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 Jul 2013 Jay
Robert Guerrero
If you asked me if I was real
I would tell you no
But if you looked to my wrist
Those scars are all too real
These smiles and laughs
Come from the instinct to hide
To avoid the predatory explanations
Everyone will ask for
When I tell them I'm not happy
I can't tell you in a sentence
And I'm not asking for time
So you can hear my story
Cutting it short would still take too long
The summary itself would take all day

The smiles are fake yes
But not these scars
So if you ever see me
Look the other way
You'll see nothing more than a mask
Deemed undesirable even at a masquerade
This isn't a charade
Or a game I'm playing
I don't need your attention
I'd rather be left alone
Because you'll want to know
Why there is so much blood at my feet
Why the scars I have are the only thing that's real

I'm not the person everybody knew back then
I'm just the kid looking for a way out
No escape ropes
Or secret passage ways
I want a clean way out
Making sure to never end up
Back in the pits
I managed to pull myself out of
I want to be free
From the mask I wear now
To quit my acting career
And finally be who I was meant to be
I'd like these scars to fade
And these smiles to be real
Because it's killing me
To be like this
I don't want to be the author
Of another tragedy
I don't want to dance
One of those fancy dances
I just want to smile for real...for once
 Jul 2013 Jay
Claire Elizabeth
She lived her life through black and white blogs
Through disposed razor blades and maroon dyed tiles
And drowning thoughts and death wishes

She would lie awake at night
Covered in sweat and dripping with tears
Because there was nothing she could do about her overbearing thinking

The only other escape was the fresh cuts which layered her skin
And the porcelain toilet that she memorized like the back of her throat
And the written death wishes that scattered the files of her brain

Nobody helped her though because she hid
Under the piles of sheets that covered her kingdom she called the Land of Escape
Where her dreams were more real than her life she could hardly handle

But then one night she finally disappeared forever into that Land of Escape
And she took a boat made of twisted rope tied tight by depression
Which then sailed down the smooth rivers of her endless, mindless, death row

And now she is to be found buried 6 feet under and burned to ashes to conceal bruises
The bruises left by her own wicked decision to stop the clamour of life
The bruises life left to stop the clamour of her own mind
 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
I trace my fingers across my thighs,
Across the tiny slivers of broken lines in my skin
That have left gaping crevices in my memory,
And on my heart.

As my fingers wander,
Travelling from one side to another,
The pale and jagged lines become darker,
Bruised, red, deeper,
Reflecting the pain that I had been burying beneath the sand for so long,
Protecting it from the warmth of the sun,
Hoping it would wither but in fact thrived on the darkness.

This is not what I want.
This is not what I chose.
This is not who I am.

Time will be the antidote,
The ointment that will soothe the aches and pains,
Heal the fears and insecurities that I have locked away in my head,
The medicine that I crave for.

And as time passes I will watch the bruising fade,
I will watch the red turn to a delicate pink shade,
I will watch the haunting depths of my pain rise and dissolve,
Into thin air.

To be willing to heal is to be strong,  **but to be strong you need have the courage.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Jasper Downey
She told me she loved me today
which can only mean our clock
is ticking.

To most that word marks a beginning
to a new and wonderful existence
full of meaning but to me it's
a single syllable that ushers in
a cascade of doubt, lies and
animosity that slams you into the
ground so hard the Devil thinks
you're knocking on his door.

To me it's the signal that I've
overstayed my welcome and if I want
any chance to spare myself from misery
I should just jump ship and take
my chances with the sharks below.

I'd rather be ripped to shreds by
ravenous beasts than get fooled into
thinking I truly matter to her.

The sound of her sweet sincerity
is drowned out by the echoing sentiments
of her predecessors, forever ringing
in my ears like a constant reminder
that all you have in this world
is your ***** and your word and
she has neither.

But the joke's on her this time.

I've found my way out.

Because I love her too.
 Jul 2013 Jay
I can feel you.

I feel you every time I breathe. Every breath is laced with with the smell of your cologne and the crinkles by your eyes.

You are in my bloodstream like ******. Coursing through my body along with waves of blood the colour of your smile.

You're in my mind. Causing sparks in my brain cells when I think about the first time your hand brushed against mine.

You're in my lungs like smoke, and I'm holding my breath, even though I know it will make me cough.

I'm addicted to you.
But I don't want to stop.

 Jul 2013 Jay
I'm sorry
 Jul 2013 Jay
She was born in April, baptized in may and we married on valentines day.
Her beautiful soul changed my life for the better.
When I was with her it was always sunny weather.
Remember that trip we took to Denver?
That was the best week of my life.
I'm so happy I got to make her my wife.

Unfortunately for me ,nothing gold can stay.
I told you that mommy had to go away, up to heaven and  I'm sorry but she's not coming back,
that was the moment that my soul turned pitch black,
My spirt couldn't defend the constant attacks from the adamant grief that had stricken my heart and denied me relief.
My veil of despair clouded my mind. When I lost my wife I thought you were fine
forgetting that you too lost something divine.

I was so absorbed in myself that I couldn't see you needed me.  
You cried out for help but I couldn't break free.
I was so concerned with what was happening to me that I rejected my duty and responsibility.
Please don't hate me.
**I'm sorry
 Jul 2013 Jay
Haley Desiree
A clean white sheet-
the left side tucked under his mattress,
one corner held underneath a stack of books.
The other corner tied into a giant knot
around his desk chair.
We crawled inside on our knees,
careful of what we built,
bodies side by side,
our breath was all around us,

When he turned towards me,
his foot knocked over the books,
the white sheet floated down onto my face,
 Jul 2013 Jay
Desiree Schort
 Jul 2013 Jay
Desiree Schort
Unzipping layers of this skin
Trying to reach what's within
Spent all the years searching for
What lies behind this heart shaped door
The burnt chalk taste of the sins been made
A desire so great its time you've paid
 Jul 2013 Jay
Sarah Antilope
You think you're not beautiful  because there is no space between your thighs;
Yeah, well every girl that suffers from anorexia would **** to gain some weight, but instead pieces inside of them just die.

Girls think the definition of "beautiful" is skinny legs, a flat stomach and skin and bones;
Well the truth is: being beautiful is so overrated and every girl should be accepted for the image she owns.

We are expected to look like Victoria Secret models who have "perfect" written all over their bodies;
Have you ever heard of photoshop? No girl is perfectly made and for that they get teased.

All over the world there are girls risking their lives to try and be perfect, whatever that means;
They don't even know how much they are hurting themselves and yet they are only teens.

The media has planted a picture in our minds of how we are supposed to act and what we're supposed to look like;
What happened to being accepted for the individuals we are on the outside but also on the inside.

We have all been brainwashed by this sick thing called society, where we are forced to be perfect and act like robots;
Nobody is recognized for who they really are, it's all about the numbers on the scale and how much weight you've lost.

Well, I can only say one thing about what the world has become;
I'm sick of everyone being judged on what they look like because if you're happy with yourself than the opinions of others should be. NONE.
To all the girls out there who think they're not good enough because they don't have the "right" figure. Well guess what! There is no correct figure, you are beautiful for who you are and what you have to share with the world. So go out in the world with a new confidence because you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks of you <3
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