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Janette Oct 2012
There’ is a certain art,
not the cliché’ form,
of such dalliance divine,
The forge of opening a woman,
Fully, to see the beautiful creation of Eden

It’ is not the opening of legs,
nor the parting of thighs,
such is just a middle,
a jumping point,
the truistic beginning

The delicious devouring starts
first at the mouth
where the ****** first builds
in salivating lip smacking nibbles
burning through the veins
opening the gate
breaching the uncertainty
of submitting to that wanting, always,
for someone to know
where to touch
where to lick
where to urge flesh alive

then it inches, in Picasso brushes
along the flesh,
(breast, waist, hips,)
where fingers and tongue find a certain rhythm
causing the body to sing, without thought
the song of origins

As it opens the strained passage, naturally,
wet with strange desire
curious, needing redemption
for all the lonely hours of denial
of wanting someone
to taste, smell, touch the ache away

And you will lick first the wounds;
the hurtful lashing of old lovers,
then you will be surprised
how easily she dissolves
fallen against your mouth
as you lick the silky wings
**** them between your lips
tongue the opening
getting inside enough to taste
the rouged flower, the Van Gogh surprise
bloomimg, simply, magnificently, against the lap of your tongue
only to feel, so wondrously,
her surrender, quivering,
warm against your mouth

And she will lay, breathless, trembling
moaning your name,
so grateful, so thankful
you took time with tongue and patience
to make her feel alive
To make her feel like a woman
To make her feel as if she were just birthed into this world
To be made exclusive by your worship of all she is....
need to go and sit in the freezer to cool down :)
Janette Aug 2012
I let go
Of all I ever knew,
To taste the anticipation
Of his promised storm...the breath of his
Kiss pooling at my feet,
Velvet darkened desire,
A crimson silken-stain,
Bending the clutch of flesh, a chaos unleashed;
Sliding in cushioned madness, bleeding
Slithering tongues, tasting the moans
Exposed in the wet of me...

Thunder's primal heat fell, surrounding me;
It's warm, weeping liquid
Dripped across my lips, opened
In moistened invitation,
Searing me hot; as
His breath whispered,
'Taste it, lick it, hold it',
Taunting commands
Slaking teases wicked...traced in shimmering lines
Across roseate tipped *******;
Blushes afloat in satin caress...

So sensuous,
The rose,
A **** silhouette, drenched warm,
Swallowing his reflection;
Her untamed passion
Braced for unbridled *******,
The depths of flesh, caught in the trance of his midnight storm,
Mesmerised in a bliss-rush,
Pulsed with the vibrato of his tongue slide,
Licking the night tender, forging the opening of my purest delights;
Where boundaries blur...

Dipped in the dew of flesh, I ache
For the heat of his touch, where
Moans taste like honey to his eager tongue;
A tapestry of erotica
Birthed as fire between hungry thighs
Exposing me, shuddering his name
Beckoning him deeper; buried
To my spine, bent and grasping, holding the warmth of him,
Sweet love
Spilled upon cool sheets...

Passion, swallows heat and rhythm in the crevice of my heart;
Submerged in echoes of yearning,
Blanketing satin; and
Misty eyed heat simmers beneath the folds of dream,
Where I pour myself like rain under his skin..........
Between us the heat ignites me to burning.....the tracing hours wind the subtle fire splayed inside... take me home.... into your warmth..... live with me in this barrier that wants your name engraved under my veins... J
Janette Oct 2012
I was born of your dreams.. eruption of your molten desires...
Once, dormant, beneath an ocean of ice,
Warmed only by the lips of the sun,..
and the eyes of the moonlight...
Your fire pierced the currents
of my dissolution,
Parted the seas of my slumbar

Your infringement into my sagacity
Ravaged salacious unleashings...
An unexpected inferno...
Of a once guarded matrimony,
Vows exchanged between a bleeding heart
And the fury of a dream, just out of reach,
into the tomb it was placed within;
by hands of whispers...
This frigid grave, where I lay in surrender...


That moment your eyes gazed me to sway
beneath hands that strummed the rhythm of a song...
I was destined to dance, within you,
You were destined to play, within me...

Uncultivated, untamed, primitive....
The shackles of my reserve
Released by the ****** in your eyes...
Unlocking all the secrets I had ever harboured...

They were yours, now...,
As was I....

A volatile surge of your hunger
Dancing in the flames upon these seas of your dreams...
Enraptured in the warmth
of your breath....
...that set me free...
Fueled by the passion of your thirst
Unraveled by the strength of your embrace...
That unbridled the reigns
As I ascended into the realms of heaven...
Upon the wings of ecstasy
Breathed into the heart of my soul
In tender whispers of your love....

...that ravaged me again...

...and again...

...and again...

...into the stillness of sighs...

...where I was born, of your dreams....

...resurrected, in the sweat of your needs...

Janette Sep 2012
Drench these thighs
that twine on thee
shatter my world
as you tongue trippingly

Delve for sweets of
bottomed topped blush
whilst dew-drops sing
rich thickened pearly lush

Sweet, lust-given man,
is the wood of groves
stark primal musks
embraced by skin's glove

Ah so tightly shafted
this plunge oh so deep
will make you sing
(and make me weep!)

Embrace the night
with our silken sighs
as we drum the tribal
with deafening cries

Breathing the source -
those hourglass sands
guiding each another
midst our midnight-sun lands...
Janette Jan 2013
Eyes soft as silk, mirror moon-fire along the silver cusp of my soul,
Enchantment wanders the opalescence of this dream,
Heartbeat to heartbeat it pulses, drifting down soft, as stolen breath
Along the throat in this trembling garden of body....

Whispers of hunger, penetrate soft folds of midnight’s caress upon
Velvet’s pout, a taste of honeyed tease, searing spoon-fed ecstasy,
Brushed new, upon warm whispers,
In the wet of US....

A moist fragrance of sighs, unleashed, capturing blossoms swelling, under moon-spill,
Urgent fingertips dance delicately across shadowed yearn;
Undressed, beguiled, stirred sweet, behind naked eyes,
Where lavender ache beckons....

Satin pleasures unbutton heaven in the breath of swollen whispers, and
The breeze of destiny lays tangled in sheets, touching, teasing
The shores of prismatic submission;
Spooning wet, the wild of embers scorching need, prompting the meld of *****, as
Seduction fuses and passion licks unholy wet, cocooned in silk spill...

His melting shadow arches, quivers the canopy of my offering,
Roller-coasted beneath his lip-ride, where fire bleeds my skin, and I am lathed upon the parched desert of his tongue;
Where crimson visions seep, thrusting, deep the lilac of petals, and
Hungry hands trace the rhythm of trembles,beyond the swallowed screams....

Darkened eyes watch, as I burn the ****** slipped from his tongue;
My trembling, hips glisten, trailing whispers, slowly swallowing hidden breath,
Drowning him in an oasis of silken desire, where dewdrops of my rain trickle from the corners of his smile,
Orchid nectar sliding between two tongues, saturated, tasted beyond the press of lips...................
She clings to midnight.....dangling from crescent moon’s that he may reach high, and bring her to him in untainted absolution..............loving her pure, immaculate.....into the bleeding gleam of dawn.......J
Janette Jan 2013
On a slow train
out of the Savannah’s sudden exile,
the sunlight swallows me,
a calligraphy of days, hours, minuets, now
inscribed on my limbs,
syntax gives over to a dry, dry sound,
and parched, the aftertaste of sloe gin
inhabits my ribs, the lay of bones,
a labyrinth of absence,
and this velvet ache
at my wrists, a pure burning,

burning the memory red,

words swell and crumble with a kiss,
what absence, Soul of Winter,
what absence is this, spreading
over roadmaps, soliloquies, nights
stretch into mornings, always mornings,
as my fingertips pull daylight from an orange
in dream alphabets that soon dwindle
to vowels, the word, harbour, bends
the old alder beyond what it can bear,

so many ways, you say, to live like a prisoner,

at home, the rooms
are all windswept, reckless
chairs overturned , abandoned
in this, the evening’s parable,
love is no more
than a syllable in a bottle
of shattered blue glass,

a poem written on the underside of a child’s teacup,

their jump ropes curl like adders
at our feet, the thread
from where I dangle
in doorways and twilight,
as I bide time, perilous
over train tracks, your fingers
trace tally marks along my vertebrae,
the hollows darkening in a pathos
of blue rheumatism,
and in the carnivorous tremor
of my body breaking
like the spine of a book,
the paper gone pink at the edges,
like azaleas and bruises,

erosion, after all is the altar of the body,

and there are scars beneath my temple,
and this ache, still, in my wrists,
unbearable when it rains,
ghosts inhabit my lungs,
wrung from the silence of shut windows,
eternal clotheslines and linen
span for miles across the Savannah,
and the early frost is at last,
calling me home....
Janette Oct 2012
Your eyes devour me...

Her sheets of scented sin
Tasted lips
Quickening the
Whispering heat;

His breath upon her neck...

