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Janette Oct 2012
Soft, soft this sigh upon the wind
When darkness

Amaranthine love...
Misted lace, winding whispered veils
Of gold and blue;
Never-ending soul-lit perfume;
Pressed moist upon
The breath of summer's sky
So long ago...

Hues of yesterdays
When stars lit the sable'd night,
Dressed in ribbons of fire,
Their resonance,
Like crimson sutures
Across my heart...

Where whispers, soft, undressed me
To receive sacraments of desire
In sinews of nerve-ends
Burning loving breath
Across velvet flesh folded beneath
Your tremors...

In the light of your night
My body
Became yours...tender
... the curve of breast
Caressed by a silken pulse,
...the eyes of damp surrender
Dissolving sweet as sugared petals
Upon your tongue...

And in this hour,
Surely you have heard my mouth
Part to ribbon your name in
The tightest corset of night,
Pausing only
To memorise the curl of
Smiles...tracing the lines
Of lips with closed
Eyes so that I might braile
This fiery feeling in the smooth
Shadowy halls of my spirit

Kneeling at the edge of your ocean...searching for the warmth of your arms
Lost in silent whispers...praying that your eyes will find me ... J
Janette Aug 2012
Sleek, against heart’s beat;

Breath of night
Hot, skin-blushed flesh
Tongue-tingled, forged upon steel;

Black satin shivers beneath wildfire lips;
Slow danced in sweetened heat,
Writhing beneath the shimmer-gleam;

Tongues tie wings bruised with ecstasy
Sighed against masculine,
Wearing me wet....
Janette Jan 2013
Watch me as I unwrap... passionate,
In the drench of our rain.....

And night falls...

A silent murmur
Where the heart pauses,
A malachite shadow
Penetrates fire,
A flame's fierce lick
Beneath pulse...


His smile touches
Warming the red sea of my heart
Pulsating ripples, spread
Soliloquies upon my skin
Orated in Southern sighs...


Desire engages,
******* hardening
Under tongue's brush;
Moist ripe, swollen folds
Tempt his lips to kiss my yielding
Where breath catches,
And I ... smolder within each touch...


My scent quivers languor,
Drowning pools, orchid petaled
Finger parted... tender;
Under sweet seduction,
Stirring the supple bloom,
Tasting the restless currents
That throb through my milky sea...

Small moans...

Electric blue hangs the air..
Primal lust etching curves,
Tracing dewy flesh,
Skin on skin,
****** scent….arousing,
Tongue brushed hardness
Between dampened lips...


The scorching sear... stigmata
Sin licks along thighs,
Essence, dripping,
S  W  E  E  T
Sensory overload,
Breaking my binds...


My appetite,
I am.. lashes soft, licking thoughts
No words
No words...


Feed the need that overwhelms,
Grow inside me,
Fill me once again.......
Stay with me tonight...whisper soft kisses against the folds of my silken shoreline... lap the waves that you winter storms pulse through me...... J
Janette Aug 2012
Spring paled in the glow of soul-light, where
She opened, awaiting the incoming tide, reaching for completion,
A moment stalled between the intake of breath,
A satin tangled sigh, lost, beneath prayers, burning desolate hours.....

Lost shadows, fold into echoes, breathing the essence of lullabies, softly whispering,
Rainbows beyond colours of ache; where sculpted passion,
Spreads petals of dew dampened rose, beckoning the sun; and
Stillness clings to tear stained glisten, awakening the fragile kiss of unborn tomorrows....

She begs morning from a whisper-moon,  heartbeats, filling sighs dripped from her lips;
Her strength brailed-sutures, silence the scars beneath corners of her dream;
Dreams...the granules of heart's truth, the myths of her longing,
Cradled in the pause of unspoken crave....

Southerly winds carry pounding rhythms that mock her heartbeat,
So fragile, aching to touch the light in the distance,
A flame of trust ignited by matchstick whisper-sparks;
Pulled close, becoming airborne, flying through winds of chance;
To find his heartbeat racing beneath her own.....

Love sways in ripples of the river's embrace, beneath a canopy of night-tide,
Soft, the hush of unspoken, understanding, becomes
The inhalation of a kiss, exchanged in the ache of lips whispering,
"Sweet dreams, I love you"
So many miles between my pillow and his......

A wall of distance, steals touch from dreams,
She traces the peripherals of night, resting her heart upon his pillow,
Softly drowning in this unmade bed she lies draped in roses,
Spilling soundless as pink stamens sleep, brushed delicate in,
Timeless moments between the breath of night.......
Dream me sweet..... swirling in passion’s mist, lips brushing souls.....our murmured promises, lullaby through pulse, as night cradles stars.....and the sky bleeds ache.....dream me lie arched under your hands......shadowed in your want.........cresting in the glow......and holding....holding on........... J
Janette Aug 2012
Night wanton,  peeled bare to intoxication, the sultry scent of indiscretion,
Bears the wicked wild
   Pleasure, pulsing to repletion; a shadow silk of born embrace,
Opens my mouth as deliberate as the throat swollen with rain,
Slender and unlaced,
And moonlight spills silver above earthen shadows. that jostle diamond stardust through fire;
My pale woman-flesh tingles as the breath of night, brushes need, tasted on skin,
And I become wrapped in the essence of deep dreaming,
His dark waters writhe and surge against my shimmer-gleam;
Whisper-sleek in heartbeats that threaten the crimson of flame,
As I am held down by the whisper of silks,
I become vulnerable in the skin of his hands....

Breathless shadows,  bathe velvet bliss,
Moon- warmed, between hips arching against possession;
Thrusting In the edges of bed-stricken memories;
Softly...gently whispering his name... on the  purple wind  that pulses, my narcotic flower,
Honeyed caresses, the slow burn of now;
Silk slides in a whispered seduction
Permutating a  moon-burn's soothe; mouths
Wandering indolently, furtively down the sinuous curve
Revealing patterns smothered thick , symbollic against my breast....

Eyes close to the heat of urgency
Wicked.....hovers above skin, licking a trail sparking flame;
He speaks and I purr, he touches and I melt...his wandering hands seek their fill
Of my milky rise and fall, the slip of fingers wandering curves, between the valley of awakened *******, his
Tongue dances across buds hardened in breathless;
I sigh against masculine, running wild;  pouring wicked, and he wears me wet,
I **** the night long and slow and he...
Growls deep, while
Arms stretch, tasting flesh, teeth nip as he throbs,
Taut, against my thigh; worshiping the swollen altar...

I am blushed by kisses, held captive, beyond yearn...seeds of fire, warm breath staining nakedness beautiful;
Pink petals moistly shadow dance,  a tongue crazed, vortex of passion,
Strong muscles suckle whispered thoughts,
The ghost-atoms of rose petals, kiss the rainbow of glittering lips
Deepening sigh's lost, tasting the pulse of his heart;
Sweet evocotive essence, presses me into his swallow,  whispered words,
Lain across my flesh with the slick of tongue...

Peeled slowly, trembling , finger tipped kisses brush my ******* wet in eagerness,
His  forging ******, whispering forevers, while wildfire lips, brush black satin shivers
Across moistened tongue-play, breath,
Dancing in the swirling mist....Hot against his skin;
Untamed passion, a silken slide, tingles dark on steel, slow dancing,
Melding the sweetened heat of thigh fevered ache...

We lay upon the rainbow drift, wet beneath the honeyed dance
Open lips sip fragile webs of silk in passions sway,
Bleeding whimpers that beg the rush of primal,
Slick flow, the milk of moon, when blessed with linger's touch

and we

Bathe in the splash...of curled worship..........................................................­...
My heart softly speaks the honeyed dreams of lovers touch drumming....quiet mink singing craven passions unfound and unmet......whisper the spiral of my heart.... oh tendril moonbeam of kiss!....this ache corners me softness but ravaging blood raking needs wanting the ink signature of yours only....breathless would I be...... your silk slide beckoning mine ............. J
Janette Jul 2012
She stepped inside his soul,
Breathed her scarlet daydreams,
Beyond contours where miracles flourish,
Reaching for him
Unprotected in the naive light,
A soft tangle of subtleties, wrapped in silk...

Silvered moon, reflected her shimmer,
Like a blue-milk river flowing
Through labyrinths
Of love's first tremulous petals,
Held in her hands like a lambskin prayer...

A white mask of incense, spin-drifting
Upon the bridge between;
Rush-lit in the small brave night,
His lips spoke
Butterfly moments against her naked skin,
Planting roses, in the silent fall of breathless...

