mostly just passive
Though a significant portion of change
Is shiny.
Please have exact change
743 · Oct 2011
It Is Hard
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
It is hard
To forget the ones who hurt you
To stand when they push you down
To dream when there is nothing
but darkness

It is hard
Listening to your intuition
Sharing yourself with another
Believing in a better tomorrow

It is hard
When no one will see you
When no one will speak to you
When no one will listen to you
as you cry

It is hard
To continue
To understand
To breathe
through the pain

It is hard
Because it is supposed to be hard
Because nothing worth having is easy
Because it tells you how important
it is to live

It is hard
But you are strong
And you can do this.
722 · Jul 2016
Thumpity Thump
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
Thump thump
Thumpity thump
And it flips over
Flopping on the floor
Like a ****** up fish
Gushing and gooing
Just everywhere
Oh god
It's everywhere
The blood and thicker things
Thump thump
Thumping on the floor
As though it were
Taking a final breath
Dying, right there, on the floor
****, I'd just cleaned in here
For pity's sake
What is wrong with me
(Thump thump)
Letting this happen
As if I never learn
Always doing the same thing
Over and over
At least, now that we're here
All of this
Will soon
(Thumpity thump)
As my heart lies there
Thumping blood onto the floor
Blood and all of my love
****** from my chest
For all my bad decisions
Every hopeful moment
Each rejection of love
The betrayals and backstabs
All of it
At last.
714 · Feb 2012
Well, I'll be damned.
Jayme M Yaroch Feb 2012
I've been a fool
and I've been blind
ignoring the ground
beneath my feet
or the sun in my eyes
thinking to stride
proud and tall
from start to finish
as though confidence
were all that mattered

Faithless pride
displayed but not believed
a thin facade
which I hid behind
why show the world your face
when they only call you ugly?
I'm ****** if I do
and ****** if I don't
why do they care so much anyway?

Just leave me alone
it was my decision to hide
to run away
dragging along my pride
as if it alone could save me
sometimes my stupidity
is amazing

No one is an island
because we're all drowned
drifting along
like lumps of wood
drenched to the bone
with emotions and feelings
wrapped up in our minds
and choked with a false sense of reality
****** with too much pride

I should stop
take some time to listen
to hear what I say
and realize what that means
I didn't before
I won't now
why bother
I spend so much time analyzing
trying to say the right things
to be true to me
while placating the world
and nothing ever really works

I'll always be ****** if I do
and ****** if I don't.
712 · Sep 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
Speaking loudly
Nothing to say
But they will say it all day
Without temper to the content
No care to who they offend
Ranting and raging
So much anger!
Why do they shout so loud
Never asking the question
But expecting an answer?
702 · Aug 2013
Not Alone
Jayme M Yaroch Aug 2013
I hate to be alone
left all by myself
with no one but me
for company
I am some awful company
So self-destructive
so full of selfishness
and pride
As though I alone
was important enough
to ignore
or that my apparent
was something
everyone should notice
but that’s not what makes
being alone
so difficult
it’s the part of me I hate
the part I don’t bother to hide
because how could I?
It’s the part that says things
I could never mean
and yet I do and I hate it
the part that makes me enjoy
and despise it at the same time
I’m so afraid when I’m alone
because my character is weak
because I want to do the things
I know people do not approve of
To drink so that I forget that I am alone
for when I drink my inner demons
come out to play
sometimes I simply sleep
like a princess in a tower
waiting for someone to come by
who is worthy of my awareness
as though I were ******* special
which I’m not
not any more than anyone else
and they care about me
though I don’t deserve it
and they love me
but I don’t know why
if I mentioned this
used it even casually
it would be a weapon
So here I sit
all alone
all afraid
afraid of driving away the people
who leave me all alone
such a paradox
but thus is life
so I think I’ll skip the *****
and read a book
go smoke a cigar
and wait
wait until someone comes
or something happens
because what’s the point
of feeling sorry for myself?
It only makes misery
and while I have time
I do not have time for that
I hate being alone
in a strange place
surrounded by strange people
but I could go make a friend
I could try to do something constructive
call the friends I do have
remind myself that I’m not alone
even when I am.
695 · Oct 2011
Simple Sailing
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
I wish this life were simple
An ever constant breeze
In which to cast a sail
An end to the tacking
No more catching the tide
Or having it leave without you
Less work, more speed
Smoother seas to sail

