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 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
I am Human
 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
I'm writing this poem,
As a reminder to some,
That I am just human,
You're not the only one.

I breathe and I sleep,
I eat and I drink,
I also have emotions,
So just stop and think.

The words that you say,
The thoughts that you share,
Will hit me in the face,
Oh, but you don't care.

I am young and I'm sensitive,
I can't handle too much,
But yet you talk about me,
Oh jeez, thanks a bunch.

The damage you have caused,
May not seem so obvious,
But inside I am aching,
And you'll still remain oblivious.
 Jul 2013 Jay
janel schroth
too much
 Jul 2013 Jay
janel schroth
i want to be able to immediately list everything i can use to describe you once i see you
but you appear and i go blank
you sweep away the thoughtful dust and the rough dirt
you wash away the bacteria and the confusion
i forget everything
because you
yes, you
you are standing here in front of me
and i am silently waiting around on you
to help me see how to describe you
i wait and i want and i wait and i want
but you don't assist me
in knowing exactly who you are
i want to know you
i want so much from you
i'm sorry for similarly being an expectant parent
but i want more
more and more
from you and your mouth,
your touch and your words
 Jul 2013 Jay
Dougie Simps
"I am..."
 Jul 2013 Jay
Dougie Simps
I am*…
A beat without a sound
A stray without a pound
A flower without the ground
A person without the noun
A girl who believes in men
A writer without a pen
A solider who's off to battle, without a country to defend
A moment without a stage
A book without a page
A innocent man who's on the run without a cop to start the chase
A verdict without a case
A puzzle without the maze
A smile of given defeat, without the sour face
Water without the vase
A crime without the trace
Blood that doesn't stain
A scar without the pain
Circus lion who isn't tamed
A man who's in the mirror...without looking the same
A color that's black and white
A blind man who can read and write
An image of your sunny day...that's an illusion of your figment night...

But wait!
I've come to an conclusion...

Im An ill mind not willing to listen, who's thoughts are reminiscing..about a past life when the good rules and his golden heart wasn't missing....even without his illusions...but I walk in a realist dream?...Is this life really...all an illusion?
-Dougie Simp #LostLoveWriter
 Jul 2013 Jay
Ben Poet
Poetry 2
 Jul 2013 Jay
Ben Poet
At school, poetry was anything but cool
Reading Shakespeare, Dickinson, Austin and Hughes
Writing essays on the Capulets and Montagues
Every time that subject came up my brain went on snooze
Call it what you want, the ignorance of youth
Like maybe my young mind was too uncouth
It just didn’t feel like they were speaking the truth
***** waggle dagger’s just too long in the tooth
Although one day we done some knowledge on Poe
Some lines that man wrote made my interest grow
It wasn’t what he said it’s how he said it
He didn’t even say anything to me, it’s how I read it
It made me wanna write down my feelings
It felt healing, exorcising all my demons
As I wrote I could feel all the heaviness leaving
Giving my brain a spring cleaning
It’s very therapeutic to take an experience
Wrap it neatly in a metaphor for convenience
That’s one of many reasons I love the bard’s art
A bird tapping a man’s window was the start
Ever since then poetry’s been knocking
At my chamber door but this is no Lenore
Poetry shall lift my soul forever more
Forever more
 Jul 2013 Jay
steel tulips
She spent so much time running around chasing fragments of memories and feathers of hope,
that she  had forgotten what she was looking for,
and that was home.
Home had been driving around with her for days now,
his tired eyes smiling back when she would glimpse at him with fear,
his hand cupped around hers.
He was her home,
no matter where she had been.
He was her home no matter where she'd go.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Steven Hutchison
I got your number off the bathroom wall.
I was hoping you could help me forget.
I don't need a girlfriend, so much as a canvas.
Let me paint you with the taste of her lips.
Anyone who is interested in writing a response stanza, leave it in a comment. I think it would give the piece an interesting twist.
 Jul 2013 Jay
I have been here before
I look around
its the the same **** door
I look towards the waiter
"It seems, I let you right in,"
The waiter said to me
I guess I should listen

He comes around the corner
Puts a plate on the table
I read the label
It reads:
"Deja Vu"
I looked around to the waiter
And he looked around to

He opened up the plate
And then I knew my fate

I sunk my teeth into it
And I said to him,
"This is Raw,"
He retorted back to me
With great ferocity
That  it just needed to thaw

I was in great haste
So i just ate
With the absence of taste

I looked to the waiter
one last time
I asked him for a mirror
He said, "Just look into this one of mine,"

What I saw inside the glass
was a shock to behold
It was the same *******
who had walked through this very door

He looked to me
And I looked to him
we, one and the same
I called out my name
He did the same

Then I  whisper-spoke,"waiter"
And I was alone

I said to myself
I have been here before
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