Blueprints of his sigh, thrummed
Against the soft hush... a fingertip glide,
Seeking the heat of her flame, as a moth hypnotized;
Fluttering across her milk-sea ripples...where
Her pale lips, mouthed silent his name...

She learned to drink the light,
Forget, how the moon appeared in silken secrecy,
A soft veil carried on heart beats, a blue fugue
Balanced by his breath...unspoken dreams.
Folding dew wet love,
Captured under closed lids.................
'Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life'.............. Remember me sweet Love....... without beginning and with no end....
Janette Aug 2012
Love's religion,
A shadow for soft eyelids,
Where milk-skin painted miracles,
A faint dawn upon flesh;
A whisper paled, in the cloud light;
Save me...

...Save me sighs pulsate,
Losing breath in the small of her back,
Where the rose petal clings;
A cradled silhouette,
From yesterday;
Hold me...

....Hold me from a distance; as
Sepia eyes watch silently,
This wingless bird, fallen from a shadowed sky,
Those pallid words,
Bleeding beneath skin
So fragile...

....So fragile....
Her dream milk, burning *******;
A cruel arch of desire,
A fevered dance
Searing the grape of his flesh;
Yet, somehow....

His heartbeat, a red song,
Whispering words unsaid,
Echoes from the distance
As if it were air;

...As if it were air.......
Forever loses to the past......eternity succumbs to tomorrow's changes....still the heart knows, once upon a time before the world came calling.....there was love.......real love...... J
Janette Jan 2013
"You tempt in me…so much…
a sparrow...a lamb… a tenderness… and the captive heart… that beats against my palm…
the bonds…. of trust.. surrendered"

to the silver nepenthe of your voice,
stricken upon the thick red heart
I've pinned to a map,

See, it emits grace
beneath the molten glass,
strung through harp strings and stretched
as sutures ,the solemn musculature of ecstasy
bound in golden ropes and belladonna dreams,

Let the white darts fall
where they may

This silence belies the song
in my throat, hovering
like a silver bauble, your face
is dark, back-lit, harbouring
the terror of words that burn...

My heart
holds the cinder of secrets,
and little poison idols of hematite
and gooseflesh...

Our dream box collects its damp light
from the dark corners of our prison,
as you coax a banyan tree
from its arousal...

A totem filled with marzipan,
and trembling, but to split
its lip upon glass cages,
wrought with jade...

Hold the sparrow face-up,
let the furrow of its wings, tempt
the fates, as it sings to the same scythe
that chimes against the dead angles of the soul's crucified geography....
Janette Oct 2012
You wrote me like crib notes
on the inside of your heart,
my name inscribed on the walls,
my voice
a hush in the melody
of your heartbeat
and you painted memories
in the halls of your mind
like mosaics brushed in delicate colours
bearing the likeness of me

You whispered into the night breeze
in the softest of voices,
words I recognized from forever
yet knew I had never heard before
and the sound fell like rain
in a gentle mist upon my tongue,
and I breathed you in
on a wisp of moonlight
and felt your song
humming from within

And I carved your image
into the caves of eternity,
then slowly ran my fingers
over every curve,
committing every etching to memory,
and felt your ink seep into my veins
until your pulse beat in the pad of my thumb
and I pressed it,
soft, against nape of my neck,
closed my eyes,
and felt you fill my soul....
Janette Oct 2012
Come to me...

I want you" I whisper breathlessly in your ear  
I crave you under my skin,
Between my thighs
With every inch that pulses...

Come to me... stroke my body
With your wet desires,
Taste me as I bring myself to your lips,
I want to sink my silken need,
Wrap around your aching sinew;
My hip motion,
In rhythmic beats...


As my song liquefy's,
Drowns you,
In the swallowing gush;
My decadent addiction
Drips velvet...

The shudder, of a russet kiss
Slathered in October's earthy scent,
The gem faceted light reveals
My softness... in your hands;
Sliding your desire
Coating me...

Deepest silken magenta
Drinks poignant yearn
Laced lips...
Wrap around
Groans that echo
Spoon feeding enchantment upon
A sinful swallow...

Unashamed, shadows smile
Where a tongue teases
Pulse beat moments...
Your skin scent,
A rush in torrid blues
Stitched into silken crevices;
Where flesh consumes itself against
Your burning,
Red in my veins...

Stroke my petals with a moist lick of tongue,
Watch me
As I bloom and open wider,
Enter the swelling pinkness
Wander ever deeper into my fragrance;
"You make me burn"
I whisper into your mouth...

Touch my flesh in breaths
Bend me, fold me, lick my sighs
Move me from within.
Let your fingers caress my open thighs    
Hold me deeply  
Throb in my grip...
Kiss the place where ***** peaks taste your tongue...




Janette Sep 2012
In prisms of crystal
I have devoted my time etched in
heartbeats to the coldness of

The cut of this rose-stain left
me inked in the twilight stages
of immortal as I glimpsed
at the poetry that is you

I wonder..

Each journeys gamble has led
this wanderer closer to heaven
as you are wont to become my
sacrament of now

Your fingerprints to slide mine
on the curve and shadow
of eloquence undenied
bathe me in the rapture
that has been denied lifetimes...

and I quake with ravaged breath
at the forseen future of your covenant

Tell me, these pages of me are naked
waiting for your ink to spill me a story
of desire blended to the drum of
alchemy unleashed

do you now anoint me or do we taste
the moment of rapture in tomorrows kiss?
Janette Aug 2012
Close your eyes,
Translate my body in a braille of your hands,
Reveal these primal trembles awaiting your touch;
Taste this unbridled need,
As I place your fingertips
In the wet of me...

Slowly moving them across your lips,
Into your mouth;
A jasmine laced molten that sears your tongue;
I straddle your want, pressing my lips to yours,
Tasting the breath beneath a pacing desire;
To fill and fill and fill, this yearn in me...

Drink from the fever in my eyes
As I take you inside,
So deep within the intoxication,
Lost in the caress of fingers on skin;
Tangled in this ecstasy  
Each movement of my hips, rocking in the pendulum
Of your thirsty embrace....

Open your eyes,
I want to see fire
when I bring you to the edge;
I want to hear you say my name
Over and over,
Until we are both spent
Laying in a pools of sacred surrender;
Your heartbeat pounding beneath my palms...

Our legs intertwined,
My soft lips slowly tracing
Inch by inch!
Savouring every last drop;
The sweet nectar of liquid euphoria....

Close your eyes;
Translate my body
In a braille of your hands,
Spelling ecstasy
In the tremble of rediscovered fantasies;
And watch me!

Unravel YOU again......
Janette Nov 2012
Dreams flower in the silence of morning,
Fragile wishes
For tomorrow's tomorrows....

I feel his touch,
My heightened pulse
The wanton shivers,
Desirous and smitten;
The magma flows, deep in my soul;
Where his scorch of passion burns...

Embers sear, crimson,
Masquerading masked desires,
Dripping from his tongue's tip;
Sultry trickles graze upon my flesh,
A gentle sting, as fire-licks
His breath across my thighs,
A bite of ecstasy, murmur-whispering
Carnal need…

Imprints of insatiable,
Bind me willingly,
A fiery bandage
Piercing the scorch of hungry lips
Flaming my *******;
With breath dissolved inside a kiss...

He savours the honey stream,
Branding his name upon my
Swelling, luscious pink…
Deeply buried
Arching into his mouth
Unable to contain the flame
Tambourines of skin seep ecstasy,
Ripen succulence untamed...

Kaleidoscoping emotions
Rainbow the thunder of my heart;
Milk and honey fuse,
As rivers of love flood my core...
One love,
One passion,
One desire,
Bodies merging..........
Satin sheets move freely, as fingers linger on the pen....insatiable desire, provoking thoughts of you.
Janette Sep 2012
Were my words....
the hands
that sculpted
the heartbeat
of your soul
into the breath
that passed
across my shoulders,
in places where
your fingertips
brushed back my
hair, exposing
the curve
of my neck...

