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467 · Jan 2015
Like Water
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2015
My mind is a vessel o'erflowing with many great ideas.
10 Word Challenge
466 · Nov 2014
Connected Thoughts
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
The winter of 1885 was inhospitable and   u
                                                              ­                     n
                                                               ­                  r
                                                               ­                     e
                                          ­                                             f
                                                               ­                             i
                                  ­                                                        n
                                                               ­                           e
                                                               ­                      d
                                                           ­                    e    
                                                           ­                 i      
..and in the blah unihabitated lands I  d

  ....with only God The Father by my s
                                                               ­       i
                                                        ­                 d
                                                               ­              e
                                                           ­             m
                                                  ­                    i
......And now I reside in the midst of T
                                                                ­      poetical device in a brilliant r
                                                               ­     h
                                                          ­             y
                                                               ­            m
                                                               ­                e              
                                             ­                            n
                                                               ­      i  soon to be realized line by l
463 · Dec 2014
Springtime Burning
Jamie L Cantore Dec 2014
Just 'neath the frosty garb          of a shimmering hoary dew, a

picturesque meadow lies     swaying in the waning starlight

before the eyes of a sweet       and fair maiden, a dervish

whirling and singing her diaphanous      solo to the budding

flowers that sprout upon the verdant     landscape, unripened

and impatient to soft petals thrusting     outward and becoming

saturated in deep purple, blue, and yellow-gold       at the suns

ascent. Up above, a tempera image      now slowly appears from

behind        the curtain of twilights intermission-it is the

reddening energized sky      of a new day dawning -and the

morning rays       of light glare, bathing her, the admirer

enclosed by the horizon,     in the warmth and fineness of the

462 · Jan 2016
Jamie L. Cantore Quote
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
"The paradox of a brilliant theory is that, while the fool in us will wisely find it too challenging, the wise in us will challenge it too foolishly."
In regards to my theoretical paper entitled :Temporal Forces And Their Uncertainty (Revised Edition)
459 · Apr 2016
Betrothed To Darkness
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
My Dying Love ne'er betrayed my faith,
but speak to me in whispers .......quaint
did she; hung her head as if to saith,
I love you so, but by dear love, I faint;
faint for thee, Love, forever, and a day...
could ne'er be complete, but for pains;
A pain we two feel when we together lay.
In the hearts of glee; in the eyes of saints;
giving all that was taken back in spades!
Black as pitch was my heart upon that day,
but ivory white was she -without a ******
in mine eye: but Death took her anyway;
to my surprise, she smiled -I was dismayed
as she rode into the shadows with Hades.
I saw my Persephone, she was saved; saved
for thee -the god of Death -and by six seeds!
six months she spent with me, butthey've
withered mine heart as have my griefs.
459 · Jun 2015
Curious Paul Pry
Jamie L Cantore Jun 2015
I gaze upon a tree,
I wonder if the roots
Can hold the weight
Of my burden so heavy.

But you are just a babe,
Says my sensibilities,
What could you weigh?
What could you weigh?

I say, "I am two-years old,
And I hunch, so do not
Be  so sure of my load,
Not so sure of my load."

Ah, but certainly you do
Not think you are too heavy
For such a good tree as this,
Do you my child, well, do you,?

"I am not certain, yes, not certain,"
Said I. "Who made you fella's, and
Do you all weigh more than do I,
This be my reply, and my question."

Well, of course we weigh more,
We be right good sensibilities,
And therefore weigh tons, tons!
And you know, you made we, sure.

Then I say to these,
"Shall I not take ye sensibilities,
Ye heavy-laden sensibilities,  
With me up such a tree?"

Why yes, yes ,of course!
Ha! Ha! He! He!
We see your point,
See your point, of course!
459 · Mar 2016
The Castle By The Sea
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
In the castle by the sea, lovely stands
there she, at the gemel window, waiting for the tears to cease trembling down her cheek, for O! how her father didst scorn her for her fears, and for being mild as an child, for being meek and weak. As the streamlets hushédly didst outflow, go by, like the ceaseless and despairing cries, that this poor princess didst as ever know, and know so well, did she, that no other soul didst so bother to come to know, O! come to know her they did naught e'er do so -and her story ended in tragedy sadly in the castle by the sea.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2016
Mein Schatz, Mein Traumer... O Einwandfrei sie sind! Liebe mich heute, und sehen sie mich bluhen hart wieder und wieder bis in die Nacht schliebt in. Mein Liebe zu dir -JLC
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
°So  I built it with  °Many olive brancheS°.
 Ah, we burned it!  A gap in fr'nship.
 Rarely it's seen   Rarity so em' tea,
An empty din     Inside felt w'thin.
How will silencing  End your suff'ring?
453 · Apr 2016
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
Hark! the tempest doth devour,
(Hurry, the lair of Hell prepare,)
Raining needles, a sharp shower,
Arrows arc thru the dark air.

