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I feel as if I've let my sanity go
I don't know if it's from you
Or myself.
Maybe all my thoughts of making you happy,
Simply ****** my sense of emotion
To care for myself
And make myself as happy as I once was.
Man, I'm far from sane.
 Dec 2013 Jami Belle
I've seen a lot of things, I want that
too. Greedfully not accepting what
I already have. To me it's nothing.
This bird already has one wing

and another, he can fly wherever.
But will this flying, reckless bird ever
stop looking for a nest a partner and
some stories to tell? Well he does bend

the air and tell his friends all the stories.
You'd say he's happy even more he's
filled with joy for every flight he takes,
because every single one is a journey, be this

never to forget. But, even filled, he is
empty, prepared for any of the possible stakes.
I want to rush it, but it's not right.
 Dec 2013 Jami Belle
Lara Lewis
You are a wounded lion,
I would make myself small to pull the thorns from your paw.
Your words translate from my thoughts,
While my lungs fill with water from my eyes.
Drowning in the reflection of dreams,
Without a paddle, caught in the riptide.
Every word you speak pulls me deeper,
Pulls me farther away from what I know is real and solid.

You would be a band-aid for loneliness,
Stuck to me.
In silence is trust,
That what we have is enough.
I watch you through glass the most vivid rose,
My expectations are great, and you set the bar.
I would let myself burn to see you shine,

I am here to help.
 Dec 2013 Jami Belle
 Dec 2013 Jami Belle
Caught in the past
I see a hand that I can't grasp
Forced to act as if nothings wrong
So I just sit here and hum along

Corrupted by fear
Thoughts and questions
Fears of all my imperfections
Does that make me a perfectionist?

I just want it all to stop
Mind on reply
Just making only clear
That all along
All I am is made around fear

Strong because I'm scared to break
Stubborn for fear I might loose control
Independent so that I'll never fear when I end up alone.

Past . When will I ever stop thinking about it .
Ahh at last all that pain is in the past. Sad. Broken .
**** the past has once again spoken.

For when I think the end is near. The past reminds me it's only been a year.
And the secret things she whispered to me.
Beneath the limbs of the baobab tree.
I held to my lips like molasses and wine
And dreamed of her kiss with the promise of mine.
 Dec 2013 Jami Belle
Dayda Base
You had all of me
Couldn't you feel it in your hand?
Opened your fingers slightly
And I slipped through like sand
Each grain that hit the ground,
A memory unbound
By the chains that locked you in my heart
Until each touch...
Each kiss...
Fell into the infinite dark
I thought we made a whole when we combined, us two
But I must've been full of myself
To believe I had even half of you.
 Dec 2013 Jami Belle
Lara Lewis
I’ve felt the rhythm of the world,
Pulsating from an unknown source,
Illuminating every facet of existence.
Life and death are Illusions.
They are choices that we make,
As we drift asleep,
In the transitory second,
The twilight in between dreams and reality.
Preservation is unnaturally natural.
Everything will fade,
Everything will die,
Sustainment is useless,
Ignorant of facts, our brains think in Formaldehyde,
Doing anything to hold on to gold dust as it slips through our fingers.

I’ve been caught in this roundabout for as long as I remember,
Assured that the chain would never be broken,
Fearing what we can never know,
Fearing more what I truly understand.
Understanding allows for criticism,
People who hate themselves know themselves too well.

I’ve become so evasive towards touch;
I thought I was made with scissorhands,
Sharp blades, unable to satisfy what phantom limbs cannot feel,
Now I know that it is okay;
I am afraid.
And now I understand why.
 Dec 2013 Jami Belle
Nik Roberts
the feeling I love
still fills me with pain
when I pick up the blade
and slit my vein
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