Peridot eyes, cast silent wishes
Suckling whispered thoughts;
A stream of tangled hunger

Shivered quiet...

Fire tongue skimmed
Autumn's flame,
Shades of gold, caressed

Succulent *******...

Amber whispered;
Intoxication sweet, a shiver-pour
The drown of midnight silk

Exotic dancing her sensual need...

Tongue jets softly
Upon hips gyrate,
Flesh weakened
By the strain of ravage

Libation's drench...

Night's kiss sears
Heated flesh
Bathed in effervescence,
Creamy nectar delight,
A cascade

Between lips of adoration...

And HE...
Wrote his name
Inside her;
Snake hips, pulsing
To repletion,
Raising the satin sheen

Fire crimson with hardened-need........
How soft my skin feels in the palm of your close our bodies can actually fit together....before we start to take each others breath away... J
Janette Jan 2013
Turns a soft pirouette of finger end
Along the ridges of discs that make the spine
And I mark a period to end the sentence
Written upon soft skin
Smooth as a relaxed sigh that escapes parted lips
In a gentle exhale of seconds ticked off
One check (tick)
Two check ( tock)
I scribe to small of back where hollow forms
Letting tongue taste the salt of sweat glistening
Before a rise of hip curves to please eyes
Or palms that might erase dark windows staring back
At the blank gaze of face lost inside
The mirage of dreams

Three check (tick)
Four check ( clock tocked seconds rhyme)

With vowels moaned to the whisper of poems
Glyphed a slow summons of wrists gently turned
To show the veins that lie beneath as I bled softly
Along the nerves a simple thread of heartbeat
Rhythms show how a verse ends
A metaphor for the ribs caged
And stone to hold apart the looking glass world
Of Cheshire grins upon lips wet with wry spittle
Licked by tip of tongue

Breathes soft once upon times
To inhale the scent of amaryllis bloom
Gracing glass of its own with fair heads bloom
Petals of delicate hue opened vulnerable to bruise

Five check ( tick )
Six check ( toggle along mark of hands the tock)

I scribe soft to the end of line and pirouette fingers end
Marking a period again to end the simple words
Brushed upon a supple velum
And begin
Seven check (tick)

Second hands slow circles
Matching my own...
Janette Sep 2012
She used to speak in shades of green…
Earthly, with undertones of gravel and dust.
She liked it that way,
Where she could feel the swell of dirt inside her,
Taste the grass, pick sand from her teeth…
Tangled midnight hair hung in transient neglect
Down the arch and curve of shoulder and back,
Finally coming to end with a whispered reminder
Of its existence against the edges of her innocence...

And, once her innocence was lost
(as all innocence must be, time and again)
She realized a certain freedom in heart and rainclouds
In claiming her Oz, in following her own golden hued path.
She lay in reckless splendour among the sun ripened poppies, dreaming
Of *****, and fingers tracing her adjectives and verbs
Sinking into her nouns with plunging clarity...

Home, she not a place to sleep,
Or a place to lay my head
And find wishes in dandelion seeds
Home is in my soul,
Buried deep in some forgotten place
Between slumber and sunrise
Where my hands grasp at golds and reds,
Gathering colours like wildflowers
So that I may inhale their scent,
Exhaling more than just green
But a wanderlust, in an effort to find
The dark silhouette of you...

A fold of parchment and a gust
Of tepid wind
She seals her fate.
She no longer contemplates
A three time click
To send her back the way she came
Instead she longs for Emerald,
And moves in pace, with the desires
Of every where, any where
This brick road
Will take her...
Janette Jan 2013
Come softly
silver rain, come
softly now my thoughts,
heavy as September's reddest hue
in hours shed these patched conceits
of dry leaves, curled
along the Summer road,
become some vast appalling wilderness,

your hands, an Autumn dream,
casts a thick red sap
upon the swollen planes of my body,
crouched in a stealth pathos
of grey leopard cells,
as they well, wild with faith
and thirsty prayer,

come away
from these stale Summer breads,
for your kisses
are a much softer fate
than wisdom, come
the ease of rain, softly
silver rain,

stay the solemn night
with leaves, bedeck
my perilous flesh,
let it ascend
its grey latitudes
in blizzards of dogwood,
kindling songs on paperchains

my hands,
string an alphabet
of silence, tied
by hours of rope,
inviolate, palms
clasped to glass, two
hummingbirds, quiet

to close into fists, come Autumn
the season of bearing,
the rich red earth darkens and drinks
our tears, and now, never
the ease of rain, falling,
come softly, softly silver rain....
Janette Oct 2012
Come softly
silver rain, come
softly now my thoughts,
heavy as October's reddest hue
in hours shed these patched conceits
of dry leaves, curled
along the Summer road,
become some vast appalling wilderness...

Your hands, an Autumn dream,
cast a thick red sap
upon the swollen planes of my body,
crouch in a stealth pathos
of grey leopard cells,
as they well, wild with faith
and thirsty prayer...

Come away
from these stale Summer breads,
for your kisses
are a much softer fate
than wisdom, come
the ease of rain, softly
silver rain...

Stay the solemn night
with leaves, bedeck
my perilous flesh,
let it ascend
its grey latitudes
in blizzards of dogwood,
kindling songs on paperchains...

My hands,
string an alphabet
of silence, tied
by hours of rope,
inviolate, palms
clasped to glass, two
hummingbirds, quiet...

Stilled, joined, unbind
to close into fists, come Autumn
the season of bearing,
the rich red earth darkens and drinks
our tears, and now, never
the ease of rain, falling,
come softly,
softly silver rain....
Janette Jul 2012
The labyrinth of a sleepless mind....

Sleep lurks in a peripheral vision,
Twilight intoxicates, a strange pageant of longing,
My hands still burn with light,
A diaphragm of breath bathing reflections etched upon glass,
Held hostage amid the still of the night...

Shadows slip amongst shadows, cast in unearthly mist,
A single silver tear slips,  and
Across blank lines ...

The wind has whispered memories in my ear,
The fragrance of longing left upon my pillow;
Behind my eyelids
I wait
To be taken to that place
Where Love is painted wordlessly,
In soft shades of jade and sienna..

It rests against my back
Touching deeper than skin
Without touching at all...........
Ramble of thoughts, slightly bruised....pen the hush...touching upon soft shadows...tracing those secret places hidden beneath the blush of a rose....... J
Janette Oct 2012
I am dream, made flesh!
from your design
Caressed by your

Purrrrrring softly...
Naked heart-print's press upon the tissue
Of trembling thunder;
I bend
Beneath his breath
While he permeates
A rake of glittered stars
Across my skin;
The barrier
Between his tongue and my scent...

He holds me ... liquid,
Framed to his eyes,
******* hard;
The melt of ice, fed on
The heat of his tongue;
Shedding night's skin
In shades of twilight...

Dark, eyes gaze through mine
Silken pleasures;
The moistness of a stolen kiss,
Willing, wet,
Tasting the tender;
Of palpitating curves,
Of Soft thighs, quivering
Slow enough to

A tigress, unleashed, beneath
Her tamer's trance
I vary my pose,
The audacity of my savage
Meets his gaze,
River-wild and dark,
The moment.... opaque

Darkened silk;
The slide,
Palms down,
My skin alive at the burn
As hips gyrate
On the rub
Burning where shadows curve,
Creating the fire of

A writhe of craze
A pause to breathe
To shut hard
The breath of me
As he inhales
Slim ecstasies, skin
Immersed in milky secrets
Weak, with love.....
I want the I plant a seed inside your heart, so you will you will always know, without question.....that I simply want.......Always...J
Janette Aug 2012
His name lingers on my tongue's tip.....

Striking passion like flint, tossing sparks like fireworks
Into the ink black sky;
Stirring emotions like the leaves
That scuttle around my feet;
Autumn walks, stealing light from the moon,
Her tendrils spiral, lingering..and the colours fall
In words that flutter from my tongue...

My eyes whisper, ache,
A timeless want, feeding in the hunger of his tender wrap..
Morning undresses inhibitions in anticipation
Of having him see me naked and unashamed..
My deepest secrets shared,
With the slivers and shards of what once resembled
A heart falling like rain about my feet..

The curve of his back trails toward a path
Unknown, shadowed within my stare;
Finding solace in the rising storm,
As it lays sheeted beneath satin layers of gentle;
A hush of soft, stirs,
Caressing the edge of sapphire whispers;
The sweet of first blush, laces fever in the swallow of rushing rivers
Liquored with moonshine sprinkles, and
Swooning as Autumn winds
Surge... and dance, syllables that speak for our tongues
Holding on tight, limb to limb
Not afraid to let go

Just not ever wanting to........
A kissed tear of sorrow no longer eclipses moonlit territories , summoning the breakers tide to sink in ocean's salt......the winds of tomorrow beckon me toward a future cast in crimson and rose.......J
Janette Sep 2012
I sing in drifts of silk
sliding rainbows gently
against the rub of muscle
and warmed hotness
pouring the melt so wet
in your lingering kiss.