Glaring weapons are the loom,
Where the soldiers strain,
Weaving many a fighters doom,
This man's woe, that man's bane.

See the fortress walls to right grow,
"'Tis a corpse tower." maiden said.
And cannon ***** do fire from below,
Each an enemy soldiers'  lobbed head.

Bones for arrows, dipped in gore,
Shot by the spinal cords so long.
Dagger, that once an emblem bore,
Keep that blade so sharp; so strong.

Before the ****** sun is ****** set,
Lances must shiver;
                        And javelins do sing.
Blades with clanging  
                            sound to whet.
Lightning crashes; helmets ring.

Blades of swords to suddenly glare
Send more to the front, let 'em fight,
Where our companions
                        The conflict share.
 Many triumph, yeah: but, O!
                          Yet, they die.
451 · Mar 2017
Sey Wuht?
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
ahy dih-zahyn tuh dih-seev yee
bahy klev-er mahsk awr klohk.

dohnt kahrp, need-l yohr bel-free,
ahy chohz tuh doo it az mahy johk.

sey yee fig-yer suhch fuhn-ee awl-soh,
yee shal uh b-teyn ey smahyl tuh goh.
Jamie L Cantore Dec 2014
I wander aimlessly here, here in this place where I
often go. A refuge where I come to be restored by the midnight air, ere that perfect silence into which I'm
thrown; and in which I can collect my thoughts &
know  -my percipience does ignite somewhere.

Somewhere off the map.      Somewhere off the globe.

Aloft in these Nameless Hallows, I travel lightly -because
my body ne'er goes... goes... goes...  in these, my echoes within -within the far compass of unerring tranquility: but what an ability
-what a beautiful bliss! to cast no shadow where the
dutiful exist.

           Suddenly a downpour hits!

  T'is Woe!
                             T'is Woe!

T'is Woe!  

                                   And, sullenly I resound her hiss.

I look thru squinting eyes as lightning is barely
lightening the glinting skies; the frightening bolts
extending and scarily resembling skyward highways
which have me verily trembling, hammered, amazed.

Tho I feel and see and hear -part of me does part with
what I fear -and the other partly remains enthralled- as
I tuck myself in so near, an attempt in thwarting the
violent squall.

Now I slog helter-skelter thru the deepening pool.
Seek I shelter like a tooling Creep or a creeping Tool.


Thunder rips the sky asunder!

Those pounding noises sound like resounding voices,
                                                       ­                         voices,
                              ­                                                         voices
and then I wonder, wonder, wonder... if the torrent is my only


if I must also face my other self,

that half of me
that ne'er lies completely dormant,

that hemisphere that lives and breathes and moves by stealth.

This is my grimmest fear, when I must ask myself -for my Self

- which part of me I should

I think I can abandon both,
                          you see:
but then there
would be
                     nothing left of me...
                                                    or me...
                                                *or me.
448 · Mar 2016
Settle The Score
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
Thus, Spirit Untamed, my! Have to even scores so once didn't ye? Yet lost love in this season? Ye could naught blamed be such for any kind trespass! Which I forbid this, for it be treason. Ye did naught when allowed it was. Why ye and not me to gift one explanation with reason?

Reason with explanation? One gift to me not, and ye, why was it allowed, when naught did ye? Treason? Be it for this? Forbid I, which trespass kind any for such. Be blamed naught could ye! Season this in love lost, yet, ye didn't once. So scores even, to have my untamed spirit thus.
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Ev'ry morning the sun shines thru
there's at least one thing I could look forward to
but if I had you to be
My Love

--then surely this would be
more than enough.
447 · Dec 2014
Jamie L Cantore Dec 2014
   wither, vanish, fade, and
           dissolving in a glass
                     empty that forgets,
                   growing in Time's passage
                   e'er shrinking with age
-is to
                    wither, vanish, fade, and diminish.

