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Aug 2018 · 267
Jayme M Yaroch Aug 2018
the smoke leaves your lips
curling away in the breeze
a vapor of something inside you
caught in the whorls
whatever it is, I like it.
Jul 2018 · 274
Too Much
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2018
too much
and not enough
echoing voices shouting nightmares
brazen hollow notes for perfection
without justifying who this is perfect for
because it is not you
it is not me
who are these voices to sound our ears
with their nonsense standards of living
I'll be the judge of that!
who would I be too much for, anyway?
I could never be too much for me
and I have always been enough
and if that's good enough for me
the rest can stuff it.
Jul 2018 · 256
You and Me
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2018
I do not know if these emotions
are you or if they're me
I do not know anymore
if this is how it ought to be
so if this beautiful thing does fail
it is because I failed to see
any separation now
between us, you and me
Mar 2018 · 263
Jayme M Yaroch Mar 2018
it is against this willful heart
which I pray for the strength
to survive its beatings
that leave my sorry mind
so battered and bruised
Mar 2018 · 249
Jayme M Yaroch Mar 2018
I always wanted it to be
just like this
where it just happened
and we just happened
falling into place
with no real work at all
comfort and comfortable
all the little things we wanted
yet had never found
until we found each other
and that's when it
Mar 2018 · 238
Do Not
Jayme M Yaroch Mar 2018
do not speak to me   
of mundane things      
   do not use those phrases      
which ought to be precious      
yet when you say them              
are clipped and trite    
                                  weak little lies              
                      that only come out    
          when your actions  
                       do not match your words  
          and your mouth      
                     does not match your heart
Feb 2018 · 210
Whimpers In The Dark
Jayme M Yaroch Feb 2018
The ghost of you is everywhere
I imagine you walking in the room
I smell your scent by the stairs
I can hear your gravelly laughter boom

Every time I speak aloud
it echoes all around
you're not here I am alone
no one else to be found

This place is like a graveyard
a lonely tomb long after dark
where I sit with our memories
as my emotions begin to spark

A whimper crawls up my throat
all I can do is stupidly stare
to hold my body still
Oh how I wish you were here!

You could make me safe and warm
sheltering heart and kindly song
so strong against these storms
but this time you are gone

The ghost of you is everywhere
I might just tear this house apart
which seems sensible and useless
to heal the hole inside my heart

Wait a minute, I've heard a sound
so my voice cries into the void
laying bare all this tight betrayal
as very loudly I am paranoid

Hold on, a key slides in the lock
my anguish is stilled but brief
but then I am angry to be disturbed
in the middle of all my grief

Quickly I run to the door
but my hurt explodes to purest joy
I jump right into your arms
as you exclaim, "Who's a good boy!"
Feb 2018 · 332
Signs Signs
Jayme M Yaroch Feb 2018
bent tin signs
bright star signs
little bitty window signs
new street signs
old building signs
high above the doorway signs
signs in shop windows
signs in the halls
signs written upon
cold bathroom walls
hands hold signs
and so do eyes
your face is a sign
or a sign of the times
signs signs everywhere
everywhere there are signs
that's sign enough
I've lost my mind.
Feb 2018 · 310
For Later
Jayme M Yaroch Feb 2018
Take a look at all of these memories
snap the sort of pictures that last
write down thoughts that matter
especially if they matter only to you
these things become time capsules
save them for the later you
reminding us of where we've been
what we've done
and who went there with us
sharing some of their lives in the process
even if it was only for a short time
people come into and go out of our lives
and that's okay
remind yourself that you cared
when it was important to care
that you loved when it was important to love
and let go of the pain every time it arrives
because all of this is you
it's made up of you
because of you
it is you
and who you are is perfect
and wonderful
and so beautifully human
because you lived in those moments
as you should live in every moment
remembering to always be kind
to seek each grand adventure
with an open heart and fresh eyes
and always to remember
save your memories
for later
Jan 2018 · 296
On Your Travels
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
may the clouds always part
when you wish to view the moon
may rain fall upon your crops
and send them into bloom

may you see the best of joy
all throughout your life
may the sun shine warmly down
when you must experience strife

may the world always greet you
with arms open, strong, and kind
may you always find the courage
to truly speak your mind

may you always seek the truth
where ever it might be
may the waters smooth for you
should you choose to be at sea

may the path be clear and clean
may you never go astray
but if your heart shall falter, know
you are stronger than today