Were my thoughts,
a bridge, I traveled
into a place where
time stood still,
save for the
moonlight whispers
of your...
cascading down
the passages
of my dreams,
turned the brightest
shade of scarlet
for the want of you,
Monet to skin

I lay, undone

Longing to be
the Masterpiece
you create
with your touch,
aching to feel the
soul you paint
into my eyes
Glazed, windows
to the fire,
banked no more
let free,
to burn, cinders

Ash ascends,
quickens the breath
that become the
wings of crimson
glow, born of
inhalations of
distant blue...
graze the smoulder
that pierces the
invisible heat,
seeking the
source with
eyes of touch,
requiring no

Let fall, the rain

to cleanse our
flesh, slick
with the wet
of salvations
thirst, strums
to move our
souls, to one
into frenzied limbs
I reach for
the fire in you
out of the ashes
let us rise, reborn
to worship
the heat of day
as you carve your
into my palms
raised to the
glory of nights
inhaling sunrise

My words....
hands that sculpted
the heartbeat
of your soul
Moistened in
the reign,
tracing the
press upon
skin, as they
in a season,
somewhere in between
a winter without creed,
and the spring of our
spilling over the banks
of our deliverance....
Janette Jan 2013
Taste me with all of your senses
Inhale my essence......breathe me in deep.....

Darkness pressed against hunger..

Sliding my tongue, I drew it in like a feast
Savouring the taste as it passed my lips...

Shadows cast silken threads
Screaming desire!
Spinning silken webs around my body,
Searing my skin, as hot breath spilled itself
Against my salted flesh...

Moisture and heat fused,
Savage, pulsating, lingering, where wicked hovered
Sleek, against my heart’s beat...

Black satin shivered beneath wildfire hips;
Slow dancing a sweetened heat,
Writhing beneath the shimmer-gleam;
As I lay for him, lathed by the parched desert of his
Relentless tongue...wearing me wet....

I moaned across his taut flesh,
Strewn beneath the sliding wander of skin thrusts,
Drowning in a plum-dark eclipse of heat!
Where tenderness lay opened for him...

Teasing breaths rushed kisses between thighs
Wanting to break free, the restraints,
Stretching my body beneath his tasting..

I felt the essence beating ****** tempo's,
Passion succumbing to insatiable need;
And I gave him my body's silk-white,
Trembling under the furtive delirium of our fever...

The fierce moon eclipsed
A serum to slide my quickened breath;
And his eyes watched, deep in dark, unchanging depths,
As I lay naked in his arms....................
I heard your voice whisper to my heart.....and I waited, for I loved you then, though I never knew your path would ever cross my own......but we fell into step in the shade of a mountain where beyond forever nestles against our hearts..... J
Janette Jan 2013
Dream for me
a Savannah,
a sestina in reds
at Pandora’s threshold,
clothed in bludgeons of light
and these tears are nothing
but the nightingale’s burden,

the words laden and livid as storm
across the mauve wasteland
unfolds, the sky in its deceit,
promises rain, delivers nothing,
in this room the light will ruin me,
the squall of glass slippers overhead,

on my knees, now
the abstraction of the body, opaque
I write in the limber whisper
of fingertips, deep villanelles
about love, restless love
on the skin of your back,

histories annotated
by gestures of supplication,
I drag fingernails across a fairytale
and out falls a wide-eyed harem,
April-blue veils trail their blood, narrowing
the flagrant staccato echo in my sternum,

A palm reader warns of conduits
and spells, the darkness
that puddles like lake water
in my mind, moths of Summer
a fragrant blue,
restless blue

notes like scorpions
scurry beneath the blankets,
strands of hair, stained sheets
this vacancy glows through the shears
I forget, how early, and still
the night falls here,

as how early it fails.....
Janette Jul 2012
Memories whisper-drift
Unrealised dreams
Wait on the edge, and time
Sways anchored inside
The space where nothing matters;
Hearts share a moon glistened destiny,
An intertwined beauty
Holding on tightly, hands clasped in prayer,
Night whispers the beating heart, nestled safely
On horizon's cusp
As rain softly whispers kisses down upon the echoes
Staining each sacred ache,
Petals of silk
Open arms
Heartprints collide upon tender;
Shadows of happiness,
Softest reflections beneath a breath...
Janette Aug 2012
Where desire is an endless distance...

'He sleeps...I steal his brush,
Dip it red and wet,
Painting on his chest;
A mosaic of Love
My heart's mirror;
I carry him
Beneath my breast,
His Love
The first and last
Of my awakening heart'...

Writing him...

It was the softness of his hand
That held my breath against my will
Nestling in the curve of my arm;
My heart fluttered in his warm smile
As the mocha of his sight drenched me...

Smiles echoed on the canvas
Of tomorrows, suspended in each
Syllable that flowed like manna from heaven;
My fingers abandoned their hesitancy
Outlining his face,

I faltered;
Breathing in the shimmer of what is real;
His smile whispered a promise,
As his voice echoed my own
In an unwritten poem...


Lily white, she wakes near the night river,
The red mantra of Summer's rain, opens
The rose to shadow;
Cradled in awakened smiles,
The touch of twilight intoxicates visions of fairy-tales,
Like somber hues of unbuttoned fragments...

Soaked to the hollow of *******,
Tucked in the deep comas of the lotus moon;
Her silver light,
Dreaming silks and milk tender...

A whispered name...
Hands steeped in honey,
Moving slowly through deep-red,
Echoes of dream;
As hours burn pale candles,
Frozen eternal in spangles and lace...

Her wings wrap his pain in song;
Feather light,
A kiss of sweet enchantment,
Beyond the delicate tick-tock
Of destiny's hourglass;
A verse vertigo
Set free by the bleeding of her pen...


This soft everlasting kiss
Nourishes the weeping within,
Showering each cold-shadow with warmth;
He sings in my skin,
Where we go in midnight's colours
My body, a pebble on his mountains;
Immersed in an endless sky;
Miracles flourish
Embraced in our endless beginnings.........
Janette Sep 2012
Heaven whispered your name,
Lavender silk
Smooth upon lips,
****** to the flavour of destiny.......

Your tongue passed through mirages,
Tasting the warmth of my soul, like
Unexpected breaths washing upon
The shores of thirst;
Your white smile irising the sky...

I held my breath
...for, I needed to relish yours
Deeper than my sighs,
Into the depths of ache;
The pause in my heartbeat, lay tenderly
Balanced on the edge of your soul...

I dreamed the night's mist,
An omen of silken-soft, upon velvet petals,
An immaculate flower,
Conceived in the poetry of this delicate awakening;
The sweet intimacy
Pressed into the dark of my heart...

Your voice, became the
Hands that stripped me bare,
Wrapping around my essence like a myriad of
Forbidden elixir's, from fountains beyond the
Flinch of fingertips that
Traced the pulse of my thighs...

And your lips fell upon my body
In creases...
...those secret places...where
You arced the light of me,
A coruscation of eyes, beyond burn,
Changing darkness to blossom incandescence...

My pelvis, captured moistened moments
Beneath the power of your descent;
Where I held you hostage
Upon this pillow of my heartbeat,
Levitated in the hush of your breath...

You painted me beautiful, in moonlight
With the brush of your lips, and
I needed you,
Needed you...

Alas...only the
Soft of shadows remain,
To light disrobed hours, where
Perfumed winds whisper
Precious echoes of your words;
Tracing the patient hues of roses, that will always dream
To sway in the twilight of your arms........
I breathe in your ink until I am consumed in the french-kissed whispers of your heartbeat...J
Janette Sep 2012
I drink in His midnights

Lips parted to taste the rich darkness
Washing over my tongue, that begs
to caress rapturous shadows
Soothing my thirst within the twelfth hour
Catching prayers in palms, lapping the secrets
that I hunger for in quiet repose

I bathe in His moonlight

Soft, winds trace my skin
where southern breezes bring the crave
To hear intimate commands to limbs and heart
Adorned only in delicate sighs,
Tethered, to the beams of Lunas jealous glow
surrendering my desires to nights
silken absolution
Moaning my truths
through silent pleas
for nocturnal deliverance

I breathe in His twilight

Filling my chest
with the names of eternal passion
Woven through my breath
******* heaving, as I gasp
at the stars primal ******
Bringing me to my knees
in overwhelming clarity
of this nights worship to sky

He has become my expression of want

Where fingers trace the wet I create
every time hands grasp tender my submission
My body is given raw, laid for feast and pleasure
prepared for the communion of liquid embrace
Becoming immortally bound to euphoric whispers
dancing forbidden verses
over what has become His, alone......
Janette Jul 2012
Whispers linger,
Touching soft, a bruised soul;
I am weakness, beneath your fingertip's trace,
Craving the words that abandoned me
In the pause of another time....

Abandoned dreams,
Where wishes lay bleeding upon thorns of
Forgotten promises;
Candle lit moments fade
Into shadows of eternity...

Hands clasp in prayer,
Holding on,
While faith flickers,
Tangled in the corners of my dreams...

