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 Feb 2013 James Lindsay
I want ocean air
and salty hair.

I want raspberry iced tea
and you and me.

I want hot sand
and to hold your hand.

I want endless nights
and glowing bonfire light.

I want a freckled face
and shirts made of lace.

I want heart shaped sunglasses
and kisses sweet as molasses.

I want flip flops on my feet
and your heart to keep.

I want summertime
and no goodbyes.
I'll have a drink,
In your name,

I'll have another
And toast our lives.

I'll have a drink,
In your name,

I'll have another
And end this lie.
ghost, anyone’s ghost, perhaps your ghost

steps back from the mirror

a door into the imaginary, an apprehended space

where is visualised a discordant haze

a pulse of implosiveness

that never intersects with anyone

yet stares back at you

releasing a helix cycle of identities

where in indolence cleanses

are made lamentable

with odorous contempt

for the pitiless destinies

of ghosts, anyone’s ghost, perhaps your ghost
 Feb 2013 James Lindsay
I drink just to feel
What I had with you
I drink to bend like steel
I imagine you do too

I drink because I don’t remember
What actually occurred
That dark December
When shifty lies became blurred
I can hear the sound of rain
Against the asphalt
The cars honking with
The almost unheard birds
Just a beat behind
But what stands out in my memory
Are the smoky grey skies
And the tree barks looking like
Shades of watercolour brown
Everything shining
Steaming silently, looking silvery
I remember a number of things
But I cannot forget
That smell
So reminiscent of rain
A child with fine features,
blue eyes,
learns from teachers--
deep below our perceptive thought,
our Einstein philosophies,
and artsy intellectualism.
She multiplies the rose bushes,
across the Italian culture,
so romantic,
so fair.
breathing only to discover a Shakespearean air,
about herself.
She knows more than most,
sitting just above the state of human consciousness.
Reality is reigned by being just.
If one could know,
if the lion tamed,
of cruel desires,
and citrus teas.
We would object,
What beauty lay below a rose bush?
Nothing, muck.
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