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Jamison Bell Aug 2021
I can watch the leaf get torn from its home on high by a callous wind. It’ll fall down into the waiting current of a river.

Then I can imagine myself on that leaf. Rudderless and subject to the whims of the water. Floating gently down the middle of the river. Savoring those moments in the sun and catching my breath in the shade of the trees.

I’d dream of a destination. Where I’d finally find that peace I’d heard her talk about. And these tattered rags of my trials could fall away from me.

Alas though. I followed the leaf. It ended up on the muddy embankment. Because it’s just a leaf. It’s journey wasn’t grand. It lived and will die with no notice.

It seems. Most times. No matter how much I’d like something to be more than what it is. It turns out to be just another dead leaf.

In my mind, I can **** you. I could love you. And still **** you. I’ve let you in for now. Out from the rain. Beside the firelight.
And we’ll talk. For minutes, hours, days, or years.
I’ll get to know the person you want me to know. And in turn I’ll do the same for you. Like a table and a chair. We won’t need each other.
Though it’ll be nice just to have the other there.
And yet. When all is said. I’ll know how you like your tea. You’ll know how to make me laugh. And then.
Then there will inevitably come a day. When I’ll ask if you’d like more tea. You’ll say “yes”. So I’ll get up and walk around behind you to put the kettle on.
And just before you say something foolish like “I love you”. I’ll cut your throat and drag your carcass out of the cabin into the cold.
I’ll go back inside my cabin and shut the door without looking at you. Then I’ll wash the tea cup you were using and put it up in the cubbard.
Not because I don’t love you. On the contrary. I love you more than the wolf loves the moon.
It was because you loved me.

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She’d **** like a *****. Not one man but two. One day she happened. To see what they saw. And right there and then. She caught sight of her flaw. It wasn’t that she was a bad person you see. She was just dead and not meant to be.

These thoughts are my own, not yours to gather. They’re not to be trusted, or tossed if you rather.

Don’t take them to heart because that’s not where their from. In fact I don’t know from whence these thoughts should come.

Just as your thoughts get passed from your ***. They’ll disperse to the heavens like so much gas.

It just doesn’t matter what we think of each other. Whether you be a wife, son, or brother.

Instead I will urge you, to rely just on yourself. Be who you want, and put who you are on the shelf.

I used to have this friend. She’d find me when I was alone with myself. And whisper to me from the shadows.
Sometimes she was kind. She’d tell me everything was ok. She knew that I knew that it wasn’t. Though she knew I liked to think it so.
Other times. She was cruel. She’d say my name once. Just to make me think someone was there for me. Because she knew that that was all I ever wanted.
I’d swear sometimes I could hear laughter fading.
She was both my bane and my balm. My friend in the darkness.
Then there was that night. I stared long into the shadows in the corner of my room. Hoping to hear her voice. But all I heard was the wind outside.
I asked myself where she’d gone. I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. How could I ever tell myself she was never actually there?
Jamison Bell Aug 2019
Foresight isn’t knowing what’s going to happen before it happens. It’s having learned from the past.

The artic Fox has a higher success rate in hunting mice when it’s aligned with the earths magnetic field. Now with that in mind, how can you stand there and tell me I don’t love you.

I fixed the immigration issue. I also fixed the patent office issue. I solved homelessness as well. While fixing the immigration issue I also solved the nationwide nursing shortage. I fixed Detroit. I also created a new fad that should stop the brits from slaughtering so many sharks. And I found that if you make it a habit to not say “go **** yourself” when asked about your day. People are less likely to want to hit you.

When I close my eyes
She’s drenched in blue light
Like that of a distant star
That died long ago
When I opened my eyes