Uncertainty flinches in each exhale,
Moistening love's last mirage;
Where I cling,
To the edges of your ink;
Verses of me falling silent...

Jade eyes weep,
While words unravel,
And sleep will not grant mere seconds to
Seek comfort and solace;
My parched lips are drenched,
With tears from
An endless well of anguish...

The horizon of my heart
Falling into the quiet still of your hands,
Seeking comfort and solace,
In a delicate journey, to find,
To find...
all that is left of me.....

The lullaby of a dove made my body soar.....even, if only for a moment.....there was a light that danced upon the window to my world, like a beacon piercing heart soared and my smile became a long lost friend...hope tickled my senses like a faint feather brushing destiny.....even his farewell cannot take his gift of awakening away...... J
Janette Jan 2013
And she lay... spread like the petals
of a dew dampened rose......

Drenched in the 'throated' moan
Of your kiss, I bask in the flood
Of your gaze...

Sweet torment, in each intake
Of breath...
Your tongue pours fire
Sheathing me
In flames of want...

You speak...that  voice; pouring


My throat, and
I am melted, a whimper-ache
Naked, but for the blush of moon
Lain unashamed,
Beneath brown eyes deepening....

My flesh consumed against
You...burning red in my veins,
Filling me with the breadth of your rhythm;
While the hours burn
Enormous pale candles,
Frozen eternal in spangles and lace...

Slide across these aching *******,
Weep me wild with ecstasy,
Pulse me deep in vibrant ripples,
Plunge me.... into the worship of your passion-breathed breeze
Wield the strand of flame against my silk..
As I ...

          You...lingering on the surface of my tongue...

Cast me lost, in the soft,
Precious wind-song of heart's beat,
Casting shadows against unheard music;
My blush beckons a firestorm between finger’s grip,
Burning untamed, beneath your skin...

Cast up your spell beloved,
Drink me in
Where lips play... a searing ache;
Lay lush with me, inside the meld of my heat,
While I submerge in endless seas of you.........
And so I enter....a new season....wrapped, decadent in the warmth of you....only YOU..... J
Janette Sep 2012
I am tangled in your breath
exhaling the need
to hide in the corners of your touch
enslaved in lashes moistened in tears
tracing the compass of my face,
I swallow this saline-tainted want of us
upon my thirsty tongue
Enya-laced candlelight
soothing my soul,
the flavour of your gaze
seeping into the hunger of my veins....

You are a predestined addiction,
my inevitable attraction
I worship you in moonlight
in redemption beyond the fragments
of stained glass translations
a blindfolded religion
bound in all the words
we've tasted behind
the veil of unspoken confessions,
now dangling from the tip of your tongue;
You adorn me in a blushed haze,
a heaven unleashed in the colours
of your touch;
There is sanctuary in the curve
of this beautiful weakness,
I awaken on the edge
of wishes falling from your smile,
holding on to words that are
now and always
ours, alone....

The map into this omen awaits
scribed upon dog-eared pages
of this prophecy of life;
Love is a verse faded
beneath the trace of fingertips
longing to unwrap the secrets of infinity
hiding between desolate leather binders
forgotten in the shadows
tossed beneath an altar of unanswered prayers
bleeding before the sacrifice,
an intimate revelation
smeared upon a ruby-stained dagger
extracted from the heart of a dying dream
a pardoned demise delivered
in the verdict
of this reign of reality...

all I ever needed,

all I ever needed

was you...

I navigate through the cirrus of your sighs
in delicate echoes
fragments of your breath
wrap around me like the sun
invading the impending storm
in the last minutes of calm
seducing the sapphire-kissed stillness
in an azure rage
a liquid euphoria
racing through my body,
piercing into this drought of me;
thunder invades the tranquil horizons
of my inhibitions
exposed and lost,

so lost

in the rush
of your fragile rain...
Janette Aug 2012
A whisper-touch of silk kissing darkness,
A misty haze of paradise, beneath the moon's bathe...

I drift upon his fragrance... lashes bathed in shadows, meeting the hand, that slides my arm;
Fingertips that softly brush the curve of my throat;
And he smiles as I tremble; breathing his whispered
The sweet of first blush,
Where soft rose tipped lips yearn the sweet taste of him,
I am melted, a whimper-ache
Tumbling into the still of cherish,
Naked under brown eyes deepening, to dark...

My Love,
Expel this breath from my breast,
The breath that was born to inhale your smile,
Translate my body in a braille of your hands,
As I place your fingertips deep in the wet of me,
Slowly moving them across your lips,
Fill me with the breadth of your rhythm;
And coax this purr from the back of my throat,
Slide across these aching *******, your weep-wild ecstasy,
Pulsing deep in vibrant ripples, quivering in the dark, where
My blush beckons your tongue-brush... sheathe me in wet satin ribbons;
As I take you inside, so deep within the intoxication,
Lost in the caress of fingers on skin,
Hands in my hair,
Quiver-claim me,
Taste me
Where the red rose of ecstasy opens her petals to the white moon,
Deep in devoured tender,
Where the rain of something deeper,
Swallows exploration in hollow breaths...

My supple body, an ****** garden of velvet blossoms,
Opening slowly beneath the heated shore of your desire,
Splashed in a gasp of sighs, absorbed in a destiny of shivers,
Arced with unashamed yearn,
As fire bursts once again into soaring flames... the pulse
Of such arrhythmia, timing the beats within my rise and descent;
Bleeding each tender vein along unforgiving rapture;
I bathe in crystal clear waters
Pure as the divine currents we share, drowning so softly in your love;
Primal needs lay me in sweet fields of surrender, as
Midnight plunges into the worship of a passion-breathed breeze
Wielding the strand of flame against silk, lost in the soft,
Precious wind-song of heartbeats, casting shadows that dance to unheard music;
A firestorm between finger’s grip, burning untamed, beneath your skin, where my lips play a searing ache;
Sinuously tautened, your swell lays lush inside the meld of my heat,
Rocking hardness buried in velvet;
We shiver....I shiver, and
The wetted flower burns the shatters of night...

Skin upon skin in the smokey timbre of dripping wishes,
Synergies meet,
Burning dark, sharing breath...
We discover the flame of eternal burn, the promise of always
Across the shiver of yearn, where touches never end,
Where the breath of your heart scatters across my breast,
Where I lay before the blaze of your beautiful tender, finger painting shaded desire,
Along the curve of my thighs.....the cells of my spellbound body
Drenched in the poetry of your rain,
Tasting bonds with flowering tongues;
Joined in this most sacred act,
The merging of souls;
The taste of US, forever feeding your heart and mine;
Pushing deep against nectar's flow, like rainbows stained in milk;
Where thoughts are tethered in searing embrace.........
Forever awaits beyond the want in our eyes.....  knowing you write my last breath, beginning to end..... turning pages of gentle complete.....folding warmth one touch at a time......WE are all we will know when the last sunset whispers this love from my soul, beckoning to feel your embrace, until the end of time........

when the last verse closes the chapter of US... J
Janette Aug 2012
Etched in a lilies bloom
Tastes of him were born;
Beneath an attic sky, a sleeping heart, listens to his tune,
Her hands, small cathedrals, catching the heat of his dark...

Summer, shimmered beneath a midnight sun;
Flooding moments,
Feeding his mind through her tongue,
A vibration, milky blue ....notes rubbing softly upon her skin,
Oh! how her pores sung his finger tipped tender.....

A half light of fingers, stroked memories through shadows,
A skin of kisses, shivering on starry pillows, fusing the jet velvet;
Gauze, skimmed a ghost, un-woken between light and body;
As the flute of larynx, unhooked, softly in shadows of reflection,
Spilling amber
Upon a necklace of optimism...too delicate to wear.....

His heart, cradled the curl that fell across her face,
It danced in his fingertips,
Endless ribbons of tender Love, dripped from veins upon
Her skinny jeans,
Scarlet stained

He whispered "baby", and rocked her with his hips;
The ache in her thighs missed him,
The sweetness of him;
Breathing silence, upon her pelvis,
A cat's cradle; scented with orchids;
Upon a canvas of aching skin...

Ravaging, raking needs, spoke tongue's
In the drape down taste of heartbeats,
Arousing the fire of Summer's gentle *****;
The spiral of her heart, cornered, wild;
A quiet suffering, soothing her breast,
In a moonlight of dark songs...

