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JAM Jul 2013
Would you say my words express possible realities
Resulting in different mentalities ?


Are they just written/verbal fallacies
Resulting in abnormalities of letters and words hoping to avoid any literary casualties?

How about both

Sadly, here you can only read it,
So you don't hear it, you just see it, but it's something I'd love for your ears to meet with

Nothing really can compete
With vocal manipulation of speech or how certain pronunciations can proceed

Living through a zub-zero temperature year is what it took for me to be able to reel in my minds cable and see clear
Avoiding a fatal crash I quickly grabbed the wheel to steer
Away from hitting a metaphorical deer

It's not a black cloud that hovers above me
It's god and the devil playing rugby
Every time I try to watch they just stare back and mean mug me

Two opposing forces going head to head?
More like a sorcerer and a sorceress sharing a bed

How many times can a bee sting if it's already stung?
None, it has a single stinger that's the only one
After that, the songs been sung and that bees life is done...

An answer to a question avoiding any deception just so you can understand the expression and find your own reflection

JAM Jun 2013
You say your broken, at least your repairable
I'm a broken man and the weight on my shoulders can be unbearable

But you know what ? **** it! Anyone who says we can't make it can **** it, the last thing were gonna do with our young age is kick the buck it!

Now I know your a strong girl and don't need to lean on a man
All it really is, is me sayin' I got your back forever when I reach down and hold your hand

I'd never call you my "*****" you'd be my "partner"
We could lie in this ditch together and share our artwork
Cause I know even if I was rich, the last thing you'd care about is my money or how much my cars worth

JAM Jan 2014
I won't beg or borrow, but I'll barter
I'm the child of a deadbeat father
Made my early years hard and that hot seat hotter
Everything between just built my strength and
Made me smarter

All I need is these words to fall into the right hands, then ill be a made man
Cause when I push, I push harder than the pressure of water,
against a **** dam
When I fall I get back up and stand without the help of a helping hand
I won't wear their brand or be governed so **** uncle Sam

These lames wanna try and put the blame on my name and make me feel the shame for the blood stains,
On the mattress that lie between their bed frame
So I pack another duffel bag, hit the road and I'm rollin' stag
til' I build up the strength to take another stab and take back what I once had

The voice in my head has a voice of it's own and makes choices on it's own
I try to reach it, but It wont pick up the **** phone
This world can be a lonely home
I found my clone, he's stuck in another time zone
maybe I'll write him, when I write another poem

JAM May 2013
That day I had to kick in your door cause you wouldn't answer
To get you back I would infect my self with cancer
That day still taunts me, it will forever haunt me

The needle still in your arm, face pale, lips blue
Would bleed to keep the other out of harm
best friends since we were 2
Unfortunately the end came too soon for you

The incision will always be in my heart
I know it wasn't your decision to part

You loved your life way too much
To give it up for a high or simple rush

Sadly you were taken and lost your life
Guess that's the risk of getting into bed with a knife
Sooner or later your gonna get sliced

I hope I get to see you when it's my time to ascend
I love you, I miss you, you'll forever be one of my best friends

R.I.P   J.D.H                  - J.A.M
JAM Feb 2014
Give.... Me... Somethin'.... to learn
I'll give you, somethin' to teach

Give.... Me... Somethin'... to earn
I'll give you, somethin' to keep

Give me
Stability, when this bridge is weak

I'm lookin' for a platform to stand on
As this lifeform hits its peak
Not inside, but outside, the norm of normal looks for a barrier to breach

Steady as I wobble , you take from my hand, but still.. I... am... a handfull
No push, only the pull... no life left in this knife, the blade clearly is dull
There's no safe, no lock, no code... Only thing you need to crack is my skull

Not how am I, it's how are you doing, how's life? how's time moving?
Are you sick... of the *******? How's barely gettin' by going?
I'm not one to prove while improving, just tryin' to get by while keepin' ongoing

My mind took off
My body stayed put in the loft
What about me makes you think I have the self control to keep from goin' off!?
I'm a mental slob
My brain just oozes thoughts
I don't think, I just act, like that one time I got mad and slapped my boss!!

So here's this...

Give.... Me... Somethin'.... to learn
I'll give you, somethin' to teach

Give.... Me... Somethin'... to earn
I'll give you, somethin' to keep

Obviously aware of all these lessons, I keep stressin'
I might not even have a steady vocation or profession
No sleep even when I should be well rested
I even hate the attention,
But I purposely leave words worth the mention

Now lets just question
The difference between hell and heaven
Whats the difference between an "L" and an upside down seven?
I have no religion, so what's a priest, what's a reverend?