When I was 7 I was sitting by myself on the balcony of my dads apartment. I watched the kid that lived across the parking lot in another building take out his trash.
He carried out four bags. Him and his little sister were left alone a lot like my brother and I.
I didn’t like that kid much. I remember that. His little sister was nice. She’d play on the swings with me. I think he was around 12/13. She was my age.
The next morning there were cop cars everywhere. Policemen asking people questions. My dad later told me what happen. Turned out his little sister was in those trash bags.
Jamison Bell Nov 2021
I could have stayed silent my whole life,
And the outcome would’ve been the same.
Jamison Bell Aug 2022
She loved the beach.
The sun kissing every inch of her body.
The soft white sand powder coating her skin.
The contrast of the darkening water to the never ending sky.
And while the beach would always be there for her.
She knew she couldn't stay.
It wasn't who she was.
So she'd swim.
Pulling and straining against the incoming tide.
Giving it everything she had in her.
Until she had nothing left.
Exhausted , she stopped and turned back to face the shoreline.
Alone save for two options.
Sink or swim.
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
I had just finished cleaning the bedroom, I even dusted the duster.
I gathered up the condiments, except I forgot the mustard.
She’s stares at me from under the covers a longing in her eyes.
I just needed time to get ready I’d lined up quite the surprise.
It took me a while to get it upstairs, that tank must weigh quite a lot.
I hooked up the lines, check the gauge, sure I’d found the spot.
She got high, I got ready, and I went around lighting up candles.
To look upon her in the morning, you’d think that it was vandals.
The helium tank was empty, and she was feeling fantastic.
We spun and we danced, laughed and cried, it got a little spastic.
Then go figure, I slipped on mayo and she flew across the room.
She bounced off the dresser spun to the candles and that’s when she went boom.
A bright flash of light, she flew out the window, I never saw her again.
Now whenever I smell helium I can’t help but think of her when.
So now I know for next time, don’t ever use noble gases.
They’ll exploded around fire for sure, especially when you bite their *****.
Jamison Bell Oct 2020
I’ve written over a thousand pieces
And I can’t remember one
It’s like smoking
I get the urge to light one up and write one out
Then I flick it off to the side
And when it falls, I know not where
Just words littered behind me
My waypoints
I like to imagine that one day
Someone finds them, reads them, and maybe they mean something
To someone
For once
If not
Well not every day is meant to be remembered
92 · Mar 2022
I really like your mom
Jamison Bell Mar 2022
There runs a path just to the north where wrinkled giants stand.
A thorny worm as it were that yields upon a river.
There’s not much light along the way.
It’s too sad a place for the sun.
Ancient ghosts whisper their tales along the riverbanks.
There are those that visit here once.
The sad ones.
92 · Apr 2022
Rain and scotch
Jamison Bell Apr 2022
Is it a measure of strength, resolve, or stupidity?
To say I love you.
Knowing full well,
you’ll never hear those echoed back.

Now I’m just an old man.
Waking up everyday.
Heart in hand.
Holding it up to the sun.
Only to watch it pass me by.

Not much will be said about me.
Maybe a passing thought.
Though at least it can’t be said
That I didn’t love
Jamison Bell Oct 2019
It’s hard for me to explain to you exactly why I’m here
Just take a hit off this bowl and I’ll try to make it clear
I really have no idea
I was kinda hoping you’d tell me
Jamison Bell Sep 2022
Look, I'm going to be honest with you.
I'm not sure what's going on.
Reality and I aren't that close,
we just chat out on the lawn.

There's this cat out there
existing in two opposing states.
And I just learned the other day
that dolphins *******.

I only bang the crazy ones
cause they're the only ones that let me
Though I'd eat some glass to meet the ***
of anyone to get me.

I'm not even sure I think,
so don't even I know I am.
Then again if I were,
would I even give a ****.

You see where the problem lies,
it's that I'm everywhere.
While at the very same time,
I'm never anywhere.