                    I heed thy cries as you feel blemished,
                       are becoming nearer to Death than to me,
                     I cannot see the petals for the rose ye be,
                at times sense what scents linger in your train
                      you wither, vanish, fade, and diminish.

                    in perfumed decay,
                               I watched you sustain your image,
                  persevere in a glass that I changed
                            and made half full, being so careful
                             putting you back in it:
but still
                             you wither, vanish, fade, and diminish.

                          day has come and you have gone away;
                          those familiar feel an agony
                           we display you finally
                           a heavenly vase, for
                     good intentioned and religious ceremony:
                      now I will now longer see you
                       wither, vanish, fade, and diminish.
My dying relationship inspired this years ago.
This ending was written before it's ending, so I guess I called it. Normally I let the reader try to figure out my ambiguous thoughts for themselves, but this glimpse into my head comes free. For those of you that needed it not, all apologies.
446 · Apr 2016
Sorrow’s Debt
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
To court the chancy chasm, (most reckless child;) you seek to challenge Fate to a dual, as the royals motley fool.
Dost thou so deem such a fashion, to debtless guile seek; and to each so bleak must ye be? Why does thy low heart drum again, as sweet
dreams burn so far from dim, that no  guardian soul
thy death upon a whim shall console?  No hearty compassion given then
shall take a stake in thy very grief to share in your very woe,
when your vain needs by Passion driven proves fatal as promised, and joy turns to sorrow’s debt.
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
The supposed inner aspect of me
was at once revealed by a rapid tongue.
Though she did prevaricate
in far off wildernesses by the sea, she
went yet further,
failing to sink it to a murmur
before witnesses witless, senseless, and dumb.

Reprehending and upending,
then withdrawing into
an extraordinary depth behind the sun,
burning the candle now at both ends,
but with less intensity I suspect, going on and on;
and by slinky tactics wept
as she elaborately embellished
upon the dark matter of treacherous
in-depth memories grown out of each one,
but inept was the effect upon
thee, the clueless dunce

-but I too was once upon a time twice a pawn in her stunts!
443 · May 2016
Phantoms Of The Perished
Jamie L Cantore May 2016
All alone, thy soul shall this accept, 'mid gloomy concepts of the tombs of the dead -none, of many, to meddle in thy secret hour in depth: be silent in such aloneness which is not quite a loneliness -for then the phantoms of the perished who walked in pilgrimage near to thee are nearer to thee in death; and the will of these, the inheritors of this mass, shall thine own will surpass.

The nighttide-tho cloudless-shall scowl, and the eyne of the sky shalt not look down, from the great heaven's with a beacon like Desire to mortals upon the ground: but their red pyre with ire, to thy fatigue shall seem more than some blazing fire, a delirium, which could adhere to thee hereon and forever -an enigma to confound.
442 · Mar 2017
Paradise Denizens
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
Small was our pretty little hut,
The tallest posy leaned on the
Casement. We heard at faint mid-
Day, the waves quietly whispering.
In the free air, flourished the
Buds; and on the trestles twined
The Carolina jessamine as the
Countryside vivified each eye
With each passing day, in our
Rose fresh thoughts replayed
442 · Jan 2015
Merging Souls
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2015
I move along the threshold of your delicate softly curved lips,
and my tall dancing shadow descends freely to nestle upon your *******; my silhouette, your silhouette-two silhouettes likened to one vessel-and I place my hands upon your hips, pulling, pulling, pulling you closer to me in this bold and vain attempt to merge like the shades of azure that shall this old scene impress, as this whole earth is blessed to tremble by your warm sweet caress.
440 · Feb 2017
School Daze
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
In tenth grade myself and nine other students were sent to the principals office to be dealt with due to too many tardies.

As I waited for it to be my turn to give my excuse, I listened to the other excuses so as to make certain I didn't use the same one someone else used. The excuses were many
and lame.

Finally, I was next in line and the principal
Said in frustration, "No excuses are going to be sufficient unless it has to do with the torrential rains we've been having lately.

