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I hate you for looking away every time I look at you
As if seeing my face brought enough guilt to turn your head
Your neck was never stronger than your mind
I know that I am not as beautiful as she is but you can at least treat me like I am still a person
I am still a person
Despite my hallow chest that has been swallowed by the authority I have given to men who seemed trustworthy enough
My heart is a stone, it is hard and dry, desperate for recovery
I cannot handle such pain on a daily basis
I hope that you do not look at me anymore
Because it is only adding hope to my absolute oblivion
I hate you for looking away every time I look at you
Do not look at me at all
If you are only doing to drift your head to another disposition once I recognize it
And decide to look back
i feel you
bound to you like no other
i carry you around
attempt to shed you

as you are problematic

yet i remain emphatic

i feel you
feel your dormant heart
sense your fear
rage and desire

i’m not here
to be cute
make warm and fuzzies
dote on a man
or make cherry pies

i can’t be kept
or wed or bought with a prize

i’m here to wake you up inside
Far long before your conception,
Have we cast our spirit around this territory,
Even the wind trembles at the sound of our voice.
The oceans and seas tell of our temperature,
All creatures here shriek
When the earth cries at the sound of our footfall.

We are the aged heroes,
The foundations of the universe,
We are people without season,
As the dust of countless ages so we are!
From the wake of time,
The era of darkness without shape,
From the voidless earth we carved our residence,
With golds of woods,
Bronze of grasses upon diamond field.

We are the lived before re-incarnation,
We are the foundations of your buildings,
Bearers of your surviving grace,
we are all time universal heroes,
People without season
The Indigens of the Earth.
We are the improvement of the lives of our forefathers.
Dreams are so fickle a thing
Vivid, intense in the moment
You can feel her hand in yours
Taste her kiss lingering upon your lips
Hear the beautiful sounds of her laughter
But in a moment, all gone
The shrill screams of an alarm
Shattering the tranquility of a moment
Found only in your dreams
One day baby I'm gonna have a band,
One day baby you're gonna smile at your song,
And know I'm your man,
I'll preach to the whole world your smile.

They'll crowd into bars to just imagine you for a while,
I'll paint a picture of your laugh,
And how we never did have enough cash,
But in the end it was always just alright.

Things for us haven't always been easy,
But baby one day the world will hear our story,
My guitar will sing your words,
And the heads will nod to our melody.

One day baby I'll have a band,
And even if it's just one man,
It's all that I'll need to get it just right,
Because when I'm far just hit play and sleep through the night.

One day baby I'm gonna have a band,
One day baby you're gonna smile at your song,
And know I'm your man,
I'll preach to the whole world your smile.
she said i only love the
enticing parts of people,
the same way i highlight
my favorite lines in books
so i’ll have something to
focus on when i decide
to blow the dust off their
you’re missing everything
and you know it and
you don’t care,
she said.
you’re missing the real
parts. you’re cheating people
out of themselves.

even then, i wanted to
quote her.
She an Athena
Her enchantress Georgina
Endowed she is with a flirtatiously hourglass physique
Every contour gracing her lithe body breathtakingly unique
Her fair peaches-and-cream complexion outshines the sun’s radiance
Oozing luxuriance
Irrefutably a masterpiece of refined aesthetic artistry
Sparking chemistry
Her nightingale voice reverberates softly
With the incessant whistling of the wind, such a novelty
She my Achilles heel
And am head over heel
Hopelessly brainlessly unmistakably insanely in love
I bet I’ve got some nerve

Cupid is such a marvel,....
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