I guess I'm like that cat.
Permanently divided.
If you take away all my lamps.
Well I'd be delighted.
Jamison Bell May 2023
I've been around long enough to know what happens when.
And unfortunately I have no problem remembering now and then.
So with that being said I think it's best that I should be alone.
It is in me being me for which I must atone.
Jamison Bell Nov 2022
I don't know about you.
But I've had enough of me today.
I'm going to go stand in the rain and laugh myself to sleep.
90 · Mar 2022
Jamison Bell Mar 2022
My heart has grown quite heavy and I’ll like to lay it down.
To leave it here amongst the wood, on the moss by the stream.
To bask in what light finds its way between the leaves and branches.
Where the ravens watch the wolves who watch the moon.
Where eyes like emeralds caught in the light of a dead star.
I could leave it with her. And she could keep it company.
Though I won’t come back for it.
Jamison Bell Feb 2022
I want to burn it all down but I don’t want the responsibility
To laugh at a joke I didn’t hear while drinking from an empty cup
To see her again for the first time and then never again
I’d consume her from the within and never shat her out
Wherein did I leave myself?
The old me.
Under that bridge
Still waiting for the storm to pass
He’ll die there, if he hasn’t already
To hear Fur Elise once more
Under an August moon
I’d die to live in the heart of another
What good is there in good if apathy is king and are we out of maple syrup
90 · Nov 2022
Jamison Bell Nov 2022
I won’t walk to the edges of the world for you.
Not because I don’t love you.
But because I know you won’t be here when I get back.
90 · Oct 2018
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
Fireflies will dance on columns of white wax above a tablecloth littered with silver and glass.
You’re going to brush your hair behind your right ear while smiling with your chin down.
A few more jokes and your hand reaches across the table as you lean in just a bit.
The check is paid discreetly and you excuse yourself to the restroom as the table gets cleared.
You come out of the restroom to be helped in putting your coat on just before you leave.
The two of you get to the car and just as he opens the door for you, you whirl around and kiss him.
When you finally slide into the seat and he shuts the door, our eyes meet but for a second.
I see pity.
You see some guy sitting there with his amber colored glass, and you know that’s all he has.
90 · Jun 2024
Hell Hath Here a Hazel
Jamison Bell Jun 2024
My cat and I. Her name is Hazel.
We're just sitting here you see.
Myself, staring into the chaotic mess that is subjectivity.
Her? Well I myself am not foolish enough to think I could fathom what she's thinking.
we sit in agreement on one subject.
We don't like you.
Jamison Bell Sep 2018
I beseech you
Make it stop
Goodbye to me
Let me go
Hurts to wake
Sleep’s no friend
I beg you
Goodbye to me
Let me go
I am gone
Can start forgetting
Was ever here
Jamison Bell Oct 2022
If I have no beliefs. No faith. Then I only have thoughts. Thoughts manufactured within a vessel of questionable integrity.

My understanding of reality is solely dependent on my minds interpretation of the world through external stimuli.
I don’t quite trust my minds interpretations.
Sometimes I’m convinced that it has no idea what it’s doing and that it’s just making up **** as it goes along.
Before you ask me if I love you.
You should know that I’m still not entirely convinced you’re not who or what you say you are.
You could just be a figment of my imagination.
Neither one of us can prove our existence to the other.
What do I say?
89 · Apr 2022
Jamison Bell Apr 2022
I’m sorry.
88 · Feb 2022
Jamison Bell Feb 2022
I’m not good
Nor am I drunk
I just am
88 · May 2022
Not good for much
Jamison Bell May 2022
It's the only thing I was ever good at
Just as the sun nourishes the dandelion
Just as the rivers guide the course of the lives that depend on it
I can see to it that her needs are met
If she likes a particular meal
I'll learn to cook it
Should she like the bed made a certain way
I'll see to it
I will listen and I will watch
So that when she cries
I'll know why
Should she need a smile
I'll find the joke
Crafting has never been my suit
Nor can I write her a song
Though there is that one thing
I can do
I can make her feel safe
Warm and loved
For as sure as the sun will rise
Not a day will suffer
Where she can question
Whether or not I love her
Jamison Bell May 2023
I was eating this peach while putting together a pump and forgotten I'd already lit a burner when I said "***** it, I'm dead inside anyway" so I took a hit and started thinking about you in that time and me in that place and as soon as I finished that peach it dawned on me.
It wasn't that I wasn't good enough for you.
It's that I'm still not good enough for me.
So I went ahead and settled on the Apricot Kush because it keeps me from thinking about whether or not I made a mistake when I said "Can I get the salmon with a baked potato?" I mean I could have eaten my twin in the womb, I honestly don't remember her name Ellen I think anyway.
**** the night, **** the moon, **** everything that ends too soon.
Jamison Bell Nov 2022
One thing it seems a lot of people can agree on is just how much we hate people.
Why? Well I'm sure you already know the answer. But just incase you happen to be a cocker spaniel that's just become hyper intelligent.
It's because we're horrible.
We will inevitably do something terrible.
Singularly or collectively, it is an inevitability.
It'll be for selfish reasons no doubt.
If I were to list off reasons.
You might assume that I was victimized in a way evident in said list.
But I won't. I can't.
Because I'm that cocker spaniel.
P.S. Y'all ****.
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
Love is the drunk driver of our lives. We can’t control the ******* and yet we blindly jump in every time the silly ******* bangs a u turn, jumps the curb, and shouts to “get in the ****** car there’s no time to explain”!
It’s insane when you think about it. People die over this ****. Horrible movies are made about it. It inflicts millions every year. Does the cdc know about this?
Yet here I am. Side of the road. I just opened the door, tuck and roll. I don’t know where I am or how to get back to where I was.
But I think I’m ok.
That crazy ******* missed the turn and went off the cliff. Screaming some **** about happiness and *******.
She’ll be back.
She always comes back.
Jamison Bell Aug 2019
So you want to skin a rattler
Don’t worry I know how
Don’t ask me how I know
Just go get me a towel

