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I'm shutting down,

The gears in my head,
jammed with the words that you said.
They can't turn,
or spin,
or move,
you win.

I'm leaving now,

Once my wheels hit the road,
there's no coming home.
I'll vanish,
into thin air,
and you'll never hear from me again.

Like a cloud in the sky,
I'll move on.

I'll forget everything, erased,
like your name and your face.
I'll forget you,
delete you,
and never will I,
speak of you.

Because I'm moving on.

Like a cloud in the sky,
I'm moving on.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
james theriault Feb 2015
We and trees and very much alike
We grow we cry we even dance
Some grow large some stay low to the ground
We scar we break we are forlorn
james theriault Feb 2015
Love what a mystery
It can be beautiful
It can be sad
Love can be strange
But that does not matter when you say " I love you "
To my beautiful girfriend Lauren Mansfield
I  love you

— The End —