Begging nothing,
I weep for the lathe
of soft sheath
pearled to wicked
by the stormy thunder
you echo thru my valleys.

Revered so,
I am hungered velvet
to your tongued verse,
a litany on which
you crave my depths;
revealed inspiration
for your dreams

Adored by each caress
fingered gently to fury,
ravenous hunger fed,
I quake with earth-tides
enraptured by your
Janette Jan 2013
there are tears,
a sorrow slender
as a bellflower at first,
and opening its slow & delicate way
to grief, fluent as the soul
falling toward you, wet
and gasping, an agony of willows,
late in August & hemlock,
tear strung, haunted,
in the deep blue scythe of hours
you carve out of our secret,

a totem fossil of wild horses,
abandoned & impaled upon a carousel,
that bear a garland of snapdragons
for reign and bridle,
as they open their tiny pink throats to the night,
the calyx trill of tree frogs,
with their penchant for silk
& pink ribbons, pigtails
& sequin dreams,

I am desolate now,
my body a bramble
tangled in its curfew of snow,
upon the window pane,
the incessant thump, thump
of these **** ivory moths,
on each wing, a word I speak in dream,
returns to me, cleft
of blue light, scissor in darkness,
fierce to extinguish the stars
with their vehement lash of wing
to glass, to glass,

your pain is my familiar,
my envy,
my assurance,
and I am calmed
solely with the lace of spanned hands
at the throats small and fluttered vessel,

come, to besiege
the innocence of Summers stray tears....
Janette Aug 2012
Where he calls me...sultry
I am
A silken storm of want
In the blush of moon...

Night falls long,
Humid, in the heat of ache
“I want you”
Rushes over me in droplets of

His voice
A  pour
Creamy smooth
A slip-slide down
My throat...

His dark touch
Beneath my starve,
Craving the sip,
Drowned in swallow...

Thrumming trembles
The quench of thirst
Beneath the swelling tide
Under silken tongue...

Slipping deeply into wetness
Pulsing raw
Lust surges strings of silk
Primitive and wild...

Where he calls me...sultry
I am......
Janette Aug 2012
A sin of darkness, buries silvered waters, where breathing is as tangible as a caress;
The circle turns, unceasing,  around my feral heart,
Unfettered as the tides, where desire ebbs and flows;
Through rainbows, spun with roses, swaying beneath shadows...

Crystals of feathered lace sense his rhythm; like whispers
Drifting past  things I dared not dream,
Clinging to misted breath; cradling me unconditional;
Wrapped in strands of tender, I discover him,
In a sacred place, where cheek meets chest,
And bodies find recognition...

His shadow across satin, the pattern of my emerald draped desire,
Coating my silhouette in a musky promise, cocooned in timeless abandon,
My eyes sing with the gentleness of baby's breath,  lips fill with the softness of rainbows,
Of cloudburst kisses, trailing tenderly from forehead to cheek, to moistened mouth;
His darkness, drinking deep, a black satin desire...

Eyes  of fire, burn my skin, searing into me,
Demands; as heat wraps, twining through me, gazing past absolution
Expressions of want, shine radiance, reflecting need;
My breath brushes against questions held in his eyes,
His murmurs tightly thrusting a foreplay sliding in cushioned madness,
In crescent moons that bleed....

Fingers encircle, tracing the wet I create, hands grasp tender submission,
My body given, raw, arched, grasping darkness within his eyes,
Rampant...and forbidden, my unwoven breath....shatters
Upon the mastery of his moonlight storm.
A suckle flush against a throbbing womb,
Swept away against passion's throes...

Cradled, in ache, chaos spilt between us in rivers,
Swirling within the scarlet spill, I am strung out,
Like the lights I have found , eternal, in his eyes entranced;
I weep for the beauty he pours, lips bleeding his crimson name;
I touch him, touching me, in the weave of promise, stained upon his smile...............
I see you there just a shadow in my dream......a challenge this is....loving you, knowing it may never be returned, not in the capacity in which I swim there in the light...lulled by the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest with each breath taken in unity....and knowing the beat of your heart,  tempting me to the unknown, unraveling me slowly.....sliding the softness of satin from my skin....I can not think with you senses scream to enjoy..brazen are the lips which press against denied flesh stoking the fire that grows................ craving my love............. J
Janette Oct 2012
It is nothing,
a mordant of the soul,

an elixir, a panacea, a placebo
for my lesions, there in the thistle, grows
our drastic garden of red posies and hyacinths,

such little things, on the verge,
lilting as the decorum begins to bobble
and slump sideways, and murmur,

on Mondays I can swallow the octave
of your absence, tendrils and all,
red quince limbs parting from the deluge

and in its wake, the wreckage
of black pumpkins and purple corn, hanging
pendulum at our door,

the Autumn lights summon a lavish song to harvest,
thirty seven colours in the brocade you gift me,
tangled and heavy the years upon my bones

begin to spur and flower
into cunning disruptions,
and stratify upon my body like rinds of ricepaper,

vellum for another wish
in the complacent burial of mango flesh,

as my song liquefies,
drowns you, inundates
each alveoli, and our love

in the swallowing gush, perched,
begins to shudder,
devoured by its symmetry,

stem cells all akimbo
in the shallow pitch of days
bound in a nostrum of wine and liquorice

it is nothing, really,
a mordant for the soul, a tulle filament
twitching in a raincoat of lightning....
Janette Dec 2012
Sable, the swallow rising
as it banks over the white conduits
of marrow in the body, rain
slashes through the honey locust,
along the long ellipse of its hunt
as savage dragonflies rise from stems
to cling, a deep sienna of doeskin tremors
over their sting, catkins,
an aftermath, melancholy to the skin
soaked in white calla,
its reticence assails
the sleeping orchards of the heart,
in its darkest sheaves,
to cleave apart the soft joining of lips
and silence me;

for eternity
is this moment,
and the light you give
cloaks me in a coat of flames,
the burnt locust of slaughter, taunt
the rubric of Christs hidden scriptures,
as I night,
the body, solely a vessel
of shadow, returning
through a field of windfall,
ripe with wasps,
echo you
in me,
a dream of a dream dream't,
in the dim recess of light

your lips close
like a sutra over mine,
a brutality of moments
ground out of thick pine,
as the fine agony
of cricket ballets rise
shivering, to stillness,
this silence is a lotus,
a blue psalm,
throttles the throat,
as a quorum of swallows
gather between the swathes
of sunlight and skewed shadows,
and lift as one body, subsumed
by our abandoned depths,

out of exile, you
have made me a homeland
of truant light and as I night,
lightning opens like scripture,
a black plea, poured over some sore refuge,
and so that I may never be restored,
cloak me in a coat of flames,
suffering an ecstasy of moments hardened in amber,
over the white conduits of marrow
in the savage body, writhe
a black throng of swallows,
assail the sleeping orchards of the heart,
in its darkest sheaves, to cleave
apart the soft joining of lips
and silence me....
Janette Aug 2012
I inhaled your soul
Sealing it within my heart...

The deepest breath of dusking light
Casts jade upon sienna;
Somewhere in the stillness,
Comes soft, the echo
Of empowered flight...

Waiting on a raft of cloud
She waits to breathe again...

Her lips retain the memory of a kiss;
Embrace, a warm ghost
Upon satin skin....
And time stands still,
For tender shadows paint
Pearls upon a necklace of hope...

Her wishes cast upon the gateway
A prayer mat where she kneels,
Beacons of an endless shore;
A portal in rippled time,
The bridge awaits.....forever...

She feels the dream as living flesh,
Crested in the stillness
Where the clock chimes rhythm
Against his velvet bed, her heart lies here
Balanced by his breath,
And distance tumbles over wet colours,
Like mauve kisses
Along the soles of an eventual sunrise...

In the harbour of my soul you have always been there
Afloat in the silent breezes of my dreams.......
A soul mate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for whom we’re pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise. Our soul mate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we’re two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we’ve found the right person. Our soul mate is the one who makes life come to life....Richard Bach ~
Janette Aug 2012
Folds my heart to his
Bound to pulsebeats;
His kiss
Sweet on my flesh...

Know my hunger
For it starves for his yearn
Burning wild
Inside the crave of

Sweet hunger of my desire
Ride, wild upon
The crest of this moon-drawn tide;
Tasting lust
Seared in the nectar of sighs;
I drown in his charms
Breathless upon his shore...

Brushed with blush-velvet
Bathed within his essence...
Arching my body to
Pleasure-greet his touch,
Within whisper-breaths

Aghhhhhh! he
Consumes me with tender sips,
Ravenous feastings
Fulfill his crave,
Lips trace
My thighs, caressing him closer
His tongue teasing the tip
Heat searing my skin...

Painting  passion
Inside shadow's kiss
Tasting the promise of 'again'... on lips
Dripping need
Taking me
Shed the night skin
In shades of crimson twilight...
When I looked deep into my shadow, only then did I see the true light.
Janette Aug 2012
An opaque kiss, crept over his spirit,
Drifted with petal-like grace, spilled warm
In forget-me-not pastels;
He enters The Dream'......