I had my excuse! I told him, well I had every intention to get to school early this morning. I woke up early and everything
was going according to plan without a hitch. Then, as Fate would have it, I turned the key in the ignition and the car wouldn't start. And it was due these torrential rains lately.

He asked, "What does your car not starting have to do with the rain?"

I said, "The **** thing must have been flooded!"

He laughed and excused me.
True story.
439 · May 2016
Alone Time
Jamie L Cantore May 2016
O there was good fortune in the winds that wafted thru her hair that day, a cortege that graced her lovely cheeks and seemed to know the charm it did to we two lend. From the whispering meadows and the lofty heights, its gentle caresses were to no others more welcome; escaping from the torrents of the crowded streets wherefrom we yearned to be free, free as the breeze which comforted us at will. What den, we wondered, shall we take for our homesite? Which valley shall be our very own? Within which clear river stream shall we bathe each fine early morn? O the world was  not the world in those moments, but rather the earth, a garden paradise which did before us lie.With trembling hearts we ventured on without a clue as to our destination, with nothing more than cloudscapes as our lodestar. The heavy burdens of our former lives were no longer ours to carry, but rather ease and joyous delights were promised in prospect, each to each. Thus far, O Lord! did we make flowing forth that experience our souls in measured hymns: to the open vales we sang out our hearts clothed in not a thing, two separate shades, renovated umbrae we were in that time, such Utopia was ours! We came upon a shady place with ardent steps and sat beneath a laughing sycamore, settling into gentler merriment. 'Twas perpetually autumn, never an unclear day did we come to know during our stay; and yet many were our thoughts, until we gazed into each other's eyes for the first time since our arrival, and thus long did we desire one another with growing love until the sun nearly touched the horizon -and we awakened to the busy hum of the city.
439 · Dec 2014
Mathematical Poetry 7
Jamie L Cantore Dec 2014





436 · Dec 2014
Marked By Fire
Jamie L Cantore Dec 2014
Ah, she is false!
Her moniker in all after years
does sadly me repulse,
for she hath gone crook
beneath a screen of smoke,
shrewd, contemptuously bold
and tempestuous
in oath, unquiet,
disengaged in underlying
faculty for faith,
in influence unhappy,
intolerant to disgrace,
a soul marked by fire,
which moving
into a new condition
could ultimately
result in
giving in
to attrition,
perhaps then
she will be delighted
in again.
Written last year about my ****** and negative ex.
431 · Mar 2017
Grow My Love
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
Ripen into my lover, O Dear!
And seek the primrose path,
One placed in a field so near,
Mountains covered with grass.

Do not let go the will you need
To push your petals wide ope,
Break the chains and be freed,
Not rest within the binding coat.

I will tend to you at morning,
I will tend to you at eventide,
Just promise me you're​ turning
Into the love I need deep inside.
Fantasy about the ability to grow a lover upon a vine and care for her like the rose she was always meant to be, but not rush her in any way to wrap around me.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I remember being 5 years into this life of mine, one yet unfinished; and my big sister had a little friend. Her little friend brought into our little house a little keyboard. Our little house for our big family that we lived in for a little while, which had never contained within its walls a musical instrument of any kind or any size, until that day. The day that that little friend of my big sister brought in, her board of keys. I was fascinated with it immediately, but me being the youngest, I had to not so patiently wait my turn as each of my siblings toyed with the instrument of my fancy with horrid cacophonies coming from the holed up speaker beneath holes placed there for sound passage. I was a quiet mouse of a lad back then, but I wanted to scream at my lung tops, " For the love of all that is sacred! can you cease hitting those thingies little friend of big sister calls keys?" I was patient in those days of youth, but I have always been annoyed by clangor and repetition. Finally, after all others, I got my chance to have my hand on those plastic keys which beckoned me from the moment I saw them. Finally, I would discover something about myself,  I did not yet know it, because I hadn't yet cracked my fingers nor stretched them as per the instructions of the little friend of my big sister. So I did so. I was ready. I was excited. I had no idea what a chord was! So, I hit one key that simply called my name with vibes. I hit that key. I recognized it! So I tried to mimic the song I recognized it from. It was a song that had just been playing on the radio earlier. I pressed another key which seemed logically the next progression to match sonically the song which had been playing earlier. When I had finished hitting the keys I had seemingly subconsciously selected, I had played the intro and main section of the popular at that time song "Lean On Me" without one mistake. The big father of the little friend of my big sister said, "You have perfect pitch hearing, that is a rare gift!" My family gave me three cheers... and I walked into a corner like I had done something wrong. I felt filled with Joy and empty inside at the same time. I felt guilty because the little friend of my big sister who had the big father, looked down at the floor with tears in her eyes... she said, "Daddy, I have taken lessons for years and have played much more difficult pieces than he did, and you never showed that kind of pride in me." I never touched another instrument until 13 or 14 years into this life of mine, one yet unfinished -and I pray that little friend with a big clueless father gained the attention she deserved more than I.
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
All mine musings are but shepherds
Of my romantic Love, for this esprit
Given me with glee thereof, yet words
I speak thus to thee, My Love, blesséd be.