and may those you love surround you
when at last the end draws near
and may you always keep in mind
that we have always held you dear
Jan 2018 · 186
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
It took me by surprise
just how gone I am on you
the stars are in your eyes
the sun shines from your skin
silk in your voice fills my ears
I am so wholly enchanted
and you always look at me
as if I were made of magic
Jan 2018 · 306
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
there is a well
inside of me
filling up with everything
the shape of your eyes
when I get you to smile
how you breathe when you sleep
the kindness of your soul
I am full
and fulfilled
in all that is you.
Jan 2018 · 178
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
the minutes turn to hours
in the time that you are gone
a distant voice in the hall
my name in whispered dreams
no more than warm memory
creeping now as shadows
waiting to pounce
should I happen to turn away
or to forget.
Jan 2018 · 220
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
directly at you
is akin to staring down the sun
but I would gladly go blind
for the view
Jan 2018 · 429
The Mountain
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
a vivid song                            
as mountains rise                  
in air wet after rain                
so sweet and decayed          
the breeze wanders wild      
a murmured secret of home
lonely but not alone
and I breathe deep
of that mountain wind
full but gentle
a rustling of leaves
       whispers in the dark
             I listen                  
            and I will leave here                        
Jan 2018 · 187
Inside Out
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
no no no no
just breathe
there is no breathing
this is PANIC
blush, blush hard
oh yeah baby
burn in the fires of your own hell
take up your anxiety and fears
that existential crushing guilt
for things you never did
it's all you never wanted!
it's all you're ever good for
you ****
tote those ******* around
until your arms ache
keep those knees up!
back straight!
just who do you think you are?
waste of space, waste of time
this is all that you deserve
and you don't even deserve this much
here havealittlemore PANIC
wait did you just scream?
No, don't you dare scream!
how can you even do that?
give me back your breath!
that no longer belongs to you!
and it's all your fault!
you did this by being born!
you're just awful!
hey wait a minute
what are you doing?
Who is that man and what are those
Oh my.
Hello.  This is your mind.
It's... it's been a while.
I just wanted to say....
thank you
for taking care of yourself.
You're really quite special
I hope you know that
even if you don't feel it
just right now.
You are a warrior.
and I love you.
Jan 2018 · 137
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
Twisting the hard long ache
                  pulled between two surfaces
just a me
             and a you
                        with all the yesterday's tomorrow's
dark dreamings of nothingness
                                                     ­               held to the left by strings
is it a dream?
                          hollow these musings
                                    silent screams to the screen
who hears us when we roar?            
for they always hear the whispers
             ­ conjectures
                                                             fuzzy concepts in a heartless world
                                                           ­  no warmth or concern
                                                         ­      only a strange
                            where the points are made up
and nothing matters
                                                         ­  here.
                                       ­                 AND yet
                                                             ­               nowhere.
Jan 2018 · 149
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
I am not precisely sure
exactly where I was
when it occurred
which of itself
concerns me
it seems a pity
not to notice
when so all at once
every dream I've ever had
vanished completely
not even leaving
a memory
or other note
of their passing
almost as if they had
quite suddenly
Jan 2018 · 144
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
It always seems odd to me
how afraid people are
of their mortality
not just about timing
but scared to die at all
Will it hurt?
Where will I go?
Were the religions right?
These things obsess them
Tie them into knots
full of worry
I don't get it
I have never been afraid to die
I do not care about the pain
and if I had a choice
my request is simple
make it quick.
Jan 2018 · 143
I Know Why
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
I died without you
and we can start the story there
when you're dead
there's only the backstory
the tragic truths no one wanted
especially when you were alive

And the strangest things
happen when you're dead
that floaty wonder
almost like wings
but then you have that sinking feeling
that lived in your belly
while you still drew breath

A painful breath
one after another
dying for so long
that death isn't even a relief
it's just death
one state to another
because there are some things
that outlast death
and this is one of them

I died without you
not because I was too young
dying before my time
killed in some way
by your action or inaction
stolen like spring on the first morn of summer
No, that did not happen
for I died when I was old
wrinkled and jaded
a life lived long
too long
just long enough
to understand
why it was alone.
Jan 2018 · 154
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
One of the best things
in being halfway through hell
is that you're already
halfway out.
Jan 2018 · 187
Rainy Windows
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
I am depressed
Life holds so little
and my days are routine
all the laughter I bring
is just noise that echoes
some may consider death
but why rush the inevitable
for we are all
going to die
and that comforts me
for why should I end
this prolonged suffering
when merely waiting
will save me the trouble
and everyone else
the pain?
Jan 2018 · 518
Better Friends
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
What now?
I haven't even said a thing
yet the conversation is over
why do we even need to talk at all?
is this some elaborate charade
where you satisfy your selfish need
to always feel superior?
                      We both know what will be said
                      We both know how this goes down
                      all I wish is that you had
                      the kind of faith in me
                      which I've always given you
                      but at least I got to see
                                          who you really are
                                          and where we really stand
                                          that neither of us was perfect
                                          and I was the only one
                                                      who didn't care.
so what now?
     things can't go back
                  I can't trust you
                              and it's breaking me inside
                                      just to know any of you now
                                      just knowing what you do
                             to those you call your friends
                  it makes me wonder how
you manage to have any friends at all

there is no way out of this
no chance to be friends like before
all the love and loyalty
is now entirely gone
replaced by a facade for the sake of those
who are still my friends
and your friends

