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Janette Oct 2012
It comes suddenly
a storm that rages to fury
bleeding me between your hands,
your mouth,
to where each syllable lost
between midnight’s satin
crests into a crazed madness

where the soft slide hardens
to gripping intentions as my arousal
tastes in jasmine-licked surrenders
like manna
for your hungered heaven

there, where no scream
goes unanswered but only echoed,
you are with me

the flesh of you wetly hot
to my thundering pulse,
I am surrender laced
with impetuous desires
woven to linger upon your reddened lips

pressed *******
scrape across your flesh
as you moan in greedy adoration
to my whispered frenzy,
“taste me here,
let me feed you

the suckle of your hot mouth
plastered to my ******* fills me
and I am burgeoning
upon graven yearns

I ache in throbbing flames
as your tongue lathes
love’s lick playing tag
to my purr of silken gasps
and breathy mewling cries
in your ears
stating my submission of this
plunging dominance….
I burn…burn
…to inferno

Smiles wreathe pearl
as you revel in my passionate blossom,
your lick peels me wanton
where we are
shameless and painted,

my torrents are spilled for you
stained and swallowed

and I,
quivering in the tsunami
that you bequeath to my racking body,
I arch,
reaching that shattering golden gateway
singing joyous to the columns of fate’s
raging wave

I am
the tide

Where you are damply hollow
and drowning...
Janette Aug 2012
The black silk of spiders web,
Intricate as fallen dreams,
Where petals cling to sweetened breath,
And whispers tickle sleep,
Spilling amber into the chenille of my shadow...

A midnight sun melts horizons,
Veiled in colour rush
Clouds peel, silver edges,
Yesterday's half light fingers reach out,
Touching me;
Intoxicating my restless need...

I unfold
Sepals bending beneath folds of memory,
A sirocco wind twirled in hazy lace,
Brushes my breast,
A sigh upon the dip of my throat;
Like sutras, mouthed upon bare skin...
"Yours", he whispered.....

The peak and flow of timelessness never touched me;
Touched US; just
Syllables laying soft on skin, brushing silk,
Sliding into softened togetherness;
Blush rising the caress, of
Flesh against flesh, searing the stain
Of crimson sighs....

I yearned his breath,
An ivory utterance,
Kissing the back of my throat,
Teasing the primitive chant;
Wild, I was;
I am... flaunting the lascivious
Scorching nature of Woman...

Lathering love, scintillating a sugar melt,
Lapping 'The love pulse';
Each pause, a flame licking my skin;
I have become,
A fascination of steel in lace,
As passion's bite pierces...

Darkened eyes roam my face,
Painting me with lust's stain,
Moons glow, whispers, slowly across male sinew,
A whisper of breath, dances my arching neck;
A lovers kiss rests in my throats hollow;
My heart rages to
Free the fury pounding...yet still I whisper.......

Dark heat blooms;
A waltz of wildness, that strains at each whimper,
And moisture, slides to quiver,
A pulsing ache, echoing,
Throbbing to the beat of a lustful song;
Sighs etching upon peach satin essence
As dew drops fuse,
Layered on air...

The raw drum beat of two pulses;
My body, curved for his blessing,
Skin glistening on this wheel of rhythms;
I am...slave to his craving mouth;
Nails bite palms in clenched fists,
"Don't stop,
Shuddering, trembling,
The keening cry of euphoric bliss.........
A wish, a yearn, a lullaby waiting……..once again upon a whisper-play of fingers caressed.....tranquil are your eyes, cradling me..... finding the trail of lines, my scars of life from diaphragm to button smiles... a line that defines your fingers' journey... I am, lain upon the canvas where you first fell into the muse's summons....when daydream moments fell in an undulation of tempest winds……… J
Janette Jul 2012
A heart's breath away...

You are...
A rainbow, drifting in waterfall dreams,
Pooling in the night, flowing through me like
Moon transcended rain; riding the wind of longing
Across my waiting skin,
Where time is undone and forever is hushed...

You are...
In every beat of my heart,
Such is the dream of you, whispered into my thoughts,
Close enough to count your pulse-beats
Against my own;
Melting me where I lay, your breath woven through my hair...

You are...
That gentle soft breath of honey, between wake and sleep,
The never born whisper,
The storm that calls to me..
I hear it...It aches in me; It is mine;
I am as bound to it as a wounded bird, longing to fly...

You are...
One, inside my skin,
The pulse-flow running through my veins;
The shiver that teases,
Sliding to dip in a dance of ecstasy,
Between the thighs of unending night....

You are...
The séance of evening,
Your flesh, mouth and tutor;
A sinful sweat formed upon my lips, soaking words
Imbued with gentle breath...
A tangle of moans, laid bare before you...

You are...
Held close, in the knit of my soul,
The ember-glow that burns, a flame ignited
Within each stroke of your tongue;
I open like a flower, inhale me in your need,
Sip me sweet, nectar splashed...

You are...
The tender touch,
The questing mark upon the willing tones of my skin;
Nourishing the enchantment I find, suspended in your arms;
I am here,
As eyes brim, soul-filled to overflow;
Enter me,
Breathe with me, your own... my rise and fall...



She came to him in silhouette....hands tattooed to his cascade pleasure from the shelf of want....arched in sepia words of silk temptation....anchored, barefoot to the slate of loves breath in the cool comfort of longing..... barefoot, she stepped inside his soul.... to feel the flame of passion's kiss....wept gentle, like rain........ J

— The End —