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1.1k · Feb 2017
The Sounds of Seagulls
Jane Christensen Feb 2017
I love the sounds of seagulls and I know why
It makes me think of special days gone by
Early morning walking thru the dunes
Listening to them ‘singing’ all their tunes

Racing the surf, jumping waves and building castles
With those gulls flying low with all their chatters
They glide by with eagle eyes and notice all
Just in case a wee morsel of food might fall

The countless hours we lay upon the beach
Listening to every little screech
They came and looked at us and then
Decided they were not into our Zen

And when the ocean winds begin to blow
And gusts of air move in with every flow
These creatures catch the air and soar along
And keep us all alerted with their song

And now I close my eyes and take a breath
And feel the sea air in my chest
I hear the rise and fall of seagull sounds
When they frolic in the air of coastal grounds

©By Jane Jan 16, 2011
630 · Mar 2017
Jane Christensen Mar 2017
We experience the possibility
And consider the credibility
Then we look to dependability
And some reliability

When we discover the profundity
And experience the complexity
We consider feasibility
Or look to plausibility

But we think with curiosity
And imagine reciprocity
When it happens instantaneously
We proclaim incredibility

We wonder at improbability
And pronounce incredulity
For this awesome probability
But it’s only serendipity!

Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely.

©Jane  Nov 10, 2010
303 · Mar 2017
Acknowledge Your Angels
Jane Christensen Mar 2017
Many eons have passed
Countless moons have gone by
But nothing really changes
In that blink of an eye

The world dashes past
We long for respite
Our lives rush through the years
We can’t give up the fight

So let’s pause for a breath
Let’s gaze at the stars
And remember our source
For it will always be ours

Acknowledge your Angels
Call on them each day
Be thankful and grateful
For their help on the way.

written Feb 27, 2007
267 · Feb 2017
Mother Nature
Jane Christensen Feb 2017
Hello my friends hello
It is nice to see you today
When will we be ready to understand
That we cannot treat her that way

It is imperative that we learn right now
No more waiting for another day
If we give up and do nothing at all
Then we have given our rights away

We need to start treating her right
We need to give her a chance
What can you do for your mother
Consider the ramifications in advance

No other thing is more important
But that you do this now
It is not just an activist's dream
With grace we can take a bow

To treat the earth with due respect
And show her that we really care
Anonymous donations to the landfill
Will not bring her out of despair

She will not listen if we scream
She cannot understand the creeping ills
But she will know that all is not lost
When abundance begins to charm the hills

We walk along and do not listen
We clear the paths and open the doors
And she has begged us not to enter
But no one listens anymore

We each are given all the chances
We take for granted all the perks
It is within our power to make it better
Just stop and listen to Mother Earth

Keep the days in natural lifelines
Don't depend on false belief
Treat her like your life depends on it
And know your quest will bring relief

©Jane April 6, 2007

— The End —