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 Dec 2013 Jay
Maxx G
I'm Yours
 Dec 2013 Jay
Maxx G
Can I still call you mine
Even if my words
No longer rhyme

Will I still make
Your heart skip a beat
When my words
Aren't as sweet

When I go
Will you leave a kiss
On my lips
And tell me
That I'll be missed

Because I'll love you
No matter what you do
Go away
And I'll stay
And wait

Until you give me your heart
And hold my hand
 Dec 2013 Jay
Jess Bull
Throwing up will make you beautiful
After all, beauty is pain
Waxing every square inch of your human body
Squeezing into those Spanx to hide your smallest flaws

Your daughter, she needs help with her eating disorder
There's no beauty in that. Strictly pain.
Or telling your 20 year old best friend everyday for 6 years a size 3 isn't anywhere neat fat
Having the same conversation with a 10 year old girl: is that any more beautiful? No.
Forget that beauty isn't painful

A mother experiencing excruciating pain yet forgetting it all when she holds her child for the first time
Death of a man with terminal illness--all the pain built up to the soul finally at ease
The battered woman seeking courage to break free and begin new life

Actual emphasis to "beauty is pain" is one who pushes through the undesired struggle-- beauty is the reward
Remember that beauty can be painful
What's beautiful in your life?
 Dec 2013 Jay
if i put my hand above my cat
she reaches her head out
to have me cup it
i am the same with you
i compensate for the distance you don't feel like going
or maybe you just know that i'll always reach for it
so you don't bother...

it's alright.
i know, too
I have done dope like the pope says his prayers,pushed coke up the stairways that led up my nose,
blown porsche's and rollers,smoked them lined up like soldiers in syringes that marched through my veins I have injected insane through the pores of my pain and with angel dust injected again,
but now I'm a good boy, an out of the hood boy,informed and forming opinions which storm through the past.
The icy blast of awakening sings to me,brings it all home to me,
'Oh to be in England'
now everything is clear.
 Dec 2013 Jay
Maxx G
Your Dream Girl
 Dec 2013 Jay
Maxx G
But I don't know what your dream girl's like
And what she writes
And how she walks

Is she a happy one?
Because I feel so alone
Is she lovely?
Because all I know is I'm lonely

Will she read you books
Because I will write you poems
Every day when you come home
Will she give you love
For I will never leave

And when she walks away
Look around because I stayed
 Dec 2013 Jay
So what if you think I'm crazy
No phase if you can't handle me
I'm too honest for anybody's games
"Jennaveve, is that..your real name?"
No it's not, it's Jenny from the block
Work two jobs always looking at the clock.
If you want, I'd take a pit stop road trip.
Anywhere but don't make it so quick.
This is where I list off a bunch of places I'd rather be. Nothing different just different faces I'd rather see. Venice, California or Lanikai, Hawaii
I write a lot but once n a while these trapped thoughts convey messages that ought to be taught.
This rap is only half through.
For a white girl it's kind of hard to do.
Nahhh it's not being racist is inside of a box,
it's closed, locked, sealed up tight.
Only open minded people
can see daylight in the night.
"Or rides the night train
all the way to the light"-said Mr. Ahmad
I've learned that there may not be a God
And that everyone has there quirky little flaws
. But flaws are perfect to work with cause that's what's unique. Just speak the words though they come out bleak. Honesty filled with lies are more common than you think. But there is no truth, only what you live and see.
 Dec 2013 Jay
ponny jo
words are better on paper and candlelight
the smell of ink and crisp turns of pages white
the binding creaks and soul writ in
this screen is not the same thing friend
it's maddening for this phone to change my words
ah, how often it does so
as if it knows
as if it grows
what could it show
when has itself,
alone so rowed
of feelings felt
or horrors shown
or magick felt
or fury spoke
or walked along a razors edge
hanging on by just a thread
or strained beyond all known thought
or had a thought that wasn't taught
or quenched a lust
so fervent wrought
or plagued its mind
with glory sought
or told a tale
that others'd not
what a soul
that this thing's got
 Dec 2013 Jay
Rachael Stainthorpe
I see people writing poem after poem on here,
and i wonder,
did you write them all by candlelight, and save them up for when you found your audience?
Or did you sit and get drunk and write them whilst smoking cigarettes, and crying,
all over the keyboard.
Or was it a carefully, logically, formatted feeling that you had to edit, to, get, it just, right?
I wonder if you know what you are saying.
If you know that your infinitesimal pieces of work, are akin to a 16yr old's journal from circa 1984?
That if you could read it from this angle, or that angle, it could mean one or two things, and i am sure that you meant neither of them.
And i am thinking, that if i could i would throw away the internet and its black hole, that we all get ****** into,
I would give you one gold plated pen with black writing ink,
and a limited supply of scrolls of parchment made by sunlight and cotton;
because i wonder whether you would be so flippant with your words,
your feelings,
your punches,
your understanding,
your emotions,
your reflection,
your heart.
Because this makes us quicker, faster, harder, stronger.;
holding out for a white page to fill with words,
for lightening bolts of appreciation.
Is this not the cycle you wish to escape my love?
Was this not what you wanted?
Did you not want him to walk away?
Did you not want her to cheat?
Did you want them to fight, see you more clearly, understand you better, expect a little bit more respect, demand a little bit more attention, more patience, loving acceptance, a mutual respect?
What are you doing with these words, that you throw down like a gauntlet?!
Like you throw down venomous poison that you are trying to rid from your body, out from your curs-ed mouth, through your fingers, on to a keyboard, and out in to a a-nomy-nous world.
I wonder if you think of these things as you listen to love songs, driving in the rain, in the dark, suffocating on tears?
Do they fester in your head all day as you serve self-righteous morons who have no idea of your tortuous pain?
Do you lightly tread, whilst someone is sleeping in your bed, to the keyboard and type out how much you love them, and how much you are in love, alone, to the monitor, to nameless faces.
Do you have a soap box? Have you hammered on the desk in the rising light of your passion and dignity, and justice for all, in the name of love?
Have you wrote a letter lately?
When was the last time you held a pen for more than a few seconds?
When was the last time you cried into the ink, sprayed it with perfume, or S.I.W.A.L.K?
Or told someone you loved them with a million reasons why, with your own voice, into their eyes, to their face?

I just wonder, how much these words are worth, if we don't say them,
out loud.
A week after you left, I didn't know how to live my life.
I didn't know how to fall asleep or how to go to school.
I forgot how to simply be myself.
A month after you left, I felt okay.
I remembered how to fall asleep & go to school-but not without a fight.
I wasn't myself, I was different.
3 months after you left, I laughed.
I fell asleep willingly & went to school because that's what would make you proud.
I recognized the person in the mirror.
I was me-the person you made me.
It's November 27th & I am not okay.
I miss you & your smile & your quirky laugh.
The holidays have made it but you have not.
I remembered how to fall asleep, but forgot how to wake up.
It is November 28th- Thanksgiving & 6 months you've been gone.
I saw you in a dream last night, but then I remembered ghosts are see through-they do not want to be seen.
No one ever said you couldn't see an angel.
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