                                                 I don't know what to say
                   I was mad at first
                   when you betrayed me
                   but I should have known better
                          I should have known better
                          I should have known
                                                           ­    better.
Jan 2018 · 201
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
you are an open book
of folded and missing pages
you speak the truth
into swirls of thick smoke
with a challenge in your eyes
and kindness on your tongue
Jan 2018 · 159
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
I have always searched crowds
for a face I did not know
pursuing that longing
until I met you
Oct 2017 · 529
Just a Stick
Jayme M Yaroch Oct 2017
Here!  Take this stick
They are coming for you
This is the fight of your life
you versus the lions
with naught but a stick in your hands
the distant roars a constant reminder
of the shadows in your memories
you cannot cry out for help
with an elephant on your chest
you can't even turn away
From the trainwreck of your life
drugged in a chemical cocktail
that your genes made for you
forced into your system
by little sensitive triggers
or really nothing much at all
a roller coaster you never wanted on
buckled in and you can't get out
you can't get out
you cant' escape the darkness
that closes in on your vision
or the racing of your heart
hammering and fluttering all at once
terrified that this is how you die
while also kind of excited
knowing that you are dead anyway
what is one day sooner?
it would be so easy
just a little slip and a bit of blood
or a quick trigger and a bullet
the brainpan goes squish
it would be so easy
to drop this stick and fall upon it
like some old fashiioned tale
I wish I could help you
to tell you that stick is really a wand
and you are capable of magic
with a flick of the wrist
you can start to change it all
that the lions are real
but they are very slow
with gums instead of teeth
that these shadows are only there
because you did not add light
they will recede and never leave
but they also won't have control
I wish I could help you
but all I can do
is remind you that what you hold
is not just a stick
and that you are not just sick
you are not your condition
but made of starstuff and determination
that you once had dreams too
and how much I love
the legacy of your heart
written in your eyes
pain and joy and compassion
I wish I could tell you that I too
learned to use that magic
that my lions became kittens
soft and sweet with just a little bite
and my shadows became shade
that I rest under when the world is too much
because it always will get that way
you will have good days
and bad days
and both are ok
it's not easy to wave that stick
it's not easy to roar back at the dark
this is the fight of your life
but you, and your life
are worth every swing
because you are perfect
and kind
and made of magic.
Sep 2017 · 441
Darling Child
Jayme M Yaroch Sep 2017
Hello my darling child
I have waited so long for you
I'm sorry that I didn't move faster
Or that I tried to wait for the 'right time'
when no such thing exists
and yet
it exists simultaneously all at once
because to have you
will always be the 'right time'
but I am sorry
so very sorry
that it has taken so long
because I will not get to have you
for as long as I'd like
and you will not get to have me
for as long as you may still need me
it will be longer still
until I can know you
sweet child
and I may never get to hold you
time and life and everything
can be so fickle with dreams
but I want you to know
that by far
you are my favorite dream
the memory I would gladly make
for all the lifetime that I have
to give all to you
my precious hero
you will save the world
because even without you
I still have you
and you have already
saved me
Aug 2017 · 393
Laid Bare
Jayme M Yaroch Aug 2017
Don't read between the lines
of the things that I say
for there is nothing there
but imaginary monsters
I have left nothing out
nor would I ever
for I value your honesty
as much as your loyalty
and as much as your love
I need all three to form trust
the basis of all that I do
for what would I be doing here
if I could not trust you
so believe me, my darling
when I say there's nothing more
but if you still insist on searching
I can promise that in the end
you will find what you seek
it will make you lonely
and it will not be me.
Aug 2017 · 212
Jayme M Yaroch Aug 2017
It's not just me
Fighting to be the best me
It's me being better
Than all those memories
Of whoever came before
The invisible monsters
Screaming "Danger Will Robinson"
As I stumble down
The unfamiliar path
To your heart
Jul 2017 · 250
Slick Red Nails
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2017
Slick red nails
and a black shirt
A hole in the heart
Is where it hurts
If you show me yours
Then I'll show you mine
Come on now baby
It's time to shine