The soft breath of night
Dusts lash-bound eyes with dream;
Night mists wander a lace like solitude,
Lost in euphoric infinity,
Where his blue ripples speak waterfalls
Pooling to silence...

The moon tossed down a shimmering cloth,
Her Midas light, turning his limbs to gold;
A name, echoed softly, like river minutes,
A winding breath, a tingled song of awakening,
Of lullaby in whispers and nuance,
Ghost-kissing the curve of an aching thigh...

Crave induced,
The magic in her hip-sway, crossed
The arch of his dreams;
Where she flowed half-held by darkness;
A garnet flame flickering the
Tussled locks of Autumn stained hair,
Trailing her skin, like eager limbs parting
A dream horizon's shore...

Her impish August skin,
Bathed him in words that woke his willing flesh,
Tracing the haunted subtlety of desire;
Here, amongst the echoes of the pulsing night,
Heart to heart, breath to breath,
Her fingers tenderly caressed delicate dreams on the silken hardness
Of his shadow serenade...

Passion coursed his blood, an esoteric tune
Suckled the sweet sutra;
Her taste,
Burning the star of his mouth,
Tasting the breath of moan,
A song,
Hovering like a silver bauble, drifting in past breaths,
Sinking into chaotic bliss, deepening the eclipse of seductive fusion...

His face, dark, breathed hot upon her psyche,
A captive heart beating against his palm;
"Be Mine" unfolds,
While "Yours" is spread wide, refractive on skin,
A brand, where fingers trace hips, slowly swallowing hidden breath;
His tongue slide, afire with the heat of a thousand suns, and
Rose tinted limbs scream, with eyes closed,
And he watches as she burns.......

Love came quietly as a whispered dream.........
An eclipse in the afterlight, of forever....she lay there in his arms......held in her beaming smile....a breath beyond a dream.................. J
Janette Aug 2012
And so resounds the echo...

Sewn against your shadow,
handstitched destiny edges,
unraveled in the fire,
pulses rage
in heart-paced whispers,
collision of midnight panther
pelts, bleed into powder silk,
ravage the gentle merge,
your touch upon my awakening
sway me softly in your gaze
taste me with eyes that pierce
my soul from wingtips of butterflies
cast from the fire of your existence.
Unfold the unspoken words
dripping in the creases of this
suture seal the ache
of gossamer flesh
pressed against raven,
twin glances,
the bookmark,
tracing the eyeprints
of your words upon me. resounds the echo...

As echo wrecks the body
in a fever of words, purged
from the ****** night,
that devoursand devoursyour lips,
my hands' gentle cradle, spread
its roots dark these russet
threads the gold, swept
wetly over hands, like nerves,
quickening and so laden
with tremors, these words echo echo

Slip knot tongues intertwine,
tangled tasting breathes, exhaled
in slow moans surging, purging
that drinkand craveand need
m o r e
beneath hands that unleash
the fervor, lips pressed through
the flames, as gossamer falls
upon panther silk,
an exigent trespass,
beyond the touch
beyond the kiss,
educe the quake and the quiver
within this rapture. resounds the echo echo...
Janette Jan 2013
How far can we fall
from the edge of a whisper
suspended above molten desires
dangling from a single breath
escaping through fragile fingers
pressed against
a reflection of lips
piercing the swollen silence
in words that belong to you

I am paused in patient syllables,
a hum on the tip of your tongue
searing the wings of uncaged secrets
spilled from your eyes upon my skin
sliding in the hush of immaculate worship,
in this ritual of discovery
an unyielding hunger,
your hands unravel passages
confessed in intimate testaments,
stained in your fingerprints,
translating the map of my body
in minutes that pass too soon.

Cradle my thighs in an estrus of dreams,
bathe my release in the burning hours,
drenched in the silk of lilac orchids
soft petals from your eyes,
leave a trail from flesh to soul
for lips to taste the jasmine-laced crave
softly veiling the naked lust
caged behind these sapphire windows
gazing into the depths of your reign,
I am stranded in exile
awaiting the guidance of moonlight
translated in the stroke of your fingertips
that brand my flesh yours

And, in that place,
I reveal every sacred secret,
exposed and shivering
beneath your body ascending
upon the ****** truth of me,
beneath these sheets of midnight silk,
tangled in translucent urgencies
unfolding into a delicate intimacy
that preludes this savage awakening
so restless to adorn your primal sting
in a deluge of my body to your parchment,
scribe me spent in the ink of your resonant whispers

how far can we fall....from the edge
Janette Jul 2012
I wait for you upon a palette of night sigh’s beneath the silver of starlight
Where the whisper of dream drifts down, soft, as stolen breath,
Caressing me, holding me within the sepia of your eyes;
And we taste the first light of forever...

Spring-awakens blossoms, traced in the dew of thirsty petals
Where I am cradled, sacred, in a lullaby of ribbon-bound rainbows;
Where wind blown whispers, reflect the burn in our eyes
And we taste the first light of forever...

Love is etched in diamond facets of eternity,
Where the satin of fingerprints reach far beyond words, slaying me with silent urgency,
Painting me beautiful, in the breath of your swallow;
Where we taste the first light of forever...

Every shadow-kissed dream, saturates, beneath cascades of moon-spill,
Exposing velvet tremors, as you unbutton the colours of your love,
Melting me in desires blush, falling with silkened sighs into your hands;
Tasting the first light of forever...

I find heaven sipping liquid sin from fountains of your moonshine blaze,
Smouldering deep, within heartbeats, pulsing the metamorphosis of our twin flame,
And I forget how to breathe........if only for a moment....just a moment;
Where we become the first light of forever...

I know, now...I had already held you in unborn memories
where yesterday becomes tomorrow, illuminating the heavens as we twine
Ever always, One breath, One heart, One Soul, falling
Heart-First into the light of Forever....................................
You have embraced my twilight...binding me slow....weaving me into your darkness, with the silken slide of fingers, you have turned me into the deepest shade of you...and I lay cradled in your midnight, aware of the way your heart moves with mine, and the way my ink flows in these winged dreams......where I write you eternal...I write you MINE ..... J
Janette Jan 2013
In the sordid caste
of flowers, the wild
rise on their stems
for a name,

and rupture into light
through the copse of partridge berry
distances tumble over the wet colours,

like mauve tongues
along the thighs of an eventual sunrise,
that comes moaning free
of the unforgiving dark,
in the wet jazz soliloquies of light

and suddenly, through the lips
of Septembers lovely grind,
to bind the Summers cunning wounds,
your hands reach far into the blue hordes
of wildflower,

and redolent fevers, kindled
by some hummingbirds blurred
and exquisite agitation, you
are the body of my confession

and South
marks the same
unfathomable distance home,
over the prairie
that tonight grants calm,
in the balm of C minor,

a mute, sibilant liquid dream of rain
soothes, my voice grows hoarse
and stills, though from the hush of willows,
rasps the vast reservoir of wind,

as the jay, a blue throb in the holly, casts
my hue in lush cascades of desperate, abandoned braids

lift the fevers muslin depths
and these unaccompanied words, sing
a sonata
proverbs in petty sounds
spill from a cracked jaw
and a parched throat,
in the Sabbath of the heart

heaven never thought to map
this distance and its jubilee
over wildflowers, I bear
your name to stay the mauve hour

of devout crickets,
crouched in the rain,
dying in the thick falsetto of mist
and the sordid hum of birds, dim
in their hollow cote,

and sudden blue, sudden blue,
how I adore you....
Janette Jul 2012
Silence slips between breaths;
As a muted Shadow whispers truth upon the breeze...

The curve of a smile,
Warm in the depths of Rose;
The magic of him cloaking me,
Touching light upon this heart,
His voice a tender caress within my soul,
Blending threads of time forgotten,
Of future's yet unseen...

A warm caress encircles, the silk of petals,
Quivers the shiver-moan;
Curves, a feather against parted lips,

The pulse-beats erratic,
Tasting epiphany bled from need;
Our murmured promises,
Along a tongue bathe of passion's fruit,
Exhaled in whimpered sighs...


Glimmer-gleam droplets,
And hush, while the moon dances softly
Gilded to the Rose;
Dew-swept and hungry, heart raging to
Free the fury pounding...yet I whisper-sigh..