Heartbeats,  she thought,
Are but night whispers..... fading in and out of time,
Lingering on the edge of now, to
Fall softly, into a misty world of someday;
Somewhere, in the stillness, his voice whispers her heart,
Beyond forever, washing wishes in the sea........
Moonlight slips inside an amethyst ache of want.....carving her name in ink upon the willing flesh of night........a whispered breath....rose fragrant, slips beyond forever...... J
Janette Jan 2013
Breathe the silk impression of this skin pressed into you,
Infuse my dreams with reality.......rose

Strip me, one sense at a time;

Touch me...

Touch me...mould me into your open arms...

Paint me with the trail of your tongue....

I will dance for you,
Body sways, that beg you heed
My hips whisper of fiery petals, leading you
To temptation's gate...

A savoured decadence,
Your shape shadowing mine,
Lowering into my waiting arms
Skin upon skin...

Run the tip of your tongue along my spine
Ride my pulse higher,
Wash over me
Leave me wet and wanting
And I will devour you with my hungry mouth...

My probing tongue,
Surface scanning your skin,
I will sink beneath your hidden desires
My playground, here inside your sighs...

Envelope my breathy willingness,
Awaken to your addiction in devil’s thighs...
Sip my liquid gift
And know, I burn....

I burn for you....

My soft glisten, a pout upon swayed surrender,
Melted beneath a ride of skin,
Craving....craving always the singe that
Trembles these silky strands...

Your electric essence,
Painted red... mind hungry,
Where eyegasms impregnate the heart of this woman.................*rose
His silhouette hidden in the waterfall of my hair.....whispers within brush strokes...where his lips are but a breath away....*rose* J
Janette Jul 2012
He called me his rose...
And I wafted toward his senses
Intoxicating, heady;
Each breath taken deep...
Filling him more with my softly scented perfume
Musky and subdued,
Like silk petals scattered upon
A satin covered bed
Deep dew drenched blooms

He knelt before my hallowed pink altar
Lost in quiver-moan, my hips responded;
Fingers entwined in my hair
Lips pressed gently
Where the heart of my flower
Rests with its nectar cup
Between heaven and bliss;
He tasted my rose petals,
The velvet of his touch...
Mesmerised my mind as
He whispered me to quivered devastation...
Taking my body with whimpered pleasures

The touch of his fingers....
So breathtakingly slow
I watched his mouth devour me
And my hips slithered into rhythm
Against his eager mouth
Escaped moans of ecstasy...
Ravaged me relentless
Slow dancing midnight
Lost in the music of time's shadow....

Whisper-glances reflected
Yesterday's unborn dreams
A lullaby tear-song swayed
In an exhale of heartbeats
My fragile tears,
Awakened in smiles of his touch....
the hush of tenders surrounding us
The sway and ebb upon the waters that
Lay gently at my portal
Filling, endless, this ache lain between my thighs,
My heart-skin, memorizing the tender hardness,
Wanting the ecstasy-glaze again......and again.....
I see you smile....your hands reach out ...reach further....and still you can't grasp the elusive ribbons in my hair.....your love is like that, a quiet suffering soothing my breast, an ache in the brilliant moonlight of dark songs....and still we face each other, whispering promises that only our lips speak but our hearts hear in nuances swept on the breeze......One day, as the tide turns you will swim against the current and swallow me whole......... and I will braid my hair with your hands  J
Janette Oct 2012
Drink from my mouth, in dream,
Remember my skin
Sweetly ~ ~ ~

A muted brush
Cascading, distant
A shiver, quiet
Tendrils your ribbon
Suckling my whispered thought...

I watch you, watch me,
Light the earth of your body,
Delicately fierce;
My love pulse
Freeing your breath,
Hot and dewy
Beneath the circles of my tongue...

I stir your fragrance
Bathed down,
A carnal musk;
Where the dip of your finger
Slides the sugared flower;
A shiver-pour,
Divides, wet,
Smiling against melting
Nectar waves...

You ****** liquid pleasure
Driving madness
Unfolding velvet,
Tasting fragrant juices
Upon lips waiting
Your mouth feed,
Where I quiver-tremble
In your breath...

Quicken this ache
Rapture my dawning;
Your pounding strike;
A burning brand,
Golden shatters
Stroking relentlessly
Rapture's scream
Begs evocative...

Deep-throat's torment;
Summons my feral,
And I moan
Against you as you mold me
Peel me down,
Covering me in molten fire,
A slave to your flesh
The vein of silk,
Against dire flesh...

Crimson screams
kneading, needing, hard!
Between gasps of skin
Exquisitely distressed,
Curving my spine
Your body
flowing in mine...

Remember this place...
where moon was
Light as shadow
To the efflorescence
Of tender embrace
In hourglass sands......
Janette Aug 2012
Forever is hushed amongst sweet sounding rain;
Murmured heartbeats;
Turn a soft pirouette in the recess of mind;
Moon-burn, silvered, permeates the rake of glittered stars;
Your kiss carved into this heart...

Remember me, remember me...

And I can’t get close enough to him;
Lilies, wild and dark,
Cool the blush of my cheek, a soft essence
Purl-binding, touching my soul;
A summons of wrists gently turned
To show veins that lie beneath,
Bleeding hushed words,
Flowing, where  
The lull of nightfall, lays my hair between your fingers...

Remember me, remember me...

And I can’t get close enough to him;
The breast of the ****** moon-spill,
A simple thread of heartbeat, a touch-tender upon lips
You brushed me beautiful,
So beautiful;
I glitter… silk upon crimson, shining;
Slipping, burnished, to your tease,
Flesh on fevered flesh,
I want closer
To melt beneath your skin, to swim in your veins...

Remember me, remember me...

And I can’t get close enough to him;
Your body,
Listens, caresses
A gentle burning in my spine,
Arching with the soft essence of night flowers;
And gentle, the pulse of hand's clasp;
My heart finding the rhythm of yours,
A sigh between each beat,
Whispering soft,
"Never let me go."...

Remember me, remember me...

And I can’t get close enough to him;
Fire's flame dances, shadows writhe,
Touch-feathering the silk of petals, rising to meet
Each heartbeat
To feel your passion course through my blood,
Feel desire as it consumes me,
Suckle sweet, sutra your taste,
Filling me....

Remember me, remember me...

And I can’t get close enough to him;
I whimper, sighs,
A blue voice, moaning through me
Folding my breath inside your hands;
Feeling the quivers you send racing through my thighs
Purging velvet depths,
Before a rise of hip curves to please eyes
Lost inside the mirage of dreams,
To feel your love and know its truth as if it were my own...

Remember me, remember me............
Janette Jul 2012
I am
Moon-drift, wreathed among shadowed shrouds,
Lain in grasses woven with scented perennials,
To the winds of  rapture,
My sigh
Drifting in ephemeral mists, lost in the midnight silk....

I am
The hush of an everlasting kiss
Skin vulnerable to breeze cradling a fragile heart,
Melting into emerald realms....

I am
Flesh-touch, scorched in the blaze of wildness,
In the breath and lathe upon waiting skin,
Burnt in the shimmer-gleam of crimson stain....

I am
Unabashed sensual delight,
Shimmering in the haze of heat,
In the drown of his tether....

I am
The taste of your flesh on lips
Fevered, in veins that are lost,
As the moon dreams high in darkened silk....

I am
Each suckle of skin burgeoned and pliant,
Curved, etched wanton,
Salacious in sweet release....

I am
Your heart
Curled under my breast,
Adorned in glistening mists of tender-soft
The lover that never leaves.......
Find me, passion in the blackest of light...where I am enveloped in exhales and whispered secrets.....where I feel the deepest parts of YOU, and I awaken the songs you sing softly in my heart...where...with my hand threaded in strands of hair and your fingers searching my pulse we find....more than much more...... when we tangled into.....US........ J
Janette Aug 2012
Shadowed moments,
A rush of after bubbles
Whisper-weep a name
Leg wrapped warmth;
Tied down in pearls,
Burning me in the curl
Of satin sheets and tumbled pillows,
And I am stripped bare, across the cradle of dreams
Captured by pulsating fingertips
Fire-staining my thighs...

Shimmering diamond cascades of gentle stir
Fire-Wrap the mist of soft braille
Etching the moan of whispered yearn
Touch-tasting my moon kissed nape;
And I sway to the music of buffeting winds
My hips enticing, enveloping, ensnaring rigid muscle,
Lifting the hem
For teasing fingertips, searing drenched skin, and
Brazen ache meets incessant hunger...
Skin ravaged, blood pulsing...