Fiery lips
Teeth and sin
Hot words fly
And break the skin
Lose control
You came to win
But that's not what happens
In the end

Long dark nights
And an empty soul
Madness has a price
Now pay the toll
Laugh like a queen
Feeling like a clown
Nowhere to go
But you're going down

Slick red nails
Dragging in the dirt
A hole in the heart
Is where it hurts
Time will tell
Yet it's naught but lies
I can't say much
But at least I tried

A wooden box
And a shiny gun
Walk ten paces
Then take the turn
Aim at me baby
Now's your chance
It's only you and me
Come on let's dance

Blue eyes smiled
On a black heart
It was going bad
Long before the start
You took my hand
Said we'd be together
You were such a fool
You should know better

Slick red nails
And a black shirt
A hole in the heart
Is where it hurts
An empty soul
And an empty gun
With a smile like mine
You should have run.
May 2017 · 293
Jayme M Yaroch May 2017
You are the thaw
which       turns my
             into spring
    a gentle voice
       the warmest breeze
   to blow away
                my frost
           and make
the blossoms
May 2017 · 286
Happy Things
Jayme M Yaroch May 2017
Little pillows
Rice and flowers
Pretty gowns
And count the hours
Waiting with baited breath
For trusting hearts
Then tying knots
Shined up shoes
The sober priest
Looking joyful
As two hands meet.
May 2017 · 246
Jayme M Yaroch May 2017
I feel so terribly lost
My heart and my home
No longer agree
Nothing is simple
And it never was
But I try to do what's best
It just doesn't seem
To work out
Setting me adrift once more
In a sea of uncertainty
Though there is
One thing I'm certain of
And that's that I
Want to be
Where you are
Apr 2017 · 260
Just A Box
Jayme M Yaroch Apr 2017
It's just a box
Something to put other things in
Storage, if you will
Of memories attached to the physical
And so we are attached
To what we put in the box
Enough that even in waking
It will haunt our dreams
It's just a box
Four walls, a top, a bottom
Some detail here and there
Not too terribly complex
It even comes with a split lid
So that everyone can see the view.
Apr 2017 · 296
Jayme M Yaroch Apr 2017
Let no one tell you that we are weak
The link in the chain most easily broken
It is a lie
We are explorers, warriors and healers
Charging the hidden horizons
in search of things we could not name
yet feverishly believe in
And we believe so deeply that the universe
changes because of it
Through us and our endless quest
the world is connected
Now more thoroughly than even
science fiction could dream
Our dreams are powerful
the foundations of our futures
Futures plural as we are never restricted
to a monochromatic destiny
Our lives are not ordained by the stars
But by the heightened power of our hearts
We are one
Striving for a brighter, better world
Paying the cost before we see the bill
For ourselves, and for each other
We know that we are stronger together
And we are not afraid to be brave
Even if we are afraid
We are mighty
Apr 2017 · 225
Jayme M Yaroch Apr 2017
if I'll ever find my place
in the world
I'll live long enough
to find it
or just die trying
Perhaps my only goal
is to orchestrate my death
with my last breath
and not
when my spirit dies
leaving me more lost
and alone
than I feel right now
Perhaps that
is what peace feels like.
Dec 2016 · 239
A Quick Walk
Jayme M Yaroch Dec 2016
Just a quick walk
From here to there
One point to another
Though there is no point
In the exercise
Only a simple moving
From one state to another
One lie to another
Leaving behind truths
Too hard to bear
And burdens we no longer want
Jul 2016 · 278
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
there are a good many things
to mistake in this world
but do not make the mistake
of mistaking my feelings
as being similar the the ones
of your own mistake.
Jul 2016 · 317
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
Life is full
of lessons
well worth earning
just remember
if you want to cheat
that this is real life
and the only grade
is pass/fail.
Jul 2016 · 332
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
you hands shake
just a little tremor
the only real show
         of emotion
              that belies the calmness
                        of your face
Jul 2016 · 360
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
Some broken things
Can't be fixed
You broke it
And now you want me
To fix it
That won't happen
You broke my faith
You shattered my trust
And now
I don't know if
You deserve redemption
Or even
My kindness
You broke us
And some broken things
Just can't be fixed.
Jul 2016 · 262
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
The only thing
                  I will ever regret

