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JAM May 2013
Is this hard for you to see my dear, that I am alive and that I'm breathin' again
I'm in my spot at the top, spitting out my guts and sweating out my sin
But don't believe everything you read, it could just be ink spilled from my pen

I'm not here just to be chopped up thrown on a truck and made into a key chain for a bit of luck

Can't you see I'm the one you burn for, you walk down the aisle of a store to buy me and discover there is no more

My darkness shadows in my light and reflects it back out enabling me to see at night

She calls me tornado for a reason...

I'll walk into your life pick everything up, spin it around
Leave your heart on the ground and disappear into thin air nowhere to be found
I don't mean to be so profound when I speak,
But I can't break ground without my knees getting weak

JAM May 2013
No no, this ain't one of those catchy love songs,
that get stuck in your head and play on the radio all day long
It's about life and meaning
all the way to the end from the beginning
and how the world keeps spinning,
when you fall down, whether your a happy or sad clown, nobody is gonna do it for you, you gotta get yourself off the ground

What makes it all okay, is that I wake up alive everyday
I like nice weather, but I won't ever complain, don't matter if it's sunshine or rain and what makes it even better is that when I fall apart I know I can put myself back together. Yeah I'll put me back together

I know sometimes you get angry, there will always be nights when you can't sleep
When it's bright you want it shady and things you've lost you wish you could keep
Just remember last September
when you were a number one contender for going on the worst ******
Don't forget the roads you've been down since,
keep kissin' toads girl, you'll find your prince

What makes it all okay,
is that you wake up alive everyday
So you don't complain about how sometimes you feel pain
and what makes it even better is that as long as you know you feel, you know you can heal. Yeah, you can heal

They both know that in a relationship there's a lot of give and less take
It's been twenty years
He still never lets his patience slip, without her he couldn't live, this love is anything but fake
She makes it clear she's always gonna be down to ride, she's there day after day
She's the one who will always stick by his side, even when they're old and gray
Everyday they let the other know they still feel the same way

What makes it all okay, is that they wake up side by side everyday
So they won't be bothered by the weather or ever complain,
don't matter if it's sunshine or rain
Either way to them it's bliss, they both feel life can't get any better than this
and every time they see a shooting star they know they've granted the others wish

Thank you W.B & D.B, your inspiration is priceless

JAM May 2013
There are times we don't see things
even though they are as simple as they are,
even when they're right in front of us
we don't see, hear, or smell them right under our nose
let alone from a far.

Be patient and take your time if you need to,
it can be as hard as you make it or as easy as you want it
like an open book to read through.

So while your busy livin',
runnin' around cashin' checks at banks
don't forget to stop and say thanks
to all those that have givin'.

JAM May 2013
Your like a sun that shines on all days
even through the shiver of night
I can't seem to escape your rays
or a sliver of light
My heart tells me it wants more
if the heart can't have what the heart wants
than what is a heart good for?
I've searched high and low
aisle after aisle, row after row
nothing compares to your smile, your light, your glow
No matter what month, year, or season
I have yet to find a clear reason
Why we are not face to face
this is life though, not a race
so I'll keep stopping until you keep pace
By now we should be chest to chest,
but we're not so I wont stop trying
until I'm laid to rest
They said birds of a certain feather flock together
take my hand lets fly, take the world by storm and change the weather
My love will fail never
my heart beats for you
always and forever...
JAM May 2013
I watched the the print go from smooth lines to drips

Trying to focus, but I can't help watch the clock as it chimes and ticks

The floor was freshly waxed so I was bound to slip

How many more times could one fall in pits?

It was starting to feel like I was being rained on by bricks

Dug myself out of that ****

Ain't it clear I found my niche?

You still on the fence? What more I gotta do to convince?

I'm Gonna dice and mince

Words with some of the best

But from now on and ever since

Just cause I left the nest

They wanna slice me open cause I'm not like the rest

Just to make sure a heart beats inside my chest

JAM May 2013
****, one thing I hate doing is apologizing,
but it's my own fault for not recognizing

that I have a sharp tongue,
the things I say can be offensive or even hurt someone

It's different if the person deserves it, I'll chop em' into pieces
with a simple sentence or one of my speech's

if you didn't my bad, I'll always be a work in progress, but
that doesn't mean I have to be a **** or a **** in the process

JAM May 2013
The air I breathe leaves me gently
and the writing down my sleeve is elementary
So school is in, school is out
you will learn a lesson without a doubt
Be who you are and be proud
sing out loud
send words into the air to rest upon a cloud
Summer is hot, night is long
before the day is gone I'll be right or wrong
Take my love as a token of my devotion
it stays consistent like waves in the ocean
Spare my heart and let it remain
so when I depart you'll remember my name.

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