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Jason Dec 2014
As I lay awake staring at my ceiling for hours
I try to forget the way I feel
I can't help but see your face everywhere I look
And be remembered of the way you make me feel
You were everything I wanted
But the way things work sometimes are not so clear
The way u see me as someone else
As someone not so close
But it is important for you to understand
I know what you want
And all I wish is for you to be happy
So as I lay awake staring at my ceiling for hours
I try to forget the way I felt
  Dec 2014 Jason
I hate beginnings. I hate the awkward sweaty hand shake you do as you say hi, the stumble of your nervous words as you try to laugh it off. I hate the uncomfortable energy when you can't tell if they know you're joking or not. I hate the anxiety I feel as my chest compressed into a narrow passage way so small only a thread could fit through, and the way a cold nervous sweat engulfs my body. The way a fog creeps into my head so everything appears blurry as I spin on my heels, dizzy and lightheaded.
But I hate goodbyes even more. I hate the choking feeling in my throat when I fight back the painful tears, I hate the last hug which leaves you with an absent ghost haunting you, I hate the feeling that this is forever, the feeling that leaves you hallow and broken.
Introductions may be awkward and laughable, but goodbyes are painful, permanent, final. All things we dread the most.
  Dec 2014 Jason
You could of had anyone yet you choose to have no one and that my dear, is the most poetic thing. You see the simplicity and the comfort of solidarity, the gracefulness and confidence. you choose to see the beauty of the world instead of the world seeing the beauty of you. You chose adventure over heart break, and friends over lovers. And that is poetic.
Jason Dec 2014
I just wanted to be the person who was always there for her. Who would make her happy. Who could put his arm around her to comfort her. To hold when she's scared. To be with when she feels alone. To kiss when she's happy, sad, confused. I just wanted to be her's.
Jason Dec 2014
I could have chose
It could have been you.
But like always I am oblivious
Oblivious is who I am
It is who I will be.
But from where should my actions come?
They shall come from my thoughts
Not the thought of yours
I should have chose
It should have been you
But here I am with none
Not even you
Jason Dec 2014
You think you know—
People, places, everything.
But with the slightest of words,
Everything with fall apart.
Dreams will vanish.
The closest will leave.
You will be left with nothing—
but a beating heart.
To fix the broken,
And repair the soul.
But everything is different,
And it will stay different.
And it will never go back.
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