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James Floss Nov 2017
We are emotional beings
And physical beings and
Psychological beings


One of them
Two of them
Or all three of them

Scared me today

Sorry to the man at Ace
And the other man at the other Ace
Thank you to young Sear’s guy

You might have thought me high
As I gripped the counter, red faced;
I’ll keep the ninety-nine cent four-way keychain screwdriver

It may have saved me
James Floss Aug 2017
To floor to bid old boy good night
When I realize I’m paralyzed.
Pain—icy fingers flowing from
Back to calf with ankle rankle.

Second time this summer;
But I claw a chair to summit
And seek deep sleep
For tomorrow’s Dentistry.

Freshteros to Denteros, journey made.
I sit in Throne of Drills;
Cavities filled.
Yet still, a crown is lost!
James Floss Sep 2017
dragons march
up the valley
spitting fire

dragon’s roar
rolls down valley

dragon drops
fall as rain
it’s fall again
James Floss Sep 2018
I’m thinking
Thinking so much
I’m thunk.

Resident Trump?
Justice Kavanaugh?
Ending common law?

To protect or destruct?
To serve or to swerve?

Department of interior
Declaring mining superior
Thinks he, Zinke

What is the cost
Of Betsy DeVos
School house lost

Eight years denied
Nyet: destroyed
Great again?

I wish I were drinking
Instead of thinking;
Show me America sober again
James Floss Jan 2018
James Floss Jan 2019
I live shamelessly
While guilelessly
I know what I did
And did not do

I ask for forgiveness
When necessary
And forge through
The rest of it

Learn from the past
Shape the future
Our presence is present
Make the most of it
James Floss Dec 2017
Andromeda comes
From two million years a away
Collision is cert-

Fasten seatbelt
Grab towel
Don’t panic
James Floss Apr 2018
There are more than 17 dimensions
Even more ways to delay the
Here and now

Hike a ride
On Mr. Hawking’s bus
What a great, but brief, trip!

The Further we go go
The less we know know
Roll up for the Magical Mystery Tour!
James Floss Sep 2018
Let’s do it again!

Frank N. Furter
McFly in DeLorean
Futureman Futterman
Tomorrow’s Legends (thanks DC)
Of course, Mr. T— (thanks H. G.)

Travellers all
From now to not now
From then to when
Barreling back or fro
Future being past

Don’t regret regression
As shaping forward begins
Be present in the present
Bend time’s arrow;
It’s not really written yet

Do it: 24-7-365 wise
James Floss Aug 2018
EEEEEEK! She shrieked as
Lucky black cat spat
A mouse into the house

SKEEEEEEK! Squeaked said mouse
Paddling skedaddling hither thither
Seeking sites secure

Said mouse booked it to bedroom
Cornered itself into a corner

Himself (and black cat) tried to help
Poking prodding mouse to come out
Critter capered up my trouser

And lept!
We slept.

From boudoir to bath
I find next morning mousy
Tentatively treading toilet water

What a fright!
All night!
All his might!

Suavely saving mousey
Glad I put gloves on as its
Teeth deployed deeply

Outside with him.
Run away!
Cat’s watching.

Heart beating
Lungs working
Stay alive, little guy!

Later, Fred keeping watch
The little grey fluff is gone
I mean: really gone
James Floss Dec 2018
semester ends frenzied
with freshmen disheveled
I worry for their worries

I feel their predicaments
but not mine to solve
my words, I hope, are salve

retirement ripe,
I do my best
they must do the rest
James Floss Sep 2019
Tricky bits, those
I have two of them
Bigger than some of yours

Superfluous on me
But some fun; a
Vestigial giggle

Perky, saggy
Voluptuous or

Tricky bits, those ****
Used to objectify
And advertise


I wish I knew the joy
Of those milky bits
**** for little tots

Every mamma everywhere
Feeds who comes next
Every mamma, every mammal
James Floss Mar 2018
Babies back from break
(At least some of them)
(Twelve speeches expected—
Six delivered)

Today hiccups stuttered
After three days in-HIC-in
Initially disruptive but gladly
Speeches uninterrupted

Today, Honey is home
Short flight, long drive
**** hiccups;
Honey's home
James Floss Jun 2017
It's nothing really,
No, really it's nothing.
Don't worry about it —
Didn't happen.

It's not a problem;
(Or, as I see it, pablum.
Yet, I seethe at your slight
You myopic fat pigeon-******!)

(Did I say that out loud or just think it?!)
No, no; it's fine.
Tuesday? Sure.
Yeah, me too!
James Floss Jul 2018
I try to see the world for what it is
Not what it seems to be
Or what someone says it should

A baptism of realism,
Faithful leaping from me to
Voyages though our our
James Floss Nov 2019
Tomorrow should be a Monday
It really is a someday
It might just be a one day
It could just be a fun day

I’ll take that petty pace
That creeps in and in and in
And keep my pretty face
Reject the ratty race

So: no; I’ll
Go slow—
A no show
Me, aglow
James Floss Dec 2017
Mrs. Maisel is

Set design:
NYC, 1958.