His breath a rushing kiss between my legs
Piercing my darkness with his heat,
And licks, sweet, the tenderness I open;
This red haze of dry hours
Bathing my skin,
Sheathed behind smiles in dark corners of his eyes,
Unlaboured lust entwines trembling lips
Limbs awakening to thirst for honeyed-sin
My sigh drapes the curvature of his milky sway
Desire's swallow drowns my satin burn...

The immortality of our kiss
Etched in the warmth of garnet's gleam
Lingering upon the smoothness of softly wet;
The fragile lace binds my body, risen from rows of indigo roses,
Shuttered, its heat like a leash in his palm, wrapped,
Surrendering to nuance and caress
Flailing the drum-skin;
His reaching arms hold me down...

Heartbeat slowing
From the thunder of our storm,
Along my body, his braille
In gooseflesh fabrics and amber
Tambourines of skin seep,
Bind me in deepest velvet, resonating bliss...
A refuge where I curl in trembled release
Buried in purrs
Stained in screams;
Unforgettable moments
Melted in the whimper of love's breath..............
He is fragrant; vague like mists upon the autumn's morn, drifting forlorn in the limitless vision of my mind.....I breathe his my head upon his pillow until these eyes are awakened...I Furnish these empty sheets with the sweetness of him.....drink from his well until I thirst no longer....hear every word of his silence.....until all longing subsides...... greeting each day and night like breath to my soul, I will sit and watch the moments unfold, uncurl and touch his essence......for his are the eyes of times fragrant past....the promise of my hearts desire................J
Janette Jan 2013
So say these rooms are darker
than you remember, these distances
between bones, so deceiving,
the syntax of castanets at the windowsill
swell all the cells with silk,
my body sun burnt
and translucent as moth wings,
bring the viral inconsistencies in the sternum
to anchor my reddened limbs
into the desperate ***** of the heart...

Where I gather milk and moonlight
at night, the phantom
tantra of your lips, open
my mouth as deliberate
as the throat swollen with rain,
remembers how your kiss
takes to cold, at the collarbone,
something slender and unlaced,
your mouth, a length of silver chain
wound about the impossible symmetry of my dress
made entirely of vowels,
dried roses caught in its hem,
baby's breath tangled and dangling from my hair...

See how the body becomes an apology,
bending into an alabaster suicide,
its entreaties carved into the heart,
in the tar at my shoulders,
and now, how the fibula splits open,
feathered, I am this dark seed across a canvas,
a furthering, azaleas harboured
in the languid anklebone, and sudden water
gathers at my hem, bears the scent of hurricanes
and lilies, all this mayhem in the cells,
begin to loosen its wreckage, the rough
of your hands, river-wild and dark,
cool against my cheek, the ropes
of your arms bind the moment, opaque,
and I lose my way among the hours,
dimly lit through the damask curtains,
the windows are veiled by a steady rain,
and in my famine, I swallow enough of this gin
to drown, the dark collects in my mouth,
as the muslin flesh presses the seams of my dress
in blackened promises, of milkweed and almonds...

Thursday, at last,
and there are sonnets in my hair,
these hours are so rare, the indigo
in our roses spread like bruises,
as you weave poetry into the hemp of a collar,
my wrists, all Indian burns and snakebites,
snap beneath the jungle gym
where lilacs burst against the barbed fence,
the light swallows the seconds
and how my face is hollowed by shadow,
moths beating themselves, merciless
against the porch light, as you still, your body
listens to the gentle burning in my bared forearms,
the taste of copper, the risk
of skinned knees that bleed
in the lull of nightfall,
when I begin to braid
my daughters hair, fireflies
in a glass jar, at the panes, dizzy
and wanting, whisper their pale accusations,
left scrawled in the margins,
in a drier season, I tear out
the furious passages of my body,
and survive solely on ritual milk baths,
as lips allow in a liquid innocence,
though it takes more than this to drown,
the giving in, a tangle of amber braids
in the undercurrents, there is a gentle tedium
to my hair between your fingers, my throat
beneath your thumbs, a thickening
of immaculate tethers to bind the seizures about your lap,
the octaves tremor, like cicadas,
all those days in the ground, the damp wrinkle
of their wings, years I have been hiding
the bones in the words, as the syntax
of sorrow and jazz darken the windows of this room,
on a day that can go no further....
Janette Aug 2012
Drink deeply
The fever inside eyes
Lost inside whispers
Beneath intoxication;
Tangle ecstasy to
Burn on the thrillsssssssss!!
Rage the pendulum

Finger-tip trails
Petulant pouts
Pressing positions,
Beneath palms;
Shiver-scream his name
******* cry!!
The crave,
Writhed in
Beneath a
Quickened pace,
Beautiful rising bask of
Bodies bathed...

Tongue feathers
Feeding the fuel of
Burning desires;
Make love to me...
Until we are
Saturated between lips
In sacred secrets...

Moistoned, sheathed
Inside the tremors
Swollen, in wet cradles...

Janette Jul 2012
I remember

Ephemeral moments lost to a softly spoken kiss,
The shadowed whisper, carried on heartbeats
Within the echo of loneliness...

I remember

The lithe scent of wildflowers,
The sway of deep afternoons,
Where sighs were lost beneath the epiphany of prayers...

I remember

An orchid fragranced daybreak
When the sunlight traced my skin
As I awoke to the fragile kiss of an unborn morning...

I remember

Opalescent rain rushing through my veins,
The wild blue radiance, seizing it's elixir
In the thunderous rush of crimson heat...

I remember

Exhales, soft and hushed in a wonderland of unspoken understanding,
The inhalation of a kiss exchanged in the ache of lips,
Whispering, " sweet Dreams, I Love you"...

I remember

Embers bathed in his essence
The song of his heartbeat, igniting my existence,
In a fire, tenderly traced upon fevered skin ...

I remember

As my breath caught, and held on tightly
To his hushed
"Shhhh ... breathe deep, my love ... just breathe"...

I remember

As I rest my heart upon his pillow,
Softly drowning in this unmade bed
Lost, and lonely beside the apparitions of his last goodnight kiss.........
I close my eyes and pray for his touch.... for whispers to ease the loneliness... I miss the laughter we shared ... the poignant moments that made me feel alive ... close your eyes and feel the warmth of my whisper against your skin ... feel the tenderness in my touch ... the soft caress of my lips against your own ... "Shhh ... breathe deep, my love ...I am there with you...... J
Janette Oct 2012
Your naked fragrance darkens over my skin...

A scent of Autumn-eyes
Spilling colours upon
Willing flesh;
A slave to silken smooth,
He sways...
Dancing beneath jewels of lust,
Softly weeping...

The quiver pulse
Tangles tender ache,
His touch'
Skin blushed
Breathless, beneath arrhythmia's void,
Tongue bathe the swollen-flower,
Licked wicked...

The shades of ever moon
Fill her yearn,
A dark warmth,
Her own heartbeat,
Impatiently submissive
To his fire-tongue velvet;
And throbbing wild
The pulse of passion


His wet of fevered song
Smooth, across satin thighs,
Her river's pearled release
Open mouthed
                 He tastes the rippled, hushed


A blushed-pour down
Rhythm, bucking hard
Against his eager tongue;
The unexpected silk of orchids,
Lip feed
Whispers through her heart skin
Warm against his mouth..........
Your essence burns exotically into my soul .......those lips of fire scorch like the melting sun of gold... shape your absent body against mine, touch me as the giving air......J
Janette Aug 2012
He knew how to touch me,
Brushing me with the bold of his colour,
My heart beat hard with unashamed bliss
He saw through my 'needy'
And my
Silken nakedness kissed his eyes through the red of sin...

His wet mouthed invitation...
Reached out to where the
Ley lines of my pulse
Meshed in a dance of crimson yearn
And opened the depths of primal
Desperate to escape...

My fingertips elicit the lean lines of faded jeans
Brushing a teasing touch,
Enticing, the heat
Wrapped tightly upon tempting visions of tanned and taut
A hard driving machine,
Risen high, on waves of energy climbing...

He parts my soft lips with his tongue tip
Braiding my breath with sensuality
Licking each whimper,
While I tremble inside the strength of his arms..

Devouring me on the crest of his famine
Scorching my hardened buds......
In the ***** lathe of his salacious tongue
Passion-branding me his...

I find myself
Stretched beneath his skin
Unveiled, willingly, so
Helplessly hypnotised, while
He feasts...
His mouth devouring my spill of silence...and
His teeth graze between my thighs,
As I moan
Swollen in shades of pink tender...