Blesséd be, My Love, to thee I speak thus!
Yet words, with glee thereof, given me for this esprit
Of my romantic Love are but shepherds of all mine
Turning lines yet again!
427 · Nov 2014
In The Night She Came
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
As in the verses of Isaiah 6,
to me came a fiery serpent bearing bliss.
One to us known to be
in the highest order of the holy angels;

and she possesses many an eye,
and wilt one day have humankind
beholding her pent wingtips;

and she shall cleanse thy unclean lips
and purge thy sinful souls
with live burning coals
   -hereby as in the days of old.

God to Isaiah once told,
"I will take from man all but a tenth of their cities,
and the lands will be burned again and again
until the trees shall cast their leaves,
and thereof the substance shall be the holy seed."

Thereafter, her seraph wings did thence open
up-unfold-to be thereby a cause, a love, a flame to need.

Faith is not a thing made up, and hardly is newfangled,
but I saith she therewith displayed it all; and it was
nothing short of supreme blessedness!

Then I beheld her e'en brighter, with showy spangle, and her
attire, a pristine impressive dress that was beaming, lit, bright
with color,  and with shapeliness of contour.

Her shining light like refractory gold, or peerless bits of silver:
and something unknown did glint from within her,
to wholly then bewilder.

Her fire sword was sheathed, and I did most forward enter.

Now with a shy wing shield so still, she can still our meanest ire,
for all must therein endure
what we feel for each and one another;

and none therefore can trust mental anguish to be dull in this,
our loneliest and darkest hour.

Therewithal, loyal followers, actions shall follow words.
So ignite if you will the glowing candles, and play upon your lyre,
but not upon His word  -and forevermore you will have your needs fulfilled, with hearts afire; rest assured.

We shall hear ye but not understand, the great forsaking
in the midst of the land, we see but do not perceive!

Now hear her pure emotions entire thereat swear to inveigle yet,
our lives so chaotic, so disordered, but we can be rekindled
by a moving fire of an unstained non-object that is hypnotic and of
a fervor I foretell, to be higher than all other seraphim in
the ultimate choristers choir.

And she does as e'er sing so well, the fairest hymn to Him
   -being gentle and the most melodic.

She is a being disentangled, henceforth being the nearest
being of any angel by far to the safety of God's hands.

She's an angel that much more the nigher to His protection
and His guidance; and free will I suspect was denied her
in all but her affections.
And for that reason I suspect it will be she that to me He will send again.

And to Him I heard it said, "H o l y,  h o l y,  h o l y,   is the Lord of all hosts:
the whole earth is full of His  g l o r y!"

And with that, the Lord by Word shook again the doorway posts, and the house that filled with smoke, now is before me, such as is our Savior surely upon His throne.
426 · May 2018
Masters Of English Poetry
Jamie L Cantore May 2018
is the title of my latest book. It is a compilation of strictly English poets dating back to the 1800's. My favorite writer William Shakespeare is not included because I wanted a theme of writers living around the same time as one another. It includes the works of brilliant English writers such as William Wordsworth, his dear friend Percy Bysshe Shelley, Samuel Taylor Coleridge,  Alfred Lord Tennyson, and John Keats. It is written in the original true English fashion, back when the word proved rhymed with loved and wasn't just a sight ryhme. I plan on compiling another book of strictly my favorite poetesses such as Emily Dickinson, Plath, and the like. The Kindle edition is priced at $7, but like my other books I'll probably run it for free for a few days for promotional purposes. The paperback is priced at $6.25 and is not eligible for free promotional offers.
426 · Feb 2017
A Poem Within A Poem
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
softy I SPEAK in sweetest
whispers TO THEE fondly...
truly. AND devoted am I to prove
that I  love THEE by Jove!

