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 Jul 2013 Jay
We put it back
 Jul 2013 Jay
He never gave us one cent.
Some months we had no light and we pretended that we liked using just candles.

Mommy, he's asleep.

She worked for two.
We only got ourselves in more debts.

Where's his jacket?
In the hall.

We hadn't seen him in years,
I had guessed what he looked like.

Are we really gonna do this?

He bought us a bottle of something we didn't like,
thank drank it and passed out.

Yes, we need it.

He had a stack of hundred dollar bills in his pocket.
He always said he was a business man,
but nobody had ever seen him work

Do you think this is enough?

He never gave us one cent.
We never took one from him.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Counterproductive to hold to the truth
I’m no saner today than I was in my youth
Was it a tragic display that I somehow suppressed
A malfunctioning brain that caved under stress
When things get too quiet the siren I hear
Drowns out the sounds that aren't really there...

I often laugh when life deals me pain
In times like these I sense I’m deranged
But it might be the mechanism that allows me to cope
When the champion of mayhem has me pinned to the ropes
And the drunkenness of the driver, my pilot within
Can't seem to escape the stench of my sins...

The bludgeoned end of reason is hot on my case
Threatening to smash me back into place
It’s these catch-22s that torture my mind
I keep growing older suspended in time
Still my biggest fear is my hindsight going dim
And coming around to trust this world once again...
I kid you, or do I?
Traveler Tim
re to 03-17
 Jul 2013 Jay
Mike Hauser
Sit back, relax
Everything will be fine
Enjoy what you see on T.V.
Forget the daily grind

We're here so you'll feel better
Make it all alright
Use the slightest bit of truth
We do it all the time

No need to concern yourself
With the government's affairs
What you don't know want hurt you
If your left unaware

We'll tell you who it is you are
And what it is that you should think
Don't pay attention to the other guy
He ain't like you and me

What he says is mumbo jumbo  
Not like the elite that are in the know
He'll upset the apple cart
If you let him take control

So hold on tightly to your chains
Your in for the ride of your life
Who's going to pay for this loony trip
It'll come out of your hide

There's no need to concern yourself
With the government's affairs
What you don't know want hurt you
If your left unaware...
 Jul 2013 Jay
Daisies And Stories
You said you wanted to
Know me better
So here I go:

I've got exactly 28 pens
I know because I counted

I've got too many notebooks
Yet I can't stop
Buying more and more

Sometimes when it's 4 am
And my mind is
Driving me to the brink
Of total insanity
I take 3 showers
to try and calm myself down
(It never works)

I like apple juice but I hate apples

I've never been good in math

There are too many
Cigarette burns
On the crook of my elbow
And scars on my thighs
and demons in my head

I love the smell of cinnamon

Once when I was 15
I drank blue paint
Because I think blue is beautiful
And I wanted to be beautiful too

That didn't work

So I drank a bottle of bleach
To clean my very core

It didn't work either

Now you know me better
I understand if you'd want
To run away now
It's okay
Save yourself
Wrote this on a paper napkin at a Chinese restaurant today
 Jul 2013 Jay
 Jul 2013 Jay
there's that moment
late at night
when wanderlust fills my aching soul

but it's not wanderlust for the outside world
it's wanderlust for your *mind
 Jul 2013 Jay
Sometimes I wish I was a taxi driver
Because I don't believe there is
A more honest person on earth.
They hear the apologies of
Intoxicated teenagers
On their way home from the clubs
That they used fake ID's to get into.
They hear the quarrels between
Frisky lovers
Who drank too much on their dinner date
And can't wait to shed their clothing.
They hear the ramblings of
Elderly folk
Complaining about gas prices
And the brand-name stores that
Put the local businesses under.
But sometimes, they hear the confessions of
Lonely travelers
Who were wandering the streets
At 3 in the morning, contemplating
How they would like to take their life,
Until they saw a taxi cab driving past
And realized it was their sign to go
A Loose Sequel to Rooftops
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