Put it this way at least... Lettin' my mouth off it's leash
Will allow me to speak loud enough to speak my peace

Everytime I fade in
I fade out
Everytime I fade out, I still fade in its just about

The 'who,what,why,where,when??.
How can now be going back to then?
I must be runnin' in ******' circles again!
I lost the dice I tossed to the wind
Maybe I'll give the wheel of fortune a spin
And if it's fortune I win, I'll consider myself fortunate then

Give... Me... Somethin'.... To burn
Without smoke from the chimney, I'll make a fire with words to create heat
I'll just take and keep what's within reach
Even if it's the world beneath my feet

I... Don't... Want... To ... Earn
So without a landing beneath me, I still dive head first when I leap


Give.... Me... Somethin'.... to learn
I'll give you, somethin' to teach

Give.... Me... Somethin'... to earn
I'll give you, somethin' to keep

JAM May 2013
****, one thing I hate doing is apologizing,
but it's my own fault for not recognizing

that I have a sharp tongue,
the things I say can be offensive or even hurt someone

It's different if the person deserves it, I'll chop em' into pieces
with a simple sentence or one of my speech's

if you didn't my bad, I'll always be a work in progress, but
that doesn't mean I have to be a **** or a **** in the process

JAM May 2013
Sometimes things seem to good to be true, but it doesn't mean they usually are...

I've gone from having everything to nothing, until 100% turned to 0. I've had an addiction so bad I sold everything until I had nothing , but a DVD starring Robert DeNiro.

I've burnt bridges with almost everyone I know
looking back my path of ash looks like grey and white snow.

Watched people cry, watched people die, If I told you I think they got what they deserved it would be a lie.

I've put needles in my arm trying to erase pain
All it did was **** my pride and usher in shame.

At one point in time when running from the law cause I had commited so much crime, I found myself at a Denny's buying coffee, with nowhere to go, sipping til' the sun came up cause I didn't have another dime.

Never left the cities, but I was off the map for years
my mother tried writing letters, I could barely make out the writing cause the ink was so smeared from her tears

If I was a turtle my shell would have a huge crack
If you met me today, you might say wisdom is something I don't lack
It's only causeI've been to hell and now I'm back

Today my feet are on the ground and things are great
It took being beat, sent to the human pound and almost prison up state

Ten years is the statue of limitations in CA, so for now I'm gonna count my blessin's , close my mouth and keep some confessions. You can look at hard times like bad luck or just take them as one of life's lessons.

Sometimes things seem so bad it makes you wanna quit, but you gotta keep trying and if you really want something, take another stab
reach out and grab it!

If you know the outcome and the consequence of a decision, then it's nobody's fault but yours if you suffer a penalty...

JAM Jun 2013
Sometimes I think I think too much
Sometimes I think thinking that I think too much is just an excuse or a crutch for not wanting to think so much

But I can't help it I'm just thinking about what I feel what I see
I can't help It I'm just me

Yeah, there's usually a rhythm to the things I say
Never foolishly always gracefully they leave my mind that way
If my delivery has no impact and I can't get you to react
Than this might as well be just another game to play

Now that I'm all alone, I can feel winter's cold
It's almost like a ghost tryin' to slip in to my soul

Low and behold, I think the ghost made it in
Now I'm just lost in the ocean of my spirit doin' my best to swim
The past was dark and the future looked grim,
but I no longer look for the light at the end of the tunnel
Cause I know I hold the light within...

JAM Jun 2014
I stand beneath the sun
Clenching teeth just for fun
Leaching bogus conundrums
I get clumsy cause I can't run
I'm not smart, but I'm not dumb
Leave me a piece to eat
Even if it's a crumb

JAM Jul 2013
Yo... What up?... Sup? No... Really, what's up?

(I got a question for you)
Would you complain
If day to day I changed
Would your feelings abstain

(I'm not on a quest to bore you)
But, what if I showed up late... left you stuck in pouring rain...?
I might as well change my name to "the one to blame"
But I hope your feelings remain the same and don't ever change

You see, there's very little you'll understand about me,
I was meant to be something I'm not meant to be, so I fight it with every ounce of me
Sometimes givin' every ounce of me takes the bounce out of me and I can't operate properly

Yo... Can you pour a little more in my cup... I don't think I've had enough... I wanna feel like I can't move I wanna feel stuck

