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Jason Feb 2015
It doesn't come to me easy at times
I envy those with such natural talent
It seems to only come
When my mind is so empty with thoughts
That it is nothing but full of emotion
Then only then does it come to me
This is when I feel like a writer
During those late nights
When my mind has nothing but emotion
Not talented. Just a kid who lets out how he feels.
Jason Jan 2015
Why is this happening
Is this how it must be
Is this the end
If so, is this because of me
Or is this just how things need to happen
Will our paths cross again
Will we ever be anything more
Or is my presence simply too much
Can this get worse or only better
Why must this happen
Will I ever know
Will things return to normal
Or is change the only thing I need
How did this happen
Jason Jan 2015
I think I lost myself
Lost in somthing that I don't even know
Or how I got lost in the first place
I think I just needed to find myself
But not the person I lost
A new person who was ready to take over
Someone who learned from his past
Ready to start a new
I have found myself
And I am ready make a change
Jason Jan 2015
I like to smile at people who dislike me because I am an *******
Jason Dec 2014
Who am I
I don't know who I am
I don't know who I have become
I don't know who I want to be
So I shall forget everything and leave it behind me
I shall start again, as new
So if you don't know who you are
Start over
Jason Dec 2014
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