First Ned Stark the head
Just throw it in the fire
Do the same with the rattle
Except spare it from the pyre

Now rinse off the body
Soap and water’s fine
Make sure to rinse off all the soap
Don’t leave that **** behind

Now get yourself a razor
Slice that ****** neck to tail
Center down the belly
Careful not to flail

Now pull the skin back from the top
Evenly with both hands
Be careful not to tear it
Or your piece won’t be so grand

Once you have removed the skin
Tack it to a board
Inside up and salt that ****
Those ants will come to board

Now when the hyde is dry
While in your muderous glow
Put the **** up on the wall
And pretend that you’re Rambo
88 · Mar 2022
Tranquil intoxication
Jamison Bell Mar 2022
Were you to ever take me there, to that place you find yourself
In the darkness amongst the rows of pines like terracotta soldiers
Bioluminescent dragonflies floating wistfully through the mist
Ensnaring sapphire streams of fire cold and hungry
Sleepless hours wandering aimlessly throughout
I’d ask only to stay a while longer
If it meant I could know you more
Jamison Bell Jun 2023
We can share anecdotes and spit. I can tell you my thoughts on the whole Achilles Patroclus thing.
You can ignore what I'm saying, wait for me to stop talking, and then ask me what's for dinner.
I can't be that guy.
Because I'm not that guy.
I'm the other guy.
The one you never think about until that one song comes up on your playlist.
And I hope you smile to yourself.
I mean I wouldn't.
I just get angry whenever I think about me. Then I leave an angry voicemail with that ***** at the library and I feel better.
You though.
I hope you're smiling.
Jamison Bell Apr 2022
Just prop me up against the fire and pour me a drink.
My seraphim gave up on me today.
She couldn’t stand the cold any longer.
Hence the blood and broken glass.
She covered herself with the first pair of wings.
Told me where to go.
Unfurled her other two wings.
Took off like a **** in the wind.
And I'm pretty sure she stole my butts.
Because I can’t find them.
She said something.
Something about futility.
Practice something.
Oh. That’s right.
She said I'm a practice in futility.
In the distance there I can still see the fallen windmills and burning bridges.
A stray dog stole my last shoe.
Cerberus I think it was.
After Pan tied me to this post.
He said they didn’t know what to do with me.
That’s when I gave it all away.
So when you find me.
Tied to this post here beside the river of fire.
No shoes, bitter, and with nothing to validate who I am.
Just know.
My seraphim left me today.
And I’m positive she stole my butts.
Jamison Bell Dec 2021
I’m haunted by memories
Ghosts of those I’d put too much faith into
Chain rattling, crimson lipstick wearing, hopeful spirits
They dance about the decrepit ballrooms of my dreams
Scrawling on the walls
“Ketchup isn’t for hotdogs, you’ll never matter, and *******!”
I’d be lying if I said I don’t get sad.
Then though.
I pour another glass of whiskey.
And she reminds me.
That the spirits are right
Ketchup does not belong on a hotdog.
Jamison Bell May 2022
I wrote a poem about a girl
In fact I wrote a few
Truth be told I will admit
This girl I never knew

Often she’d tell me things
Things I couldn’t hear
Then she’d show me things
But they weren’t always clear

I’d like to say I knew her
Just so I could say it’s so
Honestly she’s a mystery
So I guess I’ll never know