Of course such a life
Would be simple indeed
Everything the same
Which would be very boring
A wind to carry you everywhere
And it never stops
Perhaps that sounds more
Like a nightmare
A journey that always passes
Your destination.
682 · Sep 2011
Sleep in Sorrow
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
A gentle tear
Pat to the knee
Just one more story
You'll tell to me
A sleep you give
Sorrowful slumber
Full of nightmare
But not of wonder
If I dream
I'll pass them by
All because
Of your goodbye
672 · Jun 2015
Jayme M Yaroch Jun 2015
cogs, wheels, clocks
large turning gears
a clatter and a clang
such industrious workings
springs, locks, pins
together acting as a whole
replacing a human element
that was unreliable before
making things better
allowing life to go on
which is all well and good
until it's a coping              
that you need
because yours
has broken down
and the store sign
only says
665 · Jan 2012
My choices
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2012
It was all my choice
The boys on the playground
Sweet kindergarten kisses
Which purchased for me
12 years of being hated

Still my choice
To give my own innocence
At fourteen
To someone
who could never love me

And my choice again
To become hard and thoughtless
When I saw no friends
No listening ears
And so I became careless

Always my choice
To pursue love offered
Even that which was unworthy
And abused my emotions
For more than two years

My choices, my life
I regret nothing
But that my closest do
Regretting for me
on my behalf

In the end
It will be my choices
That make me different
Which make me strong
And naive
But still my choice
664 · May 2015
Who, You?
Jayme M Yaroch May 2015
How do you explain to people
that every so often
and more than you'd like
there is no way to recover
who you used to be
and so you have to re-create
who you are
from the ashes and debris
of whatever you were
five minutes before?
650 · Jan 2012
The burning lie
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2012
Hatred pours out hotly          
burning away sympathy    
reducing tolerance  
in a bright flash      
that is nearly *******      

And that's the lie of it                                                        

Exerc­ising hatred makes it
Breathes new life to it        
sometimes a life of its own
and exhaling that burn
sears things within            
cauterizing the heart        
turning free will to ashes

Hatred leads to ignorance                      
it stems from fear                                    
and wallows in indulgence                    
Who would want to live in it?                                            

But it is so easy
to just ignore the signs
of the slow death of the mind
throttled in hate
649 · Jul 2016
I must speak with you
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
I must speak with you
on a matter most urget
it is of my heart
of the cloud settled there
my mistrust
the sheer uncertainty
of the hearts of those
nearest me
why can we not speak
except that I am wrong
when what is wrong with me
is how I am treated?
This was a mistake
all of it was foolish
how could I have let you in
so very far?
Don't I know better
than to let people near?
At this distance
there is no more distance
yet the chasm between
You and I
is immeasurable
I don't know how to fix it
If I let things go
nothing will change
but the changes I'm forcing
are terrifying
and I do not know
if they will make things better
or simply make them worse.
633 · May 2015
Fridge Magnets
Jayme M Yaroch May 2015
from this we can      
look last                            
  as first        
before I met you        
       taking you in
                        your eyes
I'm what's off        
       we must be out
in          dreams
       a drink
               of night
          or is it?
631 · Nov 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Nov 2011
Soaked to the core
Dripping dripping
It's puddling on the floor
That black cloud
That followed me
Has quite suddenly
Doused me in
618 · Jul 2012
So Much
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2012
just sitting       and
Yet the world turns
                               ignoring the stillness
               spinning so fast
                      no one feels it
no one feels anything

                                                            ­                     emptiness
A lack of expression
small windows in a large room
Wistful echoes of darkness                        
a poetry                        
without any meaning

                of nothing
                        yet always busy with
pushing, shoving
and it all just              
when inspected closely
all those dreams
                   as though they were unimportant
           as if they were never precious
buried by the emptiness
drowned by time      
in hyperdrive

trapped souls in a trapped world                                          
ensnared in a life not worth living                                                      
just a whole lot of nothing                          
no art                                            
no beauty                    
no time
to find it
This is very rough, but I think I like it this way.
614 · Oct 2011
Along The Road
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2011
It's a bumpy ride
This journey of life
Some twists and turns
At times it seems slow
But never when you want it to

There's a dark wood ahead
We all must pass through
And how you do the journey
The path you choose
Determines where you end

Through the shadows comes the light
Every darkness eventually turns to day
Even if you can't see the glow
It's there, just waiting for you
Because you have to go to it

Life waits on no one
Not even for a moment
It teases you with flirtatious ease
Jading you as your sense of time fades
And you forget what you are searching for