the Universe IS HER center stage
above AND below.
for SHE IS THEE my little dove
snowy white AND pure,
her beauty to be admired.
she is the one TO WHOM I REFER with glee.

i ask god, COULD SHE BE with me
for AS MUCH as an eternity?
she has crashed INTO ME so i am a
it seems AS I AM INTO HER? we shall
.                                 see.

if yes AND IF SO, i want her
which comes sadly
now WITH WOEFUL but happy
falling TEAR, hopefully my
being that
call that goes UNANSWERED HERE, that
would be

i pray FOR HER SILENCE to go away
perhaps because it HURTS to be
yet it BUT IS what it is.
such beauty is RARE i must admit.


we are where we are

BECAUSE it is in
you MUST UNWIND, your soul
solely BE a sole
fragrance that is REBORN IN THE
this day and the
that is my wish.

a mightier SIGH of loveliness.

sadly in slavery. now REST YOUR
with only me.

After ALL, THE DUSK you trust
HAS COME rightly
but what i am. i am
425 · May 2015
Riddle Me This
Jamie L Cantore May 2015
And what of you, do any here heed listen to my sharp keening?

Do fair justice true, bring import to fixed balanced meaning.

To what place could I argue, herald of my past's part and parcel,

My heart with ado; haste not I tho to renew, it's most integral!
I challenge you to spot all the wordplay found here -and tell me the meaning of what is written.
423 · Feb 2017
Writing ("Some Antics")
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I remember being in elementary,(a)
I was constantly bored with the(b)
Drivel. Learn what they teach,(b)
Never mind differences, Jamie;(a)

  Just memorise the drill.

           I remember the Spelling Bee,(c)
          They were impressed by me.(c)

They thought it strange to go(d)
So well, since I slept or wrote(d)
Thru ev'ry class; never to note.(d)

"How in the Hell is it that you won(e)
At Spelling, I was State Champion(e)
At my old school!??! Teach said you(f)
Do your thing; you haven't a clue;(f)
               I came in 2nd to you?!!?"(f)

I said, "It takes a simple mind to learn(g)
Simply, therefore you were not beaten(h)
By me: but rather by Arrogance, Hern."(g)

    What does that  mean,  asked  she.

Ihopeby now Hern has figured how
  A writer obsessed in each class, Recess,
At Lunch, on the Cheese Wagon a bunch,
Won Spelling Bees -Still stuck on studies.
Grade School Autonomous Robots
               VS. A
Yeah, Hern was "kind o' sore" lol
422 · Apr 2016
Chaos Ruled The Night
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
When the plainsong did ring, heavenly darling, and was in its infancy, while yet in young Tuscany the angels did sing, sing of mortal passions round the immortal ring, ring of the Muse's mind so magical... Celebrating, quivering, wondering, raging; and then possessed by slow degrees, they felt the world's undoing -and then its rebirth in so doing. These minds of which I speak, feel the glow now of all lesser beings, beings aroused, refined, intoxicated: till once, when all were filled to brimming with fury and inspiration, from each supporting pillar these angels drew mortal breath, so bated, wherewithal Chaos ruled the night. Yes, Chaos ruled the night -it cannot be overstated!
415 · Jul 2016
Jamie L Cantore Jul 2016
Deny thyself any such loving touch I giv'st,
Upon thy neck, upon thy bust, thy lips-
For if thy ever doubting trust has soared
Into the obscure, Oh! a most just reward
For my actions, then I must account
For this and more, for, I am thus bound
To these backlashes which I must endure
In these days of no fair love, this shut door;
Which I admit aquit me not of Lust before;  
And days know thereof, evil once did line
Within me then, now exposed; once within,
Always with. Fair enough, I admit my sin!