I wrote a poem about a girl
Tis all I can really say
Maybe one day I’ll meet her
Before I’ve gone my way
87 · Apr 2022
Hallmark toilet paper
Jamison Bell Apr 2022
We could say we’re here and there when we are not together.
On each other's minds regardless of the whether.
We should be side by side or a thousand miles apart.
If ever I should need you, I need only touch my heart.
87 · May 2022
In your corner
Jamison Bell May 2022
I like the unnoticed ones. The ones that think they’re ugly or unwanted. So alone even when by themselves. The ones that’ve given up talking because they’ve gone so long with nobody listening.
Not because I think just the opposite of them. Not because I want to be with them. I don’t deserve to be with anyone. I just can’t stand the thought of them going their whole lives feeling like I have for mine.
Jamison Bell Dec 2021
Spending too much time alone with your thoughts
You start to wonder
Are you really that alone
It’s almost unfathomable
To think
That no one else is there with you
Quietly pacing the halls
Every fiber of your being wants to shout
“Am I really alone!”
But you don’t
Out of fear
Because the thought of hearing no one echo back
Well, it’s unbearable
To most
Well some did ask that question aloud
They got their answer
They’re the ones
That never say a word
Walking by us in the shadows
Longing to comfortably slip into the void
Without so much as a whisper
Jamison Bell Jun 2023
Between the sets and the rises. In those shadowy parts of the world we take for granted.
I can lose myself between the tone of your skin and the realizations that cause ones heart to pause.
I'd like to shake the earth like a snow globe and see where I stand in the ashes.
Better off then than now or at least now and then.
86 · May 2022
Come and get your dreams
Jamison Bell May 2022
These, these aren't my dreams.
I know them, as I would an episode of a tv show I might've seen in passing.
I don't know who they belong to.
And I can't say what they mean.
I just know that, much like a destruction of cats, they've found me. Encircling me.
Howling and biting.
And much like the schizophrenic who sees the man at the top of the stairs who isn't there.
I wish, I wish they'd go away.
Jamison Bell Feb 2022
A genuine person, wouldn’t be a genuine person.
People, whether as a group or as individuals are disingenuous.
It’s a human thing.
You see.
We’re a fairly young species.
You must keep this in mind when dealing with us.
You’d think that having been around for thousands of years,
we would’ve learned a thing or two.
We figured out the technical stuff.
We went to the moon, cured polio, and found the goats ****** is very similar to ours.
Though, that’s about it…..figuratively speaking.
Though when it comes to being better versions of ourselves.
We kinda threw the baby out with the bath water, into the trash, off to the dump, and set it on fire.
You see.
Despite our extremely advantageous position in the tree of life.
We're not very high up,
ethically speaking.
It’s because we are so young.
And stupid
**** are we stupid
I don’t know if there’ll ever be a world
where we treat each other with unbiased kindness.
Champion empathy and compassion.
Crave honesty unto ourselves and others.
And abolish The Red Hot Chili Peppers because **** if they aren’t just awful.
It’s a nice thought though,
isn’t it?
Kind of like how an **** where everyone pronounces you the king and you get cake and balloons fall from the sky and **** all your enemies, is a nice thought.
Tis all it is though.
one day we might get there.
Hope springs eternal.
86 · May 2019
Knock knock
Jamison Bell May 2019
Ok. Here’s how it’s going to happen.
I’m going to tell you a joke.
You’ll laugh.
I’ll write you a poem.
You’ll like it.
We’ll hang out.
I’m going to ask about you.
You’ll ask about me.
I’ll give you a vague but reassuring response.
I’ll tell you another joke to change the subject.
You’ll look into my dead blue eyes and wonder.
But just for a moment.
I’ll write you more poetry.
Encouraging **** that references things you’ve told me about yourself.
You’re going to take that as me listening to you and you’ll point it out to your friends.
It’s to validate the eventuality.
Next comes the gesture.
Go with you to see a dying relative, help you bury a rabbit (I didn’t actually bury it. I just threw it in the dumpster. Then I kicked a bunch of dirt around and told you that was the spot. So all that time you were just standing over a meaningless patch of dirt crying.)
We bang.
Then like a **** at an ****, I just leave you feeling disgusted with yourself.
86 · Jan 2022
Imagine me
Jamison Bell Jan 2022
Stars are like glowing snowflakes that have yet to fall. Now show me your *****.