My warmth
A pearled tumescence,
Blushing inside the brushed exhale of his whispered demands
I lay, soft to his touch,
Drenched with the ****** of his stain
I am flamed and seared in an endless Tsunami
In the pour of ache..

His lips play music
Against the soft of my throat
The lush fragrance of petaled fruit dew
Moist, between the rise of his body against mine...
Janette Sep 2012
I lay in unfolded silence
upon sheets that blushed
roses on our flesh
my quickening breath
stuttering as you speak
in finger-tip questions
down the curve and valleys
of my unchartered territories;
now yours...

I am without thought as
the shiver of you teases me
to the point of unleashing wildness
that strains at each whimper,
each moan you gather and toss
wildly upon the liquid fire
that I am...

The sigh of you breaks down walls
as I am thrown to stars in stroking
wetness, the pleasure exquisitely
tracing the lace of sweat
upon lips pungent with desire
sliding to dip in a dance of

I thirst for you finding a hunger
that borders on insatiable
as the beast within rises
voracious and demanding -
grasping to draw you in,
revel in my abandon and growl
in the proof that you are mine...

Staking my claim, I ride my nails
down your back to clench your
appetites driving me back and forth
within each stain of musk
as lusts rage to consume begins
to defy the shattering love that
you breathe into me
And when all thought and breath
have left me, when I am flung
so effortless to the fury of your primal...

I shatter....

In soft starlight and sapphire,
crimson silk fluttering in the depths of
each chasm and fold
I am suffocated on the bliss of euphoric
and I die each little death
willingly in your arms

I become as I am, gasping for tender breath
wrapped in the steel and flesh of you
crying for the need, the fruition of Us
as you murmur tender on love-burnt flesh
I am awakened as if newly made
as you smile into me, gently kissing where
you once ravaged and know

It only gets better.....
Janette Sep 2012
Mozart fades into Monet,
you are the ivory keys,
piercing the silence,
tangled in echoes of an angel's voice,
awaiting to explode into the
mystery of my colours...

Hushed within a silence,
fading beyond something grey,
always meant to shimmer in sapphire.
Love is never bound to soft silhouette's,
though the fault line is so fragile,
the hush can rupture the ballast,
deteriorate the fingerprints
left, moistened, in an exploration of hands
christened in worship of the journey,
sliding between the hymnal of thighs
scarred in the numbness of quiet bruises,
aching for the press of your needs
to awaken the ache, and kiss the morning
held fresh in my eyes,
with a glance into hunger,
still fresh upon your tongue...

My soul rests within the ebony shadows,
straddling your fingers, as they
pound the song from your heartbeat
descending into a crescendo of requiems divertimento,
unraveling all of these unspoken words,
in soft whispers of your embrace

Curve the edge of my thirst
in that place where the heart stills,
that place, where the pulse quickens
so deep inside the quiet of your benediction
redeem me in the corners of your smile,
and I will paint my love in Monet,
so soft, upon the canvas of this
Mozarts serenade of us

The aftermath, a concerto,
a delicate stroke of crimson
smeared upon the ivory parchment of my skin,
"I love you" etched
beneath the wings of your song,

...I am the unspoken lyrics...

you are the music of my life
fading into the colours

...of love's last breath...
Janette Nov 2012
Slide into the path of our journey
Follow the map along my spine
With breathless lips.......


Night's dark flowers swell
Silver bells,
Among my heart's wet pulsing,
Thoughts wild, utter me Autumn
Like a feather of Vespers;
An owl sings
A dark reveille in moonlit guise
And shadow traced
Lulling chants
Marry me to yesterday...

Combs a phantom of hands
The memory of you
Shaking the blue sky from my hair,
Coaxing that purring at the back of my throat,
My song, held hostage
Amid the still of the night,
I feel you now, as words flow
From the flesh of your tongue
A…murmured heartbeat...

Tangles me tender, beneath breath
Softening sadness inside
A pandemonium of bruised echoes,
My voice
Naked as moon,
Intoxicating scents of desire,
Fierce, cathartic, ripe, unraveled
Inside you...

Feel me now...
Through the fleece of memory,
Pulsating passion through our veins
Feel me now...
My breath on your cheek
Lips brushing over your skin
Feel me now...
My tongue dividing your mouth
Kissing you harder and deeper
Released now
Intoxicating scents of desire,
Orgasming into serenity..............
Janette Jul 2012
How they drift in search
Of other currents,
Far away lands, seen
Through fresh green eyes....

I watch them go,
These time blown whispers,
Echoes in the fading silence:
Fresh in the breath of my ache...

I adored them, sacred, as
Breath held in the eyes of forever;
Like a doorway left open
A candle burning in the rain...

For a moment...
I saw love, through the eyes of my skin
So close...
So close...I trembled,
Beneath the stride of his touch
Where his soft breaths, exhaled
'I love you's
Silken strands upon my face...

One step behind a caress
My fragrance now a ghost,
Lingering behind his smile;
Somewhere.. in the stillness...

Beautiful, strangles emotions unwritten;
In the darkness ...a fade away,
Delicate, where shadows muffle aching whispers,
Swallowing my small steps...

Once kissed by love,

...One moment...
...The moment..................
I seduced your pleasure.... beneath the soft sheet of your flesh to spread my Love inside you like an ember...nestled amongst the flames; I lay my pulse upon your alter.....eternally...... J
Janette Aug 2012
Moon winds brush across naked skin;
Undo my logic, undo my fear…

A faint eyelash flutter,
A foreplay of glimmers through lids sewn shut;
Resting now, upon faded horizons, where oceans pool,
Along the soft-focus curve of nostalgia;

She loved him....loved him....

Timeless...the liquid silver of his lips;
Soft speaking patterns of his voice, an art form,
Lucid from lips, resting in upturned palms;

She reached for him... reached for him...

He came to her wrapped in poetic words,
A slow flame, igniting the darkness of her mind;
And while whispers gathered on the breeze;
Knew her biblically....

How powerless......distance...

Her body a sparkle shine upon wind swept storms,
Kiss to iris, sun to moon, bathed by
His silken facade, a heavenly release,
Pressed hard against her veins;

Muted prayers upon her tongue...

Led willingly across lush landscapes;
She knelt,
A sacrificial lamb; ivory flesh caressed,
Sweet sensuality, remembered, deep;

Like a kite rising on a sea breeze...

Love...the tender membrane,
A colour brush, shrouded in granite notes and steel chords,
A consummation of prophecy, vignettes of 'forever'
Written between flesh and need;

Loss, has no sound....Only a backwards glance...

She whispered his music,
A memory, a whispered echo, filled with mute pleas
Bitten into prayer pillows,
Marks of teeth left to tell the tale;

She stirs....

To fragile rose stem ribs and the splay
Of "might have been"
Her name carved upon moon winds.........
Once everything flickered on a hint of pleasure.....flush to fever.... to fits of dream.....clay-smeared......Love slipped softly in, holding it's breath in the shadows of the night....slowly unlocking the chains that she placed around her heart............... J
Janette Aug 2012
Sin, my word-heat, beading skin,
Edging curves asking.......begging....
Lures me to wild songs, played against
The strobe pulse on the bare of flesh,
Swaying in rhythms... breath-searching shadows....

Where “I love you” is so much more than words....

Silken caresses will to resist
The touch of breathtakingly slow, and
Thoughts vanish, as lips taste the core of me, a smoothed tongue sheath burning ecstasy....

And  “I love you” is so much more than words....

A quiver-moan in the shake of hips
As senses rise to meet demand;
I Watch his mouth devour me
And I... parting easily, just for him....

When “I love you” is so much more than words....

****** fury pulses, as
Fingers splay upon petal’s dew
Licking moans, where he waters me, primal,
Lain in tangled sheets, drenched in shiver-ache....

Because “I love you” is so much more than words....

Me wicked,
Piercing darkness with his heat,
Possessed by the dance, hips shriek, in the brush of pounding...