Jul 2016 · 299
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
Run away, child
Go as far as you can
It's not safe here
Not at all
Things are trying
To worm into your brain
Don't let them in!
Run!  Go fast now, child
And maybe this once
It will be far enough
To get you away
From the silly nonsense
Of having dreams.
Jul 2016 · 649
I must speak with you
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
I must speak with you
on a matter most urget
it is of my heart
of the cloud settled there
my mistrust
the sheer uncertainty
of the hearts of those
nearest me
why can we not speak
except that I am wrong
when what is wrong with me
is how I am treated?
This was a mistake
all of it was foolish
how could I have let you in
so very far?
Don't I know better
than to let people near?
At this distance
there is no more distance
yet the chasm between
You and I
is immeasurable
I don't know how to fix it
If I let things go
nothing will change
but the changes I'm forcing
are terrifying
and I do not know
if they will make things better
or simply make them worse.
Jul 2016 · 438
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
found a penny today
     an ugly little thing
  bent and dull copper
with edges coated green
                    heads was down
                   oh that's bad luck
            I still bent
                             and picked it up
               dropped, forgotten
        and it's just a     penny
     not good enough to keep
           even though it's     money
            life gives a lesson here
                the ugly ones seem cursed
                 not quite true
                                     but still
                             all the pretty ones do go first.
Jul 2016 · 404
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
I don't know how
to take a compliment
Every time someone is kind
I don't know what to do
Not really
I express my gratitude
Which only seems
To confuse them
Or anger them
Most of the time
They stop talking to me
Because my shock at their acceptance
Is off-putting and strange
And somewhat alarming
They think that I have
No self worth or esteem
They are wrong
There isn't anyone I love
More than I love myself
Everything about me
Attracts me
I find myself extremely attractive
In every way there is
But experience has taught me
Other people have shown me
That expressing my own worth
Is even more off-putting
Than my shock at their kindness
That it is less disgusting
To undervalue who I am
Than it is to be the strong
Proud, brazen, sensual
******, beautiful, intelligent
Mysterious, hilarious goddess
That I really am
When I down myself
It is a lie
If I speak ill of me
It is a lie
A lie that makes them
More comfortable
It makes them think
That they have the power
To place value into me
And that makes them
Perversely so
I don't understand why
Because I love my weird
And I want to be myself
But no one else seems to like me
For being me
They aren't happy that I'm free
Not in the least
Quite the contrary
They are happiest when I'm sad
Because my weaknesses
Make them feel strong
And my real strength
Makes them feel pitiful
Because my strength
Is limitless
My will is stronger
My mind is quicker
My heart is more steadfast
There are no limits for me
Except the ones I make
And I make them
So that you
Are comfortable
Because my worth is not determined
By people too weak
To handle all of me.
Jul 2016 · 297
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
I just want to be
To hear the
Of nothingness within
Just for a moment
And at peace with myself
Though perhaps
I don't deserve it
Is my whole life
In many things, yet
That one thing that is
To my aching soul
In the bitterest of ends
Because my heart still finds
Even in the bleakest of
A ray of light emerges
To eyes so used to the dark
Every part of my being
Until nothing is left
But holes
Enveloping as I bleed out
Bleeding love
So broken
Rejected in the end
The bitter end
My end
The end.
Jul 2016 · 722
Thumpity Thump
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
Thump thump
Thumpity thump
And it flips over
Flopping on the floor
Like a ****** up fish
Gushing and gooing
Just everywhere
Oh god
It's everywhere
The blood and thicker things
Thump thump
Thumping on the floor
As though it were
Taking a final breath
Dying, right there, on the floor
****, I'd just cleaned in here
For pity's sake
What is wrong with me
(Thump thump)
Letting this happen
As if I never learn
Always doing the same thing
Over and over
At least, now that we're here
All of this
Will soon
(Thumpity thump)
As my heart lies there
Thumping blood onto the floor
Blood and all of my love
****** from my chest
For all my bad decisions
Every hopeful moment
Each rejection of love
The betrayals and backstabs
All of it
At last.
Jul 2016 · 301
I see You
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2016
I see you, with those
Clear blue eyes
So sure and unsure
Angular face
Oh that slow grin
A charmer, you are
With your villain's beard
Quick with your hugs
And your kindness
So much passion in you
It can be frightening
But we all want to be seen
As strong
To be the hero
You are a hero
You are my hero
And you always will be.
May 2016 · 329
Jayme M Yaroch May 2016
change may rattle sharply
but that's what change is for
find a penny have good luck
but luck doesn't pay bills
so work hard every day
save your pennies for tomorrow
it sounds real good except
there's no such thing as tomorrow
there is only ever today
so go do what you're told
be what they made you to be
follow all the same rules
just remember something for me
they also made the ships
berthed safe in the harbor
but that's not what you, or ships
are made for.
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