"To err is human; to forgive, divine."
"To err is human; to forgive, divine."    
-Alexander Pope
414 · Dec 2014
Jamie L Cantore Dec 2014
Do mind the obsidian stone

crooning a smooth paean

as it rushes thru the surging wind,

still radiating the warmness

it absorbed upon the supine terrain,

but has now been heaved

indomitably by the Dragon-Witch

into the reddish mist

and forthwith

to descend

to the oceanic depths

in vain

-proving her disdain

as it splashes into the ravine.
413 · Mar 2016
There am I
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
There I was, there was I, sojourning... so journeying to seek absoluteness with absolute certainty like a true voyager; a sojourner of Truth, when immediately upon my arrival, I realized, Aye, there was I, and my, oh my! I made ingress to a cloud floating upon a whisper in the eye of Nature, in Nature's eye; and she said to me with interest, in all her splendour, in that whisper that kills me so, "I was there." but where was I? Was I there when there I was, wandering in Wonderment by the by?  For where e'er I go, it seems, there am I.
412 · Mar 2017
On The Morrow
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
Ah! if my youth were a perdurable
trance! My reality not roused till a
sun's expanse; where an aeon could prompt the first blush. Perhaps, though
those extended dreams were flush
with futile grieving, yet better than
algid facts of Existence, & relieving
kindled verve, to whose heart just
is, and always has since birth; still
within the pleasing earth, a snarl
of longing rage from her surge.

But should it come to pass--that
vagary unceasingly continuing--
as trances have always passed
in my youth--could it be this
winnowing revelled in the sky
in dreams in their bright truth
found lost within a great lie
in dreams of happier times?
I shall slumber a bit longer,
to seek out the scatterings of
Life's little difficult answers:
but I age all the while I sleep on
hopes and wake I still anchored.
411 · Jun 2016
Sad Soul
Jamie L Cantore Jun 2016
Sad Soul, the marrow of my erring Earth,
Assailed by these bold passions afflicted,
Why dost thou ache so & endure dearth,
Desiring thy self & looking so conflicted?
Why such outlay, having such little time,
Must ye spend freely on a decayed thing?
Shall sands, ever flowing on, count on by
Yet count not thee out until a bells tolling
And then thou gain Eternal Life thru Death?
Well, Vanity could arrest such noble ardor
If truth be spoken here, this life is a test
Put forth by something greater, far larger.
So shalt thou consume Vanity's Oblivion,
And try to come to know God in the end?
411 · May 2018
A New Book!
Jamie L Cantore May 2018
Check out my book Poems Of Expression: Revision Of A Bit Of My Poetry. It's available on Amazon for free until May 15th. Go to Amazon and type in Jamie Cantore then select the title I mentioned (Kindle edition.) Word Wise enabled, so if you don't know a word or phrase just highlight it and it will define or explain it. *Update: available in paperback also.
410 · Jul 2016
Bright Is The World
Jamie L Cantore Jul 2016
More than fair and filled with extant fire

aflame above unto God so near;

joyous in which all virtues conspire,

that to the earth no other be so dear;

argent rays which ne'er blind the guest

blast out such darts & low hearts wounded;

as angels alight to put burdens to rest

in virtuous desires, in heavens tunic.

You forge my logic & design me within;

you check words and teach hearts to speak;

you quiet the storm
which love did begin,

strength your creed, but thy temper weak.

Dim is the world where light ne'er shone,

bright is the world thru you I have known.
410 · Sep 2016
Rhymes Upon Rhymes
Jamie L Cantore Sep 2016
Oh, does thou ****** hatred thru her candor truly shrill?
Know just how much a dread you were & are to me still.
About my ex.
409 · Feb 2017
Another Day
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I awakened early, dark of morn.
I aten my Kellogg flakes of corn.

I was thinking of how it rained
Literally last night on my parade.

But hey, upon us all
A lil rain
                  Must fall.

                          Today is another day.
Smile, please. May it be a better one.
408 · Mar 2017
The Awakening
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
By avenues vague and secret,
visited by devils and regret,
whither the Wraith of Manes
stands firm and tall and reigns,
thither in the dark acres stead;
and like a vapor inside my head,
lingers there to haunt and spread.

Abysmal troughs and a great deluge,
and rifts, and dens, and silva's huge,
with silhouette's none can recover
for the weeps that pour all over;
ridges plunging into Nevermore,
into waters devoid of any shore;
swells that spasmodically aspire,
upsurging in welkins full of fire.