And oh wow... “I love you” is so much more than words...................................
The slow body under his....A M A Z I N G ......
Oh calm my fervent heart....give your lips to mine in slow thirst.......twisting and turning into one another......defining two as one and I to I whisper your name........ J
Janette Jan 2013
Morning is a burnt thing
that wrings the dark from my dress,
a lilting blue on the lawn,
in that twilight, so heavy
with lures and the tiniest snails
leave ochre splinters in my palms,

a scar, where you wrote in my book,
the blood part of ruined pages, bone white
and virulent, you raise the urge to render
my wrists more fragile,
more fragile than this,
a restlessness as black as a raven
drifts through bits of paper, stray wings
come to worship the hour, vanishing
between nine and ten, Winter
is a tenderness as transparent as silk,
as fragile as poppies,

its ruthless baptism upon my body
filling with snow, my skin shimmers
like dusk, like wings
all night you held me,
steadied my heart in the heavy wind,
even when the wildflowers had sown
themselves into the shape of a grave,
the garden overgrown, my body
from a bone, and my soul
out of nothing, opening,
opening for yours,

I am sure, god has failed me,

and longing is just the heart
changing colors, all its chambers, churning
the slowly spoiling hour, all night
I ribbon and tendril,
as you make a cage of your fingers to keep out the light,
shut the latches of this cell,
shut your eyes, my lover,
for I am frayed, my belly blood dark
and grey, where it is all wearing at the ends,
a little gin poured upon the open sore
of this ache, as I am caged in glass,
shackled at my wrists, like pink clusters of wisteria (oh, pink)
upon the secret places of our skin,
fingertips press against me like a bell,
beneath the swell of *******,
I keep the debris,
my poems to you are small,
quartered and hidden beneath the floorboards
of this room, the bed, the glass,
the pink (oh pink) wisteria in bloom,

morning, is a burnt thing,
spoiled like a jail of brick and mortar,
where I live on licorice,
and on the palest underside of the wrists,
the half beat,

I dont think, I have ever loved so gently,

in silence, unexpected,
midnight spooled in a clavicle,
for my skeleton is a fossil
you will find every night
in your flesh,
and my faith lies
in that single thing left
to us, a smoldering filigree of sorrow,
shaped like a moth,
and morning is our burning....
Janette Nov 2012
Prised from your mouth
I am fully risen
to the ache that pours
nectar in peach sin,
so slippery to your lip
as your smile splays
across my skin

I am folded taut,
revealed in curves
in the suckling of night
as translations
of words unspoken
list the weave
between swollen moments

succumbing to your fire

held above to
shatter the mines of need,
each shaft stains
against heaving breath
as I strain
to grasp the boiling
of your drenching
surges with teeth and nail

where my voice blends
to the ache and growl
of your tongue,
sedition is slain on this precipice
stroked into a blaze
your raging
is my primal victory
as is our tempest to race,

lost in naked textures...
Janette Nov 2012
and there is nothing more fragile
than this fever, an opus
of guitars swelling with song
and water, fluent
as the nocturnes are tuned
to the lower scale and strings vibrate deep within
the marrow as they ascend,
the soul blowing glass,
and filling the lungs
with a long slow taper of light, streaming
as fingers are brought to bear on frets
covered in hoarfrost,
and stray hair is pushed back from countenance,
to reveal the fractions of fire caught upon iris

there come slow indulgences,
and forgotten things,
to twine the body
in banners of winter silk,
scarves about the wrists, roped
in tethers and these feathers
of night-blooming jasmine
hang in long strands of pearl,
from my temple, teal threads of opal
and heather braids twine
the tone, the time
is not all poems
upon a blank page or songs
to coo the concert of souls
muted in chambers acoustically
formed of minutes, stolen in a glance,
at glimpse of skin or the tender touch
of cheek as eyes brim
soul-filled to overflow,

nocturnal blends the silent pause
between movements upon a page
where there is room for words,
though never found ,but in gesture
and margin's note that lays soft upon the tongue,
behind lips suited for sighs
these lost manuscripts begin
a long hand of notes held whole

Let the music play again,
its plea, eternal,

my love, please
do not forget how to preserve me,

for this is night,
and it is fragile....
Janette Jul 2012
Moonlight touches indigo,
As I create you once again in
This space, a swathe of cool air
Somewhere between night's breath
And the golden light of dawn...

Naivety wanders through rush-light,
A whisper waiting on a wilderness edge,
A green-eyed moon
Burning hours, like thin fire,
Curves my flesh...yet I am paler than sorrel...

An esoteric beauty, seducing immortal;
A litany of rose colour jewels
Surging, softly spreading
Like feathers, trailing your skin
Breaching the passage of hunger...

I lay upon fevered enchantment
Spilled in murmurs, wrapped and trembling
In the worship of your hands,
Tongue and lips
Whispering passion alive
Melting your flesh to quiver...

I taste the wild honey, captured by
Lips that ache with silent cries,
The sleepless dust, a crystalline prism,
Suspended upon dark velvet
Following the ghost of US.......
I prepare my body for the ultimate sacrifice.....drawing me into I make peace with my self.....preparing this shell, that it may accurately reflect my soul....preparing my soul that it may accurately reflect the love of yours....for we are lover and beloved.... J
Janette Sep 2012
I am an afterthought,
...a paper dream...
folded and forgotten
in the pocket of your jeans,
A stolen kiss,
lost in your flee
from the sweet store,
The shadowed curve
of a crescent moon,
half of a whole
dangling in sacrifice
to the stars that outshine,
a final teardrop
before the slaughter,
purged into edges
of loves last breath

I am the jagged silence,
of a broken wish,
a jaded blade of nexus
lodged into the soul
of a heart unguarded,
your fingerprints still linger,
fresh upon the handle of promises,
reflections of a smile on loan,
burned into the sword before the slay...

I am the fragmented child,
in search of a voice, that beckons,
whispers are the only map,
I hold on to the edge of them,
illusive tracks of this runaway train,
screaming through the darkness
into the light of your voice
aimless feet, a step ahead
of destiny,
always two steps behind
the crossroads
of that place
where love awaits me...

Petals from my hair,
blow into the passing winds,
stealing your breath
from their fragrance,
fading the velvet colours
into stone,
as they fall beneath
my final parade,
crushed and torn,
mere remnants
left behind in footprints,

...of a paper dream....
Janette Sep 2012
from your hand,
I learned to drink the light...

A residue of dahlias
in their late summer blood,
rimmed white with the fluid evening,
the soul, some wild falcon
folded in golden lullabies
of nightingale acoustics...

Eclipsed by the gentle pathos
of the body, shining
as I leave it behind,
crying in its dark thorns,
some forlorn fragment shudders
in the silver embrace you lace with calm...

As it laps
into that crumpled karma
and dreams it was once
a jaguar of dark passages,
held in the long hands of sorrow,
see, these clavicles emerge through orchids...

And a liquid resurrection
envelope the earth you bathe
from the fugitive gesture of wings,
so, it was in these black,
grim prairies of the soul...

Where I
at last learned
to drink the light from your hand....
Janette Oct 2012
Lush sweet
you sing the beckon
touching my lips down

Shiver quiet
tendrils entwine your ribbon
suckling my whispered thought

Flush raining
your flood bathes valleys
unsought yet driving madness

Silken lover
quicken this ache
rapture my dawning arc

Janette Sep 2012
My animal awakens to dawns emergence
A languid stretch of sultry sleek limbs
As daybreak's ***** air delivers your delicious essence
Senses honed sharp to tease the beasts primitive chant

Through shafts of dusty light I gaze upon your lithe form
Morning glow whispers across male sinew
I smirk at how unaware you seem of my intent
As my wildness of greed growls impatient

My prey, I fear losing control with my desire for you
Reining in animal instincts scattering on a breeze
I stalk your sleepy, carefree movement
Footfalls soundless in the dawn

Voracious hunger claws at my belly
To feast upon your wholeness is needed like air
To glory in your taste of salty  spice
My possession of you is not in question

Your strength is no match for my female stealth
As I choose to alert you to my presence
Run from me prey, just a few precious moments
Run, so I may relish this chase

My tasty morsel, your fearlessness puzzles me
The primal pumping of your pulse, your only tell
It's tribal cadence draws me still closer
I will have you beneath me on this misty morn
You'll know nothing of my bittersweet turmoil
The aching inferno ablaze in my *****
As your power over me lies in concealment
I am the mistress that controls your destiny

With regal grace I swiftly pounce
Pinning you to the cool earth
I nuzzle the masculine valleys before me
Pleased with the feast you present
Feral heat erupts as I scent the need you deny
Glands under my tongue weep yearning
Salivate for the ambrosia of your making
In ecstasy I'll feed to devour my craving

Dragging tongue along incisors edge
I revel one last moment in your heaving breaths
As passions bite pierces your throats hollow
My soul claims it's sensual prize

Submit to your goddess, my courageous warrior
Surrender your pride to my keeping
I possess you now, my beautiful prey
You belong to me...
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