Wind-swept aches pound my flesh,
Wrapped in the heat of heart-glades;
Release is found,
Empowered of rapture scream,
I take the breath of him as my own..................
Finding you here seals a sweet kiss of promise....No touch welcomes me home as much as yours...I am, in each frail line.....your Rose.... J
Janette Jan 2013
There came quiet
the colors of your cinnamon skin,
its taste, persimmon
spread in red syllables
and quicksilver spills
in the folds of this tickled silence,

Laden with prophesy
the white thought of love
leaps through the tamarack pastures,
suet to the shadows of dahlias, flesh
you say, is water
and its symmetry, a penetrating
sound of pure ebullience,

Love, in the pale baton of light
you coax from cognac eyes,
open my veins to every thorn in the garden,
rumors of rain,
say nothing and endure,

Spread over panes of glass
where butterflies drown
in the sweat of our charms
and moths drop from the true color of lunacy,
cold depths lapse softly into my flesh,

I hurt, in that quiet shatter of light,
and from moth-eaten thighs
you soak the ****** of earth
with velvet tears and lavender,
spread its dark balsam to quell the quick faith
with sighs, as reluctantly,
the soul speaks what the body has written,
and gives-in to its asylum....
Janette Aug 2012
Midnight whispers,
Born on the sway of summoned winds, that
Oh how they ache... unfolding quivers spilling
Upon opaline skin,
Their threads of gold, quickening,
Tasting slow moans surging...

Where lips, cradle flesh too fragile for hands,
Moving beyond the trembles, intertwined,
Tasting breathes, smooth, into a warmth of
Tongue-strokes that adorn,
Rose petals, delicately
Drowning in an oasis of silken desire...

Burn me deep, a pulse rage of panther silk,
Tasted naked,
Beyond the kiss that devours your lips,
The manacle of your hunger;
Drinks fervour from my eyes
As I take you inside,
Deeper beyond the intoxication of our insomniac thunder..

The scribe of your tongue
Spreading the curve of my thighs;
The savage vein dripping
Branding my yearn;
I savour the wet of us, the nectar of rapture that
Trickles from corners of my smile,
Begging your taste in unspoken plea's...

The Grail of my release, a hum on your tongue's tip,
Stained in this estrus of dreams,
Wild in the burning hours;
Where you swallow me eternal;
Undulating in velvet currents,
Our bodies bleed into one,
Your heartbeat,
Resting eternally between my hands..........
How gently the breeze of your presence reaches through the shadowed moonlight...... holding me in a place so far away from this that place where dreams were born....the hands of yesterday brush my image on a pallette of your eyes see me reborn ........ J
Janette Feb 2013
Down by two
the bruised-blue flesh
of the bronze butterfly's
escape through sacrifice,
flays the emotions..

Unwholesome the silence
that goes before her,
a sound like the heart
bound to beat like butterfly wings...

Gently her absence quick
upon me, inhales the night
and swiftly, the dark
sees only ease to relinquish
her candles sheathed in glass
epitaphs that collapse like veins
to fill the fluent air with the spare
embrace of the blue elements...

Down by two in the bottom of the ninth,
two out, two on, two strikes,
the soul's too tragic abhorrence of details
fails to deliver the impossible syntax
of apocalypse, on the lips
of a courteous Christ, crucified
by light, the night fades
far into the furthest exile...

Under a tropic of cancer,
her un-obscured brilliance
pierces the vault of heaven's vast
gathering of angels,
and their illegible scripture...

Shatters the soul in one primal
instant grand slam dream, quicksilver
through her midnight moment's landscape,
every cherished feature in flight, the light
of the bronze butterfly's escape
through sacrifice, to the silver flame
of moonlight's crucial adieu....
Dedicated to the memory of my beautiful Grandma
Janette Aug 2012
Render me hushed in the serenity of
your arms ... wherein my soul lays bare ...
as the soft caress of warm fingertips
against cinnamon skin leaves me
trembling ... where mere words are
silenced within the echo of sighs ...

Quiet me in the cradle of your
whispers ... still my heart in the
overwhelming emotion that is
my love for you ... may the
touch of my hand upon your
lips and the passion in my eyes
convey what words cannot ...

Listen closely, my love ... for
what is the sound of two hearts
that beat as one?

Cast me amongst the agony ... as
upon my heart the Devil rakes a
river of crimson ... as the serpent
slithers and revels in the worship
of my pain ... where my tongue
falls mute upon the tattered wings
that lay at my feet ...

Tethered ... bound to an infinite
ache disguised as the distance
between our hearts ... where
tears from need fall like rain ...
and where my cries from want
are lost within the rumble of
thunder ...

Listen closely, my love ... for what
is the sound of a heart breaking?

Sighs for this want?
Sobs for this need?

Tell me, my love ... what is the sound of
a feeling?

For there are moments when I find
myself on my knees ... hushed ...
and I wonder if these will ever
be enough
Janette Sep 2012
I am lost ...

beneath your hands and the warmth of your
breath against my skin ... those moments
in time where the wanton in me is reduced
to whimpers as the woman in me whispers
for more ...

Hold me in the stillness of a sigh and
hush me in the eternity of seconds found
when our souls touch ... where nothing
needs to be said for everything is felt ...

in a kiss ...
an embrace ...
a look ...

I pour in many shades of want ... those
wrought from this anquish that binds me
to you in a tremble of emotions ... where
each cry of need begins and ends with
'I love you' falling from quivering
lips ...

I ask nothing more from you than the
tenderness in your caress and the
intensity of your desire ...

want me as the air you breathe ...

and I am forever
Janette Jul 2012
I walk, between the rush of  breeze covering
The fields of wheat, green, tall, willowy
And the crush of ache resting,
Inside my heart,
Caressed sighs blown from phantom lips
Raise me, wistfully, to
Linger, in the whispered maybe of tomorrow,
Hushed in my crimson dreams
Within his arms
Once more

My languid eyes swim his ocean
To far horizons
Laying across his shore
Painted in the colours of precious ache
I mingle moonlight,to blend ******
Patterns resting upon his tongue follows a
Tattoed kiss traversing his lean torso
Searing iced breath beneath my moan...
Groaning in his open mouth
My famished breath feeds hungrily...

Spin drifting,
In faded denim...he peels
My curves soft,
Wears me in heavy sighsssssssss
Exquisite sensations,
Splay me open to
Lay in wicked warmth upon his quiver dampened mouth
Sailing in fevered delerium, upon 'desire's' crest
When he pierces the nuance of my crave
My intake of breath his reward
Nectared wetness dripppppppssssss across his lips...

Naked flesh
Sinking deeper into darkened silk, my
Spine arched in invitation, a slide against
The drop of hips, night stained
Beckoning tempest's intoxication, in
The primal ****** of quickening
Where he wraps me
Molten, voracious and demanding, driving me
Again and again, breathless whispers
Against torched flesh
Make me his...
Janette Jan 2013
Whispers carry whispers from the corners of yearn....into night, beyond where stars beacon light,
Where rainbow hued visions lend their voice to the chorus of flower songs that filter the moon-strewn path
Carrying me into the heart of him....

Colours within colours touch softly in between, where butterflies meditate and bees indulge their mystery,
Dancing wild in friendly shadows, where whisper-webs sway,
So delicately time is spun, setting me amidst a breathless dream....

Yet I am shy-skin, when sleepy eyes canvas the soft earth of my body, delicately fierce,
Lifting to touch his mouth in my quiet passion,
I am blushed in a pool of desire's wake, where embrace-touch corners my flower, suckled....

Hip-rocking  skims wetness' swallow with a voiceless tongue, to render the moan of rushed inferno,
Poised upon the brink of swollen intimacy, sliding deep into rivers of pleasure, where warm waters rage for a slow ****** baptism toward Nirvana;
Wet lipped, whimpering licked to rain....

Darkness presses against my lips, sliding my tongue, and I draw it in like a feast
Aroused by every touch, my mouth thirsting, body suppliant
Savouring the feel of it in my mouth....again, and again....

I quiver in silent silk, crushing gartered sin,  passion clenched hips moaning lip-speak;
And the moon screams its own lust, an opalescent spinneret, shimmering,
Diamond speckled, beyond the night...beyond dreams.....into the still of mirrored light....

Waiting, always waiting,
I weep for the beauty you pour
Raining me..........................................
Brush back this sheet of sigh, black silk drapes my dreams......passion embraced, wrapped in the strong arms of desire, breeze kissing my skin under moonlight.....pressed against your chest, my head on your shoulder.....eyes locked....whispers caught in the satin curve of my throat.....the caress of my skin on yours made more precious by your lips on mine....
lost in hunger upon velvet......your soft murmur upon my flesh releases the flight of my heart.......I am lost in YOU....where I will always be.....where YOU are lost in ME.............. J
Janette Oct 2012
Just one body,
wounded as light trapped
in liquid mirrors, where
thousands of butterfly skeletons
sleep, thirsty for shadow,
to cast a rough, immovable skin,
dreaming beautiful and come
from a depth unknown to me...

beaten as sorrow shakes
its mane of glass, imprisoned fast
in its own waters, useless
to silence the essence
behind mirrors, in the form
of light locked over the sound
of kisses and the beating of wings...

on the threshold of dream,
seams more fragile still, to feel
my flesh consume itself against
your burning, red in my veins,
just one body sealed in faith,
saturated by what silence
my clear reflection gives...

as now conquered, I come
from crossroads dark in shadow
for so long, long
to have crossed into you, I
in my body, wounded
by the flight of steel butterflies
beating the air, on fire...