JAM Aug 2013
They told me to take steps one through twelve

off the shelves

Pray on my knees so I'm the same height as elf's,

at this height I'm smelling all sorts of new smells,

something moves me now, yeah, it compels,

so I'm casting magic spells

with magic mushrooms from hell,

I know I'm wishing in a pond and not a wishing well,

but I slipped and hit my head when I fell...
JAM May 2014
Well get a load of this lil lady
It was far from a maybe
when I called you my baby, but lately
Since you claim I'm acting shady
I've feel like it's yours and my time we're wasting, even though I was patiently waiting to continue creating
Things were so simple all we had to do was keep behaving
Now I point the finger at you, you point yours at me and it's eachother we're blaming...
JAM Jun 2013
Don't you know your a lady and he's supposed to be the man
Yet you always have to comfort him... hold his hand
I bet havin' to play that role makes you... mad
I know havin' to lead him... is sad

A lioness forced to be a lion
Now the love inside is dyin'
Cause that sad excuse couldn't quit... his cryin'

He's supposed to be stronger than you!
He should withstand pain longer than you!
***** it, he no longer deserves you!

Slip into my strong arms
Put your palms in my palms
I'm more than a song and can protect you from harm

Feel what it's like to be a lady
If your hot, I'll make it shady

If your cold I'll put the entire winter on hold
Basically you just struck gold
If you need the writing on the walls a little thicker just click "BOLD"

Cause maybe, just maybe, you could be my lady
Cause lately, yeah lately, I been wanting to call you my baby

You just found a surprise in the dark
Turn on a light and visualize my art
I play mine so play your part

Braver than a knight with his lance
I approach holdin' out my hand and ask you to accept this dance
Now all you gotta do is promise to be part of my future plans

Cause maybe, just maybe, I'll do what I can
Cause lately, yeah lately, I been thinkin' bout' being your man
JAM Jun 2013
Addict, alcoholic, call it as you see it or call it how you want it, I have an old soul so I embrace it,
but don't flaunt it, cause I'm sure it's forever haunted

Exaggerations about time and changing of generations,
history will repeat itself,
but we all have our own destinations

If you remain on your own, I wish you luck while you look for a place to call home,
but please never hesitate to pick up the phone

Seems like were always in a search to put someone on a perch, a pedestal, when it doesn't happen
who feels like a fool? We both do...

It's all about that give and take, you'll only get out what you put in,
and if nobody makes any effort then what exactly is at stake? Nothin, for christ sake!,
but everybody must learn from their own mistakes.

This world is dark even in daylight
It gets even darker when night strikes
You'll have to win your own fights and
Adapt to more darkness when they cut the lights

Missiles flying, soldiers dying and family's are crying
Countries with guns in the air and countries using bombs cause they have no guns to bare,
all this will lead to is chemical warfare

Some people look for love, some people look for drugs,
some people give up all together and sweep life under a rug.
I don't mean to be smug, but have you been livin' under a rock? This is the only life you got,
there are no do overs, you only get this one shot!

Take what you want out of this life don't be a coward,  
the clock never stops ticking we get closer to death every hour
If you didn't.. now you know, this knowledge is power

This world is dark even in daylight
It gets even darker when night strikes
You'll have to win your own fights and
Adapt to more darkness when they cut the lights

If you ask me why I no longer believe in surprises
I'll say that I just got tired of rapidly blinking my eyelids

Life leaves scars and life is hard, but hey that's life
Your gonna have to fight to beat struggle and strife
This world is dark even in daylight
It gets even darker when night strikes
You'll have to win your own fights and
Adapt to more darkness when they cut the lights
JAM Jun 2014
From time to time , there might be a hiccup in my giddy up, leaving people patiently waiting for what? ... Like they have a plate of pancakes and I'm the last drop of syrup.

Birthday cards.... Anniversary cards... a personal letter...
I feel the pressure
To do better and better

There is no more "xoxo, love Joe"

I have no daughters, I have no sons, but I do have loved ones
Ever since I started to put in verbal/written efforts, I've become bummed

Give people an inch, they take a mile, all the expectancy has started to pile
Like ... you wrote that for him/her, what about mine? with a lame smile...  -J.A.M
JAM Jun 2013
There's a mad man beside of me

This man has done his best to destroy me

At one point he was almost successful

Had me rob and steal for him

I conformed to his request because he paid well

I will die and go to hell before I'm ever penniless again

So I carried out crimes that could've led to large amounts of jail time.

Luckily as mad as this man is, he is extremely intelligent

Always had all bases covered

The mad man planned things out to a "T"

I inform him I can no longer carry out these deeds

Seeds for my future have been planted

He picks my brain to see why he can no longer use me

The mad man now observes my talents being used for good instead of evil

He watches me change gradually

Unfortunately the truth is that this mad man was never actually beside me

This mad man is inside        This mad man is me...