Repurposed speakeasies,
Basement comedy clubs.

Wig, hair makeup:

Period props:

Costume design:
Fifties fabulousness.

Sound design:
Classic jazz,

50s smaltz,
Faux folk trios

Finger snapping
Beatnik poets: yes.


Envelope, please…

And the special acting award for
Above and beyond
Goes to no shlemiel or shlimazel
The Monk with the Funk:

Tony Shalhoub!

(Please do season 2)
James Floss Jan 2020
I wish life had subtitles
Or at least a Babel fish
Deep in my ear
To hear…everyone

Or a translator universal
As Seen in all series Trek:
Denobulan, Klingon, Ferengi:
I’d buy that for a dollar!

Walls fall
Borders borrando
I think I’d like a
Lingua Franca
James Floss Oct 2018
Everything I know
I am learning now, the
What why where and how
Subcutaneous instantaneous
Transliteration transcriptions

The you you don’t know undertow
Burbles beneath the underflow
Below Babel is the true power
Speaking truth beyond tower
Is the way to flow
James Floss Jun 2018
I’m thinking about here now
Being then when rescinds

Present becomes
Future past

Pondering what
James Floss Jan 2018
Time travel
Wears a body down
All that back and forth
Up and down some Jefferies tubes
Forgetting what’s been remembered

No cousin conundrums…
Thank goddess!
But I’ve seen me—
Gleefully pulling kitties tails
Splashing in a kiddie pool

The past is easy travel
The future most hard
The worst is what we don’t know
But we let it happen:
Super moons, king tides
James Floss Aug 2017
Every moment is stolen
Past is past—

Future is malleable
We don’t know

We know now.  
James Floss Dec 2019
20,000 leagues under the sea
While still 8 miles high
80 days to round the world

There and back again
From now to way back when
You, me, us and them

Round the top and
Through the bottom
Mediate the middle

Cross oceans
Ford fjords
Claim Everest

Start to finish
Begin to end
James Floss Nov 2019
How far should you go
For what you don’t know?
Last year?

Why should you go
To where you don’t know?
To borrow?
Make a wish?

Where should you go
To walk it so slow?
Assuage sorrow?
Make a switch?

What you should know
To become thorough
Is time’s arrow:
Change gear,
Self enrich
James Floss Oct 2017
While nostalgic
For the future

Makes me Pine for the
Quintossence of

An enterprise to
Better us with

Music classical while
On the voyage nearing

Symphony No. 9 sounding
In the deep of space as

Picaresque maneuvers fret
The worf and weft of a

Passion/logic debate as a
Sign of the times and I

Make a discovery:
We can move beyond ugly.
James Floss May 2017
Every. Single. Day.
I try to do good.
Build a bridge—
Mindful of the future:

Create something.
Clean my messes.
Fulfill responsibilities.
Say something nice to someone I love.

WWD gets in my way
Every step of the way.

I'm still fighting.
James Floss Oct 2017
Eye are us on IRS
Simplify that tax plan, man,
Widdle ole corporations
Need a break, for Christ’s sake!

Millionaires need more money, honey.
On our backs, poor middle class
Trillionize deficit spending
Always has a happy ending

For the few by the many
Conservative fiscally; riskally
Trickle down, IRS
Golden rain on all of us
James Floss Apr 2018


**** on cold ****
Kitchen confidential
Learning what feels good.

Unease of urges;
This body discrepancy!
Learning to work it out!

Frozen. Lying next to her.
Panicked. Breathing. Needing.
Yearning to work it out…


College class. Really.
Human sexuality.
Friendly entry.

Not many after; but all good:
Love fades to friendship.
Then: wife of my life!

"On” would be the term
For her electric touch;
FFFWOOMF! Ready for love!


No post-****** depression
Resignation completion
Better just to sleep

Things peter out.
From flames, embers.
From embers, coal.

Did I want to start sooner? Yes!
Did I want to last longer? Yes!
Do I accept what’s now? Yes.
James Floss Jun 2017
Stanley and Zolda
Kitties before tragedies
Knew nothing of opera
As they came home with us
For their beginnings and endings.

"She walked up to me
And she started to purr
With her big gold eyes
And her dark grey fur,
Oh! My Zolda!

Zoe-El-Dee-A, Zolda"

Magnificent Stanley!
Tiger of Freshwater;
Fishbowl yard too small
Wandered far afield—
Too far too soon.

Zolda kept close
Big Buddha girl.
Queen of hearth and home
Friend to two big dogs
Tolerant of cats after cats.

Tristan and Isolde
Chose us as many would.
Stanley taught us tragedy
Zolda rests in peace.
A tale of two kitties.
James Floss May 2018
A day off
Stillness declared
I’m not in right now
But I’m home

Leave a message:
May or may not
Return your call
James Floss May 2018
The hummer hovers at
Giant’s window
Because it tastes good

The cat cradles
Twixt giant’s legs
Because it feels good

The dog’s faux pas of
Nose in giant’s **** is
Because it smells good:

Animal instincts on
Doing what seems right
Teaches us to trust
James Floss Dec 2017
When a cat
Flat on your lap

(That black cat
That first heard “****!"
But came right back)

With no care in the world
Dives deep into cat nap
On your lap

Pray a poem of thanks:
This stretching feline
Trusts you
James Floss Sep 2018
Fiddle faddle
Twitter twadle
Use some CAPS!