I guess there’s not much more to me than what I say to you
Butchered words, arranged just so, to make you think they’re true

Fact remains, it’s not just me, it’s me just as I’m not
Charred, broken, underwhelmed, and hiding what I’ve wrought

So here I am to try my best and make you feel what I can’t
Drinking whiskey, packing bowls, and penning out a rant
Jamison Bell Nov 2022
I was walking across the night sky.
Wading through a sea of fire and gold.
My eyes down as I'm want to do.
I looked up for a moment and immediately thought of you.
I didn't mean for that to rhyme.
I saw this singular leaf suspended by a single strained of web.
Where others were falling.
Here was this leaf seemingly levitating.
I thought.
How fortunate am I to see this.
I've never seen it before and I'll likely never see it again.
Of all the things happening.
It was just myself and this moment of wonder.
So I thought of you.
And how rare you are.
Then I smiled to myself.
Because I know you.
Jamison Bell Dec 2020
I thought about you today
I walked out into the silence
Because I needed that moment
Where I could just stop my world
And think about you
You don’t have to say anything
You could just smile
Or not
Still though
I think about you
Jamison Bell Mar 2019
I’m going to tell you that I love you
And here’s what you should do
Take this here I love you
And keep it as a clue
So that when you ask the stars at night
Who it is that holds you dear
Take that there I love you
And know that I’m right here
Jamison Bell Sep 2022
It was in October.
The rain fell ******* tin roof over the deck.
There were only three candles left but there was plenty of wood to burn.
There was a ash colored teapot.
The fireplace sat between two windows that overlooked the lake.
I couldn't tell if you had been wearing the same stretch pants for two days or if you owned multiple pairs of that color.
A blanket of crimson cashmere draped over the back of the couch.
The kitchen smells like bacon, the livingroom of old cedar.
The stars found solace in your eyes that night.
As did I.
82 · Dec 2020
You can kill me now
Jamison Bell Dec 2020
A spring of night bubbled from atop her crown
It meandered down past her cheeks
Small streams of starless skies rounded her chin
Then fell upon her shoulders and pooled around her neck
Jamison Bell Apr 2022
I can’t help but think
That there has got to be
At least one perfect
Combination of words
Lying just beyond my reach
I keep writing
In the hope
If even by accident
That I find those words
I have to
Writing I love you
Didn’t work
Jamison Bell Apr 2022
I like to imagine each new day is like a fresh page in a book.
As the day starts it’s spiral down the drain, I rarely hold the quill.
I’ve always kinda just let it do it’s thing.
Because I didn’t care.
At the end of the day I skim back over the page.
I don’t read it, the events of the day are of no matter to me.
I’m just looking for your name.
As long as when I look, I can find you there.
I don’t have to tear that page out.
Jamison Bell Oct 2021
I like autumn fires
Hues of amber and crimson
I like my bourbon on the rocks
So that if I hold it up to the light
It looks like the sun riding up of glaciers
I like not being reminded
Of who I am
I like that feeling you get when you run your cold hands under warm water
I like to think about it every now and then
Until it hurts
Then I stop
And I think about you
I like that most of all
Jamison Bell Oct 2022
Let's pretend it never ends and instead goes on like this forever. That reality bends life suspends and we never again say never.
We could sit and watch the stars go out and just eat caramel.
Tickle your *** with a blade of grass and see what time would tell.

Ponder the moment that happened before and see who laughs out first.
Drink all the whiskey in Ireland if only to quench our thirst.
Dance with the waves though not with the bears but under an autumn moon.
And never or ever say never again because never would just be too soon.
81 · Sep 2018
Jamison Bell Sep 2018
Spare me Death your insistence’s, tis not your place.
Not here, not today.
Would thou not take leave of me?
Suffer me instead on some morrow not yet here.
This spirit I have found, in the darkest of wood.
Long have I wandered and so lost have I become.
To find her.
Lest my soul be anymore important than another.
Favor another for now and quench thy thirst on their dreams.
And leave me these moments.
So that when you return
I will understand at last
Why I was here.
Jamison Bell Mar 2022
Fingers dragged kicking and screaming across an illuminated dance floor as if this were some new age line dancing competition for people who have no idea what they’re doing.
That’s what this is.
It’s like being asked to sculpt out a scene from MacBeth in jello using a chainsaw after doing blow with a hyena who has a grudge against HR over the comprehensive dental plan.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
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