JAM Jan 2014
Simple to unsimplified until you realized you were believing in your own lies
Took off the disguise looked in the mirror and saw your own eyes
Not one, not two, not even three try's could materialize the ideas you try to rectify
Please specify

What I... am

If I... can't

Recognize or at least be hypnotized to believe in lies
I'd sometimes rather be stupified than be the wise
Instead the unclear gets by next thing you know it's not him, but me that died
Not her, but you that cried, not exactly what I
Visualized, it's just mental excercise for the unjustified to be justified

JAM Aug 2014
I fall in love with my ideas at night
Call upon smiles and tears my of life
Its all ups and downs, lefts and rights
Grippin' this beer doesn't helps me keep up the fight

I sever my truths and lies,
So no need to use a disguise, but some will never know who and who's  not on their side,
It's A Matrix type surprise

You'd think so much expierence
Would leave me fearless, but the world is deaf and nobody hears this

Drip, drip, drop.
Is it blood or rain, no one can explain their plot
So I sing, sing, sing along cause it wont be long until I'm skippin rocks in a pond
Wishing I could light my own fires and drop my own bombs
Few can relate to the way my thoughts detonate so they try to separate reality from fiction with great debates
Makes me feel awkward as ****, like I been stuffed in a locker and im stuck, but I could shift this ****, if I just had a proper clucth
So...good luck... tryin to relate *******, i got more miles on me than interstate truckers
I help the devil sell dreams to crippled human beings that know what it means
To need to feed cause we feign to bleed
On my nightstand lie a couple of things, 2 sticks of lung disease, 1 magazine and 1 pic of a dead human being
JAM Nov 2013
He might not ever get the best of her
She might never ever get the best of him
The phrase "hope floats" is like kicks to the shins

Hot, cold, rain or shine...
thats the weather and how the world spins

Bend, fold,try to intertwine...
live's together, cant tell begginings from ends

In and out
Up and down
Left, right, all around
They both start to recognize the sound

The onset of rot to rotten, remembered.. But forgotten
Like a drop of water to cotton, its absorbed, but drips keep droppin'

Heavily involved the situation had snowballed
As it dreadfully disolved, both wish the other still called

Nobody's fault, no reason to set the bar higher in life's pole vault
Tried stalling longer after already being stalled...
Its too late to light up these darkening halls

JAM Nov 2013
Now they both believe they're cursed
Everyday now seems the worst
Two people torn at the seems and it hurts

She misses him
He misses her
Logic kicks in there's no code to decipher
They both sayin' "what the f$@k we fight for?

Time to not be fake
Were human, we make mistakes
I'm positive everybody relates
So stack your problems and deal with what equates

JAM May 2013
Is this hard for you to see my dear, that I am alive and that I'm breathin' again
I'm in my spot at the top, spitting out my guts and sweating out my sin
But don't believe everything you read, it could just be ink spilled from my pen

I'm not here just to be chopped up thrown on a truck and made into a key chain for a bit of luck

Can't you see I'm the one you burn for, you walk down the aisle of a store to buy me and discover there is no more

My darkness shadows in my light and reflects it back out enabling me to see at night

She calls me tornado for a reason...

I'll walk into your life pick everything up, spin it around
Leave your heart on the ground and disappear into thin air nowhere to be found
I don't mean to be so profound when I speak,
But I can't break ground without my knees getting weak

JAM Aug 2013
Without fail, I receive plenty of coupons in the mail
Everyday whether it's rain, snow, or hail they're delivered and received like wind to a sail

These discounts add up to savings of tremendous amounts
Of dollars, euros, or pounds
If I was a vampire on Sesame Street, I still couldn't count

What they say out loud never explains the fine print
Cause the pay won't make you proud and the left over pain charges rent

A trip to a dream world only ghosts imagine
The script seams curled and only boasts something tragic

You were promised a trip to heaven
And heaven is where you end up right after your murdered in front of 7-11

But before your ascension to the pearly gates
   A pit stop in hell is what your contract states...