I feel over my shoulders,
your wings, and the meeting
of skins made immaculate
by merging the form of flight,
the form of light, locked
in just one body,
long before there was a body
in the epoch of the soul. ....
Janette Aug 2012
Touch me...
Beyond the blue silhouette of still shadows,
Press against this body, that shivers
Beneath your journey
To find me...

Shadows sleep beneath dream,
Where darkness surrenders to wind plows
That pulse and surge, purl-binding; moon gold
Upon midnight's breeze...his name
whispered in silk, hushed;
Hollow and waiting...

See me...

Whispers wrap satin strands across heartbeats
Flowing to islands found within his sepia pools,
Where my soul's veil falls,
And shadows splinter shards of ebony, banking
The creek of my desire;
Breath escapes, a slow push past lips that bite back a whimper;
A voice under my tongue; tastes release...Swallowing his darkness
In liquid heat, taking him deep, body, to body, raw into the recess of moan...

Touch me...

Falling ****** on  goose-bumped flesh;
His deep mocha voice,
Suckles sweet, words flow
And the flesh of his tongue,
Lingers on the breath scent of a rose,
Pulling petals,
Painting my flesh blush-traced...
I breathe ache,  exhale his name, breathe, his taste, as
Pulse quickens tasting the storm of embrace
Beneath fingers, painting subtle brushstrokes
Upon a pool of liquid moonbeams, his tongue,
Hotly insistent, lathes upon waiting skin, where
Veins pulsate isolated desires;
Flesh upon flesh, whisper wetness to oblivion....

Reach for me...

Desire resounds from lips that ache to taste
His love against my heated skin;
My tongue remembers the flavour of his ***,
The familiar of it's heat,
The Smoothness of its slide;
My pout mouth sounds, beg with woman/child sighs,
Laying whispers of my confession, softly
Against his skin, drowning his face where
He is bent to taste;
The glistened spell,
Provoking, unceasingly...lacing through
Soft down to the blossom plundered;
The trickle, of trailing beads devoured, like the restless wind, rendering me breathless without pause,
Stroking tempest against skin, lingering, claiming....

Find me...

The moist of fingertips glide,
The meridian between here and ecstasy,
Lending the pulse of grasp, as I am
Held down hard to
Curve where pearled puddles moan incessantly..
"More! More!" my silent scream;
Melding tight, the succulent berry stirs;
Lifted high above lust, to where the moon sleeps,
And passion's breath dwells,
Lost in a slow dance, surrendered to untamed tides...

Awaken me..

A sharp exhale of breath
Precludes the pleasure-pain
Arcing down swiftly,
My flesh between his lips;
"Oh touch me, kiss me, stroke me,
Keep me here beneath these masterful hands,
While I succumb
To moans within the slide of tongue;
Sipping my mounting desire"...
Arched across the canopy of my offering,
Sighs, etch, beneath the surface of hushed colour
Bleeding need, through cascading hair,
Scarlet passion lit between thighs,
Greeting his touch, lavishing the breath of want....

Spill me...

Oh the heated cry that rushes past these
Trembling lips; the
Tremor trail beneath touches...lingering
For just a moment to capture heart sighs
Awaiting the soft gel of weeping submission,
Brushstrokes, excite, incite, the
Moist rivulets, where musk lies indolent;
Arching beneath sumptuous urgency;
His softly scented slow kiss, wet with my taste....

Bleed me...

I am, outstretched in a questing mark against the moon,
Tumultuous desires
Slaked....oblivious to this milky harvest,
Slipping the crimson unlit depths
Of wet petals;
I embrace and tremble amidst the melt of limbs tossed and spent,
Unveiling whispers and whimpers, as we love in ways that breach the starving soul;

This night is for you..........
Janette Aug 2012

Mist rolling like silk,
Reflections of mountains painted with fire; trees edging grass;
Dancing hellos to dark sunshine and warm-tipped lips,
Cradled in the dance of sky and cloud,
Shape-shifting, secretly, where
The wind whispers, across the singing stones...


Bathed in the essence of Spring,
A clockwise dust settles on a cruciform of Love;
Her silk heaven remembers the lithe scent of wildflowers,
Twirling and twining in teased twistings,
Swaddling her exotic leash,
Braided within the sunshine of his softly spoken kiss...


Days tumbled, within wild parables
Where prophecy became whispers of dream,
Soothing, the svelte of lips descending upon her neck;
Cobwebbed thoughts, in the seance of evening,
Ribbon the sound, silver-blue,
Deepening to amber...


Moonlight, the epiphany of night
Milk-blue in it's cooling;
Straying across lips, her body,
A madrigal, bled by the swell of his song;
Seducing smiles inside her eyes, melting,
Peeled of scarlet lace,
Tangled in the skin of his shadow...


Love caressed, with warm hands,
Threading beads throughout her hair,
And naked, came the night, lapping milk-flowers
To melt him, where he lay,  a silent sweeping of flesh
Mingling, softly as liquid thighs wrapped the spill of moon-glow,
Fragrant, yearning suckles, musky overtures hungrily devouring;
Her throaty sighs, absorbed.....


Her fingertips memorise lean lines, faded jeans,
Visions of tanned and taut;
The contours of him, so close; enticing heat,
Lifting the nectar of midnight's whisper
Tracing moon-patterns, a teasing touch,
Swallowing dark promises of sweet elixir
Poured thigh to thigh...


The subtle, sweet venom of his lips
Seeking warmth
And giving it;
His leg between her thighs...a chalice void of wine
Zephyrd trails coursing through the ripple of flesh,
Lifting the ****** of indigo amidst the wanton spill,
Awakening the breath in satiate...


Soft to his touch she lay,
Her breath braided with sensuality;
S T O P S....
As his fingers lace soft down to blossom;
Licking each whimper,
Swollen in shades of pink tender, parted by a tongue's tip,
Fluttering in the depths of love-burnt flesh...


Waterfalls of breathless silence
Veil night phantoms between silent caress,
Ravaging the wasteland of yesterday to
Bloom the nights of tomorrow,
Her body twists, legs tangled where his
Once laid;
The scent of 'forever'....breathes...........
Janette Aug 2012
Born to the night in the cry of wolves,
We are….inked lovers spilling secrets, under velvet skies,
Shrouding the night in silver spools;
The season of silver silence, hangs upon shades of silken soul,
This midnight offering, a white entice;
My hair shimmers brightly, a wet fleece of gold, of shadow and starlight,
And shimmering hues, emerald and sapphire breathe kindred embers into the bellows of passion;
Challenging the flame that burns; entwined....

Whispered intrigue lays in the crescent of moon,
In an eminent blaze of sweetest surrender
Unborn whispers lie entwined with heated petals, silken;
We shiver....I shiver,
I am warm arms embraced;
Your lips hard yet soft against my side,
The feel of flesh warmed to a rising flame...

The long moon steps into midnight;
My *******, full of your hands as candles, pour hard against the ebon fall,

Luscious to the hush of soft smiles
Steeled eloquence flows in ribbon ripples;
Winter sown, blood quilled, in midnights cast;
Cloaked in beautiful, shadow's bed a bouquet of lacy foxglove...

Eyes closed and deep of breath,
Moistness seeps the sugared flower,  and longing surges deep;
Shudder me wicked, drench me quick;
The wildness swirls inside as he moves like a shadow over my heart
His tongue eager to swim the gushing urge;
Touching, slick-slide, the soothe of smooth fingers slip past softness;
Lips cross, moist to moan me quick, sliding to quivers.
Thigh's whispering and heart pounding ,
Soft, the wind blows, tapping walls, fingers dancing
And shadow sways to moonlight...

Velvet-soft, the  sweet of tongue's mesh,
Fire burning,
The tips of breast's aroused by the touch of a slow hand lover;
Your tongue gently rolls, wet and burning hot,
Hungrily, it feeds diving deep, and sandalwood spires upon the malachite air,
And burning murmurs the silent song, pleasures
Your flame to touch me hot, softly hard,
Against the darting quivering rose, stokes sweet, the flame of conjure....

I weep as you strain to slay this huntress of indolent submission;
Descending into darkness, I squirm upon your touch, lifting my altar upon your hunger,
Eyes lost to ecstasy, the flow quickens from abyssal moans;
Overflowing with need, release bound by gold shattered stars
Suckling whispered thoughts;
With us, for us, in us, in dreams, in thoughts, in love
....And in....time my love..................
His rain, has become my decadent addiction.........where my thoughts manifest into tangible words, written slowly over his flesh........laced with twilights absolute surrender drowning, in the renewal of his liquid seduction....grasping, frantic starless wishes in hand....chasing shadows...I curl to myself, longing for your darkness...falling into a cradle of need finding myself ...rocked alone..... J
Janette Aug 2012
To be still in one moment
Where two hearts, together make one whole..

Where I bless his eyes
As the dawn caresses the sky, and
Whisper sweet my name against his lips, breathless
Lays my heart-skin, awaiting the drink of his tenderness,
Echoes in the quiet...
Skin sensations pressed soft against
A soft hypnotic night's breath... I hear it carried by the winds...
and I am swept downriver in a maelstrom of memory and ache...