Call out SNAPS!
Sez rez Prez
Fake! Huge! Fakely huge!

I remember sentences
I remember sense
Nothing rhymes with orange
James Floss Mar 2019
Smoke is clearing
We can see clearly now
Rain is stopping with
Flood waters receding

Appreciate this moment of clarity
Watch the fog resolve
After days of dark, the sun
Revealing harsh truths

In stark contrast
To hidden shadows
What follows is
A path forward
James Floss Jan 2020
I’m having
Kerning yearnings
Finding space between

Space is or is not
Too close is too close
I know that’s just your elbow

Too far is too far
Can’t hear can’t see
Eye before he except after she

Let us learn from letters
Some need to be closer
Some need to breathe
James Floss Dec 2019
We chimpanzees proceed
With all available evidence

Oog said Ogg will attack
Bash Ogg’s brain; now!

Wait, Zegg said, we can’t do that
It’s against the chegg convention

Dash the convention!
Rescind what Zegg said

Restrain her, retrain her with
Extraordinary rendition

My petition for retribution
Is my absolute authority

Find Oog; restrain him
Waterboard retrain him

Truth through torture
Trogg exclaimed

Ugg saw all debasement
From Ogg through to Zegg

And what she exclaims
Remains ———————

What’s acted is redacted
And still remains the same
James Floss Nov 2019
There’s this certain joint
Under cars and everywhere
Called a universal joint

A priest, a rabbi, an insurance agent
Walked into such a place
“What’s your special" was asked

“Everything and nothing“
The universe wearily replied
“I'll take two,” they said

The rabbi drank while
The priest blanked
As the whole joint stank

Ever astute, the agent,
Made an impassioned point
To everyone’s amazement:

“Here’s the universal solution —
At a certain point, remember
It’s only entertainment”
James Floss Aug 2018
It’s begun

Involves you

I guess me

Through the door

Stay alive

*******! I’m not picking up sticks!

Mana from heaven?

Let me get this straight;

Rhyme? Thyme? Valentine!

Relax; breathe; it’s all zen
James Floss Jun 2018
I know when to post
And fortunately not to
What’s next is surprise
James Floss Aug 2018
There’s a rumble
in the continuum
Step aside Q
Jon Luc Picard is back
James Floss Jun 2017
When life lurches,
Add a modicum of control—

Flight or fight is
Lack of hindsight.
Take a chill pill.

Inaction might be
The right reaction
For stress reduction.
James Floss Mar 2018
In the middle of a breath

Makes it hard to do
A radio show
Or the fi-INL-nal lectures
Fine with two days time?

James Floss Oct 2017
The rising rock
A strutting ****
Seeking Venus
Turns to *****

Rocks to stone
Stones to pebbles
Pebbles to sand
We wash away
James Floss Jan 2018
a poem a day
what a way
for neuron sway

brain elastic
language plastic
a bit sarcastic

word play
what a way
to start or end a day
James Floss Feb 2018
Now again, adrenaline
My quest test
Is a go.

Project‘s launch
Just a hunch–
It’s needed

Pegs in place
Work begins:
Immigrant stories told;
James Floss Jan 2020
Mind the gap
Tween want and need

Go somewhere else
Where you are alien

Taste the world
Outside your zone

Practice the language
The necessary one

Kindness to strangers
Cross the boundaries

Find the map
That turns from greed
James Floss Jan 2020
Line in the BIG sand
With the TERRORIST Iran
Because Sam I am
James Floss Oct 2017
Marginalized and minimalized  
****** wife with knife
Boss with memory loss
With whom I spend my life.

*** vowed
Then disavowed
I fell in hot hot  love
With stone-cold *****

Unicorn grow a horn
Your **** smells of blueberries
She walks away with ice cream
Didn't hear a word I said

M-bree oh! I didn't know!
Eggshell walk; afraid to talk
Husbandry is hard
I am on my own

Home alone
James Floss Apr 2018
Lost in place, a
Childhood displace
To TV infinity and beyond
Past Jupiter, too

Series recreation
With post-modernist twists:
Lost in a marriage carriage
Family dysfunctional launches—

Mom Maureen resolute
PTSD dad always mad
Danger ranger Will creative
Penny dreadful has her thoughts of

Sister “Judy, Judy, Judy!”
Reimagined, toughened
Age stage softened
Sibling competition

From the abyss, Dr. Smith
Zachary fakery; survival snake
Blending genders
Misogynistic Smith transforms

Less family than familiars
Enter on spot alien Robot
Alien. Robot. Friend, “Will Robinson“
With algorithm compunctions

And the rest?
Wait for West
His function?
He saves the chicken

Or does the chicken
Save him?
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