For in my soul regrets are legion,
but it's an irenic and placid region-
because the wraith which did haunt,
is now seen as wispy, thin, and gaunt.
I wend my way straight through him,
and I refuse to ever again view him.
The Wraith of Manes is now banished,
from terrible dreams, now vanished.
407 · Nov 2014
A Lesson In Fluid Dynamics
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
Ah, ye much loved cherished treasures,
                   prized but not  possessions,
know full well that in the heat of passion,
                  the claret of man's vital chambers
steals away to our sensate
pleasure centers;
and are sent away from the hub of common senses
-so endeth here the lesson.
Jamie L Cantore May 2018
It's available on Amazon for $3. Kindle edition only. 79 color pics of my Digital and traditional Art. Lots of Abstract and Nature works.
406 · Dec 2014
The Code
Jamie L Cantore Dec 2014
A maker of verses is the refined poet, he does find
Emotional thoughts sublime, inserting some formulae,
Or enigmas that are behind each sustained line, each I

Tell wilt unwind, then that rhyme to be mimed,
The lowest crime in our kingdom mounted up on high.

So if in thy cheerless failure ye seek intense success,
Because ye  subjectsto listlessness of the bodiless
Mind's distress, I request ye give no such inference

It's egress or reappearance from the darkest eclipse
In this; but rather by keenest innovations do impress

-And that protects a poets wisdom from the nuisance.
My thoughts on plagiarism.
-Written November 5, 2012
404 · Feb 2017
Mathematical Enigma
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Many of you may remember my Mathematical Poetry from a couple of years ago. Here's one I've never posted.

A series of 8 (1's) × a series of 8 (1's)
= 123456787654321

A series of 7 (2's) × same ÷ (2×2)
= 1234567654321

A series of 6 (3's) × same÷ (3×3)
= 12345654321

A series of 5 (4's) × same÷ (4×4)
= 123454321

A series of 4 (5's) × same ÷ ( 5×5)
= 1234321

A series of 3 (6's) × same ÷ (6×6)
= 12321

A series of 2 (7's) × same ÷ (7×7)
= 121

And finally, 1 (8) × same ÷ ( 8×8)
= 1
Simplified for convenience.
404 · Jan 2015
Rare Autumn Liberties
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2015
By the aging stately oaks, with their crowns of hirsute branches, we stand. We stand beside these towering canopies, raking and burning the dry leaves which have fallen to the ground, covering the landscape like a bister afghan. The charred debris being borne away into the smoky air, aloof until the sprightly embers pursue. Searing **** swirling round and round before cooling rapidly, then dying without a sound.

In the distance, I see the local church bells swinging from their axles -the clappers striking the sound rims-then tolling in full tones for the listeners within a one-mile range. The ripe fruits in our garden tree weigh down the boughs like diadems, and  within inches of our outstretched arms, they hang.

And the children play tag, romping in the yard yelling, "You're it!" and, "Not it!", all thru the evening hours. A smile across your lovely face lets me know you are enjoying the remaining day, and I take more pleasure in that than I can aptly say. Then we take a break from our toil and sit in the hale shade of the gallant trees, you drinking sweet tea with me, as we agree, we should avail days to these rare autumn liberties.
Written in the Autumn of 2013
403 · Nov 2014
Opening Up Is Hard
Jamie L Cantore Nov 2014
A lake of tears lies beneath many with perfect
so they face a shorter sentence-for visible symptoms
for simpler repairs-leaving one wondering
the lack of animation in my condition,
vestiges are there in it's undetectable track,
pool deeper and unyielding that
gaining height
no undulating ripples that betray
true aspect.

There is too much misery in this place,
so the layman could not survey this without
piercing gaze of a most penetrating eye;
concealed and unfit to agitate or
to heal by and by.

Well inward lies the infection,
overwhelming crowds do not belong in
my confession.
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2018
Had we but experience, honor, and time; this diffidence Dear is no crime. We could rest and ponder which way to stroll and waste our everlasting day. Thou by the mountains sides old, should gemstones find in fortunes told. I by a tide of slumber did complain. I loved you long before the flood, the falling rain; and you still refuse until the spreading of the news.

My rose heart shouldst grow larger than empires, and you know a millenium should go to praise your fires, and in thine eyes do gaze, and stoke. Three centuries to admire your rising chest, but eternity to the rest; an eon at last to each part, and the final age to cast your heart. For Darling you've earned this state, and I love not spurned at a lower rate.
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