Warm scents musk a timeless aphrodisiac, as
I dream in bare skin, my urgent pulse beating,
Fluttering endlessly...
To the place where he seeks me,
Touching my breath,
Reaching inside my heart to the corners where I breathe,
Pinning me beneath his pleasure
Senseless and nirvanic...

Strummed in the rhythm...
Of slow hands...
Hands warm and seeking, unfolding
Within urgent whispers;
Sacred moments slip into timeless joy;
Where midnight hides behind moon-shadows
Cradling the syllables of our deepest ache,
In the fire that whispers through us...

Tangible as a caress...
Tangles in the flow,
Swaying beneath shadows...his smile, the only temptation
I ever needed, wraps tightly around
My nakedness;
There is passion in the way he smiles,
The heavy lids of his yearning eyes gather me into the heart of him,
An endless spiral...piercing my heart...burning my soul...
While whispers tumble
Surrounding me within the sanctity of his emotions
Awaiting the feed of my lips....

Lips swollen and bruised; awaiting
Amatorial sin, pounding aloud,
Warmth spreads, lusting for love, while
Kisses nibble the desires of tomorrow;
Freeing me hot and dewy
Beneath the circles of his tongue,
******* pierced with the ripening ache of warm breath,
A graze of teeth, absorbing the sensation of
A lava heat flow, molten moisture
Upon sinned skin....

The arch of my back
The touch of his fingers...........breathtakingly slow
Pulsing desire through me;
I Lay my mouth down
And prepare a slow dance to traipse hot along cooled
Oh how he quiver-throbs!
Moaning my name as his fingers press me firm against him,
Pounding rhythms that mock my heartbeat,
Where the moon finds me arching in the moan of my sighs....

Delicately fierce, his
Fire rages through me,
As whispers plead upon the long, slow,
Wet lick, relentless under
The silent cry of surging tides
And I moan within the scorching growls of his flesh
Whispering incoherent mumblings
Falling against me, to tremble flesh to flesh,
To satiate not the momentary quivering flames,
But all the self and soul of love;

To be still in one moment,
Where two hearts, together make one whole............
Stars shine, tangled between the constellations of skin....smooth tattoos traced, lingering with definitive grace...against the head, pressed against your chest, as  fragments rupture inside...over your throat, to rest on your tongue in anticipation....before spilling to weave in my waiting hair, lingering in your breath, cleansing the quiet of my sleep...... J
Janette Oct 2012
This is dedicated to the ideal of free women everywhere

I have a voice
even though you
have tried to
silence me all
of these years

I have value
beyond your
concept of me
as property, brood
mare, slave

I have vision
beyond the confines
of your domestic
expectations, I
want to breathe

I have opinions
that are not yours,
I will not ask
for permission
to share them

I have ideas
you cannot cage,
my thoughts fly
on Favonian winds

I have freedom,
your patriarchy
shall not choke
the goddess that
lives and breathes
in all women

I have solidarity
with sisters, brothers,
together we swim
against the tides
of iniquity

I have love
To battle your hatred

I have faith
To battle your doubt

I have hope
To battle your misogyny

I have a dream
that even you
cannot change...
I have been asked to write some poetry for White Ribbon Week...this cause is so precious to my heart... I understand ...and do not forget how violence wreaks destruction..
Janette Oct 2012
Unravel slow, lush
dew of flesh and fill
beyond the madness of desire
breathless, tangled
to become enraptured
in dreams hazel gleam

Crawl beneath skin
ripe, raw, dripping
trailing the arch of fragment with
divine tongues languid dagger
piercing luscious petals
'till bloom engulfs unyielding stem
singing hymnals of glory and ******
wiping away blasphemous obscurities

To birth nectar tears
brittle, full bodied
trickling paths to succulent lustre
conceived in parted thighs
spread open, and content
poised for immaculate rapture
of heated breaths, strung tight

Slick, prayed willing
for stretch and sting
to mark on fold and crevice
love's first gasp
spilled, infinite
blazed in merge
of clinging limbs
unwinding the woven...
Janette Jul 2012
Woven inside this dream
Are we one...or maybe two?
Colours cannot move! can they?

Here, in this place, now,
They shimmer, vibrations caress your lips...
My breast
Your thigh
Of breath...

Touching, stroking tenderly
Saturating shades of vibrancy, leap....dancing
Inside of me, moistoned in and, becoming you
Slipping through the slick slide of your skin
Touching mine
Encircling your heart
Pulsing through my veins...

We meld and share the irridescense,
Held in a fingertip brush
Against my thigh
Tangled in your pen's touch,
Speaking in tongues
Words I cannot read, but feel upon my tongue...

Touching yours as we drink....
From surfaces of arch and curve
And we thirst more....
As you yearn for my breath to braid yours,
Exhaling against my body, your essence aches
Speaking in colours
Words heat, then cool skin

We listen to the body
Our tongues taste whispered colours
Your rainbow swells beneath the curve of my leg
Entranced, we gaze beyond eyes
Searching for the deep, delicious.
Hungering for the kiss of distance,
Shimmering in the colours of us...

We mirror and reflect...
Are we one, or maybe two?
Janette Jan 2013
So fine,
the slender votive silence
of palms, open
to the torn banners of rain,
so tender,
such surrender
in the gesture of hands...

You pour so much
of your red earth,
to soothe and loosen
the tongue from its leather tomb
and adorn me
with a lighter burden,
too much mine, at one
with the dark, lavish earth
in all its sorrow, spun
of the sleek commotion of silk
and vanilla linens... I leaned
into the ******* of my wings,
honed from those muscular
fairy-tale dreams...

My mouth,
learned solely on a valentine's
shiny white kiss of hemlock,
humming into the cells
of the spellbound body, quelled
by vigilance, your lips
teach me now, how to go softly
over the red earth of dahlias,
in all their everlastings, your hands
deep in the soil, reap...

The resonating grail of memory,
kept in its rich loam
and coals spread over
my mouth of red, red clay,
so swells its golden hue
of rose and rhododendron,
too much mine, rising
its fevers in the fawn brown
of eyes, closed ...

Over this long,
shuddering quiet,
you come
in all your calico
to calm
the votive silence
of palms, cupped
in the earth of your hands,
so much mine....
Janette Sep 2012
Hush, my heart, for something is done...

Watch for the night
to lay our vows
over the wild parable of gardens
and over the wet lessons of the moon,
that give us prophecy in whispers
of dream, elope, and leave,
the absence of still rooms,
soothing, the svelte lips
descending upon my neck
in the seance of evening,
you soak calla lilies
of our red earth oils
and ***,
and with them
draw me a nuptial bath,

unbind the taupe soles
I have kept with the grace
of a concubine, sold
into the dark alcoves,
beyond the value of reticence,
you find me in rainstorms,
and wrap me in the flesh

and fabric of your hands,
behind silk walls,
with the ardour of Rapunzel's deliverance,
let down over the clavicles,
as fists unclench
in their exhaustion,

baby roses quiver this night, I keep
in pecan skin and votive eyes,
dip the Fahrenheit of your glance,
as it strays over my lips, your tongue
whips of mustard weeds,
seed your voice, sinks
into the garden's cleavage

as its lit pink tapers
spill their desperate midnights
and abandoned mornings,

ache under the arthritic, thick cedar
addictions to the milkflower
of a presence painted in clay glyphs,
stay the sinew and ******
of my body, a madrigal
upon our Indian Summer bed,

bled in a chorus of cicadas....

let the hymn be heard
over all these broken vows
and shattered pledges, speak
from the ruined marriage of flesh,
as I kneel in our earth,
in the sere, and seek in myself
that measure of peace, I know
is not there, without you,

to writhe in the throes
of exquisite anguish,

I give

my mouth in dream,
between your thighs
where the river runs fierce,
under the lithe sapling root
of my tongue, as it runs
the swift currents
and golden eddies
of inebriate skin, puckers
over the Inulin of the ****
and begins its swelling,
down the trellis of bones,
and the ******* of limbs
beneath the black monsoon
of the soul, as it perishes

in the engorged maw
of the split body, blades
of shoulders, soaked in the myrrh
of our rapture, fading
lifelines engraved on the back
of the hand you hold soft,
against me,

as my throat buries its moan
swallowed by your own, for solely
in you is it silenced, quelled
by the swells of song
you reign in the jugular
and soothe, a balm
for all my body, burning

its defiance, taken
to the limits of this,
our savage garden,
in the pilgrimage
to such lavish boundaries,
held abeyant, the cadence
of candles and solemn vows
sound the rhythm of our slow deaths,
writ in the lush psalm of the handsome earth,

our love, engulfed
in the wells of a sole desire,
I give you this,
my body's silkwhite harvest of faith,
driven fast with nails

into the exquisite wrists of the Christflesh,
shivering under the furtive delirium
of these, our fevers,
severed from body to body: twain,
that is now one ardent sorrow of flesh,
this is my body,
this is my blood,

I have given,
vows to bind our words, my love,
to the vigilance of night, that lives
and dies with the fall and rise of you breath,
one muslin depth,
relinquished to the white earth,
over an eternity of deliverance...
Janette Jan 2013
"Run your pulse across my tongue  
Pour your love into me  
I thirst for you"......