The neglect of human life is what you didn't expect, but despair shows no regret
Don't forget... before you accept

Your ticket to heaven promises a pit stop in hell

JAM Feb 2014
Im not sure what world, which worm hole I came from
Seems like anytime I try to see eye to eye with anyone
I'm wrong they're right, I look then get blinded by the sun

I can write songs
But I can't right my wrongs
I'm begging for a magic wand
As I flick my last penny into this pond


Please... Oh please
Lock me up and throw away the keys
Let me rot, let my existence cease
Maybe, just maybe
That'll bring me peace

I don't mean to seem so dramatic
I just like to abuse these words
Call me a word addict
It feeds me the mental protein
I need just to procede to make these proceeds
To be able to leave early
like my last name was Ledger and my first was Heath
My mental health is weak
and I swear these elve's are casting spells on me
Cause I know my brain is rotting
My vision is getting spotty
Instead of sayin' i gotta "****" I say "*****"
It's like I'm five yrs old again being punished cause I was "Naughty"
Ain't it gnarley the way I keep gnawing
Away at this bit bit like I'm starving
Got the munchies, but can't eat, my stomachs still crawling

I don't pay no mind to the daytime
Cause everytime the undefined lines
In my undefined mind start to shine


JAM May 2013
Your like a sun that shines on all days
even through the shiver of night
I can't seem to escape your rays
or a sliver of light
My heart tells me it wants more
if the heart can't have what the heart wants
than what is a heart good for?
I've searched high and low
aisle after aisle, row after row
nothing compares to your smile, your light, your glow
No matter what month, year, or season
I have yet to find a clear reason
Why we are not face to face
this is life though, not a race
so I'll keep stopping until you keep pace
By now we should be chest to chest,
but we're not so I wont stop trying
until I'm laid to rest
They said birds of a certain feather flock together
take my hand lets fly, take the world by storm and change the weather
My love will fail never
my heart beats for you
always and forever...
JAM Sep 2014
Nothing to read here.... Just wondering why.   I notice if I constantly post, I trend, get 'likes' and Comments all the time.  I guess I'm just expressing what it's like to know how political and influential others are to what gets read and what doesn't. Unfortunately, there is so much artistic and expressional work on this site that never gets read...
JAM Aug 2013
On the morning of today I breathe lightly

At mid day I will break from thought and just be

Today's evening will creep upon me, the moon will glow and the stars will burn

On the morning of tomorrow I will awake and take a deeper breath

At mid day I will be in deep thought once again

As the evening comes I'll feel a breeze, relax and wait for solace from my day

I was told I have an icy cold heart...

Well... I think it's starting to melt from this fire inside

JAM Mar 2014
I slip away into my thoughtless bottomless pits
Give way to effortless thoughts that still persist
I live days with stress, but live nights in bliss
And I play even when
Even if.. the record skips

I Cross my "T's" dot my "I's "
Slip into the abyss of lifes lies
I **** every verse so I drive
Around in a hearse with a casket full of words
Whatever it's worth, it's worth,but ever since birth
I curse myself, but curse you first
I enrich my life with poor decisions
Then levitate inbetween the space of the floors and ceilin's
Greetings from hell my dear
Wish you were here
You probably can't see me
Cause I make myself clear

Go ahead wreck it... I just go ahead and wreck it
I know they don't expect it, so I just go ahead and ******' wreck it
Not what they expected from a man that's diseased and infected

It's no wonder...some people wanna go down under
Not to Australia, but 6 feet deep beneath where you slumber
I'm not outnumbered, but it's my time to speak cause they called my number
Then they ask I put on a mask and chop up this cop like I'm chopping lumber
All while I walk these streets with bare feet and attempt to feed my hunger

It's one of the most deadly effects of time
But don't worry you got defects and I got mine

Misinterpretation is so common
Speculation becomes a problem
Here's some equations... Now solve em'
A plus B equals you and me
D minus C is backwards chemistry
**** it...
Just pass that glass of Hennessy
Watch me go from being an *** to being friendly
Sit back watch me bypass the many

As I...

Wreck it...

I Go ahead and wreck it... I just go ahead and wreck it
I know they don't expect it, so I just go ahead and ******' wreck it
Not what they expected from a man that's diseased and infected
JAM Jul 2014
Every now and then when you can't eacape through your pen
When there's no letter to send, no heart to mend, you can't pretend
That perhaps you might just wanna collapse cause you feel so trapped
Like your foreheads been stamped, with "out of order" cause the light bulb won't light up in your lamp...

JAM Apr 2014
You watch me go out that diner window
As I jump on a bus to go fullfil my goals
You know it's better this way, but your sadness shows
There's no more hopeful hope fors
Or closed doors, this is one big force
A hit to your body, the pain pours out your pores

This seems to be one of those things that couldn't happen in your wildest dreams
Yet you have a tendency to mislead
It makes it hard to breathe

Makes me wanna swing my fists
It's not a lack of intelligence
But I can tell you dont get my gist
Don't worry I'll make this severance swift


— The End —