Just keep moving forward
This too shall pass
It's okay to be sad
But don't forget to be glad
Tomorrow is another day

It's not about dodging your problems
Or taking the easy road
But about love and friendship and family
And the joys, whether simple or complex
Learning to **** up the bad stuff and move on

Make the most of your life
It isn't a gift to you but your gift to the world
The only things that are impossible
Are the things you believe you cannot do
Along this road, only you make the speed limit
613 · Sep 2011
Measured and Poured
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
Taken in stride where no other bides
swift swelling of the heart
In beauty lives the fragile frame,
a ticking clock while the mind searches
in fruitless abandon

One moment in time, a false hope.
No home gone forsaken in what was offered
to lead way onto way and moving forward
Leak leisure as words fail
falling through cracks in the ceiling
Crawl away with sweet suffering smiles
burning inside with the prickly wonder that will not fade
To this minute, this very second yield nothing

Perfect in the resolution of these sentiments
to forbear with unanswered patience these cries of longing.
Feeding fear in endless wells of obscurity where shadows march in time
Bringing in them the full sorrow of an empty soul
There is no sunshine in the wind.

Howl for the mighty honor of being the loudest
Arrogance disguised as intelligence
a waltzing masque full of pretty ribbons and bourbon breath
No eyebrow raised this day
Not in any day that shades life lived fully.

Question not as others have this silent broken mind,
dwelling in the rank depths of ignorance and despair
No hope for the faithful, no pause for the weary.
This shallow life is a silent tragedy played on a stage full of Juliets
and souls are lost among the quickening heartbeats.
613 · Sep 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
I don't know how it happens
These dreams
I know they grow from somewhere
I decide to let them in
As though I've forgotten what they do to me
It's a bendy sort of reality
My world, that is
Where I sit alone
Dreaming some lovely dreams
To base my reality from
But then I forget which is which
At least for a while
Then I am reminded
Life is no dream
No sir
And my dreams are the dangerous kind
Not about power
Or money
Or success, no
Those are my ambitions
Never my dreams
My dreams are dangerous
Terrible as they are beautiful
Ever so tantalizing
Dreams of backyards
Stolen kisses in a hallway
Over laundry and power tools
Your smile
My laugh
Two hearts in a single home
What dreams!
Just dreams, my dream
And I wonder if I figure
Into your dreams?
611 · Sep 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
I sought the sunset
The brilliant conclusion
And a star-filled night
I walked the darkness
That edge of madness
I sought the sunset
To be plunged into night
I have walked through it
Moving ever constant
Beating my own path
Towards a new life
A new horizon
I walked through the night
And out the other side
Because I seek the sunrise
609 · Jan 2014
Keys to the Kingdom
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2014
there are several keys
hanging over there
keys to jealousy, sadness, joy, mirth
they unlock the doors of this little room
a closet really
where you live

trapped by indecision
or bad decisions
going to places that only lead back here
taking the dark keys from the hook
going through portals
that should remain closed

the keys to happiness are right there
hanging free and welcoming
gleaming brightly
glowing softly
all you have to do
is pick any one of them
and unlock the door
603 · Nov 2011
Jayme M Yaroch Nov 2011
Speak, gentle one
Though no one is listening
Your voice is still a song
When ears are closed
While they do not hear you
They will remember your melody
599 · May 2015
Jayme M Yaroch May 2015
the cold wind blows
across the fragile pieces of a heart
              shattered by the hardness
                                     of your hand.
597 · Sep 2011
Dark Below
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2011
Creeping shadows
Falling down
Carry me
Below the ground
A place awaits
Dark and cold
Where wonder lies
And tales are told
Here is magic
Terrors, dreams
Where all is real
Not what it seems
Twists and bends
Rank smell of death
The foulest air
Take one last breath
As terror moves
Beneath the skin
No lies now
What is your sin?
Truth to own
None can call
If you're to climb
Or merely fall
Surrounded then
In bleak and cold
By terrors deep
And nightmares old
Confusion chokes
Drowns the mind
Turned around
Too lost to find
Walk away
Come running near
In the dark
There’s much to fear
A glimpse of life
Cold as death
Where shadows lie
Like all the rest
No lighted hope
No chilling fear
In this place
Where none are near
Lost in shadow
The pain is real
And dreams are truly
What you feel
Drive the nails
Move the soil
Given up
No more to toil
So carry me
Below the ground
Tis only here
I’m safe and sound
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