Veils of gossamer silk
Spin in shades of night
Submissive acquiescence
Smoulders bare feet ...

Iridescence dances in captivated eyes,
Lips full
Licking the shimmer-gleam,
Anointing skin
Ravishing enchantment...

He trembles her heat
Scorching flesh wrapped bone;
Joining fantasies played against silky thighs
Capturing her allure;
Manipulating the tenderness of her need ...

Night drips beauty from a silvern moon,
Nakedness meets
Open desire
Firm against softness
His lips seeking,
Vanilla tears
Melting on his tongue like snowflakes
Touching passion's fire...

Fingertip moments
Pulsing rhythms;
Aching depths craving
Sinking into moist folds
Undulating movements
Swollen, locked around a flowing pearl...

Mesmerising connections sparkle,
Gasp breathlessly,
Arching into body quivers;
Nails claw the spine

She is
Weakness to his will........
On your exhale alone...I am one with you...where dreams and reality collide....... J
Janette Aug 2012
When the moon winks behind the bare branches of winter, reaching for snowflakes with its tongue,
Shadows smile in dark shatters, quietly invading the fluttering of dream;
A stain of crushed rose petals....a sigh, pure as baby skin…innocent as ivory, encircles,
And I feel his breeze, undress me as clouds reveal a waning moon, the red mantra of January, opens this rose to shadow,
My heart, an empty bell, hushes the pause that keeps my pulse caged to his eyes...

Dreams still heavy, flow upon ebon, a whisper-kiss breathing desire;
In the hush of shadows he stirs, ******* destiny, where the shine parts my lips, finger-touching the moon within my soul;
Seducing my skin with his whispered sigh, reaching out, caressing phantom songs, dancing skycircles, shaking midnight from my hair;
Eyes that sparkle-ache wildness in me, while I lay naked in his arms, wrapped around the warmth of kiss,
My crushed lips gasping softly...

Gentle breezes buffet bare flesh, wandering the lines of a smile, breathing silver-whispered pleas,
"Show me heaven tonight"
Bleeding my silk into a  whisper of rapture, stilled in hues of emerald hush;
As fingertips reach, tenderly into the palette of my soul, beyond the shadowed eclipse, where essence lingers in the perfume of delicate winds,
Swaying me gentle, slender into the deep of ache, trickling from that sacred place; quickening the shiver-burn.
The fire of his lips on mine, pink with full moon dilation...

Fingers like clouds, shroud my milky spires, wind-swept aches pound my soul, tantric rhythms, fly to destiny;
As breath is caught in arcs of awakening, where I fold, surrendered beneath inferno;
Errant whispers tattoo my heartbeat, under his skin;
And whimpers pare curves as yearning quakes the ground beneath us, and we dance a language; arabesque on tongues,
His lips trace my *******, my thighs teased, open, waiting for the touch of his kiss on swollen desire,
Where his mouth dances warm, moist...and my legs stretch; yielding...consumed, on fire, under fire....

I have crossed into him, merging the hot-melt of seam, woven on the threshold of silence,
Love transcending  flesh as it falls; tumbling , fluttering, beating the air to shift my sighs,
I whisper soft, twining his moan, tasting infinite sweetness, in his spill;
Lost in him, where I will always be.. never questioning why or how,
Just relishing the beauty, delighting in the mystery of US........
Touch me deep...feel the soft slick glide of my skin against your own...... press body to body in shadows of moan...reach for me with hands that leave soft ribbons of desire....your breath painting longing in swirls of need over the soft curves of my flesh...spinning me out of control....and watch me....... melt like golden-brown honey in the palm of your hand..... J
Janette Aug 2012
Only a distance in time, a slow drift, a free-fall,
To where the curve of the crescent moon ribbons ebon hours together,
And silvern ache dips in moon-silken pools;
Where the poetry of spooned tongues, impart a lasting call,
where he hushes me in the sway of stars,
Drowning my heartbeat in the breath of swollen whispers;
His musky scent, alluring
Melting those hidden places aching for the heat of his touch...

I taste the stir of conversation across my skin;
A silence settles there,
In the cool drifts of its tone, I sense the pulse in his throat,
I feel it thrum, so fragile through veins crowded with the
Stained glass shards of his scent;
My heart draws to the rhythm of his love; and
I am pressed against the quilt of his breath,
Soft.....softly.....a fleeting touch
Skitters in rapid succession around the curve of my neck, where
His lips whisper want in moist seduction...

Here in the freckled light his hips teach me,
Rocking me to the sighs of angels, heated flames of fragrant, vanilla foreplay,
Burn uncontrollably with such undying desire;
Folding my breath inside his hands; all smoke and violets,
Stolen moments;
Needing him, like blood, desiring only him to brim the indulgence,
Swallow it as sorrow and birth it as fire between my hungry thighs, as I beg his ******* to expose me;
Hushing my lips with the fire of his mouth, and the
Slide of his tongue from throat to breast,
His hands pressed upon my skin in urgent exploration,
Spreading me on an altar of rainbows...

Where he Loves me deep and dark in the owl light,
And I tremble, as the wet of want unleashes in the handcuffs of his voice,
Whispering blindfolds of lavender satin around my eyes,
Urging me to braille his body with my tongue's tip
My hungry mouth a mere vessel,
Waiting with wonder, agape for the fill of his adoration;
Soul touching, silk soft fingers, heart caressing the hours;
As we torture the gazing moon, pooling lakes of creamery soft,
Pillowing silken pleasures; breathing paradise upon the fragile blooms
Seared crimson into my veins...

Naked in his arms, heated emotions trickle down,
In a pour of tangled need; in the cradle of collapsed sighs,
Fingers tracing pleasure, lips swollen pouty with desire,
Drag of tongues forging serpentine trails,
Whispered things never heard before;
And like the sky I spread for him, the ink of us
Pouring lavender velvet...two bodies melting into the voice of one,
Chained in moans, in primal kisses that beg arched worship
Kissed raw in the silver scorch, of moonlights rapture,
Where moondust meets skin......

Love Is Deep .....
The laying of hands and lips upon a canvas of aching skin....ignites emotions pressed into the palate by fingers painting tender hues and subtle strokes....tracing lines and curves, indelible with passions ink....climactic quivers, paused
upon the tip of tongues, that ride the ebb and flow of cresting waves..... bleeding seductive shades, blanketing our embrace.....feeling your lips so breath escapes us........ J
Janette Jul 2012
Beneath the parasol of midnight
Fate unbuttoned my tear-smeared memory
Brushing the vortex of my heart
With the burn of his blaze
Where the vessel of his arms became my wings
Beyond the veil
Between dreams and awakenings
Where  heart-prints press upon the tissue
Of jasmine swirls
Drenched inside the rise of my heartbeat
The breath of his shadow traces
The pale of my reflection
Knowing I have...fallen
Rustled in night breezes
His windswept covenants of
"I love you's"
Echo the whisper-beat of my heart...
A beacon of essence
Love lies gentle,
Shadow dancers paint vivid
The aqua of blue eyes,
The colour of his syllables
Sky-printing the light from the hues of his sacred embrace....

And in the velvet slide of sighs
Time sways, lost,
Illusions, where no boundaries exist
Where nothing matters
But all the love that hearts' can share;
Inside soft pillow clouds
We dance
He and i ...
In the gentle embrace of forever...
His warmth,
Cradled gently inside my soul,
Etched upon a moon glistened destiny;
Passion's breath
Feeding upon the flames of love's fire,
Burning in the altar of our universe
He has my love
My heart
My soul
And I will love him until time can never find tomorrow...
Janette Jan 2013
The moon will always be ours within whisper's truth
Beneath curve and whimper's sigh
Where passions come alive......

The flutter of lips whisper against the flame
Searing my naked soul;
For I
Am tangled in rapture,
Where the flesh of your tongue
Filling me deep in December....

Your lips teach me now,
Drowning me in sweet,
Honeysuckle traces,
Wet soliloquies
Along the thighs of our endless night...

My need;
Blends sweetly into
Garlands of rose scented kisses,
My breath burning your pulse
Chanting it's rhythmic mantra of desire
With the elixir of my devotion...

My voice grows hoarse with moan,
Erratic, panting, my flower pink,
Oblivious to this milky harvest of time;
How I adore you,
Seductively caressing me;
Such gentle ecstasy...

Bare fingertips
Scribe stuttered vowels
Along the curve of hip
And on the tip of ******* blossoming...
To quiet the fiery core of this, my desert,

This blaze of Kundalini rising
Ink to flesh
Closes around the benediction of rain,
Edged in the deep
Of this, our Eden................
You undressed me in body, mind and spirit....your tongue tasting every bud of desire.....We lay after, looking to the stars, wishing upon dreams....while wrapped in each others arms.... J
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